I was in tears watching this. Many thanks to the courageous people who spoke out in this. Thank you Dr. Rose for sharing this on your Substack platform. My sweet mother-in-law who lived in Cuba was not able to see her children who wanted to visit her in her final days from Canada and the US due to the outrageous travel restrictions. It makes me angry to this day. The evil perpetrators will have KARMA catch up with them, if not in this lifetime, in their eternal one. I hope and pray for justice and I pray for peace and grace for all those who lost loved ones due to this genocide.
Of course it makes you angry to this day. It is one of the unthinkable horrors of the lockdown when innocent people were deprived of access to their loved ones.
Travel restrictions from Cuba? Usually Cubans don't have issues traveling to the island. I was in Miami in March of 2020 when the lockdowns started and I don't recall if the Cuban travel agencies reported any issues. The entire scamdemic restrictions brought back the reality of living under Communism- in a supposedly "free" country. My condolences to you and your family.
No, travel restrictions from both Canada and the US to Cuba were not allowed during the time I am speaking about (around Sept 2020). We wanted to book flights and the airlines were shut down, due to restrictions
If more people would have stood up and refused to follow the evil that fell on us over the passed 3+ years all of this would have been ended long ago. It is not only the perpetrators but the people that allowed fear to make people cower like a dog rather than stand up to the evil and fight back. There were and are (but not for long) more of us than there is of them. I begged people to fight back and stop being cowards. But the cowards are every bit as guilty. Sorry but I cannot make excuses for the cowards that attacked their neighbors and family members because they refused the jab or refused to make themselves sick by wearing a mask.
Reminds me of a Solzhenitzyn quote: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Thankyou . We have awareness now! We have an interim coffee break here. Food supply destroyed, Chem trails, chemical spills, blood toxicology, but cbdc isn’t here yet.. we have space here for uprising. We are the 99 %
My husband fought back at work about the Vax mandates. He and others across the company (at many locations) stuck together, shared info, refused the jab. They pushed back. Many timed they were threatened that they would lose their job if not vaxed. My husband also refused to wear a mask at work. He was injured by the Anthrax "vaccines" that were forced on the military years ago. When he received them the military had no idea how many shots would be in the series....at first they said 6 but it ended up being 4. They also weren't exactly sure how much the dose should be in the syringe. The military had always been tested on.
People need to wake up and resist. No emergency allows our. Constitution to be thrown out the window.
Kuddos to your VERY brave husband. If people stood up and refused this tyranny a lot of lives could have been saved. You are a lucky woman to married to a strong man that stands up for what is right no matter the cost.
Wow. That military experience really assisted identification this time around. I have noticed ex military seemed to detect the bs early. I’m sorry he was injured by Anthrax. Far out. Like Guinea pigs. And that’s not even a metaphor. It’s reality. Congratulations on his and your fortitude. I have read that people have three default trauma settings. Fight freeze or flight. Mine is fight. Which has not always been wise. There are different ways at coming at this. So I am absolutely willing to come together to brain storm methodology. As a collective we can focus and temper our instincts. God Bless you and I hope your Constitution prevails!!!
But we are not through yet. We need to educate and unite. Every minute counts. This is a temporary lull before we are directly persecuted again! How to move forward?
Awesome Thankyou. There is a local group here. I guess it will be a local uprising in the moment. They are looking at parallel community. I still see it as preservation rather than a challenge to power. But it will evolve. In Gods hands. I just get this fire roar up in me. To come together all over the world. And rise! Will check out your link! 😎
It helps a lot to be able to meet in person with like minded people. Members of our group even draft bills for our State representatives. We work to hold them accountable.
Our group even hosted the only governatorial debate in our state in 2022. We worked to find individuals to run for local offices.
Like minded persons. Yes! Awesome work. Do you think the legal system could platform any real change considering the oppression at every turn? Or do you think it is just small wins until we are trapped by the kill box?
