Thank-you for sharing. Many things struck me as peculiar in February and March of 2020 and continuing. I did my best to research and question what I did not understand. My game plan is different from some family, friends and co-workers. As I researched, I found that we live in a world where big pharma, big tech, research and university funding, and government bureaucracy play a part in developing the medical professional. I am also aware of how the World Health Organization is try to capture medicine with their international health regulations and pandemic preparedness plan. I am for patient focused care.
I have successfully used ivermectin &HCQ MULTIPLE TIMES over the last 3 years and each time my wife and I overcame Covid (according to the PCR test) within 3-5 days.
We are unvaccinated and will remain as such forever!
Thank-you for sharing. Many things struck me as peculiar in February and March of 2020 and continuing. I did my best to research and question what I did not understand. My game plan is different from some family, friends and co-workers. As I researched, I found that we live in a world where big pharma, big tech, research and university funding, and government bureaucracy play a part in developing the medical professional. I am also aware of how the World Health Organization is try to capture medicine with their international health regulations and pandemic preparedness plan. I am for patient focused care.
I have successfully used ivermectin &HCQ MULTIPLE TIMES over the last 3 years and each time my wife and I overcame Covid (according to the PCR test) within 3-5 days.
We are unvaccinated and will remain as such forever!
Use is proof in my book