Now multiply her experience by millions worldwide

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It shames me to see what fellow docs are doing. For years we had far too many people having panic attacks & were given megabuck work ups for heart disease. That caused unneeded suffering and some suicide.

Now we’re calling organic illness anxiety ...


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Thank you for sharing this story, I feel helpless as I just watch this tragedy unfold and the millions of victims suffering.

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I was disgusted that FB removed and censored this heart wrenching story and administered "warnings" to this woman who has suffered so much. If anything, the world needs to be aware of the warnings HER story should provide for anyone with a bit of common sense and the ability to reason. She is a hero for getting the story out where it can be heard, because it needs to heard and the world MUST NOT ignore the pain and suffering she and so many others have endured in the name of this shot. Thank you Dr Rose for helping this story be seen and heard.

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I cried my way through this. God bless that woman. Her experience of being dismissed by an army of professionals sounds familiar - something I learned from trying to get help for my son years ago.

I know a reckoning seems too far away, but we have to keep pushing. Thank you for fighting.

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The medical professional no longer treats according the Hippocratic oath. Too many are heartless and brain dead automatons who only follow top down protocols with no compassion or even interest in their patients.

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Never, never, never forget. And no f-----g amnesty for these f-----g bastards!

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Even before Covid, doctors often deny symptoms as anything other than in your head, especially if you are a woman. Or misdiagnose. And vaccines could never be the cause because they are “safe and effective”. It is difficult to find doctors who use their brains. I am not sure what happens in medical school these days but it produces autonotoms instead of diagnosticians.

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I was only able to get through about the first 1/3 of this before turning it off. Just too upsetting and unnerving. I will bet any money the clot removed looks like those Ryan Cole and the various embalmers have publicized. Totally criminal.

Time for class action lawsuits against Pfizer, Bourda, FDA, Fauci . . . all these xxxtards involved.

Nothing less than tar and feathers followed by drawn and quartering in the public square. I am damn mad.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Very compelling testimony. To establish an actionable case for public advocacy, next step is to publish the corroborating medical records - with her fully informed permission of course. See a lawyer. Otherwise she will be gaslit and everyone forwarding the story will be questioned and claim it is just good acting or a super rare genetic anomaly as they already told her.

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It is obvious we will NEVER get the truth from our governments. They KNOW they screwed up big time and will never admit it because God only knows what people might do to them and should do to them. I pray everyday that these criminals are brought to justice and one day they will. If not in this life surely in the next. There is only ONE answer. WE MUST keep sharing the truth because the only way to stop this is for people to REFUSE to ever get another vaccine. And that means not just the COVID injection but ALL vaccines. None are safe. None are effective. ALL were meant to cause poor health and destroy our natural immune system all in an effort to make money. Whether that be directly or through grants and the ability to have assigned their own lab. These people sold their soul for personal gain and because of their greed, ambition and lust to control human life they are responsible for the death of millions and soon to be billions of people.

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So tragic and needless as this continues to happen to millions of people.

The medical cartel and federal governments are complicit in the all the injuries and deaths and not to be trusted. The vaccine was never safe and effective.

Never take a mRNA shot! regardless of age, immune status or condition.

Thank you Jessica for all your work and for exposing the vaccine poison.

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OMFG 🤬 horrible. And Trudeau keeps pushing this shite.

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Her story highlights what so many have faced, and yet so many others find difficulty acknowledging. So often when I'm discussing SAE's with people, their response is that if this was truly happening, it would be all over the news or that it's ridiculous to think that the medical establishment would go along with something this terrible.

The simple act of refusing to test for, acknowledge, and/or document these SAE's accurately leads to a paucity of usable data, thereby allowing for deniability by those wishing it so. It's brilliant and effective while also downright deplorable.

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Leigh-Ann and several others attended the Saskatchewan Legislature session December 1st, due to the efforts of the brave MLA Nadine Wilson, who wanted to bring the plight of vaccinated people to the government's attention. The premier walked out while she was still speaking. The health minister did not acknowledge Ms. Wilson's request to meet with the group. Many of us were in tears, were outraged, and Leigh-Ann of course was weeping, devastated. and rightly so. All of us had driven for hours in order to be at the Legislature. However, the minister did finally meet with us, for a whole 20 minutes. One vital thing that emerged is that doctors do not seem to be submitting vaccine-injury reports, although a system like the U.S. under reported VAERS is in place, which takes apparently a good half-hour for more or each physician each time. Due to the work of a couple of people, Canada now has the Canadian Adverse Events Reporting System, CAERS, https://caers.info and people are urged to submit vaccine and mandate stories. The other issue we all found common is that doctors do not know what they are looking for when they examine vaccine-injured people nor do many seem really interested. Of course, they are threatened with repercusisons and license-loss. Leigh-Ann is a very brave woman for speaking publically as she has. More people will speak as she has due to her example.

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The cruelty is the reason it’s hard to find room for forgiveness, at least for me… and the call for amnesty is truly ‘adding insult to injury’

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