
"It is prohibited to record or broadcast this hearing or take photos or screen captures of it. Breaking this rule may lead to fines of up to $25,000 under s. 29 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. There is usually a publication ban ordered by the Tribunal on information that could identify patients or complainants. For information about whether there is a publication ban or a copy of any order, contact the Tribunal Office at tribunal@opsdt.ca."

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Really? Does Canada think they have extraterritorial jurisdiction over video, screen captures & photos?

Maybe up in the frosty north but unlikely anywhere else.

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I don’t curse much , but this will be the second time I have said this today on a substack site... For f*ck sake we must RESIST , say no , don’t comply and stick together. 👀

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Group "think" and conditioning, lowers IQ to a value inversely proportional to the group number. The regressive new-age faux-medical Gestapo are so fragile and brittle they dare not expose themselves to scrutiny and the ensuing public ridicule, which is their eventual and inevitable destiny. Don't pay the slightest heed or collaborate with their group mass formation insanity.

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Thank you for sharing this. Time is to shine the light on dark corners.

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indeed and so many thanks to the people who took the time to email objections so that we can all participate in watching this atrocity.

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Wow. Watching this right now. I like the Doctor's attorney. This reminds me of the Maine "hearings" regarding Dr. Meryl Nass. It was SO painfully obvious that Dr. Nass was, by far, the smartest person in the room. People get so very ugly when they submit to "groupthink" and totalitarianism behavior. Freedom and especially freedom of speech are of the utmost importance. Where did all this absolute nonsense come from? To start, read "American Betrayal" by Diana West - the original error, committed by dupes during WW2, was actually recognizing communist USSR - basically, doing so says "It's OK if you murder millions of your own people - you are still somehow OK". Completely illogical and warped thinking. Where did the current covid fraud begin? In the USA, of course! Read and understand Katherine Watt's Bailiwick News SubStack. What are the stopping conditions? (Yes, we are still under EUA in the USA) Read and understand: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/stopping-conditions

The last time we saw the patterns that we are seeing today was 1930's Germany. Germany learned their eugenics policies from the USA - read "War Against The Weak", by Edwin Black.

This trial that we are watching is EXACTLY what took place in Nazi Germany - the "board" is baseless and pointless. This madness must stop.

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Wow. The claims are legally baseless. It truly is a fishing expedition - definitely endorsed by the communist "leader" of Canada - Trudeau - AKA, "The Turd"

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The madness will, stop whenever Canadians decide to stop it. Not yet, apparently. They seem to like it.

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Not unlike their South Pacific WEF cousins in Ardern's Davos Cult possessed New Zealand. The country salivates in group think and mass formation, while the toll of excess all cause mortality marches merrily on and the jab fest continues.

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The jab-ee's are all volunteers. Coerced, perhaps. Misled, for sure. But all were volunteers. It will be a good lesson for the survivors.

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If you read my sources cited below - Pfizer and Moderna are both being directed by the DOD. They never ran legitimate clinical trials - they were not required to. The US DOD tracks the gene-therapy shots from the source to the arm. Taking a vial is a violation of US Federal law - it is a criminal offense. The panel is obviously ignorant of the facts. Crimes Against Humanity. They are repeating the worst behaviors of Nazi Germany.

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i don't think I can ever trust doctors in Ontario (apart from a few whom I know are wise to this crap) ever again.

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The problem isn't just Ontario. The medical inustry globally has failed us for decades, most egregiously the last couple of years. Doctors don't really practice medicine, they're not healers, just mechanics performing regimented "standards" dictated by medical guilds. The public perceptions of wisdom and caring are just good marketing, like "new and improved" detergents. It works because most people aren't smart enough to recognize when they're being manipulated.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me repeatedly for a hundred years, shame on all of us.

