Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

"Insincere bastards" is the correct characterisation. Redacting inspires, don't you just love transparency, indeed! Cheers from Estonia!

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I won't be as eloquent as some in the comment section. Their redaction covers the fact that they knew about the 'contamination' because they put it in there on purpose. They knew that it would be a problem not only short term but long term. Everything they've said about these jabs has been a lie and they knew it from the very beginning. The entire world would be better off if big pharma disappeared from the face of the earth. None of what they produce is good for your body in the long term. Justice will prevail, maybe and probably not on this earthly plane, but it will prevail.

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This really is sickening.

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Redacting serves a particular purpose: the undisclosed text/information must not be available to the readership of the document. In this case, the prospective readers of the document are highly trained and well informed professionals in medicine. Optimistically: those whose knowledge and expertise are comparable to or better than those of the authors of the document.

Which means that this document is proof of the next-level medicine which is intended to be outside of the reach of practising professionals.

First they deny knowledge. The next obvious step is to eliminate those who have understanding and capacity to share this knowledge and its implications with the rest of the world. This process has already started. The initial stage is about cancelling licensing to practice and/or arming the direct environment of the person against them. Supplemented by a parallel process of preventing natural medicine and body care.

Paradoxically, living in deep Africa or SE Asian jungle may be the safest way to survive the 21st century. The so called civilized countries are becoming a huge no-go zone. When will the people of North America and Europe be encouraged to migrate? (because of climate, pollution and unbeatable pandemics, obviously) My bet is: 2035-2040.

With one operation, one alleged pathogen, one alleged disease, the whole world may be reshuffled to great reset the current desire of normal citizens for safety and stability. Amazing performance.

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I moved to Borneo 20 years ago, as could see the way the UK was in decline. Still ended up with heart issues after Sinovac was forced on us to go shopping...

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You need to read ALL of Katherine Watts Substacks on the legislation/laws passed. Pfizer, Moderna did NOT manufacture anything. The DoD was in charge and they placed 100s of orders with 100s of DoD contractors for the injectable product. They used the same legislation that allows them to buy weapons. The entire program is and was legal. There's no one that can be sued.

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I'm pretty sure fraud negates immunity.

What about injecting a bioweapon into a civilian population?

I've been wanting to dig into Katherine Watts findings for a long time.

It seems to get more urgent every day, if not hour

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You do need to. No one can be sued. Everything was legal as a result of laws passed over the last 20 years and Executive Orders during Biden's Administration.

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Guidelines for Administration of Medicines by Intramuscular ...

When the needle has been inserted pull back the plunger slightly to ensure that no blood comes back into the syringe. Do not continue if blood is seen in the ...

Ask a GP and he will confirm, but WHO said not to suck-back, why???

According Dr John Campbell (YT channel) your change for wrong administration is 1/1000 take 3 jabs and you have 0.3%.

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When I hit the like button on the article I got via my email this morning I received the "Page Not Found" message. I got to this by using Duck Duck Go to get to your substack page then opened the article. There seems to be a lot of fuckery going on lately to undermine content creators. (like redacting whole articles).

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I'm getting cautionary warnings on some Substack items including Dr. Rose's. Started sporadically and is still, but a little more frequently. This is with uBlock Original add-on to Firefox. I also use Duck Duck Go.

Also this posting appeared 3 times consecutively in my gmail. I only checked the beginning of each, but they appeared the same

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My paranoia say the powers that be are trying out new censorship things ahead of the elections season. That, or everything is breaking down: The glitch in the machine

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Swabbie Robbie -

I edited my reply just after you replied

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Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, GUILTY!

The "public health agencies" of the Formerly Free World have committed crimes against Humanity.

So have the Governments.

However, those who set this situation up planned well, created the rules, acts, agreements, policies & plans that made this vast octopus of criminality possible, those who planned this event, set it in motion, fed the wrong information to millions, nay billions, & who threatened or killed or removed or canceled or discredited or deplatformed anyone who objected, or healed patients, or told the truth, that WHO is who WE NEED TO GET OUR HANDS ON now, in order to stop the next full scale attack on the human species!

Someone, something, out there doesn't like humans. That appears to be an obvious and indisputable fact, to me.

It may just be a Cadre of Sociopaths, like the "Council of 300," or "the Elders of Zion," or "the Illuminati," or the "Bilderburg Group," or, or, or, but what if, maybe, it's not really "from" here? Or actually 'human,' at all?

Maybe this is how planets are taken over? Artificial viruses, diseases & lethal treatments? Lockdowns, bankruptcies, & despair for the population? Fear, fear, fear & chemically & genetically weakened immune systems & then the next "hit?!"

What if it's not really people breaking our world with wars, mass migrations & economic destruction?

What if it's more Biblical, "Demonic?" Hmm. Arhiman? That's another possibility.

