What is equally puzzling is the complete news blackout on the VAERS data. Regardless of what view one takes on the safety of the vaccine it would seem that 30,000 reported deaths and well over a million injuries would attract some level of mainstream media attention.

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Main stream media was paid $1B to keep to the narrative.

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Yes, and that was paid by our government (taxpayers), now look who pays for all the advertising on MSM, could it be PHARMA......

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No by Gates.

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Pfizer doesn't want to bring that to you. TV won't report it if it isn't "Brought to you by Pfizer."

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if you understand it as a globalists and communistss war on humanity it is not puzzling at all.

The mass media is owned and controlled by the global investment firms and they are all in bed with the CCP as they all have huge investments there - and they are partnered with the CCP in everything.

Covid is a communsit's attack on humanity.

(As is climate change, ESGs, and the Net Zero Banking Alliance implementing this insanty.)

They can't win if they try and fight a real war.

So their global team - best symbolized by the UN-WEF-CCP cartel - are attacking humanity in multiple ways - and they've been preparing for this since the formation of the UN in 1946.

They've built the global architecture for global communism, the New World Order, world government, or global fascism if you will - and it is to mimic exactly what the CCP and its western partners in technology built in China, which is their proving ground for digital fascism.

The leaders of the mass media are all on the global fascists team.

(If you haven't seen it watch the video "who owns the world")

So they control the narrative.

And because discussion of this is evidence of their crimes against humanity, their media outlets are blacking it out.

Just as they are blacking out the millions in the streets today that are protesting Brazil's stolen election - stolen by the communists for a communist which a corrupt judge let of jail so he could run in the election to get rid of the Trump of the Tropics - Bolsonaro.

There is no media attention on anything that is outside of the agenda of the global cartel that i running our media - and they are all in bed with the CCP for global communism.

This is a covert hybrid war.

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Not only did corporate media take money to spread propaganda from DHSS, they also receive massive amounts of revenue from pharma advertisements. If I’m not mistaken, pharma provides well over half of their revenue in non-election years. And since pharma donates to politicians and also has the biggest lobby In Washington DC, they basically controll all information all the time (except alternative media) Same with medical journals and higher education. None of them are going to bite the hand that feeds them.

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Isn't it so upsetting?!?! It shouldn't be allowed!! I think that politician should only be able to raise private funds and they should not be able to accept money from any companies or corporations whatsoever. They can use their own damn money.

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Ohh they have oodles of their own money since many invested in Big pharma, big tech, and green companies while they were also behind closed doors making decisions about US.

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Agree- love it

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I honestly don’t knowing what the answer is. Whatever laws are made, corrupt people find a way around them. I think the only answer that gets the the root of the problem is for people to take back their health. If people made the necessity changes to get off their medication if at all possible, the pharma companies stock piles of cash would shrivel up. Then they couldn’t control every single aspect of our current society. I think it’s the only way. There will always be a need for a medical system but the high amount of people suffering from avoidable chronic disease just basically gives them all the power. They own us. They own all industrialized nations.

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You think all people on medication are doing something wrong? You know , if you think about it, that is not true. The problem is our public servants do not serve our best interests, and it's our DUTY to remove them.. less government. So away with UN, FBI, And some other 3 letter agencies that shhh nobody is supposed to know about.

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I did not say that all people on medication are doing something wrong. I am saying that the majority of people suffering from chronic disease could change it if they choose to. This is a fact. About 75-80% of chronic diseases are due to poor diet and lifestyle choices. If people started eating only whole foods (with only occasional exceptions) and if they were active, there would be less need for the current medical system as it stands. People could also stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and using drugs if they choose.

Everyone knows (or could know if they care to learn) that eating processed meat, processed seed oils, processed grains, processed sugars, and food preservative/dyes/flavor enhances chronic disease yet people still choose to eat those daily. I’ve tried helping people change their diets to favor good health and it’s very difficult because people are addicted to foods that cause disease. Also, disease causing foods are very convenient and people want to spend their time doing other things than preparing fresh foods, so it’s challenging. But until people change on a massive scale and make it a priority, pharmaceutical companies and the rest of the medical industrial complex will continue to have power over them.

