This is a great documentary, but there is one problem with it. It is "preaching to the choir". Those who watch this documentary are those who mostly already know the story, as I do, for example. How do we get people who would refuse to watch it because they will instantly think it's "just some right wing conspiracy theory" into actually watching it and understanding it? Like Yuri Bezmenov warned, even if you show the people the absolute proof, they will not believe it, because they have been brainwashed and demoralized for so long.

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Yes. This is true. But it also confirms we are not alone. We must stay connected.

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yep, you are correct. I just read a Steve Kirsch substack with over 900 comments acknowledging exactly what you point out. These creeps have been very successful in their Mass formation propaganda.


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Actually everybody that opposes something add energy to the dipole. So its momentum increases. That is why the kabal likes the authors on substack. Is this irony, or what..

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hmmm. makes sense.

We need to consider ways to use that phenomenon against them. . . The tide can turn.

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find something perpendicular to this dipole. it will not interfere with the ongoing power struggle, but it will move attention away to an area where there are solutions. Leaving these battle scenes to the ' specialists'.


Read Neville Goddard's book 'The Promise and the Law', maybe the penny will drop. It finally made sense to me only a fortnight ago. And now, yes truly, a new meaning comes to many of my inner narratives.


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"How do we get people who would refuse to watch it because they will instantly think it's "just some right wing conspiracy theory"

Depending on the person and how long you have been pointing out the truth to them, I'd suggest good, old fashioned "Remember when...?" using some of the bigger falsehoods that were "true" then, but are now even being reported in "mainstream" news as wrong (false). "It sure would have been nice if they had told the truth back then about the 'horse dewormer', so many lives lost that should have been saved so easily. Darn shame, really"

Or, "Don't a lot of the politicians say we should be more like the Dutch when it comes to healthcare? Might be on to something there. I'm sure they love their kids as much as any parents. Did you hear they basically banned the shots for kids?"

Facts, with a strong emotional pull. "If the left one don't get ya, the right one will"

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In a chaotic universe, one need only induce an infinitesimal change to change everything (given time).

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Bill Maher

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You're confusing two similar expressions.

"Preaching to the converted" means you're trying to persuade people who are already persuaded.

"Preaching to the choir" means the congregation is empty, i.e. no-one is listening.

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It's easier to be fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled. Mark Twain

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Jessica, Thanks for sharing. I may try to send it to family and friends, but most don't want to hear it. They got the so-called vaccine. They submitted to vaccine passes to enter restaurants, even though their friend wasn't allowed to enter (and they were ok with that). They would rather be angry with me for calling things to their attention than face reality. With their uninformed or ill-informed compliance, they are dragging the rest of us that are screaming "no" into totalitarianism and digital slavery.

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Yes, that's been my problem too.

I resisted, they did not, and now, after the "mandates" are lifted, and my life is ravaged, they speak to me but still don't want to see or hear any data...

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I'm really sorry your life was ravaged. My relationships have suffered. Hard lessons, but better to know who you can count on and who you can't.

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Absolutely. (And I knew who I could count on, prior.)

Thanks, but I'm not crying over spilled milk...

Fleeing tyranny ASAP.

#holdthelinesomewherenew 🇨🇦

Canada is lost.

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I thought my family and friends could see through the lies, but they can't or refuse to. It seems that as long as they are getting a paycheck, they will comply with anything and don't care about anyone else. It is as if they have transformed before my eyes. But I'm glad you have people you can count on.

And I'm holding out hope for Canada. The upside of this not-a-pandemic is that I have discovered many insightful, decent people all over the world, including in Canada.

I am in California, so I am definitely moving soon. Back east, maybe Florida like so many other freedom-loving people.

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I hope not completely though for now, it's not worth living there. There are literally no Canadian friends of mine in who will engage in a discussion of the damage this 'plandemic' has created. I left, after the ridiculous nonsense of getting a test before entering, a test after entering, the 14-day quarantine, another test on Day 8 and the ridiculous ArrivCan.

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Absolutely agree

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Your posts are so effing important, Jess. Here's another gem for your subs:


We have been given so many ways to heal. I hope the purposeful rape of our DNA can be countered with smarter shit than our enemies are overwhelming us with.

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Hmm... interesting. Been learning about this via gardening. I passed it on to someone who works at YARA to get their opinion on it.

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I hope you come back and let us know what they say...

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I heard him talk once, and being that I'm following the worldwide efforts to cut down fertilizer use through mandates (starve us and take Farmland on the cheap for later food control), I sent him a link once on making nitrogen fertilizer (since so much of the atmosphere is nitrogen) from the air. He pointed me to an interview done by their company about efforts to do that (it takes a LOT of power - simulating lightning), and he also pointed me to a book called "The Alchemy of Air" which covered the same story in the interview and more.

Here's the video I sent them: "The man who killed millions and saved billions" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvknN89JoWo

This is the interview they pointed me to: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yaras-crop-nutrition-podcast/id1418347561?i=1000503246996

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Movie link not working. Also, why have no substack authors discussed "p" pres's executive order 9-12-2022 ? ~ https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/12/executive-order-on-advancing-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-innovation-for-a-sustainable-safe-and-secure-american-bioeconomy/ Is it to dangerous or is it something else? Movie link working now.

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And this. Scroll down to the article by Whitney Webb on the Wellcome Leap (Wellcome Trust latest initiative )


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Thanks, Jessica! This movie should win the Oscar for best film of 2022. It makes me nauseous to see that Charles III is one of the master criminals perpetrating the biggest crime in history with his pals Bill and Klaus. Perhaps after Nuremberg 2 trials he will be beheaded like Charles the First. I'll bet his public beheading would get higher ratings than his coronation and his wedding to Diana combined.

