Jessica, just a little more time reading the good stuff you put out, and we'll all be able to have a medical degree.

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Do you reckon that the suit filed by Moderna against its competitors (Pfizer et al,) for patent infringement might open up a Pandora’s Box of uncomfortable disclosures about the origins of the virus, e.g., during discovery?

What are the odds that these patented gene sequences miraculously appeared years later near a high security bio lab in Wuhan without there being a connection?

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Jessica, THANK YOU for your forebearance in both seeking out and writing about these deeply disturbing elements of the scourge of covid mania.

May G-d embrace and protect your soul as you forthrightly encounter this evil and as you call on us to open our eyes to these horrors and then to witness with you.




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Any connection between covid vaccines and https://duckduckgo.com/?q=PZP+VACCINE+STERILIZATION and https://duckduckgo.com/?q=GONACON+VACCINE+STERILIZATION besides the fact they all have a single shot version and a 2 injection 3 weeks apart version ... all requiring boosters every 6 months AND all applying to mammals regarded as invasive species taking a toll on earth's ecosystems?

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I hope you had a good walk. I need one now too. Thanks for all your good work. & I appreciate this substack community, it helps deal with the many unknowns and the unnatural censorship as of late. God bless.

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Aaah! Good night! I hope your walk included a primal scream.

"LINE-1 retrotransposons are necessarily active during embryogenesis are aberrantly active in tumorigenesis.

BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 h after BNT162b2 exposure. A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2.2 3 4 5"

No wonder cancers are called turbo-cancer post vax. Absolutely criminal, democide as Ed Dowd says. His website is up https://www.theyliedpeopledied.com/

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I'm now starting to wonder just how cautious those of us who are un-jabbed need to be with respect to keeping company with large numbers of the jabbed, what with recent (and not so recent) revelations respecting the possibility of "shedding" taking place?

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Incredible revelations, thanks for keeping up with all the technicals!


"These COVID-19 injectable products are perfect bioweapons - either by design or accident. Who cares which. The outcome is the same."

It doesn't matter for the medical outcome, but it does matter for knowing who is behind the show, and how large and competent the conspiracy. A James-Bond-Green-Baize-Table plot against the peoples of the planet, or just A Conspiracy of Dunces stumbling into the greatest SNAFU all time.


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How long do these spike proteins stay in the body? How long do the DNA changes last? Obviously the shots hit some people negatively but why not everyone if they go into DNA so readily?

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Hi Jessica. Thank you for everything you do, you are a shining light in these dark times. Your moral values are admirable and your actions set a great standard for others to emulate.

I found the paper about the spike protein inhibiting DNA repair that you linked when I was researching these experimental mRNA genetic therapies. It was worrying, and another reason for questioning the narrative. It has since been retracted, and I was wondering if you could explain why this happened? I am not scientifically trained and didn't fully comprehend the reasons given. Are the findings still relevant?

Thanks again and hoping to hear back from you soon.

Carl 👍💪❤️

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What was the patent for? It should have uses listed. Or could you provide the patent number? Perhaps google patents lookup hasn’t censored it yet?

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Hi Jessica,

I was excited to see you will be a CHD regular! I am a multi-Substack subscriber and appreciate your work! Musical intro please. Call me … irresponsible. That means unvaccinated and lost job. I’ll work on the rest of the lyrics.

Not only did the Biden administration possibly exterminate most of his electorate over the next 5 to 10 years, but the DNA transcription makes these boosted folks either patented or Malthusian unfit subhuman useless eaters in the eyes of the WEF, or both. Like so many broken Christmas toys.

Our US Constitution considers citizens sovereign individuals and part of the natural world. Gov’t leaders can never second guess or model the complexity, resilience, non-linearity or creativity of the natural world. This is why it was a horrible mistake to use the “public emergency” fake or not to set aside the Bill of Rights in favor is State policy, using economic levers to force the shots and euthanize patients in the hospitals wholesale.

Have you by any chance estimated the actual mortality of “COVID” in light of the deaths by protocol that profoundly confound the #1 propaganda tool used to sell the shots even to Federal Judges: the vast number of hospital fatalities? A tough question.

My profile:

—Left fancy job day before shot #1 deadline

(A colleague died suddenly day before shot #2 deadline)


—COVID recovered in 3 days at age 70 (no NO exemption at work…I asked)

—lost my laptop with JMP on it, not gonna buy it, too busy anyway, maybe later

—James Bond look alike (but I don’t flout either that or my education unless absolutely necessary).

—Learned what I really needed to know about American history from Canadian Matthew Ehret. Do you know him?

Best regards

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Here is an example of stunted embryonic development


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Jessica, could you provide us with some guidance on the use of the term, bioweapon? Who do you compare notes with on this topic?

Quote: "Let me be clear here: These COVID-19 injectable products are perfect bioweapons - either by design or accident. Who cares which. The outcome is the same."

I expect there will be ambiguity in the use of the term because this is not a simple equation. That we have come this far with covid mania can largely attributed to redefinitions that gut words of their useful meaning and then inject into the empty shell some thing quiet contrary to the significance of the common and longstanding meaning. This may happen, or has happened, to bioweapon.

Thank you, again, Jessica for your engagement with our society on these horrors. Many look to you because of your clarity and transparency.

See discussion in your comment section. It may have teetered a bit, yet the common need is for a substantive set of criteria, standard, and such for the definition and feeder definitions that inform the use of the term scientificall, philosophically, and perhaps in law.


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I LOVE your writing style :))

‘ Huh cells are ‘immortal’ liver tumor cells and grow ad-infinitum if you give them love.’


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Thanks always for all you do❣️

I have 2 questions?

1. Does Novavax include the full spike protein?

2. Does it go into cells?

3. Would it have all of the terrible effects of other COVID vaccines, or would there be fewer, like not having reverse transcription into DNA, for example.

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