This is why I suspect an outlandish rebellion by whoever is willing, would make a difference, no matter the odds. As long as people know about it. It can set a precedent and help shatter mass psychosis
I’m stunned. Thankyou for the reality check. There are so many of them. What a gaslighting flip. Insane. I’m speechless. They are the majority by the look?
People in Victoria, Australia, were locked down almost a full year; if they ventured out, the militant thugs and bullies of the 'security' forces bashed them, sprayed them in the face with toxins, etc.
I wish the Commission had asked the second man more direct questions since he left the impression that the cause of the clots was Covid while his final response about when he started to see the clots, he said May 2021, suggests the “vaccine.” If the clots had been because of Covid, they would have occurred in 2020.
Yes, I thought the questions were too slow and vague, but considering these are all volunteers, I still am thankful they older Canadians who have the time are pitching in to run the sessions.
Saw this Michael Crichton talk on "State of Fear" where he talks about how the lies and propaganda surely killed people, "scared them to death". Worth watching: https://youtu.be/MDCCvOv3qZY?t=520
And yet, at a recent big pharma conference, Dr. Rose found that the attendees consistently believed that the mRNA vaccines were effective and brought us out of the pandemic. The deception is astonishing. We are awash in data, and starved of truth.
> To see all the locations in the library where your quotation appears, hover over the space to the left of the bullet > Click the 3 small dots that appear > The "mirrors" at the top of the context menu link to the various locations of your wise words.
Thanks for your willingness to share. Much appreciated!
We must not let lawyers and witnesses convince us that the Government of Canada is the legal target. That's exactly what they want and have anticipated so that they can throw us all a nickel and tell us to fk off making this a spectacular investment for corporations for the price of a nominal fine.
What the Government of Canada DOESN'T want is for individual citizens to lay Private Informations (criminal charges) against your boss in her capacity as a Canadian citizen who is required by law to abide by the Criminal Code of Canada under Section 504 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Section 504 of the CCC allows us to skip over the Police State who have been ordered to stand down, betray their Oath, assault refusniks and enable biofascism.
Pay attention to attempts to coral us and focus ALL blame onto the biofascist Canadian Government.
I have been told by numerous members of a lawsuit represented by Lawyer, Leighton Grey that he has suggested that they CHANGE THEIR TARGET from Canada Post Corporation to the Government of Canada. In my opinion, lawyers like Leighton Grey are straw men serving the interests of the Canadian Government and its Public-Private partners.
I have laid 11 Private Informations (criminal charges) against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall of Canada Post in the Provincial Court of Vancouver. In my evidence which was logged into the Court by the Honourable Judge Burgess I have included the evidence of Dr. Rose and others.
The charges laid against Jen Gall include extortion, intimidation, violations of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, assault causing bodily harm, warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher, criminal negligence via her administering of the Mandatory Vaccination Practice, criminal negligence via her administering of the mandatory mask policy, breach of public office, harrassing automated phone calls coercing me to disclose my genetic characteristics, fraud via the mandatory mask policy which caused me my job and $1.5 million, breach of the contract between the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and Canada Post and breach of my data using an IMSI Catcher.
Laying charges against individuals for "just following orders" and refusing to be controlled because you joined a lawsuit is their biggest fear. Why else would Canada Post and the Vancouver Police Department STILL be harrassing and attempting to entrap me 8 months after they violently assaulted, injured and FIRED me for my refusal to wear a mask when no Provincial or Federal mask mandates were in effect?
This is exactly correct. . .all those, in any capacity, who participated in any way, where they had a duty to resist, must be held accountable for their speech and actions
Crimes have been committed which are contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. It's her administration of the Cartel's policies which has caused bodily harm and likely death.
THANK GOODNESS, or thank GOD, or GODDESS, or WHATEVER you believe, or don't believe, for the likes of Michael Vogiatzakis and Michael MacIver in Winnipeg Manitoba.
