They're now letting Doctors in Canada take a Hypocritical Oath...

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MAiD has a commercial brand - it is called "Soilent Green" thus the name "The Green Agenda".

Don't let granny go to waste :P!

Save granny... for later :P?

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Thanks for your comment. My first thoughts are trending to Soylent Green. I've never forgotten that movie. And now we are witnessing corporations glorifying assisted death as if it was a noble virtue. The Quebec based business La Maison Simons recently featured an add celebrating the beauty in choosing to die. I have seen it and quite frankly I am shocked by the whole thing.

As a layman who is just beginning to delve into MAID and it all entails I am very concerned. It appears that unlike most other countries in the world, Canada is leading the charge into this uncharted territory with very few checks and balances.

Other nations have sounded the alarm bells about our seemingly lax regulations about the definition and acceptable definition of MAID. This is, without a doubt, a very slippery slope indeed.

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Ads celebrating the "beauty in choosing to die" are an affront to the one greatest gift any person will ever have - the God given gift of life itself. And ads have incredibly strong powers of suggestion, not always on a conscious level. Tricking and encouraging people to end their own lives is an act of evil and an affront to God and humanity. What hellscape did our formerly friendly neighbor to the north become in the past couple of years?

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I was thinking Little Shop of Horrors. Can something be “beyond dystopian?” Seems proof positive the great reset has already occurred. Shameful af, and Trudeau...no words. Why aren’t the good and moral people of Canada in the streets over the driving of fellow citizens to their demise?!?

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I was just talking with my husband last night about how it appears that Canada is being used as the ‘testing ground” for all of these insane practices we have seen over the past 3 years. We are a huge country, a small population, and we’re covered in snow and ice for 5-6 months of the year….perfect. Plus, waaaaay too many people think that if the CBC says so, it must be so.

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You and your husband are correct. We do not question authority enough. As mentioned elsewhere, somewhere deep in our National Soul we still think of ourselves as "subjects." Rather than citizens, with rights and privileges.

Also mentioned elsewhere, a friend's mother took that route because of a kidney condition she had been told would become progressively worse. By a specialist. There would be pain and decline. He said, although her life was full and rich by any outward standard, at least from my view.... Her daughter's social media posts about her mother's heroic decision to go out on her own terms were followed by lengthy streams of approval. They know not what they do.

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I want to throw up. Lengthy streams of approval? Make it easier for the family...no need to have to 'deal with' mom anymore. Imagine, if when we were teenagers driving our parents crazy with worry and concern, they had the 'government approved' way to deal with it...

What has happened to us? Actually, I have my theories, but this is not the place to open that can of worms. I try my best to live my life with peace and love and ignore the insanity around us. We all need to 'hold the line'

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omg my thoughts exactly - just wrote the same thing before seeing your comment. But you added something - the whole "if CBC says it it's true"... yes. YES... that's one of the things I have found hardest to deal with in relating to my fellow Canadians. There is simply no way to shake their trust in CBC. None.

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Jen, yes, it’s like they mist heroin out of their broadcasts…

I used to love listening to a certain cbc interviewer, but once he was outed for his horrific behaviour, my trust in that corporation fell rapidly. He had his listeners under his spell, but now no one can say his name without throwing up in their mouth. Yet, these same people keep on listening to and worshipping the next reporter and/or newscaster. I’m grateful to have learned to not put my hand back on the hot stove.

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it's really not a laughing matter but I couldn't help actually laughing at "it's like they mist heroin out of their broadcasts." SO well said!! yeah, you would think that's it...

one of the most psychologically upsetting things to me in all this has been that before Covid I was quite honestly someone who also had total trust in mainstream media. But for whatever various reasons the entire Covid plandemic was completely transparent to me from the get go, I knew from day one something was not right. Huge betrayal, to find out how horrible all the MSM are. (And yes I know exactly which person you're referring to, yeah...). But as you say, we have learned, and that's something.

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Thanks for your comments, Jen :)

We moved from Alberta to QC in the early 90’s, and I learned then, that what they broadcast to us, and what was actually happening, was far from reality. The west was being fed, via the msm, that basically Anglos would be tarred and feathered in QC, the PQ would ensure our suffering. Our families were concerned as we were taking their grandchildren to that scary province!

We arrived, we settled in, we didn’t speak a word of French except Bonjour and merci. We loved our new, interesting, cosmopolitan city and province. We explored everywhere! We slowly learned to speak French, and my whole understanding of “what being Canadian is”, grew. I would do it all again, but if I had believed the msm back then, I would have missed out on all that I have experienced here.

Oh yes, the msm has definitely hood-winked me in the past, but not for years. I pay them no heed, and I feel I’m much healthier for it. Mentally and physically :)

Thank you for taking the time to have this discussion, Jen.

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Canada has absolutely gone down the toilet under this Trudeau government in frightening ways. I no longer recognize Canada nor am proud to call it home. It's getting worse by the day.

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More evidence of the plandemonium hypothesis.

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Isn’t in in Canada where they are suggesting unvaccinated people should be referred to mental health for drugs to assist with their ‘anxiety’ against vaccination.

Lo and behold, mental health without physical impairment to be included as a MAiD category.

I’m sure they will be issuing ‘ Approved’ rubber stamps, don’t want the bureaucrats getting repetitive strain injuries completing all those forms.

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The Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario say, "It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption." So the overall message is that vaccinations are necessary and we shouldn't let fear of needles or 'other cases of serious concern' stop us from using medications. Responsible use of medications is of course the main concern of all medical people as we have seen over the past two years.

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"Responsible use of medications is of course the main concern of all medical people as we have seen over the past two years" - LMAO. I hope you forgot the /sarc tag.

