This is an example of open-ended legislation.

Open-ended legislation means whatever The Party (TM) wants it to mean depending on each moment. It's the negation of Law and it's repugnant to Justice.

A verbose manifestation of Totalitarianism.

I recommend this book: "Omnipotent Government: the Rise of the Total State and Total War"

In particular, Chapter 11.3.

First published in the summer of the year 1944 by Yale University Press, in the USA, and republished in 2010 by Liberty Fund and the Mises Institute.


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thanks Agent Roger.

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Killin' some folks in crowds...


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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Why, the same people who bray on repeat, "safe and effective." And anything else is "misinformation." They're the ones who decide. Of course.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Of course! safe-and-effective *is* reasonable-lethality

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I heard the WH press secretary call a QUESTION from press, 'misinformation'. reporter asked her how a QUESTION could possibly be misinformation and she said because it was 'based' on misinformation. then she made a nasty comment that said reporter 'must not care about people' and stormed off.

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Moppet head fled.

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Reminds me of the Kent State massacre. That slaughter was by Ohio National Guard on the Kent State University campus.


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"4 dead in Ohio"

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Yep, and recently that idiot is denigrating the unvaxxed.

Neil Young has let me down.

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Those guys always pretended to be "against the man."

Turns out they are just conformists.

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Diddy probably has tape on them.....

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should have seen that POS (denigrating unvaxxed BIG TIME) Gene Simmons make a complete ass of himself on DWTS last night! his agent or publicist must have called in some whopper favors to get him on there as a 'guest judge' but he was a rude dickhead! hope nobody ever has that moron on ANYTHING ever again. ugh. what scum

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The Sargent who swore he never fired his pistol....yet there's a photo of him holding it while it recoiled to release a spent cartridge ( colt .45 automatic)...

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That was my 1st thought...didn't they try that at Kent State?

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A clear violation of Posse Comitatus and potentially a Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.

They don't follow any laws, yet they expect others to follow their unlawful orders.

This will not end well for the Fedcoats.

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"Fedcoats"---love it. Thought I had coined that term, remembering the Redcoats.

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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Laying the foundation for the fascist state to get a good, solid, grip and take hold.

"Permissible assistance"

"Reasonably anticipated"

.....Walz is correct - "we can NOT take four more years of this".

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He said that about his own party? Was that a slip up?

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No, he said it about Trump, who coincidentally has NOT been in charge the past 4 years. That guy is a certifiable idiot

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But also now is accused of a pedophilic, sexual assault on a teenager while Waltz was a high school football coach. The victim alleges Waltz took him to a gay bar and later assaulted him at Waltz’s home later that night. Allegedly there was a school board investigation as well.

Let’s see how this breaking news story is covered or isn’t.

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Wow Bridget, have not heard this story; is there a link? It is not a surprise, DemoncRATs are the party of rapists, abusers & pedos

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I have a screenshot of a post on X. I can’t post it here, but the poster’s account name is Shadow of Ezra.

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Thx, I’m not on social media but I can find someone at work who is. After your post, several others on different ‘Stacks mentioned similar.

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And your a complete TDS idiot.

Communism lover !

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Explain your insult of Cindi, please. Also it’s “You are”.

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Thx Janet. He didn’t “get it” I guess 🙄

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Yeah James, WTF. I was talking about Walz as the certifiable idiot, but I guess you are too

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Also wondering if you’re man enough to apologize

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I think it already has a good, solid grip.

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Sadly, true.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Then there's the "hate speech" and "Islamophobia" legislation now being enacted across the West. What is hate speech, and who defines it. What constitutes Islamophobia? The answer, of course, is whatever the parasitic so-called elite who pull our puppet politicians' strings want them to mean.

The Matrix is no longer just a movie title.

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And who determines what is “anti-Semitic?” That’s every bit as important too. It’s all a sham and a way to keep us quiet about a LOT of things.

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They have invented an entirely new language to support their totalitarian regime.

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Just explained to a friend that RINOs supporting Harris are without party and they are the elites who want to control us and can control the Harris ticket.

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Pass hate crime laws, which is of course ridiculous on its face, and you then get hate speech! Wake up America!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

A storm is coming, worse than a remote-controlled hurricane:

Just as in J6, what prevents them to classify a peaceful gathering as an insurrection/riot/confrontation?


20 Oct 2017. 18 federal agencies have been buying weapons for years. Even non-law enforcement agencies like the IRS, HHS, the Department of Agriculture and the Small Business Administration have been buying handguns, body armor, submachine guns and millions of rounds of ammunition.1 Do they expect 2nd Amendment civilians to fight for freedom under the 2020 and 2024 coups?

