Thank-you for sharing. Many things struck me as peculiar in February and March of 2020 and continuing. I did my best to research and question what I did not understand. My game plan is different from some family, friends and co-workers. As I researched, I found that we live in a world where big pharma, big tech, research and university funding, and government bureaucracy play a part in developing the medical professional. I am also aware of how the World Health Organization is try to capture medicine with their international health regulations and pandemic preparedness plan. I am for patient focused care.

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I have successfully used ivermectin &HCQ MULTIPLE TIMES over the last 3 years and each time my wife and I overcame Covid (according to the PCR test) within 3-5 days.

We are unvaccinated and will remain as such forever!

Use is proof in my book

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Me too! And a crime on big pharma as they quadrupled the cost of HCQ after covid by changing it from a trier 1 drug to a tier 3. I have been taking it quite effectively for RA years before covid

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Dr. Bridle is a true expert and was very kind to Dr. Strauss, whose arguments could not stand up to Byram’s. I’m encouraged by this debate. Glad it happened and very grateful to Dr. Strauss for having the courage to show up. I hope he rethinks his position on things.

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“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” “Event 201”, “Agenda 21” and even “Agenda 2030” they all have come to fruition. All of them. They are not scenarios at all. They are plans for the World’s future. Klaus goes on to say:”

We are living an Orwellian reality. This t-shirt is perfect for these times: https://shorturl.at/cguH5

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Thanks Jessica. I paid for the live video yesterday (for the live event but expected a recording that wasn’t available). Looking forward to watching it as a debate on this subject is as rare as hens teeth

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I source mine from India


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That was amazing. Two honest and open individuals willing to take the hard questions. That they both are re-thinking their previous views (or at least taking less on “faith”) regarding all vaccines is encouraging. The secrets of big pharma fraud are getting out in the mainstream consciousness.

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Thank you❣

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Afraid I don't have 2 hours 20 minutes. Did it need to be that long?

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its good for only for those new to the narrative

best summations by

Dr. Byram Bridle starts at 32 min

bits and pieces,

108 studies natural immunity superior

279 papers masks 1:15

then q and a

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Right. Thank you.

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