They let their patients suffer and die for 2 years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck.

Now with Bill-C36 in BC their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of injections. GOOD. Maybe now they will grow a spine?


Not just for covid but for ANY vaccine they say. The doctors are now pin cushions and I don't feel sorry for them.

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We are in the middle of a mental health crisis with my 12 yr old. I requested my ped to trial us on antibiotics to rule out a PANS/PANDAS diagnosis (which we really believe it is) I was denied & he was prescribed Prozac. Different story but it’s just a continual cycle to show that this system would rather make ppl go away by whatever easiest, most profitable method they feel. I am enraged at this MAID, at the medical systems doling out of psych drugs, gender drugs, & whatever else drugs like candy & can’t even give a kid flipping antibiotics to just try. I am so deeply saddened by this path our country, our people are willingly walking down & the vast majority of them don’t care- they’d rather concern themselves with making sure their hockey team is winning, the perfect gifts are under the tree, the house is decorated like a Pinterest pic & their wearing the newest trends. We are living the utter degradation of humanity .

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Alanna, I don't know if you want to consider taking your child to a naturopathic dr? Don't want to step on toes, but they aim to get to the root of the issue with supplements and food.

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The Nazis of old are looking up from hell thinking, they called us bad people. Pfft

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And the Bolsheviks & Maoists.

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Ah, yea good add!!

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My 97 year old mother, stroke-disabled and demented, has been in LTC for 3 years. She is physically healthy despite lockdown. I used to visit and care for her daily, sometimes twice, right up until March 9 2020. She lit up when I walked in. I used POA to refuse shots for her. Residents have that right but illogically, staff and visitors do not. I am persona non grata there due to my natural immunity so we can only Skype a few times a month when the rec tech sets it up. Mom only started pleading to die since lockdown because she can not have physical visits from me and suffers from severe loneliness. Her dining room mates and a man she liked died during lockdown. She no longer lights up when she sees my face on screen. If she lives long enough, and the stupid cruel visiting rules don't get lifted in time, I think she might get MAiDed without my consent.

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😭 for your poor mum, and for you.

Where is your mother sequestered?

My elderly aunt WAS jabbed in LTC, under strict lockdown in early January 2021. Despite the fact that she'd already had Covid and recovered...

She died of "natural causes" less than a year after Italy locked down these facilities, shortly after she was injected, for her "protection".

Whether she died from loneliness, neglect, lack of loving familial contact, or the jab? Unknown.

It was "inhumane", and "not from Covid" was the only data I was able to extract from her daughter.

My unjabbed eggman hasn't seen his elderly mum since her LTC facility was locked down either.

Canadians were prodded, incessantly, to get jabbed, "to save gramma"... and to "reunite" families.

They're killing them in LTC.


Our diabolical "health authority" Dr. Bonnie Henry, former WHO employee, will finally have "her day" in court next week.

The proceedings will be Livestreamed, as was the Emergencies Act Public Inquiry. Which my jabbed sister, who vacations in Palm Springs and attends Elton John concerts, did not even KNOW about, much less watch.


I hope you're able to successfully advocate for your mother.

This madness must END.

#NoAmnesty 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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As a physician it continues to boggle my mind & trouble my heart that other docs could ever consider killing people as a professional responsibility. Soldiers are trained to kill people & break things, doctors are trained to heal people, to fix them.

I have awakened after being transported to an alternate universe. Lord, please bring me home!

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BUT..... soldiers are ALWAYS going to protect their OWN - and kill or neutralize the ENEMY.

What a terrible thing, that WE have become "the enemy" of our own governments.

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Interesting point, but then again it isn’t OUR government, is it? So we shouldn’t be surprised. Money & power corrupt people so easily, it is most expedient to buy power than earn it through leadership of ideas. For decades we heard of the military-industrial complex. Then “intelligence” is added in. Then we see an apparent second alliance between Pharma & .gov. Today even FURTHER along we see how the MIC is central again, that Pharma is part of that Leviathan.

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You are right. It is NOT our government, anymore. Certainly not mine. Apparently not yours, either, any longer. I think what we see today makes the Military-Industrial complex, of old, look like child's play. Pharma runs the government now. In conjunction with a few 'elite' players. You speak truth - wish Scotty could "beam me up".

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It is more that "Our" governments now serve Foreign Masters. "Our" governments and their Masters are Our Enemy. It is, in all respects, outright Treason against the Peoples of each Nation.

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..... " alternate universe ", indeed, doc.

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Which alternate universe is he transported too?

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No problem! Come to Canada. You getting home can be arranged easily.

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This is awfully sad. The story of the paralympic medalist who was offered suicide in lieu of a wheelchair ramp is probably the perfect fable to accompany this turn in Canadian history. It's utterly absurd, in the darkest sense.

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Utterly disgraceful, hang your head in shame Canada

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The genocide agenda is on full display.

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This is unconscionable.

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Makes for fewer folks on the CPP payroll, but that’d just be crazy talk.

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It's Godless communism and marxism - they are repeating the worst patterns of history. The idiot "leading" Canada is a Godless murderer. Canada is on a highway to hell unless every citizen stands up, speaks out and says No! Canadian Chris Sky has been 100% correct about all the deadly lies in Canada.

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He's a firebrand. 🔥

Unfortunately, if you dig deeper, you'll discover some pretty unsavory stuff about Chris.

I did.

I still listen to his rants though.

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OK. Good to know. I check his Telegram channel every now anf then. Thanks.

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There's a YouTube channel dedicated almost entirely to Chris rants.


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Thank you. ☺️👍🙏

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