It was difficult for me to write this and I didn't summarize it so well in my opinion but the fact that these people put so much effort into protecting these obvious outdated lies is so hard to fathom. It occurs to me that they might actually believe the shit they're peddling.
These cretins know what to say if they ever hope to get another NIH grant or bribe from Pfizer or Bill, or if they want their families to be safe from accidents or suicide.
What does “recovered” mean? And who are the health care providers who think everything is fine (as long as you lie down before you hurt yourself)? Are they as competent as the CDC? My understanding is that EKG evidence of heart distress post vacs is very high even if symptoms are sub-clinical and that will not go away. How many young people who died on the playing fields were even diagnosed with anything prior to the sudden heart attack? Zero. Most important point is giving shots and side effects to young people who had NO risk of hospitalization or death. And what does it mean to die from the disease when hospitalization is cause of death? I’m a broken record, I know. One year ago I got the boot at work for refusing the shots, but was 70 at the time, COVID recovered in 3 days (plus a week of afternoon naps). For me no NI exemption. A 46y colleague who stayed on died a day before the shot#2 deadline. I believe he got his shot that day but cannot prove it. Whenever he got it, he was at work smiling and greeting people in the hallway all the way through the Friday before his sudden death on the weekend. He was rail thin, energetic, 20y PhD veteran of hi tech. If I ever get more details this will be a good SAD example of healthy relatively young person with zero risk from the disease. Job leveraged to take the shot in violation of the EUA terms. I cheated, took “retirement.” Mel Brooks can make one more movie “Alive and Loving It.”
If Japan's public health is like Sweden's, rcovered may simply mean "not presently undergoing treatement; not currently on sick pay; not currently registered as patient at any clinic".
I.e. it may be purely bureaucratic classification wth no medical basis.
Thanks for this explanation. If this is what the study and these experts think is “recovered” then shame on them. That is super f*caked up for these kids and their families caring for them.
Japanese public health officials have been shrewdly dodging from the start. Deaths were reported in about 2-3 days, and most of them were related to "gene drugs" with the beautiful symbol "γ" ≡ "cause unknown".
The clogged meaning is judged as "γ" = "we can't understand it". Before starting vaccination, the minister in charge said that if anyone died from this, the bereaved family would be paid 42 million yen, but there is no evidence of payment. In short, they are partners in fraud.
Official statistics, like VAERS in the United States, show that many scholars say that the actual number is several to ten times higher, so the reality is in the dark.
This is what I wanted to say, too. They can just lie with definitions like the drug companies do in the trials (paralysis = stomach ache.) They can phrase the question to the health care provider as "Is the patient suffering from acute myocarditis symptoms currently?" Then treat a no answer as they are 'recovered.' Thinking like a pharma fixer is abhorrent, but necessary in order to understand how they go about this.
Reminds me of the initial reports broken down into "cases", "deaths" and "recovered". The recovered numbers were always so small or even 0%. I wondered for months why there were so few recovered if we are truly trying to keep good numbers. Surely these "cases" eventually died or recovered, no? I wonder now if that was prep for the shots: "Guess what? No one truly recovers. Surprise!"
CDC loves to manipulate data to fit their predetermined narrative. The myo/peicarditits data is no different:
--Now, in 2022, Sharff et al. from KPNW — a CDC partner in building CDC’s Safety Data Link network has told CDC that their algorithm for identifying myo/pericarditis cases directly related to the mRNA inoculant is flawed and that “The true incidence of myopericarditis is markedly higher than he incidence reported to the US Advisory committees in the fall of 2021.” -- see A FOLLOW UP ... below
Also, simple inspection of VAERS data --- all limitations acknowledged --- shows that myo/pericarditis is dose related.
Not even two weeks ago (11 Sept) I wrote:
"There are two things of note shown in the following graph from First, the dramatic difference in reported cases of myo/pericarditis in people between the ages of 12 and 23 remains. Second, there is a clear dose relationship shown over doses 1, 2, and 3 for those between the ages of 31 and 76.)
I too thought Dr. Sharff's report was excellent and eye-opening - the CDC missed cases of myocarditis because for one, they didn't include "myocarditis NOS" in their algorithm. How many of you are medical coders? They also missed cases of myocarditis if they weren't officially diagnosed by day 21. ie: patient seen in ER, diagnosed with Chest pain, sent to a cardiologist. Cardiologist diagnosis them on day 22 with myocarditis. Case EXCLUDED.
I can't remember where I read it, it has been too long, and too many articles ago, but I saw one that did cardiac imaging on young males regardless of symptoms, and found evidence of damage in almost all, but only a much smaller portion had symptoms and were seen for a diagnosis.
