I work for a company that researches, designs, manufactures and sells medical devices. During our 2022 global sales meeting they were proud to announce their investment in AI that will predict whether a patient “needs” our devices. We can preemptively offer said patients these devices before their disease is diagnosed? Mind you these devices are used when the disease has been present for years… probably decades. “Protecting” society from diseased people no matter the disease? I view devices as implants, but you are absolutely correct that they include effin masks as well. Will this AI disease prediction tech fall under the PREP act too? A device that any hypochondriac can wear to monitor all bodily functions. To protect grandma.

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Life has been medicalized. All of our behaviours in one way or the other can probably be found in the most up to date DSM. And, once something is medicalized (say, UESRAD... uneven eyebrow syndrome-related anxiety disorder), Pharma has a drug for it.

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What? Goodness

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Aug 12, 2023
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" First do no harm" has now been eliminated from the Hippocratic Oath.

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It was never in the Oath. But both its principles and the oath are, sadly, now considered "quaint".


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Nitpicking. Doctors know full well the pain surgery inflicts and the likelihood of mortality from any given procedure that varies with age group. For example the risk of death from open heart surgery is on average 8%.

Over 250,000 people in the U.S. die each year because of medical errors, making it the third leading cause of death in this country behind heart disease and cancer, according to a Johns Hopkins study.

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Aug 12, 2023
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Hypochondriac oath?

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Unfortunately there is now a trend within the medical profession to push for the most painful, invasive and expensive solutions that are not necessarily any better than cheaper, more effective and less painful remedies. For example, why bother to do open heart surgery on ninety years olds, when they would have had the opportunity to live their lives in peace and dignity for the short time they have left.

This is of course a profit driven industry that has no regard for the quality of life.

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Exactly. We need to be diligent in finding loopholes to circumvent the demonic protections they install not just for big pHARMa, but for all the other "agency' crimes as well.

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👍 Absolutely

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Devices "to diagnose..." would include all of the PCR swabs and in home Covid tests used anywhere for any diagnostic purpose. Would include the primers and sequencers and read-out devices. Treat: Would include all treatments including ventilators & recommended drugs including repurposed drugs. Would include all the Medicare scammer companies charging for dozens of home test kits that I did not order.

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It's like those cheap supposed hearing aids being shilled, I wear Real ones. Heavy-duty ones. 2 Menieres attacks.

As for those watches, everyone is now sporting that give you how many steps, what type of sleep, and BP, etc. Expensive gadgets that are useless. They don't give warnings. The primary is trying to sell me on one of those BS trackers, I just had a bad BS drop to 37. I cut too many carbs. Tomatoes are in season.

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Aug 12, 2023
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Hospitals have been denying prenatal care to pregnant women unless they agree to be injected with mRNA poison, that has caused many spontaneous abortions and stillbirths.

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Prenatal care is another scam. Pregnancy is not a disease.

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I quite agree. When my son was born at home in Sheffield in 1969, I assisted the midwife deliver him into the world, and if I had nor been there he would probably have died. When he was born he could not breathe and began to turn blue. The midwife panicked and could not attach the oxygen bottle to the mask, that I soon remedied.

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Allopathic Rockefellers must be criminalized and removed!

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Depopulation when they get world population to where the elite want it AI will run everything till they outrun the elites. How would anyone know if AI cancels the kill switch what say you

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"The best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agley"

Robert Burns

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. . . and those on organ transplant lists

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Laws must be changed w the current gate keepers.

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Aug 12, 2023
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I think it’s already happening

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If we don't allow it it won't be there. DO NOT COMPLY!


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That's been the case much longer than most realize.

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Just say NO to drugs. All drugs.

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Legal Pushers !!!

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They've made themselves legal, the Cabal or whatever you want to call them. Every patient must educate themselves otherwise be poisoned to death one way or another. REFUSE TO COMPLY!

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Eventually we shall all be made to comply otherwise our bank accounts will be frozen. Pierre Trudeau got away with this in Canada over the truckers' strike

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Oh maaaaaan!

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Excellent yes not only question but do not comply. Thank you

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Bass turds.

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... even cocaine? Nooooooo....

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Isn't that what Nancy Reagan said ?

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Thank you Jessica for covering this. Katherine and I have been talking about PREP and Pfizer contracts for over a year and have been smeared as Pfizer shills. But this is the correct interpretation. This is how the law is written. And this is not only for vaccines, it is for everything covid, marburg and whatever PREP act is currently amended for which is I believe flu, RSV, and whatever else they dream up. This includes hospital murder protocols, too. Fake tests to fake diagnose someone as a "target" for elimination. And also all propaganda, censorship and spying on people that they do in order to orchestrate this atrocity.

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Thank you, also, Sasha.

Masks are devices.

Ventilators are devices.

