To end monopoly power Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. need to get rid of their socialized medicine. That IS one of the main monopolies. One treatment protocol. One set of marching orders for the doctors. One set of approved drugs and one set of banned drugs. Everyone is allergic to freedom! Libertarianism works! The rule is this: if something can be bought through a free market then that's what should happen. That goes for healthcare, education, housing, welfare and food stamps, scientific research, all the alphabet agencies like FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, HHS, DHS, DOE, DOT, FCC, FTC, USDA, etc. We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for. If someone harms another person with their product, service, behavior, speech, what-have-you, then the legal system should protect them by punishing the offender sufficiently to deter future would-be criminals. Then we wouldn't need all these regulatory bodies. I haven't heard even one person make the argument that the whole Covid nightmare was mainly caused by the government taking powers over economic activities that it is ill-suited to manage without destroying liberty. And people need to realize that their constitutional rights must never be violated, even in an emergency. People are not aware that we don't need government doing the things it's doing. But unfortunately, even if they were, people have been conditioned to be afraid of not having a social safety net of some kind. They don't want to rely on family, relatives, friends, civic groups, and charities if they get in trouble. And they've been brainwashed to think that if everything is privatized the "greedy" capitalists will "exploit" the workers, "price-gouge" the consumers, "speculate" in the stock market, and "waste money" on advertising and marketing. All of those objections are nonsense. Even the enemies of capitalism, like the Trilateral Commission and World Economic Forum admit that capitalism has been responsible for the greatest rise of living standards, wealth creation, longer lifespans, lower infant mortality, more leisure time, human rights, freedom, etc. than any other movement in the history of mankind.
Nobody ever said it better than Ronald Reagan when he said, "The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
You appear to have omitted the WaterMelons that presently dominate the political scene nationally and internationally, and whose sole purpose is the eradication of capitalism, and the erasure of humanity from the face of Gaia.
Christiana Figueres ...'admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism'.
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."
"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."
Yes, I know the Figueres quote from Patrick Wood, and that's very important. That's one of the main reasons they want to destroy capitalism, because it gives the public sufficient financial independence so they don't need the Power Elite to "help them out" and "save them" by building a utopian technocracy. The Elite want to design their own society and control it, but the people want to be free to pursue their individual dreams and aspirations. But I focused on one point: that the advocates of a free market under the rule of law, such as Friedrich Hayek, have been right all along. What I should have added is that the idea of a republic is in the Bible. God Himself gave the new nation of Israel a republic: a set of laws with Moses and his deputies as judges. That's it. No role for government in the private sector. God counseled the prophet Samuel to warn the people not to ask for a king like the other countries in the region, because he would oppress them. Then Paul wrote in Romans 13 that government's sole role is to punish law-breakers and protect law-keepers, so he too advocated a republic. Then the USA founders gave us another republic codified in the Constitution. So wherever you have wisdom and freedom and Godly government, you have a republic. Never socialism, fascism, communism, welfare states, democracy, or public-private partnerships.
On the other hand under socialism, free health care at the point of delivery s provided. In the US with its privatized medical system it is the main cause of personal bankruptcy.
Brilliant comment, thank you. I am inclined to consider classical liberalism, although the propensity to subvert it is clearly self-evident. Classical liberalism that also captures the tenets of what you articulate?
ThoughtCo's definition is not too bad, maybe 80 or 90% correct. It originated not in the late 18th century, but, as I mentioned, was instituted by Moses, who was inspired by God, around 1450 BC. It is not contrasted with "the more politically-progressive philosophy of social liberalism", because the latter is not liberalism at all. Social liberalism leads to despotism. The article includes under "social liberalism" the right to a living wage, the right to healthcare, etc. But when you make material benefits rights it turns the payers of those benefits, the taxpayers, slaves. Eventually, as Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." In a free republic people have the right to PURSUE material benefits, but no right to the benefits themselves. So the philosophy of classical liberalism is the only philosophy capable of preserving a free republic. Social liberalism, which is the philosophy dominant in the West today and is the philosophy of the Democrat Party in the US (which the RINO Republicans go along with), is incapable of preserving a free republic, and must end in some form of autocracy, whether a monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, or plutocracy, and the people are mere powerless serfs or subjects. You're right - there is a tendency to subvert it. There's no easy way to preserve a republic. It requires someone to establish it, which, thank God, the USA had in its founders, and it also requires a public who, in the majority, fear God and believe they are accountable to Him and must obey conscience and the just laws of the land, such as the US Constitution and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Since the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, a majority God-fearing public will not elect leaders who break the law by taking powers to tax and spend not given to them under that constitution. If, human nature being as it is sinful, there still arises a cabal of power-hungry men who threaten to subvert the government, then, as Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants." But see how the belief in God and our accountability to Him is so crucial to the preservation of a free republic. If this life is all there is, then we should take for ourselves at others' expense as much as we can get as long as we don't get caught. That's the most rational way to act. We will justify our actions with "If I don't do it, someone else will do it, so it might as well be me". And not just any God, but only the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. Muslims believe in God, but their model of the ideal human being, Mohammad, was a murderer, liar, pedophile, rapist, and conqueror, who forced people to submit to his way of thinking against their will, and thus did not tolerate freedom of conscience and religion which is at the bedrock of a free republic. All the problems of society stem from the first rebellion of Adam and Eve, who thought it would improve their lives if they started making their own decisions about good and evil without consulting God. So nowadays, everyone plays God, and judges what parts of the constitution or the law or morality they want to follow and what parts they don't. So they elect leaders who promise them the things they want, and they're deluded into thinking they're getting something for nothing, but in reality, they’re destroying the basis of their prosperity and freedom.
But then what do you do about the people who have no family to care for them who have no private healthcare? And how can you privatise healthcare without relying entirely on the monopolised pharmaceutical companies, none of which are communist operations exactly?
You should perhaps consider the difference between health insurance and health care.
In the UK and much of Europe, health insurance is universal and provided to everyone, young or old by their governments. Health care is provided by by a combination of state run and privately owned facilities depending on which EU country you live.
