The 'Spartacus Letter' from a year ago he wasn't wrong. I'm watching an update video covering his end-comments and it clearly shows how all the 'plays' are all linked together. Disturbing. My take on it all is that the common thread/drive throughout history is/has been man's overriding desire to enslave others. The whole WEF/DARPA/NIH/Banks et al gambit is just that. That's the end game. It's as obvious to me as evolution was to Darwin. It's prozac for psychopaths. Give the masses cheap booze, football, soap operas, video games, 'royalty', and to live in a state of fearful anxiety you have then got them corralled in mass formations. If you can channel all that with the aid of insidious biogenic's (...mRNA vaccines) you can rid yourself of those that are considered non-productive, and the world is then YOUR playground. Historically, there was a need for a 'society'. A society was/is 'your' marshalled reserve up against some other pushy society. However, if you can collectively neutralise the craven needs of the 'others' society there is no need of masses of drones/pawns gobbling up precious resources. The eugenics of this plan is obvious
Why "because soon, we might not be able to re-post even something as simple as a schematic from a website or a published journal article." ? Sorry, under a rock ...
The spike protein is pathogenic on multiple levels:
1) the furin cleavage site leading to intravascular clotting --> DVTs, MI, stroke
2) expression of spike protein on human cells leading to autoimmune disease
3) prion-like properties leading to neurodegenerative diseases
4) epigenetic effects as you discussed
While some of these adverse effects occur quickly and are easy to see temporally, the mantra "association does not imply causality" has been effective in convincing the average person that the mRNA-based vaccines are "safe", I would ask where the RCTs are to support this wishful thinking.
I have felt from the beginning that concerns about the epigenetic effects of mRNA-based vaccines were known. There is a reason why the FDA only wanted 2 months of safety data for the COVID vaccines, a data gap that has never been pursued. Why look into an issue where you do not want to know the results (especially when the results are likely to be very bad)? Call it willful ignorance, incompetence, or fraud, but it shows an effort by the regulatory agencies at all levels and in all states to go along with the "approved narrative" no matter how bad it might be.
Regarding the retraction, I believe the authors were "told " that all future governmental-funding to them would be blocked if they didn't retract their article. The power of money is something to behold, and NIH holds the patent for production of the "stabilized" spike protein that is given with each injection of the mRNA-based COVID vaccines.
"Calling Covid shots “vaccines” is a hypnotic induction, a PsyOps. It conjures up a lifetime of deep mental associations, emotions, tightly and widely held belief systems about their claimed role in saving humanity from diseases. This works.
“Vaccine” is deceptive, seductive, pervasive and persuasive. It brings tons of baggage and familiarity to easily incite hostility towards “anti-vaxxers” and makes the “vaccine hesitant” seem pathetic and stupid."
Less than 2 years since introduction of mRNA-based "vaccines", a large percentage of the general public are already not taking the "boosters". "Buyers' remorse" is increasing day-by-day, and the public has lost faith in the health agencies (both federal and state).
The "mRNA card" was played too soon, and it is leading to too many death too quickly. The unquestioned and imaginary faith in vaccines (especially mRNA-based ones) has been ruined forever, even for ones that have a very good efficacy and safety record.
"Loss of innocence" (in believing that all vaccines are good and public health agencies on all levels are committed to protecting human health) is an appropriate metaphor. We have entered a new age.
I don't understand why folks who are injected are mad at those who are not. They should rejoice. Why? Because we who skipped the injections are history. Covid 19 will just exterminate us. If your injected rejoicing that lots of idiots will cease to exist, wonderful.
Perhaps they are angry because after taking the injection at a deep biological level they realize they have been duped.
First, they want the unvaccinated in the same boat as they find themselves. They are anger and transfer that anger towards those who did not fall for the lies of Pfizer, NEJM, FDA, and CDC.