PCR sample-taking and testing equipment, all devices.

More importantly is the term, countermeasure.

It may come down to something like, what is being countered by the "measure"?

Remember the war rhetoric at the outset of the Covid Hysteria.

We are at war, they said, with a virus.

They meant that they were at war against people.

Hence the war measures, the "counter measures".

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Yes. This is how they intend to use it. They will target 'dissidents' and other useless eaters who might wake people up from the toxic genocidal narrative and cut into their profits.

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They must be targeted back. Criminalize, prosecute and execute those convicted of genocide.

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Sasha - what are your thoughts on this legal approach? (Perhaps there are others ways to go with regard to "ingredients" or "contaminants"?????)

Groundbreaking Ruling: Manufacturer of Remdesivir Not Shielded by PREP Act for Man’s Injuries


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"And also all propaganda, censorship and spying on people that they do in order to orchestrate this atrocity."

In other words the constitution has been suspended and no one has rights anymore except for those of us who believe our rights are inalienable. As you have said they cannot pass legislation to legalize criminal actions.

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It's nice to see you writing about this topic. Countermeasures are the current "vaccines". Katherine Watt does a great job ( actually, the best work out there ) Katherine has just released a few new videos. She understands the legal STRUCTURE put in place through years of deceit. IF a person reads and understands the ( illegal ) laws set up in the United States, they will understand that there is NOTHING about human health in the current "medical" system. For a quick summary watch this video; it can save lives:


Do a deep dive at Katherine Watt's Substack to truly understand how the world was deceived, and continues to be deceived on a daily basis:


Thanks Jessica Rose. Peace.

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does Katherine Watt give ideas and solutions on what we can DO about it all to beat the legal structure in place? Agree it's important to know the matrix - how we were deceived and conditioned. We also need to know what each of us can do about it. I think Jessica here is doing a fine job of research and connecting the dots and asking important questions. Knowledge needs to lead to questions, which in turn can possibly lead us to learn how to defeat the monsters.

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She does. See Sasha Latypova's response below. It will take united non-compliance; waking up individuals who are clueless about the genocide is the hard part, due to the fact that they are essentially hypnotized. There are key court cases, as Katherine mentions in a a recent post and in a recent video. The government's lawsuit against a doctor from Utah is an important one. Peace.

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Start w non-compliance. Educate yourself online.

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In addition to the legal analyses on her blog, she is also involved with this site, which is oriented toward action: https://5smallstones.com/

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Thanks to all who replied, and for the link. Will check it out and share. I've also been thinking that one doesn't need to be a lawyer or pass the bar to brilliantly represent the people in court and push back. What I love about Jessica is that she really does her research, as do others mentioned; Sasha and Katherine - there are many. Knowing the law is important. I look for the factual and for good research, and presentation that reaches people from all walks of life without a lot of discrimination of those who are different. That is a razor's edge to walk and I think Jessica does it brilliantly.

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The US judiciary is not immune to bias. Very often it is obvious that a judge has made up his or her mind before the trial even begins.

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True. And many of them are bought/bribed. But my hope is that some are beginning to wake up; they know someone vaccine injured or dead from the jabs, for instance. They have seen how these big biotech and pharma companies as well as other toxic industries are giving themselves loopholes - on taxes, on ever having to pay a fine for a crime or serve in jail, etc. It's not a fair fight so I can only hope enough of them will wake up in time. the court process is so slow. We need a viable world court with teeth.

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The US does not belong to the World Court and has even threatened retaliation if used a against it. Think about the downed jet MH-17

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the US certainly seems to be the world's biggest bully - the implications are truly horrifying.

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1) you are NOT an “ass or asshole”!!

2) the attorneys who drafted this shit ( a technical term) should be hung along with all of the other culprits affiliated with executing ( intentionally used term) this PLANDEMIC.

3) thank you for your research and lengthy explanation that riled my soul😕

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We in USA have Constitutional rights for redress of grievances and to bring cases and controversies to the court systems. The PREP Act simply strips away our Constitutional rights by government contract with a pharma company. The congress and president, without a Constitutional Amendment, cannot just pass a law that allows them to contract away your right to sue a company for an injury. You have the right to bring that case and controversy to the court for redress. The PREP Act is unConstitutional on its face and should have been challenged to SCOTUS in that regard long ago. If it has been and SCOTUS found that it is a valid law, then SCOTUS was wrong ... because I'm right.

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The PREP act is dead on arrival, constitutionally. The word "medical" is nowhere to be found in the United States constitution. (Neither is the word "countermeasure")

Do Not Comply. These people are not your friends.

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Thanks John. Do you have any idea why the PREP act has not been challenged? Peace.

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Our government needs to be scrubbed. Scrupulously. Subversives hung. Publicly.