Let's list them ok?

Human Ignorance & greed? Nope, imho. Too much planning, too much orchestration, globally, too much intentional harm & needless death.

Human sociopathy & desire to enslave & kill those they cannot control?

Seems a viable possibility with 100 years of planning behind it. So one reasonably possible set of "perps."

Or, what about the possibility of something from "off planet" working through human beings, with or without them knowing they are controlled? There is lots & lots of evidence for "UFOs, UAPs & NHI;" witness the latest on "Disclosure" and all the researchers & evidence to date.

Well, stranger things have been imagined.

It's a big universe out there & this is a pretty sweet Earth.

Maybe? Just perhaps?

But it seems the legal framework has been developed over quite some time, to help the guilty ones get away with their nefarious activities...& to me that implies human planning with decades and decades of inputs, manipulations & true conspiracies.

Read Katherine Watts & Sasha Latypova. That huge body of evidence implies a long term plan!

But, then

there are those who think WW2 was a war between alien races fought out by humans, & with all the esoteric strangeness of Hitler's crew, their channeling off planet consciousnesses, well, I guess it could be conceivable.

When kings & royals do ritual mass human sacrifices like in the Americas, or like any real war, imho, who really thought that insanity up, anyway? With the some it was directly & openly for "their gods!" Hmmm.

Then there is the Biblical Antichrist type explanation. That belief system, and Rupldolph Steiner's, or the Cathars, or the Gnostics, would cover all this intentional destruction too.

I myself see only three possibilities-

Sociopaths working together through the entire last 50- 100+ years, (developing the legal, financial, academic, governmental & medical frameworks) to enslave us all, (yet this plan would have always been somewhat dependent on technology only recently developed,) or,

off planet Interference by something, someone, that doesn't like humans much, & once you look at the human race through that lense a lot of possibilities pop up,

Frank Biblical demons & the Antichrist show up as possible principle or motivating entities too..


I think I'd prefer the Sociopaths. At least then we would know what we are dealing with.

Let's find them first, ok?. No matter who or what is ultimately behind this Covid Coup on Human Freedom, the Sociopaths, useful idiots, the psy-oped, & those immobilized by fear, have done all the heavy lifting & these we can manage if we try.

For the other two possibilities we would need the US Military, other nations' militaries, the world's scientists, our best Christians & other Spiritual Wisdom Keepers & maybe some Evolutionary Biologists to consider how to manage this attack.

One thought to hold on to though- if "negative 'ET' or 'NHI' exist, and are impacting our human world, then "positive others" must exist as well. Maybe it would behoove us to meditate & pray & work very hard to align our higher selves with the Divine Forces in our Universe & any possible "friends" in the "neighborhood" ?!

Maybe our smartest & most effective way to deal with the threat we could be facing is to refine our frequencies, raise our vibrations, increase our polarity positively, connect to God, and the eternal truths, such as those described by Buddha, Ramana, Jesus, White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman, & all the higher spiritual teachers of our World, in order to bring Divine Assistance to us, now?

I personally have come to this conclusion.

As well as seeing the necessity of working in the day to day world too.

It seems to me we need both & to recruit individuals of high intelligence & high morals to the spheres of public service, medicine, law, media & academics. I think maybe morals matter a lot more on Earth than we have been led to believe...

For too long we have allowed 'Swamp Lords,' the utterly selfish, & the 'Wolves of Wall Street' and worse, to run our Earth. That is on us, & if we cannot recruit high caliber people into Government, Science, Medicine & the Military, we appear to be done.

"To educate a man in his mind but not his morals is to create a monster for Society." That is a powerful truth & one we can see the results of having neglected for quite some time in the "modern" world I think.

Time we learned this simple fact, at least, in our sojourns around the sun....and also realized as well that Shakespeare was probably right when he wrote, "there are stranger things in Heaven & in Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies," & ditto St. Paul on " a war with powers & principalities."

The Full Armor of God is what we must put on now, as we work together to alter our course into the future.

And to assist everyone working for a Free Planet Earth & a Constitutionally bound & supported United States of America with Liberty & Justice for ALL, not just for a few billionaires & their henchmen, which "public health" appears to be today,


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These are mRNA transfections that are deadly even in their purest forms. Chasing contamination as if those are contributors to a deadly process of producing foreign proteins every immune system will destroy is a distraction from the basic problem known since Jesse Gelsinger case in 1999 where even the missing protein w fatal genetic effects was rejected as non-self & killed him.


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Imagine a drug cartel kingpin was on trial and the defense submitted fully redacted documents as evidence claiming he was innocent with the evidence proving it🤔

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Yep. Judy Mikovits has been saying this for about four years now. Look into the book Dr. Mary's Monkeys.