Our public servants are obviously captured by industry but why? Corruption is one reason. But also because industry has loads of money due to people being so chronically ill. Reforming all the three letter agencies is important but it will not automatically bring about good health. Good health is what is needed to truly reform the medical system and good health doesn’t come from anywhere other than proper nutrition and other healthy lifestyle choices. If people stay in a state of poor health, they will always be dependent on the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

I stopped eating processed food years ago, cured my chronic disease and took control of my health. I don’t pay into the system because I don’t need it. Others can too.

All diseases will never be cured (we all age and die eventually) and there will always be accidents, and so we need a medical system but the medical system could be a very small sector of society if we all take back our power.

RFK Jr is the only candidates talking about reforming the government agencies. I’ve donated to his campaign already. I hope he wins and then cleans house!

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4 million including vigiaccess.org

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Do you mean MSM? Lol, they are part of the issue.

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Yes, well....far bevit for us plebes to ask them to do their jobs.

You'd think that even the Dahlai Lamas advice could be followed ...if you can't help, at least don't hurt. Right? ...right???...

Yeah, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.

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From a rationalist perspective- it's unethical and immoral to put you're own interests over the death and serious injury of thousands. From a biblical perspective-I just read this today in Deuteronomy "Cursed is the one who takes bribery to kill innocent blood"

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Love that you posted this. It it is easy to despair over the GROSS INJUSTICE being done. Thanks for the reminder that the LORD sees all.

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Great distillation of what is so wrong about the state of things. It’s an indictment on everyone at every level who could and should be doing not only their jobs that WE pay for, but should be acting like basic humans who think of someone other than themselves. And the end of the day, it’s all people (who whether by omission or commission) have lost sight of their connectedness to other people.

May the Lord “bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts.” There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. May all those whole shrunken souls have deceived themselves remember that.

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The CDC hasn't worked for us for decades. They work for big Pharma and will cover up anything that might create jab hesitancy that could hurt profits of their criminal masters.

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Aren’t they suppose to thoroughly investigate any death in VAERS that could be related to a vaccine? Where are all those reports?

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Not this time. There is no stopping condition. It was developed under Other Transaction authority so it's not under any laws or regulations.

All this freaking out about the idiocy of the pandemic is besides the point. See bailiwicknews at substack. The Apr. 28, 2022 article. Katherine lists all the laws and regulations since 1900 that they've made so they could pull this off.

Ever wonder how they got away with killing all those people in hospitals and nursing homes and not once have the police investigated even though feature length documentaries have been made of them in the act of murdering people? It's because they created laws and regulations spelling out, not that it was legal, but that they didn't do anything. I know that sounds impossible. Go read the laws for yourself.

Secularheretic has a much shorter article that is just about Trump's role in this. The article that is titled donald j trump part 1. Basically, Alex Azar updated the PREP act just for Covid.

I'm Canadian and don't know much about law or politics but I'll bet Canada and most other countries don't even have the right to know what laws and regulations they've created in our countries allowing them to do this legally. Hence we're reading about America by default.

I saw some videos a couple years ago where Jonah Reif's mother talked about how the cabal had used the legal system to steal her son away from her for Satanic Ritual Abuse (John Kerry and Kamalah Harris played a role in it). Reif's mother said it was like they'd used some sort of Babylonian Legal Magic to make it happen (Freemasonry galore, everybody in the system were secret handshake buddies). This kind of reminds me of that, like, who thinks this law makes sense?

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That might be the case but if so then everything on their own web page is a contradiction.


It specifically says: “If it looks as though a vaccine might be causing a problem, FDA and CDC will investigate further and take action if needed.” Now obviously this is not happening but it’s there in black and white.

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Thanks for telling me that. If I ever knew that, I forgot. Pulling an explanation out of thin air I'd say there must be a hierarchy of rules. I'm no lawyer and know lawyers don't all agree but these laws seem pretty pointed. It's one thing to ignore a vaccine adverse event. It's another to have hospitals abusing people rights and have the police refusing to do anything no matter what. How'd they get all the police to be on the same page? They must have had a good talking to.

The only way out of this I can see is if Katherine's interpretation is way off base and the laws are benign.