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Thank You for reminding those in America that our government has LIMITED power! Our "representatives" can not agree to anything that we have not granted them power to do.

Think also WHO "pandemic" treaties or UN small arms...

All such agreements are actually subversion and we the people need to hold them accountable for even duscussing such infringement.

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Here's some hopeful info: https://twitter.com/GodsRiddles/status/1689340982364377090

Brian Ward has detailed this over many posts, but the bottom line is:

"Employers are restricted, prohibited, and denied any authority to condition access to employment based on a person utilizing an investigational new drug under 21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3 authorization. This isn't me saying this; this is Congress saying that it COMPLETELY PREEMPTS states and their political subdivisions from establishing laws, regulations, ordinances, and customs interfering with a person's right to accept or refuse the product. Interference by statute extends to a person of authority creating outside pressures to participate in the product."

Maybe if sue the pants off all the employers and gov regulators who mandated the jab, institutionally and personally, they will join the cause to raid the pockets of big pharma.

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Interesting b/c the majority of job postings in my field are still requiring the “investigational new drug.”

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To be fair they are still investigating how to make it deadlier next time

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It costs money to sue in a US court. Few people can afford it.

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The problem is that Pfizer is an agent of the government which is why the Brook Jackson Case was dismissed a few months ago. That situation is still in flux though.

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So it’s okay to protect money earned from injuring another... but not okay to protect anyone from being injured... what insanity.

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It's evil. They operate in the dark without most peoples' knowledge and are masters of deception.

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There seems to be more trying to destroy humanity than there are trying to save it.Satanic and evil .

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🎯 Exactly. That's their insane agenda.

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"We had to destroy the village to save it" (from communism)

Apocalypse Now

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The Cabal, or Black nobility. Please read Frances Leader's recent post. Excellent. Hope the plug is ok Sasha. Fits right in w yours, thanks. 👍

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This is amazing research and analysis; so well thought and presented. THANK YOU! This Prep Act is a war crime against the American people. Under the Nuremberg treaty, this should not be possible or allowable but we know how treaties go...Just ask the Native North Americans who were here before us.

I'm sure that globalist elites everywhere are enacting similar monstrosities in every country where they can buy, bribe, or depose a leader with a coup or assassination. So, count on the US elite being behind all of that.

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The vax DID prevent covid in the people it killed.

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Yes, and it was 'effective'. They just forgot about the 'safe' part.

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The important thing is that their profits are safe.

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Actually Pfizer's profits are dropping like a brick. Only 50% of the UK population agreed to be jabbed. They have been rumbled.

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Not to worry - they have dangerous and ineffective obesity and alzheimers drugs up and running to sustain them.

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Not if we don't take them.

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Their assets should be seized along w their lives and distributed to victims.

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The final solution.

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Great work. The vast majority of people could not take the time to learn a little about the injections they and their loved ones accepted, willingly or under duress. These same people are not going to take the time to understand the legal protections for those responsible for injuries and that they have no protection. If you (me) try to explain the situation you will be shunned. I appreciate your work here I just don't know how we can ever get people to listen.

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You will never sway someone in their certitude. But those who are having doubts and starting to see the lies; you can dialogue with them. Even if they do not change, you can arm them with information. Forget about the ones who are dug-in. They won't be convinced. If they learn, it will be through the hard way - and possibly causing a world of hurt to their loved ones and a whole lot of other people.

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Cognitive dissonance at your own risk. 🤷

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80% of Americans have been brainwashed by Hollywood and the mainstream media.

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They were counting on it too.

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All your articles are terrific. This one is especially good given the ramifications of this issue. Thanks for this, I'm going to post this on social media, and cross-post it on my own Substack account.

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Thank you always for the thorough and clear analysis. The project comes from afar and has been, meticulously, prepared. It is very disconcerting

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"First kill all the lawyers"

William Shakespeare

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I'll drink to that!

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Except Jeff Childers.

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Thank you Jessica for this very important information.


One worrisome part is the use of phrases like 'intended to enhance the use or effect' and 'procured to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat...' As you say, it would cover a gun or indeed anything else, say a fence post, if the person holding and firing it did so in the belief or intention to do those things, even it is clearly inappropriate. So it's *intended* to enhance but doesn't do anythig, or worse, it harms, then it's still covered by the act because the intention of use os the importantly specific word there.

Very, very chilling and disturbing. Legal words are weasel words, and though we think they are specific, most times they are ill defined or not defined and open to interpretation. Let's hope we get some common sense when all this blows open. I do not hold my breath for fairness there. It's all too big, the ramifictions too huge even to consider.

But yeah, Jess, you are not by any means an asshole for looking at this with a truly sceptical eye. Thank you again.

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thank you Jessica , in the US you are far more looking at all this. in France my country, nobody is really looking into details as what you are doing here...

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