Second, the "pandemic of the unvaccinated", although completely false, created anger towards the unvaccinated because the unvaccinated were not doing "everything" to end COVID/prevent spread. This is a typical tactic (vilify those who do not follow what they are told to do) of communist regimes.
The vilification doesn't make sense at that time. Why? because the gene therapy injectables were marketed as complete solutions to the covid epidemic. Those in government and pharma knew the truth. This gene therapy was pure fraud. So muddy the waters to sew discord.
I started going through the microRNA's expressed by BNT162b2. I wish I hadn't. They play it down in the paper somewhat, understandably.
In short, microRNA-21 downregulates a whole family of...tumor suppressors. Add these to the list, “if you don't like any of these I have others” or something like that.
What I am wanting to know for myself/family (as we did not take the death jab) does the bio-weapon released [referred to as SARS-COV-2] affect us the same way as those that took the death jab? Maybe to a lesser degree? It is difficult navigating the webs with so much disinformation being put out.
Will my family eventually experience tumors, cancers, auto-immune disease etc from the bioweapon?
I can say there is a big difference in entry to the body. SarsCov2 must enter via the nose or mouth/throat. Those entry points in healthy people are guarded vigilantly by our immune system. That gives the immune system time to understand the invader, and ramp up the ability to address the issues expressed by the invader.
I much prefer from the wild. So I skipped the injection. Please note, our Immune response to SarsCov2 is not studied and reported on by HSS or the media. That is part of the reason you can't find solid info to answer your questions.
I have that question also; I like to think that our very much smaller dosing via natural infection, successfully fought off, will save us. But I can't find anybody who is actually looking at us as a group for qualitative and quantitative differences. We know there is a dose effect for how fast the V is killing some recipients. Should we avoid the Ved, as some are asymptomatic shedders? Should we be well masked in crowded spacesv in N-95s to prevent inhalation?
The unknowns probably make it important to follow the “detox” protocols you can find on (And other sites) They’re all good for your basic immune functioning. Jabbed or not, it’s probably a good idea to do everything possible to strengthen your immune system. Who knows what they’ll throw at us next. I believe the jab is worse because you get such a high dose of spike and unnatural lipid nanoparticles. When you get the disease do all you can via protocols to limit viral replication to limit the damage.
I'm the same as I've had Omicron so I'm on therapeutics ever since, but it's important to understand that yes the virus can trigger these things in a few cases but the pathology is completely different. We have lower viral loads and spike protein loads due to mucosal antibodies and cross reactive immunity, the second infection is at a lower viral load still, usually,.
The vax spike protein is at many times the serum & lympathic concentration, it includes toxic LNPs, the mRNA is methylpseudouridinated to hide from our immune system, it reuses the same epitopes again and again (autoimmunity). It's an overload of systemic toxic shite in comparison, it keeps hammering the same fkin T cells and tumor suppressors. Again and again and again, with 1-2% of batches being particularly deadly if you hit the jackpot!
I get the jab spike protein is much worse especially with the additives, but I cannot help but keep thinking that if the jab is supposedly a piece of the SARS-COV2 then it seems possible that the biolab leaked version can do some of the things the jab is doing to people.
This last go around with the sars/covid dance it hit much harder than the first time our household got it. 3 days of fever in the middle of 4 weeks of feeling like crap. I still feel pressure on my chest. This just has me thinking there is something more to this... you know what I mean?
Most of the focus of the "censored-medical-community" appears to be solely on the jab side effects.
A jabbed person gave me Omicron BA.2, never underestimate the variants that this insanity is pushing the virus to evolve to, it's like Marek's except the jabbed are worse off. I've got berberine, quercetin, resveratrol, Artemisia annua & milk thistle, NAC, zinc, D, hemp tea, Jiaogulan on hand.
I was able to order 2k pills - 12mg tablets from india for about $500. Made it through customs but took a little over 2 months. I'm in Texas.
The thing is, I was on a cocktail of goodies too when I fell ill. Ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, d3/k2 combo, NAC, magnesium... I know I'm missing something. Now in all fairness, wife has asthma which makes her a wee bit more susceptible to getting respiratory illness & she had just visited her father who had his 4th shot recently at the time. (Shedding?)
