Along with the "trust the [fake] science", TV-watching, medical-cabal groupie parents AND any putrid pieces of white-coat garbage pretending they're a "medical professional". (That whole two-snake-logo, death-for-profit industry" has been hijacked by demonic entities who wouldn't know a Hippocratic Oath if it bit them in the a$$. Shun them and keep them away from humanity.) There's a special place in hell for ALL of them; and it's up to WeThePeople to make sure they get there, sooner rather than later, via tribunals.
I don't think we can assume that... They could be orphans or otherwise in Child Protective Services? Maybe their mothers were in drug rehab, reassured/misled, and incentivised? Mad Scientists have a long history of praying on the vulnerable for experimentation and feeling completely justified in doing so. I doubt there are many parents actually involved.
I wouldn’t want that for a couple reasons. You know what even women do to inmates who abuse children? And while I think that she may deserve that kind of treatment it also cost money to put her up for whatever time she may serve. It’s also a nice game for lawyers to argue about her endlessly while collecting vast sums representing her constitutional rights as a serial killer or prosecuting her trying to keep her in prison without bail.
There’s also a problem with execution. There are few ways to die in this life that are more calm and peaceful than being publicly executed.
How about these people are given house arrest where they are allowed to go back-and-forth to a place of employment which is actually some sort of employment that serves humanity instead of enslaves them and in the meantime they are injected with their poisons on the same schedule they recommended for all others. Also take away their highfalutin medical care and give them the type of medical care which their new valuable employment may afford them.
Jail or prison makes citizens who had no business in her crimes pay even more for her education as a hardened criminal in the United States penal system. With the above sentence she gets to pay for her pain and her own demise like everyone else.
While we’re at it, same goes for all the others. Employment, censorship and pay-for-your-own-demise plan for all these crooks!
I'd never bring a child into the world without the ability to protect them or 100% assurance by someone with unlimited power and reach that they would do so.
As for myself, I do not use systems that are set up to profit on problems they claim to address. I have my own health care.
I also I'm not really attached to the idea of having them work and not take money from citizens just to be in prison or jail.
My real point is that Justice in this world does not really make sense. Even the desires and ideas for punishment of people speaking about what these globalists and psychopaths are doing doesn't really solve the problem or give real justice.
Personally I put my faith in Jehovah God. I do not believe that a single sin or crime will not be paid for. Nobody will get away for a single thing.
Jesus already paid for sins if a person repents and qualifies for that provision. If they don't they will pay with their lives. End of story.
The existence of the CDC and all of the other alphabets and in fact all of the countries on Earth is all against an original purpose for Humanity in is a system that encourages and causes such things as the pandemic world wars agriculture that destroys and poisons and energy crises food crises and water shortages along with housing extreme weather and basically being owned by debt.
In my personal beliefs all of this is going to be crushed into dust along with all those who think they're on the top of the Heap. In this world there seems to be two things that we can be a pigeon or the statue that the pigeon poops on. But this will all change in return back to the original situation before Humanity took it upon themselves to pursue their own peace and happiness apart from competent leadership.
I'm sure you've seen that wonderful Walgreens commercial where they ask some disembodied voice how many "vaccines" it has given, and the unspecified voice says "thousands!" with pride and hubris.
Every time I see that commercial, my soul groans knowing that disembodied tik tok nurse/tech/aide has murdered and disabled hundreds of people. I would not want to be that person, ever.
There was a Canadian pediatrician who admitted to giving the original vax to doctor friends’ kids because all the docs were desperate to vax their kids. Would not be surprised if it’s more of the same. Madness.
I was horrified to hear about the parents so excited to get their babies into the vax trials. There’s a town hall recording from Anna Eshoo (CA congresswoman) and includes Stanford research Dr. Yvonne (Bonnie) Maldonado, Professor and Chief of the Division
of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics at Stanford Medicine.