The inhumanity is totally disgusting and heartbreaking. Went through this horrible treatment twice with my 81 year old widowed mother. The first was a hospital stay because she fell and tested positive for the virus while there. I was not allowed to visit. They put her in isolation and drugged her up. 10 days all alone. She couldn’t even answer the phone and speak in complete sentences when I called. The second time was 5 months later. She was in rehab after intestinal surgery and fainted during PT. They rushed her to the ER. Couldn’t find out why she fainted but continued to test. I waited for hours with her, was finally allowed to be with her, and left at 10:30pm when they moved her to a room. She died the next morning of a blood clot before I was allowed to visit her. Couldn’t get in til 1pm. I am heartbroken and full of guilt. I am angry and will never forgive or forget what those in charge did to me and so many others. The testimony is heartbreaking and the world needs to see and know. 🙏
Do you know how many war criminals got away scot free after the nazi regime? The same corrupt network that are operating new world order exterminations smuggled many of the nazi operatives out of Germany.
So little a price was paid for that. This is another infection from the same pathogen. The same operating system. It hasn’t met with any justice yet.
Im very well aware of that at least 50,000 Nazis were smuggled out one way or another , and that does not count the ones ALREADY here like the Bush family and those who helped finance the Nazis and their industrial war efforts. It was all part of the GLOBAL NWO agenda fully in place even way before then . In my second podcast I show this plan in detail from 1773
Share the video . . .help it go viral. . .people are so weary of all this that they may not watch, hear, believe. . .but we must not let this evil slither away into some dark corner where it can lurk and bide its time . . .only to come forth again. . .we must root it out and take away its power to deceive . . .this is the Jungian Shadow that is in each of us. . .some, in ignorance believe it does not exist, that they would never succumb . . .thankfully many did not. . .this time . . .but there will always be too many who do and we must be ever vigilant against our own unconscious tendencies that under other circumstances, given other enticements, we too might become monsters ourselves. . .Jordan Peterson is worth listening to on this topic.
Utterly with you. The jungian shadow made conscious out there. The ego’s premise is separation and in this misidentification we see ‘others’. This post helps me breath. There is no ‘enemy’ as such. There is myth identified consciousness and the blood thirsty murderous rage of the egoic construct that wants to survive at all cost.
How does it rise in us? It’s a collective unconscious and we are one consciousness. And spirit knows exactly what it’s doing. Animae. It’s okay it’s okay it’s okay. Even when it is overwhelming. Truth at all costs!
My sister-in-law collapsed with an unexpected brain aneurysm during 2020 and serious surgeries were required. Her husband, my brother was kept from visiting her during her entire month's stay in hospital, despite the fact that 80% of people with this condition die quickly from it. And for no good reason, it's barbaric.
I was in tears watching this. Many thanks to the courageous people who spoke out in this. Thank you Dr. Rose for sharing this on your Substack platform. My sweet mother-in-law who lived in Cuba was not able to see her children who wanted to visit her in her final days from Canada and the US due to the outrageous travel restrictions. It makes me angry to this day. The evil perpetrators will have KARMA catch up with them, if not in this lifetime, in their eternal one. I hope and pray for justice and I pray for peace and grace for all those who lost loved ones due to this genocide.
Of course it makes you angry to this day. It is one of the unthinkable horrors of the lockdown when innocent people were deprived of access to their loved ones.
I cried too. We are all going to need some sort of trauma counseling after hearing these stories. We need support groups.
Travel restrictions from Cuba? Usually Cubans don't have issues traveling to the island. I was in Miami in March of 2020 when the lockdowns started and I don't recall if the Cuban travel agencies reported any issues. The entire scamdemic restrictions brought back the reality of living under Communism- in a supposedly "free" country. My condolences to you and your family.
No, travel restrictions from both Canada and the US to Cuba were not allowed during the time I am speaking about (around Sept 2020). We wanted to book flights and the airlines were shut down, due to restrictions
Got it. I'm Cuban, from Little Habana (Miami) and didn't remember the Castro regime blocking travel to Cuba in 2020. TY.
Thank you.