In the US, both health insurance and health care are provided by the private sector that costs twice as much as any EU country. There are, however, two exceptions; Medicare Insurance for the elderly over the age of 65 and Medicaid for the destitute.
Yes I had already done that as I live in the UK, but all systems of healthcare still universally rely on the private pharmaceutical companies, that was my main point.
Government can't do the job, Patrick! We began the War on Poverty in the mid-1960's under LBJ and we have even more poverty now after spending trillions. We are 30 trillion in short-term federal debt, and our 75-year present value debt is well over 200 trillion, according to Fed economist Lawrence Kotlikoff, and that was over 10 years ago. It's much higher now. If the US Treasury reported finances like a corporation, according to GAAP (generally-accepted accounting principles) then the government would be sued for fraud and have an F credit rating. We are broke! We can't afford any more safety net - we have to cut back on the one we have. Interest payments on the debt will very soon consume nearly all yearly tax revenue, especially if interest rates rise to historical averages instead of the artificially low rates we've had for a dozen years or more. Before the 1960's total government spending was 9% of GDP: 3% federal, 3% state, and 3% local. By and large, people did not starve. Charities, churches, social service groups, and other private associations stepped in to help the poor and needy. Doctors worked in the community hospitals for free part of the work-week. Lawyers took cases pro bono. We don't have those things nearly as much any more because government plays such a big role, and taxes are so high, and regulations reduce profits. And maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if people had to rely on families more. Maybe single men and women wouldn't remain unmarried so long or never get married and have children as is the case today. Reality has a way of making people more responsible. And we had private healthcare before, and it was great. Doctors made house calls. Before the 1960's with the advent of Medicare and Medicaid no one complained about the high cost of healthcare or the poor quality. Regular blue-collar workers like policemen and electricians could easily afford it for their whole family and the wife could be a stay-at-home mom if she wanted to. Talk to some older people or read about it. We've forgotten what we had. Even today, the only industries we complain about for the most part are the ones the government "helps out" with: education, healthcare, housing, and inflation. No one complains about how out of control regular items cost, like clothes, tools, appliances, electronic devices, cell phones, books, movies, etc. We may not like paying as much as we do for those things, but they're not major issues, like the industries subsidized by the government. And the problem with pharma is the lack of liability, not capitalism. Capitalism means free market under the rule of law. The rule of law means that companies that sell products which kill people can be taken to court. Not so with vaccines, who are shielded from liability by the 1986 Act and the PREP Act. And not so with the captured agencies of the FDA, CDC, and NIH. Those things are not capitalism - they are socialism.
With the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the US money supply was privatized, so that commercial banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan can create interest bearing money out of thin air every time they make a loan to the US Treasury, corporations and private citizens, such that:
no debts = no money
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
How dumb are you? "We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for." Have you skipped your lessons in school talking about democracy, governance and the separation of power? Courts are part of the government. They are the judicative part.
And Monopolies are the unavoidable end state of Capitalism.
You throw around so many buzzwords in your little piece that I have to wonder how many of those concepts did you actually understand and think through.
Edit: Sorry after having read some more of your replies, I realize you are a Believer. No use wasting my time then.
Hi Ghostfromthefuture. I love this space for one simple reason: my readers. Please respect others and refrain from asking how dumb others are. Well, at least, refrain from doing so here. We all have insights to share and we're all purdy smrt from where I am standing. Thanks for keeping it clean! :)
I said we don't need "government regulation", not we don't need "government". Big difference. When I said that's what courts are for, of course I know courts are part of government, and I want to limit government to primarily that function. It's not getting rid of government, it's limiting government, which is what our founders gave us. Monopolies are the unavoidable end state of socialism and crony capitalism, which is what happens when the people allow government to assume powers that the constitution does not grant them. In a free market, monopolies can't last because new, young, hungry, innovative companies and entrepreneurs come up with better products and services at lower prices and take away market share from the older, bigger, established companies. And if I'm a believer, i.e., a Christian, then it's a waste of time having a discussion with me? Is that your attitude? Christianity and America are inseparable: Our coins say "In God We Trust". Our major holidays are all Christian: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and Thanksgiving. We have God-given rights that other countries dream of having. Do you not thank God for all the blessings you have because of the Christians who founded America? How sad!
I am sorry I called you dumb, that personal attack was born from my own frustration and I should not have made you the target of it.
When it comes to Christianity, there is so much sorrow and harm that has been done to billions of people by religion. Especially the Christian one. I am also amazed that people follow a god, who claims we all are his children, gives us 10 commandments, which among other things stipulate the sanctity of marriage, only then to impregnate the wife of another man. And since we all are his children, that woman was also his daughter. Very cool. Of course those God given rights include dropping nuclear bombs on civilians. Twice. Whenever God is invoked as in "God Bless America", I always think people are trying to get back into his good graces.
Thank you very much for apologizing. That was very nice of you. There are many valid reasons for finding the organized religion of Christianity repulsive, but it's important to separate the words and actions of Jesus Christ and the words and actions of people that claim to be his followers. Can you point to something immoral that Jesus said or did? And it sounds like you're saying that God committed adultery with Mary, the wife of Joseph - is that right? If so, that's a misconception. They did not have sexual intercourse. God never touched her. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have bodies, so how could they have had sexual intercourse with Mary? It just says "“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you;" (Luke 1:35). It's similar to Genesis 1:2 during the creation of the world, "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Or other times when someone in the Bible was filled with the Holy Spirit. It just means that a miracle from God is about to take place. And where do you get the idea that Christianity endorsed dropping bombs on Japan? Do you think every atrocity committed by the US government should be blamed on Christians? I totally oppose what was done, and I possess a copy of a Chicago Tribune article saying that the bombing was completely unnecessary because Japan tried to surrender months earlier. I try to tell everyone I know about that. So the bombing was unimaginably evil. But by August 1945, the US had already been in the grip of the globalists for many decades, working to establish an anti-God New World Order. The UN Charter was already written and ready to be revealed after the war was over. America is not a Christian nation. It is a pluralistic nation open to all religions that was founded by people who were largely influenced by a Biblical worldview and by Christianity, who established a relatively free country. And anyone who thinks saying "God bless America" makes them a good person completely misunderstands Christianity.