She also directs Stanford's Global Child Health Program and serves as
the Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Lucile
Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. They were so excited to get the young kids into trials. I think it was late February 2022 and not the Bivalent of course. It is unbelievable to me that parents want a trial drug for their kids.
I said that too and then I realized everything I exposed my babies to. I trusted their doctors. Both of my grown kids are on the spectrum. Don’t think that I don’t have massive guilt. This is heartbreaking to witness.
Agreed that we parents trusted these people too long. From 3 vax in 1960s. To 11 in 1980s (when autism started uptick (so did Tylenol and tobacco taking over big food!)), to -/+48 now. WTF? Do I now feel like I was asleep at the wheel? Yes. Do I feel this contributes to our 20-somethings feeling “safe” getting jabbed for college now? Yes. Am I sitting in an ER right this minute waiting for results in a 3-time-jabbed college kid? Yes. 🙏🙏🙏
Also, all mice got Covid when exposed to it. And they were all killed after the experiment so we don't know what would have happened to them if they were allowed to live on. But hey, safety wasn't even assessed so I guess that's all fine.
Some of those reports may actually be for older people, but the system is so hard to use, people sometimes get the wrong age entered. For instance, it could be an 18-year-old, but the age was entered as 1.8 years.
But obviously the one you referenced was actually a young child.
I am going to check VAERS right now for the others.
Can the pharmaceutical company and or the Dr. or nurse who administered the jab be held liable since the child/s under approval age? Love you Dr. Rose! Thank you for your enormous heart.
Yes. Way too many mistakes in administration. Have you checked how many "ruh-rohs" there are? The sheer number of different ways of saying "we did a boo-boo" that exist are ridiculous.
It also appears that some reporters are choosing "COVID19-2" which is the designation for the bivalent vaccine when in actuality they mean the second dose of the monovalent.
Just more proof of what a ridiculously complicated and confusing system VAERS is, and the need to come up with something better.
IMO, the FDA should have required vaccine providers to hire full-time staff to process VAERS reports, and the CDC should have put money into that rather than into advertising for Big Pharma. But that would only happen if they actually cared about safety.
Drug providers/profiteers should never be in charge of safety monitoring - they have a conflict of interest. None of the funding for safety monitoring can come from big pharma, for the same reason. The FDA and CDC should be funded stricly from public money. And profits of big pharma, especially for an "emergency" product, should be limited to 10%, the rest being taxed into general revenue.
Yes, I agree that drug manufacturers should not be in charge of determining if their products are safe. But since the FDA and CDC want to pretend that they have a plan in place to ensure safety, I point out the kinds of things that could actually be required if the point were to gather accurate and complete data from which to determine safety.
Yes i agree there should be more VAERS staff. Better would be completed (with publicly available data) animal studies and biodistribution studies and toxicity analyses of the components and clinical trials that are NOT run by the manufacturers. The companies can proffer their own studies to be replicated, but should not be relied upon for regulatory approvals or even EUAs. This all takes time, of course, during which early treatments should have been developed and made available. Who knows, no "vaccine" (or change in the definition thereof) might ever have been warranted...
15 minutes after patient received her Covid Booster she complained of chest pain, She described it as a sharp pain substernal. Pt was not in distress. She denied diaphoresis and SOB. Vitals were taken; BP 120/70, P 83, O2 99%, EKG was done, Normal Sinus Rhythm noted. NP advised pt to follow-up in the ER. Pt declined calling an ambulance, her mother transported her. ER visit was normal per pt report just gave her IV fluids and discharged.
*Obviously a 3-month-old cannot describe her chest pain. It must have been a 25-year-old, not a .25-year-old.
The masses have become so mentally retarded with their yearly flu and other jabs as well as the covid jabs that they are unable to think let alone think rationally anymore. Their children are hopelessly on their way to mimicking their parents' behavior. Over 9 billion will be reduced the year 2030.
Walensky needs to go to jail for child abuse/child murder.