In the spirit of most things COVID, I'm sure the Shimabukuro team cherry picked their data analysis to get a desired result, and even doing so, their cherry-picked results are pretty bad.
Toxicity (pathogenicity) of the spike protein is likely dose-related, so I would expect increased incidence of myocarditis with a greater number of shots. The authors could have separated their data by number of shots, but doing so would have revealed this alarming trend. Grouping everything together creates the impression that things are not as bad as they are.
I think you would be failing completly at the 'deceiving' look extra nice and gentle when putting that purple little devil in your environment lol
Utterly absurd that they're reduced to arguing that shot-induced myocarditis is no big deal when there is absolutely no need for the shots in the first place. Totally disgusting people who henceforth should be ignored or maybe better yet, we should always do the opposite of what they tell us and likely then we'll be in perfect health!
I seem to recall Dr. Peter McCullough, renowned cardiologist, saying there's no such thing as mild myocarditis. This is a serious condition and perhaps 50% will die in 5 years, and the rest will have weak hearts for life. I'd much rather have covid. My sister in California just had the new bivalent booster after already having 4 clot shots, and she had a bad case of covid before she had any jabs and probably was immune for life anyway as she is 81. All them spike proteins can't be doing her Parkinson's any good. At least my other sister and 4 cousins are unjabbed.
We need to learn why it's different. Seems likely it's dose dependent, caused by inflammatory spike proteins. Those are produced by the virus, which the patient either clears quickly or dies. They're produced continuously, apparently indefinitely, by the mRNA injection and don't seem to be effectively cleared.
I agree with your theory. The number of independent/free floating spike proteins produced by the mRNA in the "vaccine" injection is in the billions, IIRC. With COVID, the spike protein is part of the virus and is cleared when the virus eliminated ~ which is not to say there isn't long term damage. Huge difference! A study would be nice, but that isn't going to happen any time soon...
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist lost his 73 year old doctor father to the vaccine and has changed his mind on the safe and effective vaccines. He is now asking for a complete enquiry and a moratorium on vaccinations. His father was prominent in the British Medical Association so he is not a minor objector. Some of his research might be of interest.
John, I saw him on YT last night. I was gobsmacked that he was being allowed to say what he was saying without censorship. Maybe at last the tide is turning towards allowing free speech and truth. Time to let the cat out of the bag...
Considering the backlog of AE not yet in VAERS, the numbers are probably considerably higher. All for a demographic that shouldn't even be in the reporting population.
Donald Rumsfeld died last year from Multiple Myloma. One of the complications of that is Amyloidosis.... hmmm made me wonder if there was a link to the jab
The complete lack of integrity in the medical/research field has been astounding. Junk studies are now the norm. Basically, when a study comes out, I assume that there is a greater than 50% chance that whatever their conclusions is, most likely, the opposite is true. How sad is that. It feels like a runaway train that cannot be stopped until the entire system is abolished.
Researchers with competence and integrity are quickly weeded out by corrupt bureaucrats. Fired. Censored. Sued. Those who remain prefer job security to intellectual liberty, and deserve neither.
Yes! Or, they don’t even go into the medical/research field to begin with because they believe health does not come from the end of a needle or by swallowing a pill.
Unfortunately, health that doesn't come from needles or pills isn't profitable. Most of the medical industrial complex are high priced prostitutes, providing services for pay, not gratification.
I agree that there’s a lot of that. I also think a lot of medical professionals just aren’t critical thinkers and go along with whatever they are taught. The way our society idolizes doctors just adds fuel to the fire. I know a few doctors and they honestly believe that they are a gift to humanity. And, in some cases, for certain life-saving medical procedures, they are. But the whole system, with all its corrupt parts, and especially with the fraudulent “scientific” research has turned into a dumpsters fire. It should be visible enough for the medical professionals who truly want to help people, see the writing on the wall. But, then you have the problem of purging any critical thinkers out of a very important essential system. The way they get rid of any truly good, honest, critical thinking medical professionals is such a disaster for healthcare for the next several decades in medicine. Does anyone want to be treated by a hospital/doctor who was silly enough to take an improperly tested mRNA injection or prescribed remdesivir?
Like you mentioned, the purging has been happening for decades. Look at Andrew Wakefield or Paul Thomas. Covid just accelerated the process.
Same purging is happening with any area of the private and public sector who was forced out of their career with the stupid “vaccine mandates”. All the thinkers...Poof! Gone.
It’s like as if people are going to have to just create their own separate parallel societies. But then, in time, the psychopaths will be running that too. Ugh. People are just going to have to take back their health and avoid the medical system as much as is possible. It’s the only way to collapse big pharma and that’s unlikely to happen on a big enough scale so we continue on in clown world, owned and operated by pharma.