So this recent experience, the 3rd time, while taking all the "prophylactics", was the worse yet. Had other issues that I deal with from time to time in life (eczema, Rhinophyma) and these things flared up the worst I've ever had them and both at once! Which is a first. Those other issues have never popped up together and have never happened with flu or colds or anything else that has weakened my immune system.
[never underestimate the variants that this insanity is pushing the virus to evolve to] yeah, well we might have to move further out into the country if the variants are getting worse...
I love this even if it is over my head. My question is now that you know what you know, how do we protect ourselves? No shots is simple. What do we take to improve our immunity?
COVID mRNA vaccines were a "proof of concept" to get a large portion of society accustomed to gene therapy...the real goal is CRISPR, or in vivo gene editing.
I just won't trust gene therapies or vaccines. But if you were to get them then as you say, the need to prove efficacy beyond a shadow of a doubt is necessary. It would be even more convincing if the manufactures were liable for the vaccines or gene therapies.
I trust nature. 3.5 billion years designing immune systems. I am staying with that.
The lack of safety beyond 2 months, based on FDA requirements, shows that neither the pharmaceutical industry (granted complete immunity for their product) nor regulatory agencies (with immense conflicts of interest) care about safety. The COVID vaccines are showing how dangerous this new and unproven technology is. I have reached a point where I will not use any product from Pfizer -- they are simply too corrupt since their merger with Pharmacia.
As more and more of your and others' research get published (or almost and then retracted) my conspiracy brain, after about a 1/2 gallon of coffee, wonders how much was originally known and just how many of the elites, political and financial, actually got these wonders of modern science, covid vaccines. Your research and that you referenced certainly explains lots of adverse events and sadly suggests some thinning of the herd is going to continue.
No prominent political figures got real shots on camera. They learned not to do that with that TN nurse that fell out on camera. They would never risk that happening to a Biden or Trudeau.
Jessica you forgot to leave an affiliate hyperlink for 2m "Takayama noseriders". Kidding, just kidding. I joke. This was post is extremely informative. The histones tails and DNA structures remind me of Indian henna patterns the ladies draw during weddings. I'll be on the look out for chromatin structural components on palms. Maybe the henna rituals were to do with showcasing good health and an understanding of biology?
>>> statements regarding the effect of the spike protein on the adaptive immunity are misleading as in this article no experiments related to the adaptive immunity were performed,
Actually we already have signals that spike protein degrades T-cells, meanwhile it seems like the whole topic about histone modification bumps into the informational nature of the DNA as a whole.
It's like we are looking at the design of some specific micro-chip, and can't comprehend the data it's processing.
My s-i-l had 3 jabs required by work and after 3rd/1st booster has chronic hives. Prednisone and antihistamines aren't working so now after 6 months the Drnis recommends Xolair which is a monoclonal humanized mouse gene for 40k per injection. So the C19 jab scrambles the DNA and alters the immune system so "they" can keep editing (and profiting) with expensive CRISPR technologies, er I mean breakthrough medicines. I hope she'll try functional medicine. Cancers are also being treated with monoclonal mouse antibodies (all the -mabs), so all the serious side effects from the mRNA jabs, to recoup all the R&D? Almost every drug ad is a CRISPR/genetic monoclonal antibody for reprogramming the immune system: eczema, all cancers, psoriasis, asthma, and diabetes soon to come
This is not about profits. Its much more sinister than "making money". Whats the estimates? Something like 70% worlds population took the death jabs? tiny (remove space)
Don't you find it strange that the very people that have been screaming about the need to reduce the population were the ones frontlining, pushing the death jab? Spokesperson/people if you will...
Now we no longer (by our govt decision making) have cheap energy [necessary for supply chains but most importantly our food production] & the food supplies are being purposefully destroyed? All this right after the bioweapons release. We are being culled...