19 Sep 2024. 28th Amendment: do they plan a ‘mass casualty’ event to murder half of Congress, in order to replace them by "temporary" ones appointed by Governors they control, instead of State Legislatures or elected ones?2

“CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT is the current WOKE TERMINOLOGY of the GLOBALISTS to define anarchy based in regulatory suspension of the U.S. Constitution practiced at this time.”3

None of the Voting Machines in America Will Be Certified before the 2024 Election


Lawfare against those questioning election fraud:


Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


The way out of this mess:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, that Lucifere is not "the great architect" (then who?). If he refuses, then he’ll know he is serving Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW.

Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:









Almost all anti-viral vaccines and all COVID vaccines were abortion-linked (using cell lines from aborted babies, i.e. butchered-alive delivered babies). Abortion is one type of ritual murder: Satan’s most wanted human sacrifice. Abortion-laced vaccines have the same effect of hexxed food: sharing in the Satanic chalice of blood, just the same as when they drink the blood of their children/virgin/human victims in their ritual murders.

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Just read the first transcript of the Ronald interview. The other four are not written out? Thankyou so much for this info. Wow

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I tried to find it but couldn't. I'd appreciate if you give it a try. Search for a particular phrase in the second video using the search engine yandex.com

Please answer here if you find any. Thank you!

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Prior military it reads as a change to lethal use of force. Such as examples in exclusion zones and foot patrols. It looks like a reduction in requirements to use deadly force.

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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

"Reasonable force" is whatever they can get approved by bureacracy😉

It's effectively a martial law blank check for any bureaucrat with kahunas to cash it, and it also buys the muscle, to enforce it because it is sectioned, by said kahuna bureacrat😉 see that little circle dance they do there?🤦‍♀️

Power has been siphoned off for decades, while people were distracted. Some realised this and decided that waste not want not. It's all ready to be brushed off and used, and some bureacratic took it for a little test spin in the summer/winter of 2020😉

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In hind sight reading it again, I'd be more concerned with the clause that says, "anything lasting longer than 30 days, that falls outside the Secretary of Defence's approval, is subject to the Under Secretary of Defence's approval".

It's "...15 days to flatten the curve...", all over again. As long as the undersecretary keeps signing the approval before each 30 day period, they can do that dance til the cows come home.

I lived in such a place, where every 30 days, they signed approval of extending their "emergency" powers. For 3yrs.🤨🤦‍♀️

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This 'document' belongs in the 3rd of 3 folders.

The 1st is titled The U.S. Constitution.

The 2nd is The Nuremberg Code.

The 3rd is Saying It Don't Make It so.

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Well, the timing of this change is certainly interesting in lieu of the "novel" hurricanes and Presidential election.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Guess they didn't kill enough of us with the covid bioweapon or the covid DeathVax.

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And pregnant moms and babies

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Or from hurricane Helene or Milton…

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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Like searching for classified documents in a private residence?

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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Enacted just in time to put down the Florida rebellion in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.

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A friend of mine who grew up with an RCMP father told me that it's not the same force it was back in the '60s. He says the concept of merely disabling a suspect during a confrontation is gone. Now it's shoot to kill. No negotiation.

We had this happen here in our little valley in southeastern British Columbia about 12 years ago when a conflict erupted between two neighbours—if you can believe it, over nothing more than livestock wandering onto the neighbour's property. This escalated from shouting into threats, with the livestock owner, Peter de Groot, brandishing an old hunting rifle, though no shots were fired. The aggrieved neighbour called the police, who then sent in an army of 100 RCMP complete with sharpshooters. (The village only has about 500 residents.)

de Groot, fearful for his life, fled into the woods. His sister in Vancouver, hearing of the situation, drove all night to get there and begged the RCMP to let her talk him down. He had a brain injury that left him with a mood disorder. They refused, point blank. No attempt to call in a psychologist. "Go home," they told her.

Next day, the RCMP tracked him down to a cabin and shot him dead. No negotiation, no attempt to de-escalate, just killed him. The family has been pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit ever since but have been getting no justice from the courts.

This was the first giant red flag that warned me: They're moving into a militarized police state in Canada. The romantic Mounties of old are dead. Like my friend said, if you ever find yourself in a confrontation with RCMP, just put up your hands. Any show of resistance and they will shoot to kill, no negotiation.

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Very disturbing story. The country is sinking into totalitarianism. Many are blind to the danger and have succumbed to indoctrination and propaganda. But the ones at the top are stacking the deck with lawfare, warfare, and have psychotic dreams of a brave new world.

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Oct 9Liked by Jessica Rose

Very legitimate question.

Autorized by whom.

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