Standing ovation!

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Brilliant. Thanks, Jessica. 🙏🏼

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Everything I wish I could convince my husband of. He won't have it. So sad the intelligent people that see nothing wrong with what is and has happened since 2019! (and of course it's been going on a lot longer)

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so sorry when I hear that people's life partners (or other immediate family) are willfully ignorant. I honestly can't comprehend being in a relationship with anyone who refuses to even LOOK at anything under the slick, money-drenched surface.

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Agreed. My cousin is in this predicament. His wife (my actual cousin, as he is a cousin by marriage to her) got vaccinated in secret and he didn't find out until a week later. He got a full body rash and couldn't figure out why. I suspect shedding.

Then, she got her booster, along with 2 of their kids, and he ended up in hospital with a severe asthma incident. She blamed him for not getting jabbed. I told her I found it reprehensible that she would have the nerve to blame him.

Then, she stood in my house (whilst I was in the throes of depression after my husband died from cancer) and called the Freedom Convoy terrorists. I told her if she tried to say that again, she could leave my house and never return.

It is clear to me the jabbed DO SHED and make others ill around them after getting the death jab. As he got ill both times within 7 - 10 days after she got jabbed.

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Thanks Jessica! My fiancé and I saw this back in the day and I had forgotten about it. Now have the opportunity to buy it plus many more superb anti-bs tunes! 😀

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Check out his other videos on Rumble. Got some great stuff!

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Thank you! I also have all the videos that got deleted with my YouTube channel on Odysee:


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👏👏👏 watched the entire song. Great stamina you have. 👏👏👏

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The last verse, that's when it reaches it peaks.

Just one shot, then another after three weeks.

Boosters make it work right, sterility.

But I can't dance because I see it's PZP.

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This is just great. The power of culture to share perception and understanding is so, so powerful. Great that there are still talents like this out there, able to do it.

Thank you so much for sharing it - I am in turn sharing widely!

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Genius but as awake as I am now when I hear or read stuff like this, I feel sick to my stomach all again as if it's my first awakening.

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truthful and jazzy, musical and playful, very very nice!

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Thank you! Made my night! 🙂!

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It's all here.

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WOW!! beyond genius! thanks for turning us all onto this GEM, Dr Jess!! I don't do any social media (besides a private biomed treatment group for autism moms) so I otherwise would never have seen this.

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Just wondering what instrument the multi talented Jessica plays?

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QWERTY keyboard! ;-)

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I remember her mentioning some percussion as well

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Guitar ? & Flamenco dancing

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Thanks Jessica! Love this guy. In sharing this, I hope he gets tons of exposure and makes lots of money. We need more brilliant and fun loving people like the two of you ~ which is what’s getting me through the B—sh-t!

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Amazing! Too bad I can’t retweet since my Twitter account got suspended LAST WEEK for posting a screen shot from Dr. Mercola’s newsletter entitled “Is this why paediatricians push vaccines?”. I thought it was a balanced, thoughtful article... anyways, this video is so well done. What a talented man! Thanks for sharing.

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