Doctors aren't magicians, or saviors. They're ordinary people who worked hard for a decade to learn a complex subject. They're a lot like auto mechanics and plumbers in that respect, except those aren't deified. Doctors and mechanics need to learn to recognize any problem and fix it. Individuals only need to learn to recognize and understand the problem currently facing them. Much simpler, and within the capabilities of most people. Some basics of biology and physiology make it easier, and one of the many significant failures of the education system is this important topic isn't taught. We're on our own. Some will handle it well. Some won't.
It’s a classic. Don’t worry it’s completely safe! Don’t worry it’s extremely rare and you are much more likely to get it from Covid. OK it’s rare and you are much more likely to get it from vaccine. Ok it’s common but it’s not so bad. Ok it is bad but we all have to die from something.
This is incredibly sad and scary. I am so worried about those I know getting their fourth or fifth shot. When I share info like yours and the few others I follow with them they just don’t believe it. They are too far down the rabbit hole. If I post on FB, it’s flagged. I just have to sit back in silence and watch as friends and loved ones continue to inject these products. So painful.
Whatever circle of hell Shimabukuro is destined for, it's Fauci-adjacent.
It was difficult for me to write this and I didn't summarize it so well in my opinion but the fact that these people put so much effort into protecting these obvious outdated lies is so hard to fathom. It occurs to me that they might actually believe the shit they're peddling.
Maybe. They certainly believe in the pay check waiting at the pharma job on the other side of the revolving door.
Yes, these guys are obviously very career minded.
They do! They could not admit it to themselves they are complicit in something terrible.
V-safe data pending:
CDC Has 4 Days to Release Data on COVID Vaccine Injuries Collected via V-safe App, Court Rules
These cretins know what to say if they ever hope to get another NIH grant or bribe from Pfizer or Bill, or if they want their families to be safe from accidents or suicide.
They need to get out of what they doing and try something else. My area is always short of washroom attendants.
I find the whole lot of them hard to get through to...
Dr. Faustus, we call Fauci, in our household
What does “recovered” mean? And who are the health care providers who think everything is fine (as long as you lie down before you hurt yourself)? Are they as competent as the CDC? My understanding is that EKG evidence of heart distress post vacs is very high even if symptoms are sub-clinical and that will not go away. How many young people who died on the playing fields were even diagnosed with anything prior to the sudden heart attack? Zero. Most important point is giving shots and side effects to young people who had NO risk of hospitalization or death. And what does it mean to die from the disease when hospitalization is cause of death? I’m a broken record, I know. One year ago I got the boot at work for refusing the shots, but was 70 at the time, COVID recovered in 3 days (plus a week of afternoon naps). For me no NI exemption. A 46y colleague who stayed on died a day before the shot#2 deadline. I believe he got his shot that day but cannot prove it. Whenever he got it, he was at work smiling and greeting people in the hallway all the way through the Friday before his sudden death on the weekend. He was rail thin, energetic, 20y PhD veteran of hi tech. If I ever get more details this will be a good SAD example of healthy relatively young person with zero risk from the disease. Job leveraged to take the shot in violation of the EUA terms. I cheated, took “retirement.” Mel Brooks can make one more movie “Alive and Loving It.”
good comment
If Japan's public health is like Sweden's, rcovered may simply mean "not presently undergoing treatement; not currently on sick pay; not currently registered as patient at any clinic".
I.e. it may be purely bureaucratic classification wth no medical basis.
Thanks for this explanation. If this is what the study and these experts think is “recovered” then shame on them. That is super f*caked up for these kids and their families caring for them.
Thanks! Excellent clarification!
Japanese public health officials have been shrewdly dodging from the start. Deaths were reported in about 2-3 days, and most of them were related to "gene drugs" with the beautiful symbol "γ" ≡ "cause unknown".
The clogged meaning is judged as "γ" = "we can't understand it". Before starting vaccination, the minister in charge said that if anyone died from this, the bereaved family would be paid 42 million yen, but there is no evidence of payment. In short, they are partners in fraud.
Official statistics, like VAERS in the United States, show that many scholars say that the actual number is several to ten times higher, so the reality is in the dark.
2022 Oct.7
Pfizer Death=1594, SideEffect=20903/Shot237mil.
Moderna D=1, SE=134/Shot76mil.
This is what I wanted to say, too. They can just lie with definitions like the drug companies do in the trials (paralysis = stomach ache.) They can phrase the question to the health care provider as "Is the patient suffering from acute myocarditis symptoms currently?" Then treat a no answer as they are 'recovered.' Thinking like a pharma fixer is abhorrent, but necessary in order to understand how they go about this.