Natural infection is supposed to immunize us, but some still get Omicron, the "natural vaccine"; how is the exposure to the spike during natural infection different from transfection via injection- aside from the obvious billions more spikes resulting? Aren't some essential damages done to the naturally infected, just on a very much smaller scale?
Natural infection is supposed to immunize us, but some still get Omicron, the "natural vaccine"...
I am not an expert, but health is important. Health that is not compromised by things like diabetes and the lifestyle that generates that and other diseases. The there is where folks live and how polluted the air water and food are. We need to know the health status of those who's immune systems still fail to protect them and their environment. To date that info is not available.
We, (meaning brilliant people like Jessica and others), are playing catch-up with all the bad things that these jabs are doing to people. Those responsible for creating this awful gene therapy drug obviously knew what they were doing. There isn't ANYTHING redeemable about this jab. Zero, Zilch, Nada. Again, the people that developed this are extremely wicked and the jab is doing exactly what it was designed to do.
Brilliant. Thank you.
The 'Spartacus Letter' from a year ago he wasn't wrong. I'm watching an update video covering his end-comments and it clearly shows how all the 'plays' are all linked together. Disturbing. My take on it all is that the common thread/drive throughout history is/has been man's overriding desire to enslave others. The whole WEF/DARPA/NIH/Banks et al gambit is just that. That's the end game. It's as obvious to me as evolution was to Darwin. It's prozac for psychopaths. Give the masses cheap booze, football, soap operas, video games, 'royalty', and to live in a state of fearful anxiety you have then got them corralled in mass formations. If you can channel all that with the aid of insidious biogenic's (...mRNA vaccines) you can rid yourself of those that are considered non-productive, and the world is then YOUR playground. Historically, there was a need for a 'society'. A society was/is 'your' marshalled reserve up against some other pushy society. However, if you can collectively neutralise the craven needs of the 'others' society there is no need of masses of drones/pawns gobbling up precious resources. The eugenics of this plan is obvious
Why "because soon, we might not be able to re-post even something as simple as a schematic from a website or a published journal article." ? Sorry, under a rock ...
I think she is referencing the level of [censorship] we are presently experiencing.
I agree. But censorship is being enhanced.
The spike protein is pathogenic on multiple levels:
1) the furin cleavage site leading to intravascular clotting --> DVTs, MI, stroke
2) expression of spike protein on human cells leading to autoimmune disease
3) prion-like properties leading to neurodegenerative diseases
4) epigenetic effects as you discussed
While some of these adverse effects occur quickly and are easy to see temporally, the mantra "association does not imply causality" has been effective in convincing the average person that the mRNA-based vaccines are "safe", I would ask where the RCTs are to support this wishful thinking.
I have felt from the beginning that concerns about the epigenetic effects of mRNA-based vaccines were known. There is a reason why the FDA only wanted 2 months of safety data for the COVID vaccines, a data gap that has never been pursued. Why look into an issue where you do not want to know the results (especially when the results are likely to be very bad)? Call it willful ignorance, incompetence, or fraud, but it shows an effort by the regulatory agencies at all levels and in all states to go along with the "approved narrative" no matter how bad it might be.
Regarding the retraction, I believe the authors were "told " that all future governmental-funding to them would be blocked if they didn't retract their article. The power of money is something to behold, and NIH holds the patent for production of the "stabilized" spike protein that is given with each injection of the mRNA-based COVID vaccines.
"Calling Covid shots “vaccines” is a hypnotic induction, a PsyOps. It conjures up a lifetime of deep mental associations, emotions, tightly and widely held belief systems about their claimed role in saving humanity from diseases. This works.
“Vaccine” is deceptive, seductive, pervasive and persuasive. It brings tons of baggage and familiarity to easily incite hostility towards “anti-vaxxers” and makes the “vaccine hesitant” seem pathetic and stupid."