Sorry Ari, I doubt that Jesus, as proposed in the bible, ever existed. The bible was written by human beings. For what reason, I do not know, but I am pretty sure it was lost over the thousands of years, where stories were put together, changed during translations, either by mistake or deliberate and then interpreted for whatever goals those people tried to achieve.
I think you do not need a God figure to be a human being that values life and the wonder of being alive in a universe that we will likely never understand.
And when it comes to the WWII and its history, I would urge you to look into Le Cercle Pinay, Operation Paperclip, Operation APPLE PIE, and the thousands upon thousands of NAZI/SS/SD/Gestapo were welcomed with open arms by the Allies. The CIA FOIA reading room and the hold thousands of documents that have been released, that show how little the people in power cared about the atrocities that people committed. As long as they were useful for their goals, they were employed. And trust me, there is so much more that is still withheld from the public. I just weeks ago, got access to documents on Operation APPLE PIE, which were still labeled "Secret" and had to be first declassified. Even though those documents were from the late 1940s.
And right now i only have access to English speaking sources. Though I am trying to figure out the history of one Günter Hellwing, Head of the Gestapo in Marseille during WWII and responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Jews. He was sentenced to death by a military tribunal in 1954. Yet he managed to be on the federal committee of the second largest political party in 1958 in Germany. He died in 1996. How can that be? Because he was protected. By whom I do not know yet. But he was not the only one.
I like my social safety net, thank you. Capitalism is greedy and exploitative by definition, encourages population growth, and is exhausting resources and destroying the natural world, as you will discover in a few years' time when living standards etc. start to fall again.
Capitalism is not “greedy and exploitive by definition, etc.,etc.,etc.”; that is your personal belief you hold in your head. What’s your alternative, Communism, Socialism? Just look at Venezuela, a once vibrant country that is now in social and economic ruins. The living standards in the US have already fallen and it has nothing to do with Capitalism, it has to do with the Biden administration mismanaging energy, propaganda like DEI, shoving trans genderism down children’s throats, pushing the middle class out and ruining people’s incomes and lives during the Plandemic. Wake up and have that second cup of coffee.
Living standards in the US have already fallen and will continue to fall because of depleting resources, especially oil. Wake up and smell the physics.
Real wages began to fall at the same time that government spending started to skyrocket as a percentage of GDP. Keep taxes low and regulations minimal and living standards will keep going up like they did from the beginning of the industrial revolution until the 1970's, under capitalism.
Wages and government spending are money, and money isn't real. The industrial revolution started with the use of fossil fuels. Until you grasp the significance and limited nature of energy you will not understand how the world is changing.
There's no depletion. Oik is not finite. It's because of the Biden policies that USA is tanking. It was doing very well under DJT. Canada has put in same policies as B and we are tanking. Its been done on purpose. To destroy North America.
"Oil is not finite." Which is why they drill offshore and had to resort to fracking. And why the US imports Canadian sludge. But you'll learn the facts in a few years.
For 200 years in this country under capitalism, living standards went up steadily and dramatically, until the safety net programs began. That's when living standards started to decline, which you falsely blame on capitalism. It's the opposite. And how many people can the earth support? Do you know? Where is your evidence that we are "exhausting resources and destroying the natural world"? We had polluted rivers like the Hudson, but RFK, Jr.'s River Keeper Alliance cleaned them up just by taking the polluters to court, all within a capitalist system. So it can be done. That proves my point: it's not capitalism that's at fault, it's corrupt lawmakers, regulatory agencies, and judges and prosecutors that aren't doing their jobs. They are all taking bribes from industry. And it's the people's fault for electing them. We get the kind of government we deserve. And your beloved "safety net" system requires taking money out of the people's pockets who earned it and giving it to those who didn't, which is theft, and therefore immoral.
Living standards and populations went up and safety net systems were made possible because of the increasing use of fossil fuels. Their use is now declining and "renewables" are not renewable. Energy IS the economy, and determines how many people can be supported (it's going to fall quite soon). Resources are finite, and are being exhausted every day. The number of species is falling, as are fish populations. I know all about your corrupt political system and dumb voters. That's just another problem, like pollution. I can't educate you here. Try sites like Peak Prosperity or Our Finite World if your mind is open to new thinking about physical reality.
Fossil fuel use is declining because government is mandating CO2 emission reductions, and energy use is declining for the same reason plus the government-imposed barriers to developing nuclear energy. So again, too much government is the problem. You have a very pessimistic attitude about humanity. I guess people will just have to die off to save the planet, and lower their living standards, and just stay home and put on a down jacket in the winter. I notice that our wealthy rulers who fly to Kyoto and Paris to sign all these climate accords all fly on gas-guzzling private jets, have yachts and multiple mansions, so they are not making any sacrifices. They're not going to eat insects for dinner like they want you and I to do. Does that bother you - the hypocrisy? Do you want to go back to the feudalism of the Middle Ages, where the kings, knights, dukes, earls, and princes all enjoyed great wealth while the masses lived in poverty? Isn't that where we're headed? Can you see the trend?
Yes, the hypocrisy bothers me greatly, but it doesn't change the facts about fossil fuel decline or the problems with nuclear energy. Nor can falling accessibility of copper and other mined resources be argued with. There will be a die-off. Look at the work of Simon Michaux. If you refuse to look at the information available you will not understand our situation. There's no point in continuing this exchange.
The UK National Health Service, free at the point of delivery. has been in operation since 1946. It was legislated by the Labour Party, but ever since it has been under attack by the Conservative Party. As an English person, it has well served all my medical needs. It is paid for by a National Insurance Scheme, that also covers old age pensions, disability benefits, and unemployment benefits that cost in total about 12% of earned income deducted at source by one's employer. There are still private medical insurance companies that also provide private health care coverage such as BUPA (British United Provident) to those who feel they need it, and can afford it. The irony is that the state owned hospitals still provide 90% of the services. Having private insurance does however, enable queue jumping for elective surgery, say for hip joint replacement.
