Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Just say NO to drugs. All drugs.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I work for a company that researches, designs, manufactures and sells medical devices. During our 2022 global sales meeting they were proud to announce their investment in AI that will predict whether a patient “needs” our devices. We can preemptively offer said patients these devices before their disease is diagnosed? Mind you these devices are used when the disease has been present for years… probably decades. “Protecting” society from diseased people no matter the disease? I view devices as implants, but you are absolutely correct that they include effin masks as well. Will this AI disease prediction tech fall under the PREP act too? A device that any hypochondriac can wear to monitor all bodily functions. To protect grandma.

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Thank you Jessica for covering this. Katherine and I have been talking about PREP and Pfizer contracts for over a year and have been smeared as Pfizer shills. But this is the correct interpretation. This is how the law is written. And this is not only for vaccines, it is for everything covid, marburg and whatever PREP act is currently amended for which is I believe flu, RSV, and whatever else they dream up. This includes hospital murder protocols, too. Fake tests to fake diagnose someone as a "target" for elimination. And also all propaganda, censorship and spying on people that they do in order to orchestrate this atrocity.

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It's nice to see you writing about this topic. Countermeasures are the current "vaccines". Katherine Watt does a great job ( actually, the best work out there ) Katherine has just released a few new videos. She understands the legal STRUCTURE put in place through years of deceit. IF a person reads and understands the ( illegal ) laws set up in the United States, they will understand that there is NOTHING about human health in the current "medical" system. For a quick summary watch this video; it can save lives:


Do a deep dive at Katherine Watt's Substack to truly understand how the world was deceived, and continues to be deceived on a daily basis:


Thanks Jessica Rose. Peace.

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1) you are NOT an “ass or asshole”!!

2) the attorneys who drafted this shit ( a technical term) should be hung along with all of the other culprits affiliated with executing ( intentionally used term) this PLANDEMIC.

3) thank you for your research and lengthy explanation that riled my soul😕

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We in USA have Constitutional rights for redress of grievances and to bring cases and controversies to the court systems. The PREP Act simply strips away our Constitutional rights by government contract with a pharma company. The congress and president, without a Constitutional Amendment, cannot just pass a law that allows them to contract away your right to sue a company for an injury. You have the right to bring that case and controversy to the court for redress. The PREP Act is unConstitutional on its face and should have been challenged to SCOTUS in that regard long ago. If it has been and SCOTUS found that it is a valid law, then SCOTUS was wrong ... because I'm right.

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Here's some hopeful info: https://twitter.com/GodsRiddles/status/1689340982364377090

Brian Ward has detailed this over many posts, but the bottom line is:

"Employers are restricted, prohibited, and denied any authority to condition access to employment based on a person utilizing an investigational new drug under 21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3 authorization. This isn't me saying this; this is Congress saying that it COMPLETELY PREEMPTS states and their political subdivisions from establishing laws, regulations, ordinances, and customs interfering with a person's right to accept or refuse the product. Interference by statute extends to a person of authority creating outside pressures to participate in the product."

Maybe if sue the pants off all the employers and gov regulators who mandated the jab, institutionally and personally, they will join the cause to raid the pockets of big pharma.

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The problem is that Pfizer is an agent of the government which is why the Brook Jackson Case was dismissed a few months ago. That situation is still in flux though.

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So it’s okay to protect money earned from injuring another... but not okay to protect anyone from being injured... what insanity.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

This is amazing research and analysis; so well thought and presented. THANK YOU! This Prep Act is a war crime against the American people. Under the Nuremberg treaty, this should not be possible or allowable but we know how treaties go...Just ask the Native North Americans who were here before us.

I'm sure that globalist elites everywhere are enacting similar monstrosities in every country where they can buy, bribe, or depose a leader with a coup or assassination. So, count on the US elite being behind all of that.

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The vax DID prevent covid in the people it killed.

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Great work. The vast majority of people could not take the time to learn a little about the injections they and their loved ones accepted, willingly or under duress. These same people are not going to take the time to understand the legal protections for those responsible for injuries and that they have no protection. If you (me) try to explain the situation you will be shunned. I appreciate your work here I just don't know how we can ever get people to listen.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

All your articles are terrific. This one is especially good given the ramifications of this issue. Thanks for this, I'm going to post this on social media, and cross-post it on my own Substack account.

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Thank you always for the thorough and clear analysis. The project comes from afar and has been, meticulously, prepared. It is very disconcerting

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Jessica for this very important information.


One worrisome part is the use of phrases like 'intended to enhance the use or effect' and 'procured to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat...' As you say, it would cover a gun or indeed anything else, say a fence post, if the person holding and firing it did so in the belief or intention to do those things, even it is clearly inappropriate. So it's *intended* to enhance but doesn't do anythig, or worse, it harms, then it's still covered by the act because the intention of use os the importantly specific word there.

Very, very chilling and disturbing. Legal words are weasel words, and though we think they are specific, most times they are ill defined or not defined and open to interpretation. Let's hope we get some common sense when all this blows open. I do not hold my breath for fairness there. It's all too big, the ramifictions too huge even to consider.

But yeah, Jess, you are not by any means an asshole for looking at this with a truly sceptical eye. Thank you again.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

thank you Jessica , in the US you are far more looking at all this. in France my country, nobody is really looking into details as what you are doing here...

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