If more people would have stood up and refused to follow the evil that fell on us over the passed 3+ years all of this would have been ended long ago. It is not only the perpetrators but the people that allowed fear to make people cower like a dog rather than stand up to the evil and fight back. There were and are (but not for long) more of us than there is of them. I begged people to fight back and stop being cowards. But the cowards are every bit as guilty. Sorry but I cannot make excuses for the cowards that attacked their neighbors and family members because they refused the jab or refused to make themselves sick by wearing a mask.
Reminds me of a Solzhenitzyn quote: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Half the people I know already act as if they are living in a communist country. They don't even know that they have rights anymore. It is terrifying.
I second your terror. I would think people would see the need to educate themselves beyond the latest "Budweiser commercial." But I don't see it.
Thankyou . We have awareness now! We have an interim coffee break here. Food supply destroyed, Chem trails, chemical spills, blood toxicology, but cbdc isn’t here yet.. we have space here for uprising. We are the 99 %
Great post! Restack it to notes! The world needs to read it
My husband fought back at work about the Vax mandates. He and others across the company (at many locations) stuck together, shared info, refused the jab. They pushed back. Many timed they were threatened that they would lose their job if not vaxed. My husband also refused to wear a mask at work. He was injured by the Anthrax "vaccines" that were forced on the military years ago. When he received them the military had no idea how many shots would be in the series....at first they said 6 but it ended up being 4. They also weren't exactly sure how much the dose should be in the syringe. The military had always been tested on.
People need to wake up and resist. No emergency allows our. Constitution to be thrown out the window.
Kuddos to your VERY brave husband. If people stood up and refused this tyranny a lot of lives could have been saved. You are a lucky woman to married to a strong man that stands up for what is right no matter the cost.
Wow. That military experience really assisted identification this time around. I have noticed ex military seemed to detect the bs early. I’m sorry he was injured by Anthrax. Far out. Like Guinea pigs. And that’s not even a metaphor. It’s reality. Congratulations on his and your fortitude. I have read that people have three default trauma settings. Fight freeze or flight. Mine is fight. Which has not always been wise. There are different ways at coming at this. So I am absolutely willing to come together to brain storm methodology. As a collective we can focus and temper our instincts. God Bless you and I hope your Constitution prevails!!!
Mike Vogiatzakis said it: They are "WEAK".
They were fearful.
"They didn't want to die. No one does!"
What's their excuse for not admitting that they succumbed to their weakness and fear?
What's their excuse for NOT APOLOGIZING to us now??
#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💉☠☣💔
But we are not through yet. We need to educate and unite. Every minute counts. This is a temporary lull before we are directly persecuted again! How to move forward?
Move forward by finding like-minded people. Stay connected, hold meetings, invite others to attend. Work on things in your community.
I'm a member of a group called Focus on America.
Here's a link to our website. At the top of the page there's a red arrow. Click on it to watch some of our meetings.
Patriots | Focus On America
We have to do more than be keyboard crusaders.
Awesome Thankyou. There is a local group here. I guess it will be a local uprising in the moment. They are looking at parallel community. I still see it as preservation rather than a challenge to power. But it will evolve. In Gods hands. I just get this fire roar up in me. To come together all over the world. And rise! Will check out your link! 😎
It helps a lot to be able to meet in person with like minded people. Members of our group even draft bills for our State representatives. We work to hold them accountable.
Our group even hosted the only governatorial debate in our state in 2022. We worked to find individuals to run for local offices.
Like minded persons. Yes! Awesome work. Do you think the legal system could platform any real change considering the oppression at every turn? Or do you think it is just small wins until we are trapped by the kill box?
"This is a temporary lull before we are directly persecuted again! How to move forward?"
I don't know. I'm just trying to get through every day, in limbo.
Yes. I hear you. The opportunity will present and is presenting. We are doing our best. And coming together here
This is what we were, and are, up against.
Check the names, and credentials, on the list of signatories to this letter.
This is why I suspect an outlandish rebellion by whoever is willing, would make a difference, no matter the odds. As long as people know about it. It can set a precedent and help shatter mass psychosis
I’m stunned. Thankyou for the reality check. There are so many of them. What a gaslighting flip. Insane. I’m speechless. They are the majority by the look?