This is simply a war of information whereby most of the most relevant information is not being raised to the public eye so that actual people - the ones who will be affected - have no idea these impositions are even on the table, let alone have a bloody say in whether or or not they are ok with the impositions. We need something like what V did - to take over the global network and send out a live stream of information to all citizens of every country in the world.
I pause for thought. While this tumultuous battle rages, if we are successful in holding off those that seek to quietly erase Nuremberg, established ethics and continue their assault upon humanity, you touch on an important point, a realisation that almost no one will be aware or care less about the victory that brings a moment of respite from the avalanche of evil currently besetting the world. I seriously doubt most jobbing kakistocratic politicians are aware of or less interested in what is unfolding, certainly in NZzzz. This evil runs far, far deeper.
At a fundamental level, information about actual health -- as opposed to "healthcare" (disease management) -- is not widely disclosed or promoted. In the healthcare world "prevention" means screening for conditions to treat, not actually preventing disease.
But people should be looking out for their own health! Granted, that is difficult to do in this age of "scientific progress", the lies surrounding it, and the poisoning that it produces.
"We need something like what V did - to take over the global network and send out a live stream of information to all citizens of every country in the world."
Yes Jessica.
Or for a respected News Anchor to go live and shout "I'm mad as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore." NETWORK
Could not some well heeled benefactor or crowd funding just buy up a small legacy media outlet. Just one little small one. Transform it into a fact outlet and remove everything else that does not work. Literally just expensive adverts and facts. If it is successful all the subscribers will be helped to wake up and there might be money to buy another small media outlet.
If every outlet has instructions to not support ANTI-VAXXERS then the media is biased and not out friend.
Hoping that everyone will eventually find the truth on alt-media is a gamble.
Perhaps a regular advert in important newspapers that just has links to unbiased medical research papers from prestigious journals. With a bias rating so people know bias exists. Papers that seem to support the narrative but show the failings.
In UK, Finland and parts of USA they have citizen initiatives, some gain a lot of traction but most people don't even know such systems exist. Have a running advert of every new initiative and the 3 that are closest to closing and the 3 that are most in need of signatures. It should be hard for the media to refuse to run the advert if it contains nothing more than public info and a link to the site (QR-code).
If you are at all interested I also have a secret weapon that can be added to this that may even save the day. There are activists in Finland as well.
The US has been at war of one sort or another since 1776, the basis of which is capitalism vs socialism.
The capitalists are winning, since they control the US government no matter whether the call themselves Democrats or Republicans, who want to reduce most of us to debt slavery.
I think a good step to get people to identify their doctors position would be to have a certificate sent to every doctor. It has on one half the Hippocratic Oath and 2-5 rows below where the doctor can sign and date with location where it took place before witnesses that he swore the oath. The other half would have key points about patient advocacy from the various Nuremberg, Helsinki etc medical ethics guidelines.
While doctors hide behind "they said we must" they will remain lilly livered lackeys and take money over patient safety.
If this trend could be made 'trendy' or 'cool' and just 1% if doctors bought into it the other doctors would start to get some heat from the millions of patients in the world.
“We own the science and we think that the world should know it,” as expressed by Melissa Fleming, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous and dystopic.
Everyone needs to write to their elected representatives and recruit as many other people as possible to do the same. Apathy never won any battles and Dr Tess Lawrie and her team need everyone's support. Never again is now.
Thank you!!! What they did was very wrong. I continue to write letters and send emails. I kept detailed notes in a journal while working frontlines (hospital RN). They hurt too many people to count.
It's largely opinion and I'm sticking with it. You fail to take into account that the $10 million is SAVINGS, so you must be "earning" a hell of a lot more than $300,000/yr to accumulate that much.
As commendable, laudable and necessary as such actions are... sadly any expectation of success, by the authors of such documents, in getting UK MPs to respond favourably is akin to believing in fairies!
Pigs might fly, but I doubt it. The sad fact of the matter is that, combined with the priorities of the current political environment, the calibre of the vast majority of UK MPs today are easily at least an order of magnitude inferior in intellect capacity and moral substance to those who occupied their positions just a mere generation ago. I wish the authors luck but won't be holding my breath for a positive response/outcome.
There's a saying, "If voting could actually change things, it wouldn't be legal." After witnessing stolen elections, I really wonder how much it matters to "contact your MP's/Congresspersons/etc"? At all?
We should consider emulating the Globalists to some degree. When the time comes for Civilized People to destroy the Globalist Enemy, we should unite with our civilized brethern around the world and join together to execute our mutual enemies. WHO, as much as CDC, needs to be eliminated from the face of the Earth, as do many other institutions that seek to destroy our liberties.
I'd define equity as equal enslavement and inclusivity as nobody escapes equity... well, except for those who are itching to become our future slave masters. It won't happen though. The future slaves of the world are awakening at an exponential rate to the dehumanizing and spiritually bankrupt global vision quest that these overlord wannabes are pursuing with such reckless abandon. In the US, Queen Hillary's 2016 coronation party was spoiled and it set the globalist timetable back at least four years. The COVID-fear pandemic was then rushed out, with predictably disastrous consequences that will persist for many more years. Then came the 2020 and 2022 election thefts, audacious power grabs which spawned more waves of public disdain for corrupt monopolistic and collectivist ambitions. I believe the evil doers have already failed in their dystopian quest. They have few moves left on the board before being checkmated by an overwhelming mass of people whose love for freedom and sovereignty and human dignity is as unconditional as Jessica's...