~ Diane Perlman
Less than 2 years since introduction of mRNA-based "vaccines", a large percentage of the general public are already not taking the "boosters". "Buyers' remorse" is increasing day-by-day, and the public has lost faith in the health agencies (both federal and state).
The "mRNA card" was played too soon, and it is leading to too many death too quickly. The unquestioned and imaginary faith in vaccines (especially mRNA-based ones) has been ruined forever, even for ones that have a very good efficacy and safety record.
"Loss of innocence" (in believing that all vaccines are good and public health agencies on all levels are committed to protecting human health) is an appropriate metaphor. We have entered a new age.
Agreed 👍🏼 💯
valid points S. Nicoletta Rogers,
I don't understand why folks who are injected are mad at those who are not. They should rejoice. Why? Because we who skipped the injections are history. Covid 19 will just exterminate us. If your injected rejoicing that lots of idiots will cease to exist, wonderful.
Perhaps they are angry because after taking the injection at a deep biological level they realize they have been duped.
First, they want the unvaccinated in the same boat as they find themselves. They are anger and transfer that anger towards those who did not fall for the lies of Pfizer, NEJM, FDA, and CDC.
Second, the "pandemic of the unvaccinated", although completely false, created anger towards the unvaccinated because the unvaccinated were not doing "everything" to end COVID/prevent spread. This is a typical tactic (vilify those who do not follow what they are told to do) of communist regimes.
Misery loves company ...
The vilification doesn't make sense at that time. Why? because the gene therapy injectables were marketed as complete solutions to the covid epidemic. Those in government and pharma knew the truth. This gene therapy was pure fraud. So muddy the waters to sew discord.
In short I agree with you.
Thank you Jessica, for your persistent attempts to explain these things to us mere mortals. Much appreciated - please keep it up.
I started going through the microRNA's expressed by BNT162b2. I wish I hadn't. They play it down in the paper somewhat, understandably.
In short, microRNA-21 downregulates a whole family of...tumor suppressors. Add these to the list, “if you don't like any of these I have others” or something like that.
What I am wanting to know for myself/family (as we did not take the death jab) does the bio-weapon released [referred to as SARS-COV-2] affect us the same way as those that took the death jab? Maybe to a lesser degree? It is difficult navigating the webs with so much disinformation being put out.
Will my family eventually experience tumors, cancers, auto-immune disease etc from the bioweapon?
I can't answer your questions.
I can say there is a big difference in entry to the body. SarsCov2 must enter via the nose or mouth/throat. Those entry points in healthy people are guarded vigilantly by our immune system. That gives the immune system time to understand the invader, and ramp up the ability to address the issues expressed by the invader.
I much prefer from the wild. So I skipped the injection. Please note, our Immune response to SarsCov2 is not studied and reported on by HSS or the media. That is part of the reason you can't find solid info to answer your questions.
I have that question also; I like to think that our very much smaller dosing via natural infection, successfully fought off, will save us. But I can't find anybody who is actually looking at us as a group for qualitative and quantitative differences. We know there is a dose effect for how fast the V is killing some recipients. Should we avoid the Ved, as some are asymptomatic shedders? Should we be well masked in crowded spacesv in N-95s to prevent inhalation?
But I can't find anybody who is actually looking at us as a group for qualitative and quantitative differences.
Consider checking these folks out.
thank you for the links
The unknowns probably make it important to follow the “detox” protocols you can find on (And other sites) They’re all good for your basic immune functioning. Jabbed or not, it’s probably a good idea to do everything possible to strengthen your immune system. Who knows what they’ll throw at us next. I believe the jab is worse because you get such a high dose of spike and unnatural lipid nanoparticles. When you get the disease do all you can via protocols to limit viral replication to limit the damage.
I'm the same as I've had Omicron so I'm on therapeutics ever since, but it's important to understand that yes the virus can trigger these things in a few cases but the pathology is completely different. We have lower viral loads and spike protein loads due to mucosal antibodies and cross reactive immunity, the second infection is at a lower viral load still, usually,.
