And yet Pfizer is still in business and no justice! If only my husband just took the placebo! It seems more deadly for the those like him who are paralyzed. He thought he was helping himself and others. He believed the lie! :( I tried so hard to tell him not to take it. It was too new is all I knew. I didn’t know about any of this information until he was sick and gone! The drs didn’t “seem” to know why he was getting the clots or how to stop it! They didn’t seem to even know how to stop/cure his what I think was pneumonia but induced by the poison! 💔😡😞

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I'm so terribly, terribly sorry that this happened to your husband, and to you as his loved one who tried to save him. I can't imagine the anguish and helplessness -- and so many have now shared it. May justice be done in our lifetimes.

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Thank you

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I am so sorry for your loss. I don't mean to pry, but was this reported to VAERS? If your "healthcare" providers are unwilling then you can do it yourself. May God bless and comfort you in this time of grief.

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Thank you. I didn’t know about vaers until after and I am still piecing together what happened, trying to connect the dots but I am mostly, almost 100% sure that all these terrible symptoms and eventual death is bc of the poison.

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I understand it is not easy or simple. It is important to get as many true reports in there as possible as to try to get them to pay attention. As these products are experimental it is essentially up to the CDC/FDA and the manufacturers to disprove causation. This fact has largely been lost in the debate. Even things like car accidents can be put in if there was an episode of syncope or other medical issue as the proximate cause of the crash.

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Thank you.

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It really makes one thinks these are delays, or play repetition... we have heard about these contaminated batches for some time now, and nothing changes, the show goes on.

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I was asking myself the same question. How is Pfizer still in business? How is it that these weasels are still walking around, eating in restaurants, feeling free to continue this unparalleled murder? They must be confronted where ever they are encountered and made to witness the public distaste for the social pariahs they are.

It's gone on long enough. We'll get to the politicians later, as well as the over zealous business owners that forced vax-or-quit/be fired scenario. Don't we want every pharma executive and researcher that falsified these records to be held accountable?

The decent scientists who have spoken out against this travesty are sufficient in their capacity to rebut any bullshit these sociopath parasites project out into the ether.

These men and women must pay, they will be required to surrender all their ill gotten gains and spend time in prison, if they avoid the gallows.

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The politicians juat as guilty, they get paid as well. This whole plan started with the governments, you can't pinpoint though, but everybody is making their dough...

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Boy, so much to be angry about in the discussion in that video, and it has to do more with "OMG the methodology of research! The selective samples given! The lack of answers to sensible questions!"

The interviewees rightly pointed out a LOT problems in the silence and methodology employed by the Paul Ehrlick Institute.

It was the first time I looked at howbadismybatch.com (I never took the shot), and looked at a couple of things here and there at different points in the video, and was thinking this "study" is just the tip of the iceberg. The stark reality of what happened is going to get so much worse.

I only hope there's full transparency and accountability to come.

Thank you Jessica! For me the righteous anger is growing.

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There were comments under the video that asked about the temporal correlation of the batches as well. One poster mentioned looking at the zip codes and I looked at mine and had similar questions as well as issues of consistency and quality control. Great interview! Certainly eye opening!

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If Pfizer/Biontech selected the samples to be sent to Paul Erlich Institute to be tested they would only send samples they knew to contain mRNA. If they were unable to produce enough mRNA for all batches they remaining ones would be placebos. They knew the jabs didn't stop transmission or infection so it wouldn't matter to them.

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Wanna see somthing that will really piss you off?

An Experimental Model for Dilated Cardiomyopathy after Rabbit Coronavirus Infection https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7109931/

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What a pity everyone didn't get the 'yellow' batch. What a scam, a double scam. I saw the Danish study a few days ago, this is a neat discussion.

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No wonder Peter Toadez is afraid to debate anyone. After listening to the Joe Rogan interview with RFKjr yesterday it is clear that Bobby would annihilate Toadez in a debate on jabs.

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its astonishing how they planned it even though haphazard or not. they just threw everything at the innocent public & coerced it through....

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Well, having been aware of Paul "Zero Population Growth" Erlich back in the '60s, I can't help being struck by the fact that an institute named after him was in charge of deathvax "quality control". Talk about hiding in plain sight. Really, you couldn't make this stuff up -- but there it is. Unless we're talking about a different Paul Erlich. Which somehow I doubt.

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Dr. Rose, thank you for all you do to get information out to the masses who will take the time to question the hypocrisy of our “experts” - In 2008 Dr. Fauci wrote a study for the Journal of Infectious diseases on histologic examination of the lung tissue samples from victims of the 1918 Pandemic and how most died from their secondary pneumonia infections of their virally weakened lungs. Dr. Fauci totally understood that antibiotics must be given when treating respiratory pandemics and it is no accident that the antibiotics given in 2020 were the lowest level given from 2018 through 2020. The name of the report says is all. “Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Influenza Pandemic Preparedness” The paper’s conclusions were specifically the need for stockpiling antibiotics to protect them from the deadly secondary bacterial infections. https://doi.org/10.1086/591708 How did Dr. Fauci forget his conclusions from just 12 years prior to eliminated antibiotics out of the hospital protocols for the Covid-19 Pandemic? Why was the least amount of antibiotics given in 2020 compared to 2018 and 2019?

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I have added some important new information to my article on this topic.


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You have likely seen this, but just in case.....


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But I know that nothing will bring my best friend back here. I know one day I will see him. See him while! He was such a wonderful husband. For 17 years and a couple months.

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Got some response from a lawyer for covid injuries and at the least malpractice and neglect lawyer. I filed three complaints with the state. 💔💔😞😞

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Really hard! A person who was a quadriplegic from the hospital after a car accident. He was amazing!

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That he never had. Well except for pneumonia. But the bigger stuff bc of the vaccine. Then they gave him pressure sores and infections for not giving him the proper bed and not changing his catheter.

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Right? How is Pfizer still in business? How is it that these weasels are still walking around, eating in restaurants, feeling free to continue this unparalleled murder? They must be confronted where ever they are encountered and made to witness the public distaste for the social pariahs they are.

It's gone on long enough. We'll get to the politicians later, as well as the over zealous business owners that forced vax-or-quit/be fired scenario. Don't we want every pharma executive and researcher that falsified these records to be held accountable?

The decent scientists who have spoken out against this travesty are sufficient in their capacity to rebut any bullshit these sociopath parasites project out into the ether.

These men and women must pay, they will be required to surrender all their ill gotten gains and spend time in prison, if they avoid the gallows.

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