It was nice to hear Louis Armstrong close the movie with a dedication to Luc Montagnier. And we must pray for the safety of Mike Yeadon and all the other covid heroes.

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Just watched it. Thanks for sharing.

This film closed the "why"-gap for me, I can see the bigger narrative now...

Lets hope the masses rise.

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Interesting... I went to https://thebigresetmovie.com and it says I'm blocked from getting to it from my country. (USA) I wonder why there's a country block to it.

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Use the Odysee platform link from Jess instead. Also try a VPN to view outside US and see what happens. It worked for me as I'm outside US now, and with VPN to appear as if inside US, I got the error/blocked message too. Try this link and see if it works, or try a VPN... https://thebigresetmovie.com/inicio-ingles/

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Sep 14, 2022
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Can't help but think that someone doesn't want us to watch the movie. And it's not the producers of the film.

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Here is a warning for you if you visit Australia - I hope you will! :)


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I was wondering if there is something without all the F words in there. I just couldn't take it. And maybe send him a comb? And btw, I'd love to visit Australia, but not while that government is so hell bent on forcing vaccinations on everyone, implementing a social credit (ahem, vaccine enforcement) scoring system before being able to visit anywhere. And it sounds like there's a wonderful camp out in the woods to plant your butt if you refuse a vaccine shot.

No thanks, mate.

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They have removed the rules about vaccination and masking for tourists now. So, come on down under!

Re comb

I continue to be surprised that people don't wash their loins and comb their hairs when they appear on TV or some other visual media.

I've seen a woman wearing her pajama pants in a mall. I've seen a couple doing their strolls around 11:30am in their full pajamas with jackets. I've seen people in their pajamas in the afternoon in their front yards.

I've witnessed an old man visiting a dentist in the morning unwashed. The dentist winched!

I still don't understand why people don't wash their loins - thereby guaranteeing themselves happiness at least once a day - before they step out. And worse are those who try to cover their stench with cheap chemicals!

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You know, I've always wanted to go to the bakery around the corner on Sundays in my pj's... maybe 'd better not!?

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eeeewwww! :)

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Did you see he cleared his throat at the start? :)

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I had to laugh when I heard that... LOL So glad he didn't report from the loo.

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watched the first 20 min. More confirmation of huge WEF conspiracy against humanity. How can SO many humans, hate SO many others enough to consciously and determinedly conspire over decades KILL . . . them, US?! I will have to watch the rest when I can stomach the stench in short stretches.

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I have spent hundreds of hours researching this stuff and writing summaries to try to alert relatives and friends to almost zero effect. This film is brilliant and ties so much together in a very effective way. I am sure in contrast it will have terrific impact. Thanks so much for the heads up and for all you are doing

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Thank you Jessica! The Odysee link is annoying, because their login functions are not working, and so the subtitles are mostly obscured by the notice. GAH..

[later edit - this got fixed, and you can now see all the subtitles. Thank you Jessica!]

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Hi, watched this documentary. Some good information but honestly I don’t think it hit the mark on the full scope of what’s going on with the last few years, even decades. There wasn’t much discussion whatsoever on the origins of Covid-19; particularly Dr. Fauci, Dr. Baric, and Gain of function research. Dr. Baric, decades ago, was doing research on myocarditis in rabbits from coronaviruses. Look up his CV. I’ve found one person that has a different perspective on what the virus/vaccine are really about and that is Dr. Paul Cottrell. He has hundreds of videos on patreon where he gives his take on the virus, world events, and the background on Moderna, the covert and overt programs that surround gain of function research. The Big Reset focuses on the NWO and motives of the elites, but it doesn’t focus much at all on the virus and the vaccine. It seems to treat it too lightly in my opinion. I agree that it was massively over/wrongly diagnosed, that it was planned, but I don’t think he fully understands how this could be largely the start of biowarfare on a scale we previously haven’t experienced. He has so extremely interesting and well documented insights on the events that have transpired and I encourage anyone interested to take a listen to some of his videos. His take is that unless we go after the people making these bioweapons and shut down these labs, we will be in an endless cycle of new viruses being released and force vaccinations.

Here’s just one of his hundreds of videos: https://www.brighteon.com/4c2922ea-7239-478d-8780-6fb80d4df3f4

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I found the video here, and you can download it too (three dots below the lower right corner). https://odysee.com/@thebigreset:1/ENGLISH:bb

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Transhumanist experiments to create Internet of nanothings, biosensor nodes, SPIONs, graphene based hydrogel, that is too much science fiction to handle for most people. Just look these items up in pubmed before you write them off.

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Also, it represents a surveillance/detection mechanism if you want to saaaay, strike out against some of these globalists. They'll pick up on the addresses emanating from the vaccinated bodies.

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Thank you.

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That was excellent. Thank you for sharing. This helps me to remember I am not paranoid. My immediate family wants no part of me. Thank You God for my brothers in Christ. It feels like we are just now entering the long tunnel where we will find out the truth about ourselves. I pray I will persevere until I come out of the dark tunnel and back into the light.

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I still cannot believe how many intelligent, wonderful people--some"Christians" I know-- have no idea..they don't even question the safety or the incredible pushing of these shots.

Alarm bells went off in my head in 2020 because of the denial of natural immunity. The denial of early treatments.

I was afraid at first just like most people, but I worked most of 2020 and not one of my co-workers caught covid or died like media kept saying.

I am very disturbed that many religions are repeating the "safe and effective" narrative even now. Apparently they are getting all their information from corrupt agencies like the CDC, FDA, WHO, NIH, etc..

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