To end monopoly power Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. need to get rid of their socialized medicine. That IS one of the main monopolies. One treatment protocol. One set of marching orders for the doctors. One set of approved drugs and one set of banned drugs. Everyone is allergic to freedom! Libertarianism works! The rule is this: if something can be bought through a free market then that's what should happen. That goes for healthcare, education, housing, welfare and food stamps, scientific research, all the alphabet agencies like FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, HHS, DHS, DOE, DOT, FCC, FTC, USDA, etc. We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for. If someone harms another person with their product, service, behavior, speech, what-have-you, then the legal system should protect them by punishing the offender sufficiently to deter future would-be criminals. Then we wouldn't need all these regulatory bodies. I haven't heard even one person make the argument that the whole Covid nightmare was mainly caused by the government taking powers over economic activities that it is ill-suited to manage without destroying liberty. And people need to realize that their constitutional rights must never be violated, even in an emergency. People are not aware that we don't need government doing the things it's doing. But unfortunately, even if they were, people have been conditioned to be afraid of not having a social safety net of some kind. They don't want to rely on family, relatives, friends, civic groups, and charities if they get in trouble. And they've been brainwashed to think that if everything is privatized the "greedy" capitalists will "exploit" the workers, "price-gouge" the consumers, "speculate" in the stock market, and "waste money" on advertising and marketing. All of those objections are nonsense. Even the enemies of capitalism, like the Trilateral Commission and World Economic Forum admit that capitalism has been responsible for the greatest rise of living standards, wealth creation, longer lifespans, lower infant mortality, more leisure time, human rights, freedom, etc. than any other movement in the history of mankind.
Nobody ever said it better than Ronald Reagan when he said, "The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
You appear to have omitted the WaterMelons that presently dominate the political scene nationally and internationally, and whose sole purpose is the eradication of capitalism, and the erasure of humanity from the face of Gaia.
Christiana Figueres ...'admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism'.
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."
"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."
Christiana Figueres, former Exec Sec UNFCCC.
Yes, I know the Figueres quote from Patrick Wood, and that's very important. That's one of the main reasons they want to destroy capitalism, because it gives the public sufficient financial independence so they don't need the Power Elite to "help them out" and "save them" by building a utopian technocracy. The Elite want to design their own society and control it, but the people want to be free to pursue their individual dreams and aspirations. But I focused on one point: that the advocates of a free market under the rule of law, such as Friedrich Hayek, have been right all along. What I should have added is that the idea of a republic is in the Bible. God Himself gave the new nation of Israel a republic: a set of laws with Moses and his deputies as judges. That's it. No role for government in the private sector. God counseled the prophet Samuel to warn the people not to ask for a king like the other countries in the region, because he would oppress them. Then Paul wrote in Romans 13 that government's sole role is to punish law-breakers and protect law-keepers, so he too advocated a republic. Then the USA founders gave us another republic codified in the Constitution. So wherever you have wisdom and freedom and Godly government, you have a republic. Never socialism, fascism, communism, welfare states, democracy, or public-private partnerships.
On the other hand under socialism, free health care at the point of delivery s provided. In the US with its privatized medical system it is the main cause of personal bankruptcy.
Brilliant comment, thank you. I am inclined to consider classical liberalism, although the propensity to subvert it is clearly self-evident. Classical liberalism that also captures the tenets of what you articulate?
ThoughtCo's definition is not too bad, maybe 80 or 90% correct. It originated not in the late 18th century, but, as I mentioned, was instituted by Moses, who was inspired by God, around 1450 BC. It is not contrasted with "the more politically-progressive philosophy of social liberalism", because the latter is not liberalism at all. Social liberalism leads to despotism. The article includes under "social liberalism" the right to a living wage, the right to healthcare, etc. But when you make material benefits rights it turns the payers of those benefits, the taxpayers, slaves. Eventually, as Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." In a free republic people have the right to PURSUE material benefits, but no right to the benefits themselves. So the philosophy of classical liberalism is the only philosophy capable of preserving a free republic. Social liberalism, which is the philosophy dominant in the West today and is the philosophy of the Democrat Party in the US (which the RINO Republicans go along with), is incapable of preserving a free republic, and must end in some form of autocracy, whether a monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, or plutocracy, and the people are mere powerless serfs or subjects. You're right - there is a tendency to subvert it. There's no easy way to preserve a republic. It requires someone to establish it, which, thank God, the USA had in its founders, and it also requires a public who, in the majority, fear God and believe they are accountable to Him and must obey conscience and the just laws of the land, such as the US Constitution and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Since the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, a majority God-fearing public will not elect leaders who break the law by taking powers to tax and spend not given to them under that constitution. If, human nature being as it is sinful, there still arises a cabal of power-hungry men who threaten to subvert the government, then, as Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants." But see how the belief in God and our accountability to Him is so crucial to the preservation of a free republic. If this life is all there is, then we should take for ourselves at others' expense as much as we can get as long as we don't get caught. That's the most rational way to act. We will justify our actions with "If I don't do it, someone else will do it, so it might as well be me". And not just any God, but only the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. Muslims believe in God, but their model of the ideal human being, Mohammad, was a murderer, liar, pedophile, rapist, and conqueror, who forced people to submit to his way of thinking against their will, and thus did not tolerate freedom of conscience and religion which is at the bedrock of a free republic. All the problems of society stem from the first rebellion of Adam and Eve, who thought it would improve their lives if they started making their own decisions about good and evil without consulting God. So nowadays, everyone plays God, and judges what parts of the constitution or the law or morality they want to follow and what parts they don't. So they elect leaders who promise them the things they want, and they're deluded into thinking they're getting something for nothing, but in reality, they’re destroying the basis of their prosperity and freedom.
How do you explain the rise of communist China and the decline of capitalist America ?
Thanks For Sharing Jessica much appreciated 👍
But then what do you do about the people who have no family to care for them who have no private healthcare? And how can you privatise healthcare without relying entirely on the monopolised pharmaceutical companies, none of which are communist operations exactly?
You should perhaps consider the difference between health insurance and health care.
In the UK and much of Europe, health insurance is universal and provided to everyone, young or old by their governments. Health care is provided by by a combination of state run and privately owned facilities depending on which EU country you live.
In the US, both health insurance and health care are provided by the private sector that costs twice as much as any EU country. There are, however, two exceptions; Medicare Insurance for the elderly over the age of 65 and Medicaid for the destitute.
Yes I had already done that as I live in the UK, but all systems of healthcare still universally rely on the private pharmaceutical companies, that was my main point.