And that is why PRIDE is a sin.
People in Victoria, Australia, were locked down almost a full year; if they ventured out, the militant thugs and bullies of the 'security' forces bashed them, sprayed them in the face with toxins, etc.
Watching that video made me cry. His pain for the man he prayed with was truly felt. Thanks for sharing.
Me too. God bless him
There's so many reports like this worldwide. Genocide
"There's so many reports like this worldwide."
This is a National Citizens Inquiry Commission.
These testimonies were taken under oath.
These testimonies will be entered into the RECORD.
"Lest we forget" what was done to us.
#StormTheBastille 🔥
We defeated Germany in WWII. But not the Nazis. They’re here in our own government.
We took only the best and brightest Nazis.
But now they are making it worldwide.
Yes the same masterminds of the Nazi reign are coordinating this. The same!
I wish the Commission had asked the second man more direct questions since he left the impression that the cause of the clots was Covid while his final response about when he started to see the clots, he said May 2021, suggests the “vaccine.” If the clots had been because of Covid, they would have occurred in 2020.
Yes, I thought the questions were too slow and vague, but considering these are all volunteers, I still am thankful they older Canadians who have the time are pitching in to run the sessions.
Saw this Michael Crichton talk on "State of Fear" where he talks about how the lies and propaganda surely killed people, "scared them to death". Worth watching: https://youtu.be/MDCCvOv3qZY?t=520
And yet, at a recent big pharma conference, Dr. Rose found that the attendees consistently believed that the mRNA vaccines were effective and brought us out of the pandemic. The deception is astonishing. We are awash in data, and starved of truth.
May I quote you in my "red pill" library, Wes?
> BeyondC19.org
Truer words were never spoken:
> "We are awash in data, and starved of truth."
Done! https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_fd8c5c55a5f5_26b2af0b0ad9_f04b4cab533b
> To see all the locations in the library where your quotation appears, hover over the space to the left of the bullet > Click the 3 small dots that appear > The "mirrors" at the top of the context menu link to the various locations of your wise words.
Thanks for your willingness to share. Much appreciated!
Yes a beautiful line. Sanskrit
Wow. The Nazi's have invaded Canada. You have to rid Canada of the Turd and his minions. Money is their God. What true pieces of sheeeet. Peace. :-)
We must not let lawyers and witnesses convince us that the Government of Canada is the legal target. That's exactly what they want and have anticipated so that they can throw us all a nickel and tell us to fk off making this a spectacular investment for corporations for the price of a nominal fine.
What the Government of Canada DOESN'T want is for individual citizens to lay Private Informations (criminal charges) against your boss in her capacity as a Canadian citizen who is required by law to abide by the Criminal Code of Canada under Section 504 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Section 504 of the CCC allows us to skip over the Police State who have been ordered to stand down, betray their Oath, assault refusniks and enable biofascism.
Pay attention to attempts to coral us and focus ALL blame onto the biofascist Canadian Government.
I have been told by numerous members of a lawsuit represented by Lawyer, Leighton Grey that he has suggested that they CHANGE THEIR TARGET from Canada Post Corporation to the Government of Canada. In my opinion, lawyers like Leighton Grey are straw men serving the interests of the Canadian Government and its Public-Private partners.
I have laid 11 Private Informations (criminal charges) against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall of Canada Post in the Provincial Court of Vancouver. In my evidence which was logged into the Court by the Honourable Judge Burgess I have included the evidence of Dr. Rose and others.
The charges laid against Jen Gall include extortion, intimidation, violations of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, assault causing bodily harm, warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher, criminal negligence via her administering of the Mandatory Vaccination Practice, criminal negligence via her administering of the mandatory mask policy, breach of public office, harrassing automated phone calls coercing me to disclose my genetic characteristics, fraud via the mandatory mask policy which caused me my job and $1.5 million, breach of the contract between the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and Canada Post and breach of my data using an IMSI Catcher.