Reminds me of the initial reports broken down into "cases", "deaths" and "recovered". The recovered numbers were always so small or even 0%. I wondered for months why there were so few recovered if we are truly trying to keep good numbers. Surely these "cases" eventually died or recovered, no? I wonder now if that was prep for the shots: "Guess what? No one truly recovers. Surprise!"
Dead people are evidently hard to reach by phone perhaps
right. that is actually a good point. many VAERS reports that end in death are not updated as so.
I suppose instead it shows up in the higher all cause mortality numbers we are seeing.
CDC loves to manipulate data to fit their predetermined narrative. The myo/peicarditits data is no different:
--Now, in 2022, Sharff et al. from KPNW — a CDC partner in building CDC’s Safety Data Link network has told CDC that their algorithm for identifying myo/pericarditis cases directly related to the mRNA inoculant is flawed and that “The true incidence of myopericarditis is markedly higher than he incidence reported to the US Advisory committees in the fall of 2021.” -- see A FOLLOW UP ... below
Also, simple inspection of VAERS data --- all limitations acknowledged --- shows that myo/pericarditis is dose related.
Not even two weeks ago (11 Sept) I wrote:
"There are two things of note shown in the following graph from First, the dramatic difference in reported cases of myo/pericarditis in people between the ages of 12 and 23 remains. Second, there is a clear dose relationship shown over doses 1, 2, and 3 for those between the ages of 31 and 76.)
CDC's corporate behavior remains despicable.
I too thought Dr. Sharff's report was excellent and eye-opening - the CDC missed cases of myocarditis because for one, they didn't include "myocarditis NOS" in their algorithm. How many of you are medical coders? They also missed cases of myocarditis if they weren't officially diagnosed by day 21. ie: patient seen in ER, diagnosed with Chest pain, sent to a cardiologist. Cardiologist diagnosis them on day 22 with myocarditis. Case EXCLUDED.
I can't remember where I read it, it has been too long, and too many articles ago, but I saw one that did cardiac imaging on young males regardless of symptoms, and found evidence of damage in almost all, but only a much smaller portion had symptoms and were seen for a diagnosis.
In the spirit of most things COVID, I'm sure the Shimabukuro team cherry picked their data analysis to get a desired result, and even doing so, their cherry-picked results are pretty bad.
Toxicity (pathogenicity) of the spike protein is likely dose-related, so I would expect increased incidence of myocarditis with a greater number of shots. The authors could have separated their data by number of shots, but doing so would have revealed this alarming trend. Grouping everything together creates the impression that things are not as bad as they are.
it's just their message an interpretation that continues to be bad
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
...when we first practice to deceive 😈
I think you would be failing completly at the 'deceiving' look extra nice and gentle when putting that purple little devil in your environment lol
Well that is indeed about my impression of you, and that is a good thing for you LOL
Bill Gates and all almost about to be discovered lyers would do a lot to have you on their side I guess lol but it is probably true too!
I hope you will try to publish a comment on their research results in the same journal or elsewhere to get to a wider audience. All the best!
yes i plan to :)
Agree, alternatively post to TrialSite News >>
Utterly absurd that they're reduced to arguing that shot-induced myocarditis is no big deal when there is absolutely no need for the shots in the first place. Totally disgusting people who henceforth should be ignored or maybe better yet, we should always do the opposite of what they tell us and likely then we'll be in perfect health!
I seem to recall Dr. Peter McCullough, renowned cardiologist, saying there's no such thing as mild myocarditis. This is a serious condition and perhaps 50% will die in 5 years, and the rest will have weak hearts for life. I'd much rather have covid. My sister in California just had the new bivalent booster after already having 4 clot shots, and she had a bad case of covid before she had any jabs and probably was immune for life anyway as she is 81. All them spike proteins can't be doing her Parkinson's any good. At least my other sister and 4 cousins are unjabbed.
Exactly! And "vaccine" induced myocarditis is worse than that from getting COVID:
Myocarditis from COVID virus versus myocarditis from the vaccine: the latter (from vaccine) is far more dangerous
We need to learn why it's different. Seems likely it's dose dependent, caused by inflammatory spike proteins. Those are produced by the virus, which the patient either clears quickly or dies. They're produced continuously, apparently indefinitely, by the mRNA injection and don't seem to be effectively cleared.
I agree with your theory. The number of independent/free floating spike proteins produced by the mRNA in the "vaccine" injection is in the billions, IIRC. With COVID, the spike protein is part of the virus and is cleared when the virus eliminated ~ which is not to say there isn't long term damage. Huge difference! A study would be nice, but that isn't going to happen any time soon...