Government can't do the job, Patrick! We began the War on Poverty in the mid-1960's under LBJ and we have even more poverty now after spending trillions. We are 30 trillion in short-term federal debt, and our 75-year present value debt is well over 200 trillion, according to Fed economist Lawrence Kotlikoff, and that was over 10 years ago. It's much higher now. If the US Treasury reported finances like a corporation, according to GAAP (generally-accepted accounting principles) then the government would be sued for fraud and have an F credit rating. We are broke! We can't afford any more safety net - we have to cut back on the one we have. Interest payments on the debt will very soon consume nearly all yearly tax revenue, especially if interest rates rise to historical averages instead of the artificially low rates we've had for a dozen years or more. Before the 1960's total government spending was 9% of GDP: 3% federal, 3% state, and 3% local. By and large, people did not starve. Charities, churches, social service groups, and other private associations stepped in to help the poor and needy. Doctors worked in the community hospitals for free part of the work-week. Lawyers took cases pro bono. We don't have those things nearly as much any more because government plays such a big role, and taxes are so high, and regulations reduce profits. And maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if people had to rely on families more. Maybe single men and women wouldn't remain unmarried so long or never get married and have children as is the case today. Reality has a way of making people more responsible. And we had private healthcare before, and it was great. Doctors made house calls. Before the 1960's with the advent of Medicare and Medicaid no one complained about the high cost of healthcare or the poor quality. Regular blue-collar workers like policemen and electricians could easily afford it for their whole family and the wife could be a stay-at-home mom if she wanted to. Talk to some older people or read about it. We've forgotten what we had. Even today, the only industries we complain about for the most part are the ones the government "helps out" with: education, healthcare, housing, and inflation. No one complains about how out of control regular items cost, like clothes, tools, appliances, electronic devices, cell phones, books, movies, etc. We may not like paying as much as we do for those things, but they're not major issues, like the industries subsidized by the government. And the problem with pharma is the lack of liability, not capitalism. Capitalism means free market under the rule of law. The rule of law means that companies that sell products which kill people can be taken to court. Not so with vaccines, who are shielded from liability by the 1986 Act and the PREP Act. And not so with the captured agencies of the FDA, CDC, and NIH. Those things are not capitalism - they are socialism.
With the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the US money supply was privatized, so that commercial banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan can create interest bearing money out of thin air every time they make a loan to the US Treasury, corporations and private citizens, such that:
no debts = no money
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)
How dumb are you? "We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for." Have you skipped your lessons in school talking about democracy, governance and the separation of power? Courts are part of the government. They are the judicative part.
And Monopolies are the unavoidable end state of Capitalism.
You throw around so many buzzwords in your little piece that I have to wonder how many of those concepts did you actually understand and think through.
Edit: Sorry after having read some more of your replies, I realize you are a Believer. No use wasting my time then.
Hi Ghostfromthefuture. I love this space for one simple reason: my readers. Please respect others and refrain from asking how dumb others are. Well, at least, refrain from doing so here. We all have insights to share and we're all purdy smrt from where I am standing. Thanks for keeping it clean! :)
In the words of William Shakespeare "First kill all the lawyers".
I said we don't need "government regulation", not we don't need "government". Big difference. When I said that's what courts are for, of course I know courts are part of government, and I want to limit government to primarily that function. It's not getting rid of government, it's limiting government, which is what our founders gave us. Monopolies are the unavoidable end state of socialism and crony capitalism, which is what happens when the people allow government to assume powers that the constitution does not grant them. In a free market, monopolies can't last because new, young, hungry, innovative companies and entrepreneurs come up with better products and services at lower prices and take away market share from the older, bigger, established companies. And if I'm a believer, i.e., a Christian, then it's a waste of time having a discussion with me? Is that your attitude? Christianity and America are inseparable: Our coins say "In God We Trust". Our major holidays are all Christian: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and Thanksgiving. We have God-given rights that other countries dream of having. Do you not thank God for all the blessings you have because of the Christians who founded America? How sad!
I am sorry I called you dumb, that personal attack was born from my own frustration and I should not have made you the target of it.
When it comes to Christianity, there is so much sorrow and harm that has been done to billions of people by religion. Especially the Christian one. I am also amazed that people follow a god, who claims we all are his children, gives us 10 commandments, which among other things stipulate the sanctity of marriage, only then to impregnate the wife of another man. And since we all are his children, that woman was also his daughter. Very cool. Of course those God given rights include dropping nuclear bombs on civilians. Twice. Whenever God is invoked as in "God Bless America", I always think people are trying to get back into his good graces.
Thank you very much for apologizing. That was very nice of you. There are many valid reasons for finding the organized religion of Christianity repulsive, but it's important to separate the words and actions of Jesus Christ and the words and actions of people that claim to be his followers. Can you point to something immoral that Jesus said or did? And it sounds like you're saying that God committed adultery with Mary, the wife of Joseph - is that right? If so, that's a misconception. They did not have sexual intercourse. God never touched her. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have bodies, so how could they have had sexual intercourse with Mary? It just says "“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you;" (Luke 1:35). It's similar to Genesis 1:2 during the creation of the world, "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Or other times when someone in the Bible was filled with the Holy Spirit. It just means that a miracle from God is about to take place. And where do you get the idea that Christianity endorsed dropping bombs on Japan? Do you think every atrocity committed by the US government should be blamed on Christians? I totally oppose what was done, and I possess a copy of a Chicago Tribune article saying that the bombing was completely unnecessary because Japan tried to surrender months earlier. I try to tell everyone I know about that. So the bombing was unimaginably evil. But by August 1945, the US had already been in the grip of the globalists for many decades, working to establish an anti-God New World Order. The UN Charter was already written and ready to be revealed after the war was over. America is not a Christian nation. It is a pluralistic nation open to all religions that was founded by people who were largely influenced by a Biblical worldview and by Christianity, who established a relatively free country. And anyone who thinks saying "God bless America" makes them a good person completely misunderstands Christianity.
Sorry Ari, I doubt that Jesus, as proposed in the bible, ever existed. The bible was written by human beings. For what reason, I do not know, but I am pretty sure it was lost over the thousands of years, where stories were put together, changed during translations, either by mistake or deliberate and then interpreted for whatever goals those people tried to achieve.
I think you do not need a God figure to be a human being that values life and the wonder of being alive in a universe that we will likely never understand.