Along with the "trust the [fake] science", TV-watching, medical-cabal groupie parents AND any putrid pieces of white-coat garbage pretending they're a "medical professional". (That whole two-snake-logo, death-for-profit industry" has been hijacked by demonic entities who wouldn't know a Hippocratic Oath if it bit them in the a$$. Shun them and keep them away from humanity.) There's a special place in hell for ALL of them; and it's up to WeThePeople to make sure they get there, sooner rather than later, via tribunals.
I would consider the French Method. . .
Too messy. Frontier justice was as effective and less cleanup.
I've been thinking a lot about "Fiduciary Duty." Al Capone was charged with "Tax Evasion," after all.
"While there is no definitive de-
scription of a fiduciary relationship, one source describes it as:
[T]he acting of one person for another; the having and the exercis-
ing of influence over one person by another; the reposing of con-
fidence by one person in another; the dominance of one person by
another; the inequality of the parties; and the dependence of one
person upon another. In addition, courts have considered weak-
ness of age, mental strength, business intelligence, knowledge of
the facts involved or other conditions giving to one an advantage
over the other. 2
Whenever one party places trust and confidence in a second person
with that second person’s knowledge, it is possible that a fiduciary rela-
tionship is created."
For sure, but all the injected babies were submitted by their parents, VOLUNTARILY. Walensky just gave them the poison. The parents chose to use it.
I don't think we can assume that... They could be orphans or otherwise in Child Protective Services? Maybe their mothers were in drug rehab, reassured/misled, and incentivised? Mad Scientists have a long history of praying on the vulnerable for experimentation and feeling completely justified in doing so. I doubt there are many parents actually involved.
Not sure which is worse -- parents who abuse their kids or those who abandon them.
to be sued personally!
Yes, sued for every penny she has...and all her future earnings...
I wouldn’t want that for a couple reasons. You know what even women do to inmates who abuse children? And while I think that she may deserve that kind of treatment it also cost money to put her up for whatever time she may serve. It’s also a nice game for lawyers to argue about her endlessly while collecting vast sums representing her constitutional rights as a serial killer or prosecuting her trying to keep her in prison without bail.
There’s also a problem with execution. There are few ways to die in this life that are more calm and peaceful than being publicly executed.
How about these people are given house arrest where they are allowed to go back-and-forth to a place of employment which is actually some sort of employment that serves humanity instead of enslaves them and in the meantime they are injected with their poisons on the same schedule they recommended for all others. Also take away their highfalutin medical care and give them the type of medical care which their new valuable employment may afford them.
Jail or prison makes citizens who had no business in her crimes pay even more for her education as a hardened criminal in the United States penal system. With the above sentence she gets to pay for her pain and her own demise like everyone else.
While we’re at it, same goes for all the others. Employment, censorship and pay-for-your-own-demise plan for all these crooks!
Maybe she can do a "Dr. Josef Mengele."
Got away.
Fled to South America.
If you were injured by the covid death shot, or had a child injured or killed by the covid death shot, you would be singing a different tune.
I'm a bit of a control freak.
I'd never bring a child into the world without the ability to protect them or 100% assurance by someone with unlimited power and reach that they would do so.
As for myself, I do not use systems that are set up to profit on problems they claim to address. I have my own health care.
I also I'm not really attached to the idea of having them work and not take money from citizens just to be in prison or jail.
My real point is that Justice in this world does not really make sense. Even the desires and ideas for punishment of people speaking about what these globalists and psychopaths are doing doesn't really solve the problem or give real justice.
Personally I put my faith in Jehovah God. I do not believe that a single sin or crime will not be paid for. Nobody will get away for a single thing.
Jesus already paid for sins if a person repents and qualifies for that provision. If they don't they will pay with their lives. End of story.
The existence of the CDC and all of the other alphabets and in fact all of the countries on Earth is all against an original purpose for Humanity in is a system that encourages and causes such things as the pandemic world wars agriculture that destroys and poisons and energy crises food crises and water shortages along with housing extreme weather and basically being owned by debt.