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You are correct. I realized that a few years ago when a doctor first lied to me about a medical device and its potential side effects. I believed him, had issues with the device, and then had a second doctor lie to me that surgery to remove it "basically had no side effects". Then got stonewalled, gaslighted, and even insulted by multiple doctors I saw after the surgery trying to get help. I truly believed before that that doctors would always do what was in the best interest of the patient. No longer have that illusion. Maybe that's part of what helped me see through the covid scam.

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Yup, I just pray neither I nor my husband needs medical care at any point.

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Especially a transfusion!

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I've written to my congressman that's coming in this term to ask that all blood products containing EUA contents be mandated to be labeled with such contents. I hope others will do the same. At this time, the blood donors are REQUIRED (by donor agencies) to divulge whether they have been "vaccinated" with the covid-19 vaccines. But they WILL NOT share that info with recipients of the blood! (I have asked to have this changed for full disclosure.)

There are "theories" as to why they're asking for this info, as it's alleged that there's a higher premium for blood products that are sold to clients who will pay that higher price. There have been stories about some of the world leaders getting young blood for rejuvenative efforts. I would imagine they would not want the blood containing the "vaccine" products and are willing to pay a high price for it.

I personally will not donate blood to these agencies as long as they are not divulging it to other people who receive the blood product.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

Once again, the elites benefit . Thus also tells me the elites didn’t get jabbed in the first place!

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Yup. They had to make the original virus light enough to avoid death for themselves, should they catch it, but it was the kill shot that was reserved for us.

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100% There are "doctors" and doctors.... protect yourselves at all times!

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ditto New Zealand, Australia, US, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, etc... etc... etc... etc...

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""It is prohibited to record or broadcast this hearing or take photos or screen captures of it. Breaking this rule may lead to fines of up to $25,000 under s. 29 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. "

Does this apply to those viewing from other countries?

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yes. it applies to all. just for watching. write it up afterwards.

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It applies in countries who are members of the Berne Copyright Convention.

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Persuasive presentation by Michael Alexander. As he said, the answers are all hiding in plain sight and are self-evident.

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Ms. Witmer (sp?) not so much. Docs not permitted to prescribe alternative meds because that might compromise supply for those needing those meds for conditions other than C19? Give me a break. That’s the exact same jig Fauci danced regarding the public not needing to wear masks.

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Practitioners here in Michigan are largely cowed by threatening letters sent to them by our regulatory bureau, "LARA", threatening their licenses if they prescribe certain med 'off-label'. Pharmacists, too.

My husband and I avoid medical visits unless absolutely necessary.

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Canada's biggest producer of generic drugs was brutal murdered along with his wife, THE END of 2018, in their home. He had his run ins with Trudump. Murder still UNSOLVED.....can anyone say conspiracy theory?????

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"We want complete transparency, therefore you MAY NOT record or share ANYTHING from this presentation." Typical authoritarian hypocrisy.

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What happens if a non Canadian living in a third country takes screen shots or screen recordings? Asking for a friend.

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i wouldn't. and i would ask that people don't. it would violate trust on our side and not do us any favors, said another way. and i don't like that thought. i play clean. but i play mean.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I will begrudgingly respect the rule Dr. Jessica. It violates the very essence of freedom of speech and plays to the communists/totalitarian regimes ignorant wishes. I hope and pray that the truth wins. May God bless the doctors on "trial". Thanks for everything you are doing for humanity.

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Nor will I, however, as a victim of extraterritorial lawfare, and with kids that are also victims of the same based solely on the citizenship (US) of their father, I bristle at the thought of countries imposing their laws in other countries.

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i feel you. the tribunal is being 'delayed'.

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It's absolutely insane that the doctors have to deal with this nonsense. We are approaching 3 years of dealing with these lies. The depth of the lies is shocking. Let's hope the "delay" does not turn into a "technical difficulty" or some other lame excuse.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Author

it's preposterous

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Please keep us updated if your time allows. I will continue to watch for Dr Bridles updates too. Thank you.

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Deleted until 2050? The year, not time?

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If your country is a member of the Berne treaty, you can be sued.

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Thanks. That’s what I was looking for.

