That call took place a year and a half ago people! Since then boosters were still pushed and the jab was added to the childhood vaccine schedule! The FDA is a criminal enterprise!

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Unfortunately, our ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is a criminal enterprise! People have to wake up and realize that psychopathic criminals are in charge of just about everything!

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Outrageous comments from these verifiable criminals at the FDA, etc. I remember reading Dr. Patrick Whelan’s warning letter to the FDA in December of 2020 about the impending rollout. I knew then that this was very likely to be a worst-case scenario we would see; an utter disaster for human health and wellbeing. Thank you, Dr. Fraiman. Louisiana is lucky to have you. Thanks, Jessica, for your part too.

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everybody forgets that those who took the jabs were part of a stage 3 human trial and by that token they are obliged to report any and all side effects... this is how we test if they are safe and effective... seems the FDA forgot that also...

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There is a big difference between "forgetting" and willfully ignoring/rejecting.

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i really should have put air quotes around forgot...

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Speaking of Moderna, Did you see their most excellent own goal at the US Open? They had to award their sponsored telecast "Shot of the Day" to Novak Djokovic, since he was the only player left standing at the end (his 24th Gland Slam title, BTW).

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Novak is a hero. He got Covid19 and has a certificate to prove he now has superior immunity to the jabbing maniacs.

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Nuremberg 2 these criminals.

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I can't do much more than continue pounding it home, to my twice injected son.

Linked him to this article, as well as the Twitter post. (And Steve Kirsch's latest substack.)

Some snippets of motherly advice given:

"Injected kids have dropped dead, have myocarditis, have had strokes, post "vaccination".

In Canada. In the USA. In Australia, New Zealand, in every country this poison was rolled out in.

Not to mention previously healthy teenagers, young adults, adults, the elderly.

These drugs should never have been approved, but they were...

Based upon the manufacturer's own TRIALS, which the FDA attempted to hide for 75 years, but failed to."


"Once the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) began to receive REPORTS (which was IMMEDIATELY) these drugs should have been pulled. STAT.

As one physician in that Zoom interview stated: a baby formula manufacturer had their product pulled after 4 babies who were fed the formula were hospitalized. (2 died.)

Tens of thousands of reports later (and VAERS is grossly under-reported, always has been, but in the case of THESE particular "vaccines": nurses and physicians in Canada and the States were TOLD, point blank, NOT to report adverse events...):

The drugs are STILL being pushed.

On TV, on the radio, in news online, on Ewe-Tube, by Dr. Bonnie Henry, by Trudeau et al.

You and your cousin and co-workers and friends might have dodged 2 (or even 3 bullets) thus far, but you're playing Russian Roulette."


"That call was recorded in February of '22.

They're still pushing this crap, 19 months later.

2 year 9 months after the rollout, after people began dying and suffering heart attacks and strokes blood clots and shingles and 2,500 other adverse events:

They are STILL trying to frighten people (or coerce health care workers) who complied but DIDN'T die or suffer an adverse event the first few times they were injected with an unsafe and ineffective drug into rolling up their sleeves DOING IT AGAIN.


Please don't."

I have ONE job left now, and that is to ensure my son doesn't comply, again. (I failed the first time.)

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I can’t give people the data about people dying. I mean they’ve been vaccinated,.....don’t stress them, give them the protocol to help them. And then some people are so stressed they actually don’t want to be here anymore,....they are too apathetic about life to care. They need to get more ‘interested’ in life,....... Vitamins help a lot with this. D3 together with 200 mg B1 really helps. You can’t continue to ‘make them wrong for still living’.

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That's your viewpoint.

It's your prerogative to deal with your injected people in any manner which you see fit.

It's my prerogative to try to save my only begotten child, age 26, from acquiessing to a 3rd dose of an unsafe, ineffective drug, in any manner which I deem fit.

He has all the vitamins and supplements, including NAC and nattokinase, etc.

Thanks for your kind input though.

