I love how Steve calls you "the most dangerous woman in science" 😁😎

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Me, too! What an awesome moniker!

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Dear Dr. Rose,

Thank you. I appreciate what you shared, and your honest intellectual approach to these issues.

I doubt you have the time, but is there a way to ask you questions specific to my family's experience with COVID-19?

Best regards, Chris

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Would you mind writing them here?

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Fair enough.

What I'm posting here is a synoptic version of an email I tried to send you about a week ago, which was itself an abbreviated recitation of relevant facts. Even so, posting this may be helpful to those who have had (or will have) similar experiences. So, here goes:


Forgive me for asking, but I'm wondering if you could let me know if you can see where I missed a critical element in the most important intellectual challenge of my life.  A brief background:

My wife died June 3 of this year.  A hyper-aggressive cancer developed from nothing to an inoperable Stage IV leiomyosarcoma, seemingly over just March - April, 2022.  She collapsed April 30, and never returned home.  She reportedly had one of the best oncologists in the nation treating her in hospital (I don't know for sure, but he seemed caring and competent), and other specialists also seemed decent.  It was allopathic care, though, with nothing nonstandard at that point (i.e., no herbs).

We'd had Long-Haul COVID-19 from March 2020 - September 2021.  Held it in check with things like zinc, green tea, thymoquinone containing Black Seed Oil, and anything else I could scrounge from ongoing medical literature review (e.g.. NAC, niacin, melatonin, bioflavonoids, and a ton more).  I suspect it was an ORF8 containing variant of the original Wuhan virus.  August 2020 thought we were "cured" after a long round of Ivermectin I talked our PCP into prescribing, but it had already gotten into the CNS (where Ivermectin mustn't and generally can't treat), and the virus passed through the brain and down the spinal cord, and then tried to recolonize the body in the months that followed.  Finally kicked it August 2021 with adding chlorine dioxide to everything else we were doing.

We recuperated the fall of 2021, but got hit with Omicron January 2022.  We ran fevers (which we never had back in March 2020), and seemed to be fighting it off, but my wife seemed to lag in her recovery beginning in February 2022.  She may have beaten the virus, but unbeknownst to us cancer was setting in.

I apologize for my impudence, but can you let me know if (on the face of things) you see something obvious I missed?  Not knowing how I failed my wife, and if it was preventable, is driving me crazy.


I'll add (because it addresses concerns that my wife's experience may have been idiopathic) that our son brought home the coronavirus in the middle of March 2020 — right before his school system was shut down. Since then, there was a progression of symptoms that we each pretty much shared, with me experiencing symptoms that were similar to those that our son had — about 2 days or so after him. My wife followed with similar symptoms about 2 days or so after me. That continued for a year and a half until we cleared the virus, a hellish progression of ever-changing, yet, constantly debilitating symptoms.

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The obvious answer is COVID killed my wife, but I'm just dense enough to believe I could have seen something sooner, or done something else. I don't mean to live in the land of "would of, could of, should of," but can't shake the thought that different actions produce different results . . .

As I understand it, SARS-CoV-2:

1) decreases the function of NK cells, which is associated with increased viral infection and cancer risk (Jewett, The Potential Effect of Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 on NK Cells, 11 Frontiers in Immunology - Article 1692 (2020) ~ doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2020.01692; Lee, et al, SARS-CoV-2 escapes direct NK cell killing through Nsp1-mediated downregulation of ligands for NKG2D, bioRxiv preprint (June 21, 2022) ~ doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.20.496341); and

2) likely promotes carcinogenesis by means of creating a cytokine storm and oxidative stress, and destruction of the p53 tumor suppressor protein (Zamaraev, et al., Viral Infections: Negative Regulators of Apoptosis and Oncogenic Factors, 85(10) Biochemistry 1191-1201 (2020) ~ doi.org/10.1134/S0006297920100077; Alpalhão, et al., Persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection and the risk for cancer, 143 Medical Hypotheses 109882 (2020) ~ doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2020.109882; Mleko, et al, Role of Systemic Inflammatory Reaction in Female Genital Organ Malignancies – State of the Art, 2021(13) Cancer Management and Research 5491–5508 (2021) ~ doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S312828),

as well as triggering genome instability (Victor, et al., SARS-CoV-2 hijacks host cell genome instability pathways, PREPRINT (2022) ~ doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1556634/v1).

There is a pragmatic side to all these bitter ruminations. My teenage son needs me to stay alive; so, I better be vigilant to prevent the same occurrence for myself or him. But, not knowing what I have missed, doesn't give me much confidence in avoiding further disaster.

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I am sorry for your loss. I understand your need to get answers. Unfortunately it seems very reasonable that this bug is meant to kill us all sooner or later.