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Laws are useless if no one is willing to enforce them. That’s what we are seeing. The police have only ever been the protectors of the rich and powerful. This is evidenced by the way they beat protesters. The legal “profession” is only interested in justice if they can make a buck. No justice will be coming to anyone for the scam that is Covid - not justice that is from the approved framework anyway. I sure hope no culpable doctors etc have an accident.

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But it appears they are following the laws. See bailiwicknews Apr 28, 2022.

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The police have become the terrorists. But they don't have to follow orders. If they think about what is being ordered for them to do and decided that it isn't the right thing

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I don't think it's some thing the people went to the police about. There are many lawyers now taking up a lot of cases like this though. As someone who's worked in the hospital this entire time in the newborn intensive care I've talked to lots of doctors and nurses and seeing what's been going on and I can tell you that what it really was is hospital administrations threatening and coercing and pushing their employees to follow a protocol and indoctrinated them into thinking that what they were doing was the right thing and that everyone else was crazy. Same thing that the government is and was trying to do. Typically any adverse event regardless of the severity is supposed to be investigated further by a pharmaceutical company they're required to report it to the FDA. However FDA and Pharma are so in bed together that I'm not surprised things are not being done as they're supposed to and then of course things might be different under EUA.

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The FDA is a pig and so is the CDC, the WHO, our government every single last one of them. Doctors, nurses, anyone else who basically DID NOT STEP UP.

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I was talking about people going to the police over a parent in hospital or nursing home that wasn't receiving the care the family wanted even with a court order (maximum remdesovir instead of Ivermectin or just outright releasing them). Then there were traveling nurses who filmed doctors murdering people who then went to police. I don't work in health care so will defer to people who do.

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Lol, the good old CDC. They have a long history of being sub par, I shall leave it at that.

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The CDC can comply with this rule by simply failing to look at VAERS or performing a faulty analysis of VAERS data, firing whistleblowers, and ghosting people who inform the CDC of vaccine injuries. The CDC can even demand that social media companies suppress the speech of individuals citizens who try to describe problems with the vaccines. There's evidence that all of this is happening.

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Well that's just it. They aren't looking or are wilfully blind - same thing. Any fool can see that the adverse events caused by the jabs is off the charts. It's a dereliction of duty but the FDA, CDC etc. is accountable to no one.

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They know this is true. They want to keep the lab rats....that is us...in the dark. At what point will we accept it has nothing to do with saving lives. It never has been. It is all about Government having access to and your acceptance of….they own your body and you will accept it....they then can inject you with what ever they want. Facts don’t matter in this deadly game.



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They already can inject you with whatever they want. The Secretary of Defense at the DoD is in control. They could send out the military and force inject you with anything the head of the HHS says is "likely effective" or some such nonsense. I can't remember the exact wording but it wasn't too hopeful.

I have no idea why they haven't already done this or what their future plans are.

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I give you one big reason.... 2A.

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Not surprised by that. Government has been lying since inception. I am SO surprised how cheaply people are bought.

Example: You want to travel? Get the gene therapy injectable (known as the JAB). OK

That was easy!

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Is it true that 1p36 gene deletion is the most common serious adverse event, recorded by Pfizer? https://www.atangledweb.org/david-vance-podcast-why-are-the-fully-jabbed-so-unthinking/

That is a congenital abnormality. That the jabs might be damaging the frontal cortex could help explain the declining critical skills, many of us believe we are seeing, in the injected. If this is happening, on a mass scale, we have little hope of reasoning these people out of their compliance to the narrative. Contemplating what this might mean, for the future, is almost unbearable. However, if this is true, it's something people should know.

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That list in question. It was a list compiled in advance of things to look out for. If this is a gene deletion, then to me it sounds as if this is something that they decided was worth looking out for in following generations. Something that might potentially manifest itself later on, in the offspring of vaccinated individuals, not in the first vaccinated generation.

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Thank you.

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Gene _silencing_ could take immediate effect in the vaccinated individual

- but here it is about gene _deletion_?

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That list is alphabetical, that's why it's listed first.