Laying charges against individuals for "just following orders" and refusing to be controlled because you joined a lawsuit is their biggest fear. Why else would Canada Post and the Vancouver Police Department STILL be harrassing and attempting to entrap me 8 months after they violently assaulted, injured and FIRED me for my refusal to wear a mask when no Provincial or Federal mask mandates were in effect?
This is exactly correct. . .all those, in any capacity, who participated in any way, where they had a duty to resist, must be held accountable for their speech and actions
Speech isn't violence.
Crimes have been committed which are contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. It's her administration of the Cartel's policies which has caused bodily harm and likely death.
Watching and listening Jessica.
Paused at the end of Mike Vogiatzakis' testimony.
"My God" indeed.
THANK GOODNESS, or thank GOD, or GODDESS, or WHATEVER you believe, or don't believe, for the likes of Michael Vogiatzakis and Michael MacIver in Winnipeg Manitoba.
Friggin HEROES.
The inhumanity is totally disgusting and heartbreaking. Went through this horrible treatment twice with my 81 year old widowed mother. The first was a hospital stay because she fell and tested positive for the virus while there. I was not allowed to visit. They put her in isolation and drugged her up. 10 days all alone. She couldn’t even answer the phone and speak in complete sentences when I called. The second time was 5 months later. She was in rehab after intestinal surgery and fainted during PT. They rushed her to the ER. Couldn’t find out why she fainted but continued to test. I waited for hours with her, was finally allowed to be with her, and left at 10:30pm when they moved her to a room. She died the next morning of a blood clot before I was allowed to visit her. Couldn’t get in til 1pm. I am heartbroken and full of guilt. I am angry and will never forgive or forget what those in charge did to me and so many others. The testimony is heartbreaking and the world needs to see and know. 🙏
Oh my heart! 💔😭
I worked in a retirement home when Covid hit. What a shitshow 😢
THERE WILL BE A PRICE TO PAY FOR THIS all complicit are guilty in the genocide
Do you know how many war criminals got away scot free after the nazi regime? The same corrupt network that are operating new world order exterminations smuggled many of the nazi operatives out of Germany.
So little a price was paid for that. This is another infection from the same pathogen. The same operating system. It hasn’t met with any justice yet.
Im very well aware of that at least 50,000 Nazis were smuggled out one way or another , and that does not count the ones ALREADY here like the Bush family and those who helped finance the Nazis and their industrial war efforts. It was all part of the GLOBAL NWO agenda fully in place even way before then . In my second podcast I show this plan in detail from 1773
How interesting . Thankyou. Will check your stuff out. I’m fascinated in the history
Go to www.brigtheon.com type in Treetop Flyer podcasts there are 28 of them
Share the video . . .help it go viral. . .people are so weary of all this that they may not watch, hear, believe. . .but we must not let this evil slither away into some dark corner where it can lurk and bide its time . . .only to come forth again. . .we must root it out and take away its power to deceive . . .this is the Jungian Shadow that is in each of us. . .some, in ignorance believe it does not exist, that they would never succumb . . .thankfully many did not. . .this time . . .but there will always be too many who do and we must be ever vigilant against our own unconscious tendencies that under other circumstances, given other enticements, we too might become monsters ourselves. . .Jordan Peterson is worth listening to on this topic.
Utterly with you. The jungian shadow made conscious out there. The ego’s premise is separation and in this misidentification we see ‘others’. This post helps me breath. There is no ‘enemy’ as such. There is myth identified consciousness and the blood thirsty murderous rage of the egoic construct that wants to survive at all cost.
How does it rise in us? It’s a collective unconscious and we are one consciousness. And spirit knows exactly what it’s doing. Animae. It’s okay it’s okay it’s okay. Even when it is overwhelming. Truth at all costs!
My sister-in-law collapsed with an unexpected brain aneurysm during 2020 and serious surgeries were required. Her husband, my brother was kept from visiting her during her entire month's stay in hospital, despite the fact that 80% of people with this condition die quickly from it. And for no good reason, it's barbaric.