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Imbecilic statements are no longer a cover for nefarious actions

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You sound suprised.😐

#thisisnotadrill #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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SV40 "Surfing Variant" 40 Congratulations to Canada's Wildcard Phenom Erin Brooks, Fiji Pro Champion. Only a Surfer knows the feeling yes Dr Rose? Or even will understand this comment...

I know you'll smile Dr Jessica, a Win for Canada to Celebrate, like Dr Trozzi's Wins of the week.. 😁 💯

Sending Aloha, Love and Hugs from the Islands & the Birthplace of the sport. Today August 24th is the Dukes & my Daughters bday and another Win for Canada. My daughter would have been 30 today, passed in 2016 not from a Vax but by living life to the Fullest with "No 🐵 Fear"...

MonkeyPox is spread by the 1% Globalist having unprotected sex with Gorillas, Apes & Chimpanzees called "Momkeyophilia" 🦍🐵🦧

Much Mahalo for all you do Dr Rose...💞💯 kyle

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“What they did is, they said, ‘We’re going to inject into the arms of billions of people the instructions to turn each individual into a bioweapons factory’ … Every single person that took the shot became the manufacturer of a synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model.

There are TWO elements to this Bio Weapon because the "Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented" has nothing to do with the "injected trillions of LNP viral vectors (or Carbon Oxide particles), does it"?

1) Biological Weapons: “The difference between this and everything that’s been done before is really simple.

Not natural mRNA - but ModRNA DNA synthetic, created in a laboratory and patented: there are two distinctions that are absolutely unique to the covid pandemic.

A) We are actually creating the mechanism to instruct the body to manufacture a toxin …

B) The response is actually a ‘hopeful’ response that failed to consider two very critical things: the lipid nanoparticle in which the shot is delivered actually is also a toxin … and then the worst part about it is that we introduced a thing called pseudouridine.”

Pseudouridine was published in 2018 to be a pro-cancer agent. What this means is that “it shuts down the body’s response to how we recognise tumours and suppress tumours,” Dr. Martin explained. Pseudouridine has been included in mRNA injections to stabilise the mRNA so it stays in the human body longer to achieve its effect, he said = MS40?

Dr. Masanori Fukushima, pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Dr. Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

2) Weapons of Mass Destruction: Secondly there is the US Army Weapon which they are not telling anyone about, because it is a MILITARY SECRET. You don't want your enemy to know you can kill them with a 5G transmission, do you?

Dr Noack: They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide. I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom. This is on a nanoscale.

I’ll cut this up a bit here. If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH). In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalised (fully mobile). The piece is 50nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make brake pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable.

These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable. The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.

It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. This is basically Russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth. like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.

If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel. The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything. These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.

This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. I am a specilist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphen oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company in Durham, near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products”, Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.

If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in Petri dishes. They can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death on the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do.

As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxocologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this. And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in the Russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe.

The question you have to ask politicians and the question doctors should ask Pfizer, is: Why are these razor blades in the vaccine?

Now they want to force vaccinate children from the age of 6 months.

Due to a lack of good manufacturing process checks, there maybe a variable amount of intact messenger RNA in each LNP , “… but even if we agree to only 1 (modRNA strand), and that each one produces 1000 spike protein (due to the persistence of N1-methyl pseudouridine), we are talking your body having to deal with a minimum 30 trillion pathogenic spike proteins2 in a few months time”

The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. At first I thought you were using long scale (10^12=1 billion); however, that would not fit with the AZ numbers. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83404023 )

A nanoparticle is a small particle that ranges between one to 100 nanometres in size, which is undetectable by the human eye and even smaller than the wavelengths of visible light which are between 400 and 700 nanometres. A special electron microscope or microscope with lasers is needed to observe them. Studies involving nanoparticles are branches of nanotechnology that is famously relied upon by the fictional Marvel character Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. NewsTarget

For a long time asbestos was used for filtration of vaccines. Today, I believe graphene oxide might be used for the same purpose, as “legal” asbestos. All cancers went up by 20%, but specifically soft tissue cancers, skyrocketed: breast (+200K cases/year), prostate (+200K cases/year), skin and lung cancers (+500K cases/year).

With mRNA injections we have seen an enormous rise in cancers, among numerous other deadly conditions, some immediate, some more long term.

Truly, when the government investigates itself and finds itself guilty, it rewards itself with greater budgets to commit same crimes under different labels.

The whole article you can find on my free substack: Updated Timeline 17.8.2024 for the evolution of Covid-19 virus from 1966 and its ultimate extermination process of humanity, down to around 250 million from 8.5 billion by 2025/26? - if you are brave enough to read it.

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These are chemical weapons, not biological weapons.

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Most glass is about 96% transparent.

Knocking out the windows of Health Canada would only yield a 4% increase in physical light transmission, but likely an exponential increase in documentary transparency.

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