May 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

To end monopoly power Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. need to get rid of their socialized medicine. That IS one of the main monopolies. One treatment protocol. One set of marching orders for the doctors. One set of approved drugs and one set of banned drugs. Everyone is allergic to freedom! Libertarianism works! The rule is this: if something can be bought through a free market then that's what should happen. That goes for healthcare, education, housing, welfare and food stamps, scientific research, all the alphabet agencies like FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, HHS, DHS, DOE, DOT, FCC, FTC, USDA, etc. We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for. If someone harms another person with their product, service, behavior, speech, what-have-you, then the legal system should protect them by punishing the offender sufficiently to deter future would-be criminals. Then we wouldn't need all these regulatory bodies. I haven't heard even one person make the argument that the whole Covid nightmare was mainly caused by the government taking powers over economic activities that it is ill-suited to manage without destroying liberty. And people need to realize that their constitutional rights must never be violated, even in an emergency. People are not aware that we don't need government doing the things it's doing. But unfortunately, even if they were, people have been conditioned to be afraid of not having a social safety net of some kind. They don't want to rely on family, relatives, friends, civic groups, and charities if they get in trouble. And they've been brainwashed to think that if everything is privatized the "greedy" capitalists will "exploit" the workers, "price-gouge" the consumers, "speculate" in the stock market, and "waste money" on advertising and marketing. All of those objections are nonsense. Even the enemies of capitalism, like the Trilateral Commission and World Economic Forum admit that capitalism has been responsible for the greatest rise of living standards, wealth creation, longer lifespans, lower infant mortality, more leisure time, human rights, freedom, etc. than any other movement in the history of mankind.

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Think of it as one more "eliminate the control group" story.

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I think a good step to get people to identify their doctors position would be to have a certificate sent to every doctor. It has on one half the Hippocratic Oath and 2-5 rows below where the doctor can sign and date with location where it took place before witnesses that he swore the oath. The other half would have key points about patient advocacy from the various Nuremberg, Helsinki etc medical ethics guidelines.

While doctors hide behind "they said we must" they will remain lilly livered lackeys and take money over patient safety.

If this trend could be made 'trendy' or 'cool' and just 1% if doctors bought into it the other doctors would start to get some heat from the millions of patients in the world.

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Indeed. Bobby Kennedy Jr. for POTUS 2024 #Kennedy24

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“We own the science and we think that the world should know it,” as expressed by Melissa Fleming, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous and dystopic.

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Everyone needs to write to their elected representatives and recruit as many other people as possible to do the same. Apathy never won any battles and Dr Tess Lawrie and her team need everyone's support. Never again is now.

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I thank GOD every day for people like you. The brave ones who are at least fighting back...

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Jessica, how can I get my hands on a canadian version that I can send to my mp / mla?

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Thank you!!! What they did was very wrong. I continue to write letters and send emails. I kept detailed notes in a journal while working frontlines (hospital RN). They hurt too many people to count.

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I used to think that people obsessing over Agenda 20xx were foolish paranoids. Live and learn.

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No personal wealth over $10 million could possibly have been "earned," nor spent on anything but power and control.

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"Rejecting monopoly everything..."

Perfect title Jessica, the end goal of the 'robber barons'

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As commendable, laudable and necessary as such actions are... sadly any expectation of success, by the authors of such documents, in getting UK MPs to respond favourably is akin to believing in fairies!

Pigs might fly, but I doubt it. The sad fact of the matter is that, combined with the priorities of the current political environment, the calibre of the vast majority of UK MPs today are easily at least an order of magnitude inferior in intellect capacity and moral substance to those who occupied their positions just a mere generation ago. I wish the authors luck but won't be holding my breath for a positive response/outcome.

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There's a saying, "If voting could actually change things, it wouldn't be legal." After witnessing stolen elections, I really wonder how much it matters to "contact your MP's/Congresspersons/etc"? At all?

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We should consider emulating the Globalists to some degree. When the time comes for Civilized People to destroy the Globalist Enemy, we should unite with our civilized brethern around the world and join together to execute our mutual enemies. WHO, as much as CDC, needs to be eliminated from the face of the Earth, as do many other institutions that seek to destroy our liberties.

Never Forgive!

Never Forget!

Never Again!

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

I'd define equity as equal enslavement and inclusivity as nobody escapes equity... well, except for those who are itching to become our future slave masters. It won't happen though. The future slaves of the world are awakening at an exponential rate to the dehumanizing and spiritually bankrupt global vision quest that these overlord wannabes are pursuing with such reckless abandon. In the US, Queen Hillary's 2016 coronation party was spoiled and it set the globalist timetable back at least four years. The COVID-fear pandemic was then rushed out, with predictably disastrous consequences that will persist for many more years. Then came the 2020 and 2022 election thefts, audacious power grabs which spawned more waves of public disdain for corrupt monopolistic and collectivist ambitions. I believe the evil doers have already failed in their dystopian quest. They have few moves left on the board before being checkmated by an overwhelming mass of people whose love for freedom and sovereignty and human dignity is as unconditional as Jessica's...

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