In my personal beliefs all of this is going to be crushed into dust along with all those who think they're on the top of the Heap. In this world there seems to be two things that we can be a pigeon or the statue that the pigeon poops on. But this will all change in return back to the original situation before Humanity took it upon themselves to pursue their own peace and happiness apart from competent leadership.
...and Birx, and Collins, and Bourla.
Yes, yes, and yes, etc.
Whoever injected this child is also guilty
All you nurses and pharmacy techs out are guilty of murder if you injected the poison.
I'm sure you've seen that wonderful Walgreens commercial where they ask some disembodied voice how many "vaccines" it has given, and the unspecified voice says "thousands!" with pride and hubris.
Every time I see that commercial, my soul groans knowing that disembodied tik tok nurse/tech/aide has murdered and disabled hundreds of people. I would not want to be that person, ever.
same commercial shows a pregnant woman getting BOTH the cv jab AND a flu shot at the same time! omg, what could possibly go wrong?
...yet, pregnant women are told not to smoke cigarettes or even drink one glass of wine.
But, covid death shots are OK.
I don't have a TV so I have been saved from seeing such a horrible commercial.
Me neither. Got rid of YouTube app too. Those short videos are addictive and basically worthless.
Substack is a good place to get up to date and get off without too much garbage getting through or time lost. Thankfully
How’d you get the account pic that moves? (Sorry if that’s a silly question 🙋)
This is the big problem.
Well over half our population is complicit in murder.
Parents are still ritually sacrificing their children and babies. It’s past fear’s a learned ritual now for some.
What better way to prove your faith in the god of Science?
Exactly. Put your most precious goods on the altar of your cult.
Also a valid question: why the hell are these parents allowing the CDC to guinea pig their own children.
There was a Canadian pediatrician who admitted to giving the original vax to doctor friends’ kids because all the docs were desperate to vax their kids. Would not be surprised if it’s more of the same. Madness.
Mentally ill .
both the doctors and the parents of these babies and toddlers should be jailed, and the children placed with loving parents, not abusers.
Dr Mengele territory.
Indeed. And I want to see these people be punished in a medieval way.
Isn't it obvious? How will we know the boosters are safe for young mice if they aren't tested on human children first?
Wait are you saying white mice are in charge, as they allege in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
Absolutely, and thanks for all the fish!
Yikes! A 15-month-old was given the covid bivalent plus flu, hep A, MMR, and varivax all at the same time!
That poor child. Permanent fuckery.
I was horrified to hear about the parents so excited to get their babies into the vax trials. There’s a town hall recording from Anna Eshoo (CA congresswoman) and includes Stanford research Dr. Yvonne (Bonnie) Maldonado, Professor and Chief of the Division
of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics at Stanford Medicine.
She also directs Stanford's Global Child Health Program and serves as
the Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Lucile
Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. They were so excited to get the young kids into trials. I think it was late February 2022 and not the Bivalent of course. It is unbelievable to me that parents want a trial drug for their kids.
Maldonado strikes me as someone very disturbed.
1000 percent. The joy in her voice when she described the trials for kids made me sick. And Eshoo’s comments were no better.
What happened to the trial results and data?
That was part of the trials (there were sites besides Stanford) where the younger ages got approved. Summertime 2022. (Original vax, not Bivalent.)
Killers on the loose. My heart aches for these wee ones and their parents.
If it walks like a depop agenda and talks like a depop agenda, it is a depop agenda.
I think the parents should be jailed for allowing their child to get the shot
Child abuse
I said that too and then I realized everything I exposed my babies to. I trusted their doctors. Both of my grown kids are on the spectrum. Don’t think that I don’t have massive guilt. This is heartbreaking to witness.