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You are probably aware that perhaps 30% of the Pfizer doses in Europe were saline placebos. Probably it was similar in the U.S. It IS "Russian roulette" because no one has any way of knowing what they will be given. If ALL the shots were from "hot" batches, everybody would have "wised up" very quickly and nobody would "touch them with a ten foot pole". But the drug companies are nefarious, underhanded slime-balls, to be putting it mildly! They are doling out the deadly doses slowly enough to not spook the cattle (us) into stampeding for the hills!

But "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". My "idiot" brother just recently took his sixth shot. He believes and trusts his doctors (can we say "brainwashed"?). If your son will listen to you, that is fantastic, but if he won't, there just isn't much you can do about it. He has free will, and this life is not the end. Best of luck! I hope he is smarter than my brother!

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"I hope he is smarter than my brother!"

Hope he's smarter than my brother too.

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Unfortunately, one of those rambling videos, with lots of waffling. It only needed about 5 mins.

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You'd be right if this was a news update., But this was a detailed revelation of evidence. It shows who said what, how they set it, and what passed for rationale while the departments totally abandoned the responsibilities.

BUT I understand your frustration completely. I feel it every time I

try to take in a video with poor acoustics or equipment,

and NO CAPTIONS! This video was a rare exception.

I have to say that a lot of good people's good messages are diminished

or passed by because it's too frustrating to understand them.

I have turned off or skipped many videos of importance because of this. I recently

rediscovered my video speed control, but that simply trades understanding for time,

and sometimes even that doesn't help.

It's particularly aggravating because there are many solo producers on

YouTube that have great sound quality, and even they include captions.

Most of the biggest entities in the Covid health advocacy movement

are negligent in this regard.

Also, it used to be fairly common for videos of any importance to be

accompanied by or linked to a transcript.

Entropy affects intelligence too!

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Thank you for your polite response. I understand your points.

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You have to wonder if he'll now, for the next few years, even though he's at the end of his career, have that special advantage over his mostly compliant competitors.

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The only thing one needs to know to be a pencil pusher-stuffed suit-government bureaucrat-party apparatchnik is how to suck d**k.

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BTW Jessica I had to resubscribe to your stack bc for SOME UNKNOWN REASON I was no longer on your list. 🧐

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OMG we just *might* be able to change a few minds with that Samsung TV analogy ALONE. How many of us have a friend who researches EVERY PURCHASE they make before buying something but went out and “got the shot” eyes wide shut? I have at least FOUR including my own brother.

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Dr Drew said during this that Fauci didn’t push lockdowns but that is untrue. Fauci did push lockdowns. I’ve seen video of him (Fauci) multiple times saying it on camera that he supported them.

I was also struck by how many times the FDA was given the benefit of the doubt by Fraiman. You have to excuse the FDAs behavior many times to be able to think they are just making innocent mistakes due to time constraints and such. That’s either excessively generous or naive.

But overall excellent discussion and exposure of the fraud. Anyone watching and listening will see what’s going on.

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OMG !!!! As a retired chemist I find the processes taken by these so called experts, that make all these life decisions for us at the CDC, UFB (Un - believable). During their education, did any of these folks ever participate in any real scientific inquiry???? If so, with this lack of critical thinking, how did they manage to graduate ???? I think my Papillion could preform better assessments.

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"I think my Papillion could preform better assessments."

Lol! I'm sure he/she has a better "sixth sense"/discernment! And must be a whole lot cuter!

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at this point, i wouldn't trust the fda to run the studies either....

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You absolutely can't trust them for ANYTHING!:


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We are beset by secular faith. Inoculation has become a holy sacrament, one where ingestion confers immortality, or so it would seem by the assertions of its modern-day priesthood.

That the substance of the inoculation is deemed irrelevant to the sacramental beneficence, seems obvious at this point.

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It is an UNholy sacrament, and WE are the blood sacrifices to their Pagan gods!

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Excellent. Thank you. Shared. Watch Dr Drew rumble.com too.

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