The virus is endemic, so I don't think you should consider where it came from (son or not), it was made in a lab to kill the useless eaters by satanic cunts from hell that have drank too much narcissist juice.

I don't know how to prevent the fate that stares us in the face other than saying to my remaining family how much I love them. Trying to stave off the inevitable by singing songs and cooking (with some ingredients meant to mitigate damage).

I hope you find the strength to keep the light alive both for your sake and your son's.

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If this is an inappropriate place to ask the questions I've posed, please let me know.

Decorum is not my strong suit at this point. My wife was not only (by far) my much better half, but also my soulmate for 40+ years. If I didn't have my son to worry about, I wouldn't bother asking about anything, but I do have that moral duty –– to try to do better for him than I was able to do for my wife. And, I expect my wife would like me to find out what I can, and to do what I can. I'm not looking for a treatise –– just a shove in the right direction.

Right now, posing these questions is the best I can do to make "sword, famine and death" to cease from my family and do what I can that there may "be abundant peace from heaven, and a good life for us and for all Israel."

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Can you point me to any publication(s) that might address these concerns? I appreciate the work you do.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

We knew; Steve told us yesterday... we were just wondering when YOU would tell us 😏?

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i am slower than everyone else :)

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Yea, slow like Einstein and just about as dangerous! LOL

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Going fast and breaking things is cool when it's hardware.

When it's people... ..... IT'S FUCKING NOT.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Looking forward to seeing you soon! I hope your kitty joins you, too!!

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Is it possible to see a replay. Was it recorded? I missed it due to unforeseen circumstances.

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I'd like to see Jessica go 15 rounds with Stephanie Seneff to see who is the most dangerous woman in science. How can I listen to Sucharit, Ryan Cole and Pierre's talks in Vienna last Sat.? In 1973 I took a 48 hour student train from Istanbul to Vienna via Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. After 2 weeks of travel around Turkey it was like heaven to reach Vienna and see European toilets again! But Turkey was wonderful.

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Stephanie and I are friends and colleagues. We don't do fight rounds. Go to WCH website to watch.

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I know you are friends and are 2 of the most dangerous women in science. I'd love to see you and Stephanie take on Fauci and Castreau in a tag team match.

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Dear Dr. Rose,

I usually can't get to the live action VSRF streams but was very happy to see you in replay on Odysee.

I have just had the JAMA update and see that ivermectin, metformin, or fluvoxamine are not much use in Covid; this is supported by the NEJM editorial from Aug. 18,2022.

doi:10.1001/jama.2022.14723 Anita Slomski

DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa2201662 Carolyn T. Bramante et al.

There was reassurance that the diagnostic tests were verifiable, but no actual values. The Kaplan Meier curves were overlying between the placebo and treatment arms.

My analysis was that for about 1400 patients the recruitment was extraordinarily prolonged. almost two years; and hidden in the supplementary tables was the vaxx data, with about twice the illness in the vaxxed ivermectin and fluvoxamine(3.6 and 3.5) subgroups.

In your spare time! could you help us with the dissection of this study? My former colleagues will be all over it- "See-NEJM- it doesn't work. You needed the Vaxx." My family will believe the MSM reports if they see them, and our Canadian overlords are still pushing the BiVaxx and Flu shot combos

I will look forward to your upcoming presentation with the good doctors of Covid.

Best regards,

Robert Thompson

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This article caught my eye and just wanted to post it somewhere. A gov. grant in W. Australia of more than 800K to study how to get more jabs into more Aboriginal pregnant arms and why the "bleak" disparity between aboriginal and "white" jab rates . Sad and dismaying. Disgusting actually. Perhaps they'll learn how about Aboriginal wisdom vs. "white" foolishness. https://news.curtin.edu.au/media-releases/study-to-address-low-covid-19-vaccinations-among-aboriginal-women/

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Great interview! Beautiful kitty! Do you know Jean-Claude Perez? He worked with Luc Montagnier. He's publishing some things on the c0v!d debacle on ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363701046_Heat_wave_excess_mortality_and_Covid19_vaccination_the_case_of_31_European_countries_in_2022

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Yesterday’s show was outstanding. I didn’t want to see it end so soon! (I still want to know if Dr Rose took Dr Kory surfing on the Danube)

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I woke at 4am wondering whether Blood Type has any correlation with 'vaccine' injury. (Wacky!) I've heard the theory that certain blood types are more seriously affected by C-19 infection, but I can't seem to find much about this with regard to the vaccine. Is Substack searchable within one author's archive? I figure if anyone has written about this, it's Jessica...

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Here, watch this. Note the date (before the vax program rolled out). Note the specificity of the side effects noted. Oh, slow the video WAAAY down, because they try to blow through the relevant slide.


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