And when it comes to the WWII and its history, I would urge you to look into Le Cercle Pinay, Operation Paperclip, Operation APPLE PIE, and the thousands upon thousands of NAZI/SS/SD/Gestapo were welcomed with open arms by the Allies. The CIA FOIA reading room and the hold thousands of documents that have been released, that show how little the people in power cared about the atrocities that people committed. As long as they were useful for their goals, they were employed. And trust me, there is so much more that is still withheld from the public. I just weeks ago, got access to documents on Operation APPLE PIE, which were still labeled "Secret" and had to be first declassified. Even though those documents were from the late 1940s.
And right now i only have access to English speaking sources. Though I am trying to figure out the history of one Günter Hellwing, Head of the Gestapo in Marseille during WWII and responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Jews. He was sentenced to death by a military tribunal in 1954. Yet he managed to be on the federal committee of the second largest political party in 1958 in Germany. He died in 1996. How can that be? Because he was protected. By whom I do not know yet. But he was not the only one.
I like my social safety net, thank you. Capitalism is greedy and exploitative by definition, encourages population growth, and is exhausting resources and destroying the natural world, as you will discover in a few years' time when living standards etc. start to fall again.
Capitalism is not “greedy and exploitive by definition, etc.,etc.,etc.”; that is your personal belief you hold in your head. What’s your alternative, Communism, Socialism? Just look at Venezuela, a once vibrant country that is now in social and economic ruins. The living standards in the US have already fallen and it has nothing to do with Capitalism, it has to do with the Biden administration mismanaging energy, propaganda like DEI, shoving trans genderism down children’s throats, pushing the middle class out and ruining people’s incomes and lives during the Plandemic. Wake up and have that second cup of coffee.
Living standards in the US have already fallen and will continue to fall because of depleting resources, especially oil. Wake up and smell the physics.
US sanctions on Venezuela and Russia also a major exporter of oil and gas are the cause of oil price increases in the US.
Real wages began to fall at the same time that government spending started to skyrocket as a percentage of GDP. Keep taxes low and regulations minimal and living standards will keep going up like they did from the beginning of the industrial revolution until the 1970's, under capitalism.
Wages and government spending are money, and money isn't real. The industrial revolution started with the use of fossil fuels. Until you grasp the significance and limited nature of energy you will not understand how the world is changing.
There's no depletion. Oik is not finite. It's because of the Biden policies that USA is tanking. It was doing very well under DJT. Canada has put in same policies as B and we are tanking. Its been done on purpose. To destroy North America.
"Oil is not finite." Which is why they drill offshore and had to resort to fracking. And why the US imports Canadian sludge. But you'll learn the facts in a few years.
For 200 years in this country under capitalism, living standards went up steadily and dramatically, until the safety net programs began. That's when living standards started to decline, which you falsely blame on capitalism. It's the opposite. And how many people can the earth support? Do you know? Where is your evidence that we are "exhausting resources and destroying the natural world"? We had polluted rivers like the Hudson, but RFK, Jr.'s River Keeper Alliance cleaned them up just by taking the polluters to court, all within a capitalist system. So it can be done. That proves my point: it's not capitalism that's at fault, it's corrupt lawmakers, regulatory agencies, and judges and prosecutors that aren't doing their jobs. They are all taking bribes from industry. And it's the people's fault for electing them. We get the kind of government we deserve. And your beloved "safety net" system requires taking money out of the people's pockets who earned it and giving it to those who didn't, which is theft, and therefore immoral.
Living standards and populations went up and safety net systems were made possible because of the increasing use of fossil fuels. Their use is now declining and "renewables" are not renewable. Energy IS the economy, and determines how many people can be supported (it's going to fall quite soon). Resources are finite, and are being exhausted every day. The number of species is falling, as are fish populations. I know all about your corrupt political system and dumb voters. That's just another problem, like pollution. I can't educate you here. Try sites like Peak Prosperity or Our Finite World if your mind is open to new thinking about physical reality.
Fossil fuel use is declining because government is mandating CO2 emission reductions, and energy use is declining for the same reason plus the government-imposed barriers to developing nuclear energy. So again, too much government is the problem. You have a very pessimistic attitude about humanity. I guess people will just have to die off to save the planet, and lower their living standards, and just stay home and put on a down jacket in the winter. I notice that our wealthy rulers who fly to Kyoto and Paris to sign all these climate accords all fly on gas-guzzling private jets, have yachts and multiple mansions, so they are not making any sacrifices. They're not going to eat insects for dinner like they want you and I to do. Does that bother you - the hypocrisy? Do you want to go back to the feudalism of the Middle Ages, where the kings, knights, dukes, earls, and princes all enjoyed great wealth while the masses lived in poverty? Isn't that where we're headed? Can you see the trend?
Yes, the hypocrisy bothers me greatly, but it doesn't change the facts about fossil fuel decline or the problems with nuclear energy. Nor can falling accessibility of copper and other mined resources be argued with. There will be a die-off. Look at the work of Simon Michaux. If you refuse to look at the information available you will not understand our situation. There's no point in continuing this exchange.
Suggest you read "Killing Hope" by William Blum.
The UK National Health Service, free at the point of delivery. has been in operation since 1946. It was legislated by the Labour Party, but ever since it has been under attack by the Conservative Party. As an English person, it has well served all my medical needs. It is paid for by a National Insurance Scheme, that also covers old age pensions, disability benefits, and unemployment benefits that cost in total about 12% of earned income deducted at source by one's employer. There are still private medical insurance companies that also provide private health care coverage such as BUPA (British United Provident) to those who feel they need it, and can afford it. The irony is that the state owned hospitals still provide 90% of the services. Having private insurance does however, enable queue jumping for elective surgery, say for hip joint replacement.
Think of it as one more "eliminate the control group" story.
This is simply a war of information whereby most of the most relevant information is not being raised to the public eye so that actual people - the ones who will be affected - have no idea these impositions are even on the table, let alone have a bloody say in whether or or not they are ok with the impositions. We need something like what V did - to take over the global network and send out a live stream of information to all citizens of every country in the world.