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I think you would find the book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism very interesting. Reading it helpEd me to understand what is going on and how so many people have fallen into an almost hypnotic state. I really had issues with the chapter on conspiracy theory but I tried to take it with a grain of salt and consider the new perspective. Overall, it’s an excellent and thought provoking read.

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I think it was Steve Kirsch who learned that the CDC (FDA?) does not say what VAERS is showing because they don't look at it.

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ADDENDUM: Why Did Wellcome Trust Fund A Research Study That Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus?


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== Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Whole Health Outcomes ==

The whole edifice is an example of gross regulatory failure. That's why vaccinated kids are so much sicker than unvaccinated kids: the agencies have never compared whole health outcomes between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, leaving it for us to do it. Then, when we publish the data, the Vaccine Mafia does everything in their power to retract the study, like they did to ours:

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination


But the data are still there and still show that vaxxed kids are a mess.

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Yes, the article WAS retracted by the journal, and not agreed to by the authors. This is just another example of the GROSS censorship of research that does not fit the 'narrative.'

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What would we do without you and the other brave people working so hard to keep us safe, healthy and alive?

As a (usually very healthy) 70 year old Toronto man suffering from Long Covid for 9 months ... as my doctor repeatedly tells me it will pass or to get a booster ... with no legal access to Ivermectin in Canada ... I'm trying all sorts of supplements to get rid of the severe brain fog, no smell/taste, Vertigo, rashes, lethargy and other intermittent unpleasant effects. Our Federal government is doing it's best to have people inject babies 6 months old!!! Criminals all. You, Jessica give people hope and I sincerely thank you for what you do.

Wayne Copeland

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Wayne, did you take the jab/s? How do you know you have Long Covid, rather than the effects of the jab (if, in fact, you got it)?

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The government no longer work for the people. Pretty obvious now on many fronts.

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I would love to know how off guard the CDC has been caught by its own data. Certainly we will one day know ... there are signs that no one thought things would be THIS bad ... the recent “injuries analyst” positions “ posted by CDC in recent months ... I wonder how “oh shit” things are in that org ...

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I'd expect they're incredibly disappointed with how few it's killed. Peter McCullough recently mentioned a study out of, I think it was Germany, that showed that at least 85% of the jabs had been deactivated by not being kept cold enough all of the time. If we imagine that 90% or even 95% of the jabs were deactivated (since almost all deaths came from fewer than 5% of the batches) we could have had up to 30% of the jabbed die each year if they'd worked as planned.

Admittedly, the all cause mortality data is incredibly dirty but...

If you read the updated PREP act that Trump had drawn up, it looks like this was supposed to be the "Great Cull".

Now that the FBI is on Trump's case, most non left wingers think this proves he's innocent. Lol. I can't get any of them to read the laws he had drawn up and signed. Because the Biden administration is a super massive screwup, Trump is now a remembered as a great president.

No memory of him killing the INF Treaty (to put nukes 3 minutes from Moscow); ignoring Ukronazi plutonium stockpiling; training and arming Ukronazis to kill Donbass civilians; ignoring Ukronazi (Pentagon actually) biolab/prisons that were developing genetically targeted bioweapons on the mentally disabled and then releasing them into Ukraine's general population for testing - hence, the near constant series of epidemics in Ukraine since 2016; hiring Robert Kadlec to run the biowarfare operation; running up deficits that were at least double any that had been seen before and which destabilized the financial system (remember the fall 2019 Repo market freeze up?); regularly tweeting ridiculous things about trade wars and whatnot that would cause the markets to cough up a lung; setting up prosperity zones where tech billionaires could park their capital gains tax free then letting BLM burn down neighbourhoods that just happened to be in those very same prosperity zones (good deal for his rich friends when they finally wanted to move into hard assets); pardoning none of the people he said he'd pardon, who actually deserved it, but rather only people like the Blackwater crew that massacred civilians in Iraq (plus his crooked in law); maintaining occupation of the 1/3 of Syria with oil so they could steal it. I could go on but you get the picture.

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I hear you, Jamis! Trump was a lousy President, as is Biden. The Democrat/Republican machine is one and the same, controlled by the wealthy elite.

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I don't even really think he was bad. Maybe the best ever, actually. If that sounds like a contradiction I guess it's because he had to do all those bad things and the pro Trumpers aught to know about them (which they don't). I learned all that way after the fact. Those were high level demands that really moved "the plan" forward.

