I also asked bad cat to rally the troops:

“Now can you help with my mission to get Jessica Rose reinstated before the Great COVID Debate is rescheduled?”


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Congratulations, Jessica. I voted yes to reinstate you.

Too bad Dr. McCullough doesn’t advocate for other scientists and physicians -- or the entire group -- still banned under the false accusation of Covid misinformation.

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He can't be everywhere. Seems like he is sometimes, but even Superman has limits.

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This "Superman"'s kryptonite is cocaine... If you want Dr. Rose re-instate it, "Go fund me" -> cocaine for Musk :P.

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We were talking about McCullough, but if either one uses coke, I want some, too

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I didn’t know about the voting. Peter blocked me a while ago.

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I asked Elon but I doubt if he will even see my request 🤔 I am sure it will happen soon Jessica 🤞🏻There is such a backlog 🤬

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The fashionable preoccupation with Twattle and being 'on it' seems a waste of valuable life.

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It's just a communications tool. They seem more important when they're denied. It's not about twit as much as the prohibition.

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Absolutely understand.

There nevertheless remains the sense and humility of Groucho Marx’s letter of resignation to the Friars’ Club:

“I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”

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They needed Groucho more than he needed them.

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We still do!

The doctrine of delegitimisation takes no prisoners. I vote restore the lampooning spear of comedic satire. https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/

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If Groucho was still around, he might say he wouldn't belong to a species that would have him as a member. He probably wouldn't survive today's environment. Most comics seem to agree comedy is as oppressed as the rest of us. Hysteria kills humor.

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We need an open dialog to address the discrepancy between the incomplete and flawed research and the practice of how we address medical policy and clinical protocols. Bring back the researchers who question the policies that do not come from valid and reliable data.

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I would vote to restore you, except that I believe anyone who uses this and other, leading social media venues, that have attacked people of God, and those who embrace the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, are sleeping with our enemies. I am social media free. The controllers make money, which leads to them seizing evermore power, and a loss of our rights and freedoms. I don't shop Amazon, I severely restrict my purchases at Walmart, etc., etc., etc.! Starve the beasts, before they devour us!

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Whoa! I wish I'd known about that before polling closed. Peter's tweet got a lot more reach than mine 😆

Still, 2,613 views, 99 RTs, 15 QTs, and 147 likes and still growing isn't bad:


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I just added a follower. We can take over if we work together.

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Free Jess and Gonzalo Lira now

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Yes . . ELON . . and I have the list here:-












and thank you for re-instating @Covid19Crusher

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Well I don't have TWITTER, as I could never stomach the crap from the past few years, but if I did, I would say the following:

Come on now Elon, time to play fair...that is if YOU REALLY are interested in allowing truth warriors back to Twitter..... Elon, you will LOVE Jessica! She is an aspiring musician, and surfer girl among her many other talents :)

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You ought to try it. You get to decide what "crap" you see, and what you don't. Mostly. They still insert some leftist crap in my feed occasionally, saying "based on my likes, you might like this." Based on my likes, those are obviously pathetic attempts at mind control. I complained to Elon. Maybe he'll fix it.

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Sorry to use this comment section for a thought related to the recent hubbub over the antibody paper, but I'm not a paid subscriber (though I'm a fan of your insights). I saw that you might be in the verge of some epiphany, or else in the midst of one yet to be recounted, with regards to 'IgG4-related disease' and the possible connection it might have to 'connective tissue' and clotting.

I squared this in my head with what Arkmedic has said, about what the implications of IgG4 overproduction are for cancers, among them Myeloma:

"Multiple myeloma is literally a cancer that produces huge amounts of immunoglobulins and wrecks your kidneys. Of course, we all knew that when we accepted the “let’s produce huge amounts of antibodies from repeated injections for your protection” line, didn’t we?

Well, did you know that the second dose of Pfizer vaccine gave you TEN TIMES the amount of IgG? I suspect not, because by using a log scale in the Pfizer papers it looked like the second jab just gave you a little boost.

It didn’t - it gave you pseudo-myeloma."

As a layman, I have to search basically every condition I hear about to get the details and multiple myeloma is no different. When I searched, one of the first things I saw was 'Complications may include amyloidosis.'

I know you've been chasing the amyloid bogeyman for a while with regards to the genesis of these clots - and my interest in your insights stems significantly from the gut feeling that you're right about them being the root of it all - so I just wanted to cluck about this as another potential vector for their origin, one that may indeed prove you right.

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They're saving the best for last ❤

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Probably the people who created the bans are the same ones who would reverse them. And Elon fired a bunch of them.

They still have some propaganda algorithms. Yesterday I posted "masks are stupid" and immediately got a message that "twitter people don't talk that way -- edit or post anyway" I clicked "tweet" and it apparently went through. He's cleaning up the almost too. We'll have some healing pains, and possible remissions, but Elon seems committed to saving his patient, and he knows it won't survive with continued censorship.

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As someone who was “permanently suspended” months ago for retweeting a article from msm media stating that people who take Molnupiravir are getting rebound COVID days after completing drug regimen & me stating that those that take Ivermectin for COVID DO NOT have that problem - where is Elon for all us regular folks. I’ve put in several appeals since Musk took over.....crickets. I am under no illusion that Musk will help the little people.!

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Yes . . ELON . . and I have the list here:-












and thank you for re-instating @Covid19Crusher

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022


I tried to comment on your latest article involving igg4 and covid vax but I am an unpaid subscriber. I thought you would be interested to know that I have hEDS and had a severe reaction to Moderna. The Cardiologist said myopericarditis after first cmri, but after second they began amyloid investigation. Light chain blood tests were negative, but scintography scan was barely positive for ATTR. I am waiting on the genetic test result. I am wondering if other conditions like fibrosis should be ruled out. My heart is scarred, my adrenals aren't working, and my gut is impaired. Everything is also affected by dysautonomias, neuropathies, and severely impaired immunity.

By the way, I have appealed to Elon on your behalf many times. Thank you.

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He's controlled opposition. HugoTalks provided all the evidence that I needed.

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