Nature has many ways to weed out people who don't belong here. This is just the latest.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist lost his 73 year old doctor father to the vaccine and has changed his mind on the safe and effective vaccines. He is now asking for a complete enquiry and a moratorium on vaccinations. His father was prominent in the British Medical Association so he is not a minor objector. Some of his research might be of interest.
Ten minute interview with Dr. Malhotra
Part one of his well researched and documented published report:
Part two of his published report, note the recommendations on pgs. 8-9:
John, I saw him on YT last night. I was gobsmacked that he was being allowed to say what he was saying without censorship. Maybe at last the tide is turning towards allowing free speech and truth. Time to let the cat out of the bag...
Considering the backlog of AE not yet in VAERS, the numbers are probably considerably higher. All for a demographic that shouldn't even be in the reporting population.
Donald Rumsfeld died last year from Multiple Myloma. One of the complications of that is Amyloidosis.... hmmm made me wonder if there was a link to the jab
Of course it was… wonder no more.
The complete lack of integrity in the medical/research field has been astounding. Junk studies are now the norm. Basically, when a study comes out, I assume that there is a greater than 50% chance that whatever their conclusions is, most likely, the opposite is true. How sad is that. It feels like a runaway train that cannot be stopped until the entire system is abolished.
Researchers with competence and integrity are quickly weeded out by corrupt bureaucrats. Fired. Censored. Sued. Those who remain prefer job security to intellectual liberty, and deserve neither.
Yes! Or, they don’t even go into the medical/research field to begin with because they believe health does not come from the end of a needle or by swallowing a pill.
Unfortunately, health that doesn't come from needles or pills isn't profitable. Most of the medical industrial complex are high priced prostitutes, providing services for pay, not gratification.
I agree that there’s a lot of that. I also think a lot of medical professionals just aren’t critical thinkers and go along with whatever they are taught. The way our society idolizes doctors just adds fuel to the fire. I know a few doctors and they honestly believe that they are a gift to humanity. And, in some cases, for certain life-saving medical procedures, they are. But the whole system, with all its corrupt parts, and especially with the fraudulent “scientific” research has turned into a dumpsters fire. It should be visible enough for the medical professionals who truly want to help people, see the writing on the wall. But, then you have the problem of purging any critical thinkers out of a very important essential system. The way they get rid of any truly good, honest, critical thinking medical professionals is such a disaster for healthcare for the next several decades in medicine. Does anyone want to be treated by a hospital/doctor who was silly enough to take an improperly tested mRNA injection or prescribed remdesivir?
Like you mentioned, the purging has been happening for decades. Look at Andrew Wakefield or Paul Thomas. Covid just accelerated the process.
Same purging is happening with any area of the private and public sector who was forced out of their career with the stupid “vaccine mandates”. All the thinkers...Poof! Gone.
It’s like as if people are going to have to just create their own separate parallel societies. But then, in time, the psychopaths will be running that too. Ugh. People are just going to have to take back their health and avoid the medical system as much as is possible. It’s the only way to collapse big pharma and that’s unlikely to happen on a big enough scale so we continue on in clown world, owned and operated by pharma.
Doctors aren't magicians, or saviors. They're ordinary people who worked hard for a decade to learn a complex subject. They're a lot like auto mechanics and plumbers in that respect, except those aren't deified. Doctors and mechanics need to learn to recognize any problem and fix it. Individuals only need to learn to recognize and understand the problem currently facing them. Much simpler, and within the capabilities of most people. Some basics of biology and physiology make it easier, and one of the many significant failures of the education system is this important topic isn't taught. We're on our own. Some will handle it well. Some won't.
This is Exactly why we read Dr least, we can count on her analysis (with a grin or a smile added in!!)
It’s a classic. Don’t worry it’s completely safe! Don’t worry it’s extremely rare and you are much more likely to get it from Covid. OK it’s rare and you are much more likely to get it from vaccine. Ok it’s common but it’s not so bad. Ok it is bad but we all have to die from something.
My God I wondered why I hadn't seen any posts by you in a while lol I didn't realize this substack existed!
Looks like I have a bunch of reading to do!
yeah i switched it up a bit to try to be organized
This is incredibly sad and scary. I am so worried about those I know getting their fourth or fifth shot. When I share info like yours and the few others I follow with them they just don’t believe it. They are too far down the rabbit hole. If I post on FB, it’s flagged. I just have to sit back in silence and watch as friends and loved ones continue to inject these products. So painful.
I can relate! Never underestimate your ability to plant a seed or two.
They're all volunteers.