But the small stuff he did. Like nicknaming Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas and challenging her to prove she was native. Then she waited for, I think it was a couple years. Then she gets the results and the scientist had to invent some inane range because the fraction was so low. Wasn't it something like 1/400th to 1/1600th of a percent. And for someone who'd gotten jobs her whole life for being native. All the laughs that YouTube comedians were able to make over that. God I miss Trump.

Or calling Pelosi Crazy Nancy and Schiff Shifty Schiff. I just don't know anymore if it was genuine or done to for Problem - Reaction = Solution type stuff. To enable what's happening now.

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I don't know either. Sometimes I think he was controlled opposition, to increase the chasm between Dems and Repubs. Dividing the nation has been one of the goals of the elites--destroy the country from within. But yes, some of his actions were priceless. He definitely made Warren look like a fool.

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Conspiracy theorists I work with say he was brought in to lead the gun toting Christian right to the slaughter. I didn't want to believe it. These people are default cynics (the CTs at work I mean). But it appears they were right. If Trump came out and acted outraged at the deaths the jab was causing the right would be ready for a civil war. Instead Trump just keeps supporting it and his supporters are neutered.

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I think these conspiracy theorist are right on. My parents took the jab because Trump, and Tucker and all the republicans said it was amazing. It was the only way to get more than half the country jabbed.

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I wasn’t sure until after the election when he put up the absolute worst case for election fraud possible (like his lawyers sounded like it was their first case ever) and when he called for everyone to come to Inauguration Day. Why? What was the plan if not to set everyone up? And why keep pushing the jab two years after learning its completely ineffective and very dangerous. Why the constant stupid tweets? He was so divisive that it turned off every single democrat from any logical reasoning about the pandemic. If you even suggested there might be early treatments you were thought of as a MAGA fool and dismissed. I’m very convinced he played his roll well. He gave lip service to early treatment but funded warp speed instead. He could have easily commissioned a task force to find early treatments and had McCullough or Kory head it in a heartbeat. Instead we now have mRNA technology being pushed on every man, woman and child. And don’t forget who put us under emergency powers. No Republican would have put up with any of this under a Hillary presidency. He played his part really, really well. And I think he’s slated to be the next president.

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From Whitney Webb's new book: “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein: "I would really caution people against what I see as psychological conditioning, this idea that we have to wait for a political savior, vote for the right person, and as soon as we get the ‘right person’ in the White House, everything will be fine. The extent of the corruption is vast and there is no way one person at the White House can undo it all.

What we need are regular people to take responsibility. So many of us are looking for the good guy versus the bad guy on the level of nation state leadership. No. The good guys are just the regular people like you and me, and the bad guys are the people most often at the top that have stomped on heads and clawed their way to the heights of power, regardless of what nation state you're talking about.

It's among regular people where you will find the ‘good guys’ you're looking for and it's time for those people to come together and say ‘Enough!’ And we really can do it. It just is about taking personal responsibility ... We have to take our power back and that starts on an individual level.”

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Watching the battle between democrats and republicans, especially Trump, reminds me of a WWE match. I’ve been a Republican all my life but I finally see how both parties bring us closer to the same end -just at different speeds and from different angles. To listen to Trump fans talk about him draining the swamp or to hear them make excuses for him pushing this vaccines (long after high injury and death rates were apparent) makes me feel very much discouraged. I’m certain that Trump has sold out, most republicans are unaware and he is definitely the one who is supposed to be elected next to keep this ball rolling. I predict that more political persecution is in his future and it will be televised endlessly until he has enough support and momentum to win. We will see what happens but that’s my best guess at how this will go. I’m sure CNN has been missing the high ratings since he’s been out.

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Of course the ridiculous temp requirements really messed with the doses … when I first heard about the 40 below thing I was like “what level of dumbassery is this?!?!” … there are too many unknowns in multi leg deliveries … and the acceptance points are not top level labs with experienced technicians, it’s literally school gymnasiums staffed by phlebotomists from the local hospital… no possible way the “great cull” rested on that flimsiness … I think the evil intent is there but that it leapt at the chance to poison us without first securing conditions likely to make that succeed … sars cov2 is not nearly lethal enough to provoke enough insanity, there are too many open platforms on the internet where people are still allowed to speak freely, the shot tech was harmful but probably not enough etc etc … for them, I think it’s another pause to regroup … honestly if it was a plan it was pretty good but not close to that blessed goalpost of killing all of us.