I pause for thought. While this tumultuous battle rages, if we are successful in holding off those that seek to quietly erase Nuremberg, established ethics and continue their assault upon humanity, you touch on an important point, a realisation that almost no one will be aware or care less about the victory that brings a moment of respite from the avalanche of evil currently besetting the world. I seriously doubt most jobbing kakistocratic politicians are aware of or less interested in what is unfolding, certainly in NZzzz. This evil runs far, far deeper.
At a fundamental level, information about actual health -- as opposed to "healthcare" (disease management) -- is not widely disclosed or promoted. In the healthcare world "prevention" means screening for conditions to treat, not actually preventing disease.
But people should be looking out for their own health! Granted, that is difficult to do in this age of "scientific progress", the lies surrounding it, and the poisoning that it produces.
"We need something like what V did - to take over the global network and send out a live stream of information to all citizens of every country in the world."
Yes Jessica.
Or for a respected News Anchor to go live and shout "I'm mad as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore." NETWORK
Could not some well heeled benefactor or crowd funding just buy up a small legacy media outlet. Just one little small one. Transform it into a fact outlet and remove everything else that does not work. Literally just expensive adverts and facts. If it is successful all the subscribers will be helped to wake up and there might be money to buy another small media outlet.
If every outlet has instructions to not support ANTI-VAXXERS then the media is biased and not out friend.
Hoping that everyone will eventually find the truth on alt-media is a gamble.
Perhaps a regular advert in important newspapers that just has links to unbiased medical research papers from prestigious journals. With a bias rating so people know bias exists. Papers that seem to support the narrative but show the failings.
In UK, Finland and parts of USA they have citizen initiatives, some gain a lot of traction but most people don't even know such systems exist. Have a running advert of every new initiative and the 3 that are closest to closing and the 3 that are most in need of signatures. It should be hard for the media to refuse to run the advert if it contains nothing more than public info and a link to the site (QR-code).
If you are at all interested I also have a secret weapon that can be added to this that may even save the day. There are activists in Finland as well.
Elon Musk bought Twitter to protect freedom of speech.
Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News because he had the effrontery to tell the truth on various issues.
The US has been at war of one sort or another since 1776, the basis of which is capitalism vs socialism.
The capitalists are winning, since they control the US government no matter whether the call themselves Democrats or Republicans, who want to reduce most of us to debt slavery.
I think a good step to get people to identify their doctors position would be to have a certificate sent to every doctor. It has on one half the Hippocratic Oath and 2-5 rows below where the doctor can sign and date with location where it took place before witnesses that he swore the oath. The other half would have key points about patient advocacy from the various Nuremberg, Helsinki etc medical ethics guidelines.
While doctors hide behind "they said we must" they will remain lilly livered lackeys and take money over patient safety.
If this trend could be made 'trendy' or 'cool' and just 1% if doctors bought into it the other doctors would start to get some heat from the millions of patients in the world.
Indeed. Bobby Kennedy Jr. for POTUS 2024 #Kennedy24
Yep, switched to Dem vote against Biden
Biden is bogus. The voting machines were fixed, no matter that Murdoch fell on his sword to protect Dominion.
“We own the science and we think that the world should know it,” as expressed by Melissa Fleming, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous and dystopic.
Everyone needs to write to their elected representatives and recruit as many other people as possible to do the same. Apathy never won any battles and Dr Tess Lawrie and her team need everyone's support. Never again is now.
I thank GOD every day for people like you. The brave ones who are at least fighting back...
Jessica, how can I get my hands on a canadian version that I can send to my mp / mla?
I was just going to ask the same!
I will contact WCH on this. I would like these documents to send to New Zealand MPs
Thank you!!! What they did was very wrong. I continue to write letters and send emails. I kept detailed notes in a journal while working frontlines (hospital RN). They hurt too many people to count.
I used to think that people obsessing over Agenda 20xx were foolish paranoids. Live and learn.
No personal wealth over $10 million could possibly have been "earned," nor spent on anything but power and control.
...$300,000 x 30years sounds like “earned”
It's largely opinion and I'm sticking with it. You fail to take into account that the $10 million is SAVINGS, so you must be "earning" a hell of a lot more than $300,000/yr to accumulate that much.
"Rejecting monopoly everything..."
Perfect title Jessica, the end goal of the 'robber barons'
As commendable, laudable and necessary as such actions are... sadly any expectation of success, by the authors of such documents, in getting UK MPs to respond favourably is akin to believing in fairies!
Pigs might fly, but I doubt it. The sad fact of the matter is that, combined with the priorities of the current political environment, the calibre of the vast majority of UK MPs today are easily at least an order of magnitude inferior in intellect capacity and moral substance to those who occupied their positions just a mere generation ago. I wish the authors luck but won't be holding my breath for a positive response/outcome.
There's a saying, "If voting could actually change things, it wouldn't be legal." After witnessing stolen elections, I really wonder how much it matters to "contact your MP's/Congresspersons/etc"? At all?
We should consider emulating the Globalists to some degree. When the time comes for Civilized People to destroy the Globalist Enemy, we should unite with our civilized brethern around the world and join together to execute our mutual enemies. WHO, as much as CDC, needs to be eliminated from the face of the Earth, as do many other institutions that seek to destroy our liberties.
Never Forgive!
Never Forget!
Never Again!
I'd define equity as equal enslavement and inclusivity as nobody escapes equity... well, except for those who are itching to become our future slave masters. It won't happen though. The future slaves of the world are awakening at an exponential rate to the dehumanizing and spiritually bankrupt global vision quest that these overlord wannabes are pursuing with such reckless abandon. In the US, Queen Hillary's 2016 coronation party was spoiled and it set the globalist timetable back at least four years. The COVID-fear pandemic was then rushed out, with predictably disastrous consequences that will persist for many more years. Then came the 2020 and 2022 election thefts, audacious power grabs which spawned more waves of public disdain for corrupt monopolistic and collectivist ambitions. I believe the evil doers have already failed in their dystopian quest. They have few moves left on the board before being checkmated by an overwhelming mass of people whose love for freedom and sovereignty and human dignity is as unconditional as Jessica's...