I wonder how many were aware of that.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

with the exception of body language, it is my understanding that anyone can order a transcript.

however, i doubt that transcript will include the back ground information that CPSO Council alluded to that got them to start the investigation.

But from what i saw/ heard it sounded like they (CPSO?) made up the rules / standard of practice on their own....

if that is the case, can they make up a rule that says that every doctors shall lick the tongue depressor before using it on a patient?

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See Dr Trozzi's site <drtrozzi.org> and look for his post on the corruption in the CPSO. It is national and appears similar in the USA.

Premier Smith has put the boots to the first layer in Alberta, we shall see how she does with the CPSA.

In BC, professional organisations are being "nationalised" (what would you expect with a socialist government?) under Bill 36. Way ahead of California who has only put physicians in a headlock so far, but approaching the stranglehold.

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YouTube has removed access.

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Okay, I'll resist the urge to to email a screenshot to tribunal@opsdt.ca.

I'm pretty sure that copyright fair use rules supersede their arrogant edict. More evolved primates would've used an

encrypted closed-circuit TV broadcast.

Can anyone provide the personal or official email addresses for the tribunal members?

It would be nice to send belated [2nd Mondays in October in Canada] Thanksgiving greetings to them and the horses they rode in on.


It appears these folks might be pretty rabid. I had this proceeding playing on YouTube, (with copy warning below the video) apparently hosted by Neesons Concierge, as I wrote this reply [while I couldn't understand Dr. Alexander due to acoustics]. When I resumed watching I somehow lost the link.. Went to history and pulled it out again. Some cursor moves triggered Windows "you Fu' Up.!" chime the video kept going to thumbnail off to the side. Clicking on full-screen icon worked temporarily then it went to regular size and varying sequences of what I've just mentioned. I clicked on the "host" name, Neesons Concierge, and the screen said no content. I suspect somebody's doing some tracking here. I did not do any screen capture and I was not using a VPN, but even that may not have helped as there are detours around that. Some VPNs may be more hardened.

Is it Pearl Harbor yet?

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I'm playing the video now (2:30 PM Central daylight savings time US) with none of the issues I mentioned above I've only done this for a few minutes. I'm not providing the URL out of respect for Dr. Rose's principle not to violate the edict.

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I MAY have overstated the situation about tracking. This may be nothing more than encrypted embedded disruptions in the original recording to discourage copying. Stay alert, use a strong VPN. the warning may have been a bluff. In a world with 8 billion people at least 1 million will thumb their noses at it. Try prosecuting that over scores of jurisdictions!

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Wading through miry bogs like moats around the lord master's castle for truth and accountability.

The satisfaction of victory over dEvil!

A great purpose of life.

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Here's the trailer for our interview with the doctors and their lawyer: Doctors On Trial: CPSO Motion Hearing Update with Drs Trozzi, Phillips & Luchkiw and Counsel Michael Alexander


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Hello Jessica, I'm an independent investigative journalist and could perhaps write a story on these cases (I am also a contributor to Alberta-based The Counter Signal). I was unable to view the hearing. I looked for the outcome and found some information at https://opsdt.ca/hearings/outcomes, but all it says for now for these three cases is "Decision reserved," and " Motions in the following matters will be heard together." As I am not a lawyer, do these mean that their case is still pending and will resume later on for collective testimony? Or, was there a final decision made, and if so what was it? Also, if ever there are transcripts of the hearing or video, pls let me know. Thank you.

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I was able to watch some of the "Australian marsupial hearing" proceedings to part of the way through the CPSO's lawyer's presentation.

The "Motions...Together" was agreed beforehand. The reference to the case conference indicated that the lawyers would have one hour each to argue the case.

"Decision reserved" means that it will be announced at a later date. No further testimony is permitted. Note that this tribunal only has to decide if the complaints can proceed to the CPSO Discipline Committee. So another full ordeal is in store for the accused. That is why the physicians' lawyer stated initially that the complaints were moot, for procedural and factual reasons.

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