Or … more nefarious and makes more sense … it was a “dry run” to find the rebels … now they know who is in the way but I am willing to bet there are WAY MORE of us than they’d hoped … they really steamrollered the entire medical establishment and the media has stayed loyal like dogs through thick and thin but … the people, those pesky pesky people … they just won’t die gracefully!

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Lol. Did you ever see that news report, can't remember where, of all those untrained knuckleheads in New York City that were giving the jabs? Likely could kill you with saline.

Sometimes I talk like this is the Cabal's plan, and it is on one level, but I believe this has to be end times, Book of Revelation territory. This game is being directed way about any human level.

And as time goes on it gets more confusing. For example. This study showing at least 85% deactivation. Makes sense. Then another study comes out that tested the immune system of children in 4 cohorts. Unvaccinated, unvaccinated with prior exposure, vaccinated, and vaccinated with prior exposure. But the data looked like pretty much all the jabs were working (those poor children - damaged immune systems). Just when you think things are making sense my reasoning gets blown apart.

As much as I learn, the "unknowable unknowns" grow far more. I've never seen anything like it. World's most unsolvable puzzle that gets more unsolvable everyday.

6 months ago I was ready to pack up and take a charter flight from where I am, Toronto, to Mexico. Now the Europeans make Canada look pretty safe. And smart. We've got nuclear reactors, natural gas and oil, hydro, uranium, potash, farmland and lots of space. Now what's going to destroy what little stability we have? And most people I talk to don't think anything is out of the ordinary. So bloody strange.

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Jamis, I hear you … people like us are living this in a way others are not AT ALL. It is easy to forget that this entire storyline is built on the backs of BILLIONS of sheep … I mean, that kind of IS the story … the fact we are here is precisely because the sheep think things are fine.

You and I are honored to be sheepdogs, the alert beings in the edge of the herd, tied to the herd and worried for it … we are barking like crazy while being told we are crazy. Also we are reading like crazy … I feel I must read a hundred thousand words a day on this topic and lead a busy life besides! And if there is anything I’ve learned since becoming very alert 2.5 years ago, is that nothing is as it seems.

Two years ago I had a friend tell me about “chemtrails” … I nodded politely then did some quick research so I could tell her not to worry, that only insane people think they are “chemtrails” … joke was on me … 20 minutes of diving down that rabbit hole was enough. Then it was flouride. Then I stopped looking because I cannot afford to live in fear.

I am a Christian … I do believe what have going on here is all part of the end time revelations in Daniel and the book of revelations.

I’ve done my best to study it and, I think there is a very good chance evil will be beaten back again only to come roaring back after a little regroup (gotta replace the clown that released omicron down at the wuhan lab 😭). As a Bible believer, my job is to be watchful and do good.

I find psalm 37 very instructive during this time. It seems written for the modern me … I take great comfort in that collection of verses

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Yeah, I'd checked into regular vaccines years ago and found nothing but heavy duty debunkings. Then when reading everything about covid you'd find stuff by accident. One was soundchoice.org about vaccines.

Peter S Ruckman's Commentary on Revelation is best I've ever seen. Robert Breaker on YouTube may have done vids on it. He was a Ruckman student.

I've been talking to people to explain my viewpoint. It's funny how it helps sharpen the edge on your thinking. Now I think what's happening is a hybrid of spiritual causes (devil's taking to people in their heads that they think are their own thoughts) overlapping material causes (like I need this job, I need these votes etc). I get into arguments with people over Trumps involvement. They say if Trump was part of it why would they have raided him? This sorts that out because the only thing that matters is what Satan wants. He wants one world government so the antichrist can be world leader. What any one person wants means nothing.

I can see how atheists hate this type of reasoning. I used to be a hard atheist after becoming a Christian so I know that perspective.

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Thanks for all your research and the information you share!

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