The vax spike protein is at many times the serum & lympathic concentration, it includes toxic LNPs, the mRNA is methylpseudouridinated to hide from our immune system, it reuses the same epitopes again and again (autoimmunity). It's an overload of systemic toxic shite in comparison, it keeps hammering the same fkin T cells and tumor suppressors. Again and again and again, with 1-2% of batches being particularly deadly if you hit the jackpot!
I get the jab spike protein is much worse especially with the additives, but I cannot help but keep thinking that if the jab is supposedly a piece of the SARS-COV2 then it seems possible that the biolab leaked version can do some of the things the jab is doing to people.
This last go around with the sars/covid dance it hit much harder than the first time our household got it. 3 days of fever in the middle of 4 weeks of feeling like crap. I still feel pressure on my chest. This just has me thinking there is something more to this... you know what I mean?
Most of the focus of the "censored-medical-community" appears to be solely on the jab side effects.
Thanks for the response
A jabbed person gave me Omicron BA.2, never underestimate the variants that this insanity is pushing the virus to evolve to, it's like Marek's except the jabbed are worse off. I've got berberine, quercetin, resveratrol, Artemisia annua & milk thistle, NAC, zinc, D, hemp tea, Jiaogulan on hand.
Ivermectin is brilliant if you can get it without costing a bomb.
I was able to order 2k pills - 12mg tablets from india for about $500. Made it through customs but took a little over 2 months. I'm in Texas.
The thing is, I was on a cocktail of goodies too when I fell ill. Ivermectin, quercetin, zinc, d3/k2 combo, NAC, magnesium... I know I'm missing something. Now in all fairness, wife has asthma which makes her a wee bit more susceptible to getting respiratory illness & she had just visited her father who had his 4th shot recently at the time. (Shedding?)
So this recent experience, the 3rd time, while taking all the "prophylactics", was the worse yet. Had other issues that I deal with from time to time in life (eczema, Rhinophyma) and these things flared up the worst I've ever had them and both at once! Which is a first. Those other issues have never popped up together and have never happened with flu or colds or anything else that has weakened my immune system.
[never underestimate the variants that this insanity is pushing the virus to evolve to] yeah, well we might have to move further out into the country if the variants are getting worse...
I woke up this morning and read this first!!!! What a great lesson, Jessica. Well laid out and understandable. Good humor as well, thank you.
You bright, courageous girl:-) Thank you so much for sharing your important work freely. Sincerely x
I love this even if it is over my head. My question is now that you know what you know, how do we protect ourselves? No shots is simple. What do we take to improve our immunity?
They simply believe that the WORST spike protein with be the BEST mRNA drug delivery system platform...
They were WRONG...
...stop ALL mRNA medications until transparent “safe and effective established”
Imagine treating your personal cancer with a custom mRNA anti-your-cancer-drug...
They touted it on TED and know humans will demand this selfishly for themselves...
...not thinking about “breakthrough” airborne INFECTIOUS cancers
COVID mRNA vaccines were a "proof of concept" to get a large portion of society accustomed to gene therapy...the real goal is CRISPR, or in vivo gene editing.
I just won't trust gene therapies or vaccines. But if you were to get them then as you say, the need to prove efficacy beyond a shadow of a doubt is necessary. It would be even more convincing if the manufactures were liable for the vaccines or gene therapies.
I trust nature. 3.5 billion years designing immune systems. I am staying with that.
The lack of safety beyond 2 months, based on FDA requirements, shows that neither the pharmaceutical industry (granted complete immunity for their product) nor regulatory agencies (with immense conflicts of interest) care about safety. The COVID vaccines are showing how dangerous this new and unproven technology is. I have reached a point where I will not use any product from Pfizer -- they are simply too corrupt since their merger with Pharmacia.
