Tess Lawrie and the tireless crew at the World Council for Health (WCH) have penned a document entitled: “Rejecting monopoly power over global public health - on the proposed IHR (2005) amendments and WHO pandemic treaty”. It’s a 45-page document outlining the proposed new ‘amendments’ of the WHO as they claim the right to authority over all sovereign nations and beings.
The World Council for Health officially puts British MPs on notice that it is not acceptable to transfer any decision-making powers reserved for democratic institutions to an unelected, unaccountable supranational body like the WHO.
Next week, your MPs will receive
1- a full 45-page policy brief document called Rejecting Monopoly Power over Global Public Health prepared by political and legal experts, [in final revision]
2- a 7-page summary of the policy brief,
3- a cover letter highlighting the issues with the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and/or the WHO Pandemic Accord concerning sovereignty, censorship, surveillance, gain-of-function research, and more,
4- a copy of the WHO’s Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the IHR. MPs can no longer say they did not know. This effort is crowd funded. It is democracy in action. We thank @ABridgen for his tremendous support. You can read the summary of the expert policy brief yourself here:
Just so you know, the proposed amendment (WHO 2023a:3) of Article 3 Principles, strikes out ‘full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons’ and replaces it with a banality referring to equity and inclusivity, which is basically just bla bla - word salad to make it sound like people will actually have rights. THEY WON’T.
They removed the words ‘persons (humans)’, ‘respect’, ‘dignity’, ‘human rights’ and ‘fundamental freedoms’ and replaced them with ‘equity’, ‘inclusivity’, ‘coherence’ (code word for compliance), ‘in accordance with responsibilities of the State Parties’.
DOES THAT SOUND OK TO YOU? It’s INSANE. They are banking on the people not learning about these ‘amendments’ and/or not understanding what they mean.
To end monopoly power Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. need to get rid of their socialized medicine. That IS one of the main monopolies. One treatment protocol. One set of marching orders for the doctors. One set of approved drugs and one set of banned drugs. Everyone is allergic to freedom! Libertarianism works! The rule is this: if something can be bought through a free market then that's what should happen. That goes for healthcare, education, housing, welfare and food stamps, scientific research, all the alphabet agencies like FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, HHS, DHS, DOE, DOT, FCC, FTC, USDA, etc. We don't need government regulation of anything. That's what courts are for. If someone harms another person with their product, service, behavior, speech, what-have-you, then the legal system should protect them by punishing the offender sufficiently to deter future would-be criminals. Then we wouldn't need all these regulatory bodies. I haven't heard even one person make the argument that the whole Covid nightmare was mainly caused by the government taking powers over economic activities that it is ill-suited to manage without destroying liberty. And people need to realize that their constitutional rights must never be violated, even in an emergency. People are not aware that we don't need government doing the things it's doing. But unfortunately, even if they were, people have been conditioned to be afraid of not having a social safety net of some kind. They don't want to rely on family, relatives, friends, civic groups, and charities if they get in trouble. And they've been brainwashed to think that if everything is privatized the "greedy" capitalists will "exploit" the workers, "price-gouge" the consumers, "speculate" in the stock market, and "waste money" on advertising and marketing. All of those objections are nonsense. Even the enemies of capitalism, like the Trilateral Commission and World Economic Forum admit that capitalism has been responsible for the greatest rise of living standards, wealth creation, longer lifespans, lower infant mortality, more leisure time, human rights, freedom, etc. than any other movement in the history of mankind.
Think of it as one more "eliminate the control group" story.