Agreed that we parents trusted these people too long. From 3 vax in 1960s. To 11 in 1980s (when autism started uptick (so did Tylenol and tobacco taking over big food!)), to -/+48 now. WTF? Do I now feel like I was asleep at the wheel? Yes. Do I feel this contributes to our 20-somethings feeling “safe” getting jabbed for college now? Yes. Am I sitting in an ER right this minute waiting for results in a 3-time-jabbed college kid? Yes. 🙏🙏🙏
This is so hard. Prayers for your “baby” that all is ok! 🙏🏼
But... but... eight mice!! Safe and effective!
Also, all mice got Covid when exposed to it. And they were all killed after the experiment so we don't know what would have happened to them if they were allowed to live on. But hey, safety wasn't even assessed so I guess that's all fine.
But if they hadn't of got the jab they would have had covid for much longer and the symptoms would have been much worse.
I can't believe grown doctors believe this and can deliver it with a straight face.
Yeah the mice might have gotten LONG Covid!!!
Well, that's certainly a cure, do an autopsy.
Some of those reports may actually be for older people, but the system is so hard to use, people sometimes get the wrong age entered. For instance, it could be an 18-year-old, but the age was entered as 1.8 years.
But obviously the one you referenced was actually a young child.
I am going to check VAERS right now for the others.
you are correct... but the point remains... this ruh roh of dosing by accident is not new to VAERS. and NO babies should be being injected.
Can the pharmaceutical company and or the Dr. or nurse who administered the jab be held liable since the child/s under approval age? Love you Dr. Rose! Thank you for your enormous heart.
Yes. Way too many mistakes in administration. Have you checked how many "ruh-rohs" there are? The sheer number of different ways of saying "we did a boo-boo" that exist are ridiculous.
It also appears that some reporters are choosing "COVID19-2" which is the designation for the bivalent vaccine when in actuality they mean the second dose of the monovalent.
Just more proof of what a ridiculously complicated and confusing system VAERS is, and the need to come up with something better.
IMO, the FDA should have required vaccine providers to hire full-time staff to process VAERS reports, and the CDC should have put money into that rather than into advertising for Big Pharma. But that would only happen if they actually cared about safety.
Drug providers/profiteers should never be in charge of safety monitoring - they have a conflict of interest. None of the funding for safety monitoring can come from big pharma, for the same reason. The FDA and CDC should be funded stricly from public money. And profits of big pharma, especially for an "emergency" product, should be limited to 10%, the rest being taxed into general revenue.
Yes, I agree that drug manufacturers should not be in charge of determining if their products are safe. But since the FDA and CDC want to pretend that they have a plan in place to ensure safety, I point out the kinds of things that could actually be required if the point were to gather accurate and complete data from which to determine safety.
Yes i agree there should be more VAERS staff. Better would be completed (with publicly available data) animal studies and biodistribution studies and toxicity analyses of the components and clinical trials that are NOT run by the manufacturers. The companies can proffer their own studies to be replicated, but should not be relied upon for regulatory approvals or even EUAs. This all takes time, of course, during which early treatments should have been developed and made available. Who knows, no "vaccine" (or change in the definition thereof) might ever have been warranted...
Yes! All of that!
Here's one:
Patient Age 0.25
15 minutes after patient received her Covid Booster she complained of chest pain, She described it as a sharp pain substernal. Pt was not in distress. She denied diaphoresis and SOB. Vitals were taken; BP 120/70, P 83, O2 99%, EKG was done, Normal Sinus Rhythm noted. NP advised pt to follow-up in the ER. Pt declined calling an ambulance, her mother transported her. ER visit was normal per pt report just gave her IV fluids and discharged.
*Obviously a 3-month-old cannot describe her chest pain. It must have been a 25-year-old, not a .25-year-old.
yes i am aware of this one. EKG normal. age written in wrong.
Our state is running ads saying that kids are “hero’s” for getting vaccinated 6mo+
I’m so disgusted with our Dept of Health 🤮
yeah think marvel comics
The masses have become so mentally retarded with their yearly flu and other jabs as well as the covid jabs that they are unable to think let alone think rationally anymore. Their children are hopelessly on their way to mimicking their parents' behavior. Over 9 billion will be reduced the year 2030.