As more and more of your and others' research get published (or almost and then retracted) my conspiracy brain, after about a 1/2 gallon of coffee, wonders how much was originally known and just how many of the elites, political and financial, actually got these wonders of modern science, covid vaccines. Your research and that you referenced certainly explains lots of adverse events and sadly suggests some thinning of the herd is going to continue.
Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:
No prominent political figures got real shots on camera. They learned not to do that with that TN nurse that fell out on camera. They would never risk that happening to a Biden or Trudeau.
I agree. I found this back in 2021:
Nurse in Slovenia says politicians receive saline
Fab share thanks! :~)
Jessica you forgot to leave an affiliate hyperlink for 2m "Takayama noseriders". Kidding, just kidding. I joke. This was post is extremely informative. The histones tails and DNA structures remind me of Indian henna patterns the ladies draw during weddings. I'll be on the look out for chromatin structural components on palms. Maybe the henna rituals were to do with showcasing good health and an understanding of biology?
So much ancient knowledge has been passed down in tradition we don't know all the reasons for... the Vedas are fascinating.
>>> statements regarding the effect of the spike protein on the adaptive immunity are misleading as in this article no experiments related to the adaptive immunity were performed,
Actually we already have signals that spike protein degrades T-cells, meanwhile it seems like the whole topic about histone modification bumps into the informational nature of the DNA as a whole.
It's like we are looking at the design of some specific micro-chip, and can't comprehend the data it's processing.
My s-i-l had 3 jabs required by work and after 3rd/1st booster has chronic hives. Prednisone and antihistamines aren't working so now after 6 months the Drnis recommends Xolair which is a monoclonal humanized mouse gene for 40k per injection. So the C19 jab scrambles the DNA and alters the immune system so "they" can keep editing (and profiting) with expensive CRISPR technologies, er I mean breakthrough medicines. I hope she'll try functional medicine. Cancers are also being treated with monoclonal mouse antibodies (all the -mabs), so all the serious side effects from the mRNA jabs, to recoup all the R&D? Almost every drug ad is a CRISPR/genetic monoclonal antibody for reprogramming the immune system: eczema, all cancers, psoriasis, asthma, and diabetes soon to come
This is not about profits. Its much more sinister than "making money". Whats the estimates? Something like 70% worlds population took the death jabs? tiny (remove space)
Don't you find it strange that the very people that have been screaming about the need to reduce the population were the ones frontlining, pushing the death jab? Spokesperson/people if you will...
Now we no longer (by our govt decision making) have cheap energy [necessary for supply chains but most importantly our food production] & the food supplies are being purposefully destroyed? All this right after the bioweapons release. We are being culled...
I am sorry about what has happened.
I like! Read and printed referenced papers already too : ). btw, what happened to the "p" pres's neck? lol. Also, did you see the executive order that the p pres signed yesterday? It's about cell programming like computers, biotechnology, biomanufacturing, and a securing an American bioeconomy. I believe Tessa Lena shared it yesterday on Substack. Here's the link to the order:
When this stuff gets rammed through by Exec Need to wonder WtAF is going down...
Shared! TY so much .
Natural infection is supposed to immunize us, but some still get Omicron, the "natural vaccine"; how is the exposure to the spike during natural infection different from transfection via injection- aside from the obvious billions more spikes resulting? Aren't some essential damages done to the naturally infected, just on a very much smaller scale?
AJ wrote:
Natural infection is supposed to immunize us, but some still get Omicron, the "natural vaccine"...
I am not an expert, but health is important. Health that is not compromised by things like diabetes and the lifestyle that generates that and other diseases. The there is where folks live and how polluted the air water and food are. We need to know the health status of those who's immune systems still fail to protect them and their environment. To date that info is not available.
We, (meaning brilliant people like Jessica and others), are playing catch-up with all the bad things that these jabs are doing to people. Those responsible for creating this awful gene therapy drug obviously knew what they were doing. There isn't ANYTHING redeemable about this jab. Zero, Zilch, Nada. Again, the people that developed this are extremely wicked and the jab is doing exactly what it was designed to do.