thank you so much,


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Jessica, I liked when you brought up Sam Bailey. You are spot on the the existence (or not) of SARS-Cov-2 is not important, and that its usefulness is as a reason for the injections, which are the real bioweapon IMHO.

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Exactly. That can be sorted later. First, let's deal with the fascism.

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it was and is a virus delivery vehicle with all manner of evil toxins engineered in. the VOC variants were lab "created". it was deliberately "distributed", one way and another, to the world from china - elements within the ccp/pla knew exactly what was circulating in china and actively worked to maintain travel from china. That the Mrna "created" spike would be used as the west's primary bioweapon countermeasure was factored into "their" plan while building sars-cov-2 "spike" stealth toxin system.

I see little reference anywhere to the research paper "Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 through Recombination and Strong Purifying Selection", published on bioRxiv March 22, 2020. This was written by those working within, I deduce, the US bioweapons / bioweapon countermeasure "vaccine" establishment at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and in North Carolina and etc. Published as a zoonotic origin propaganda piece that never the less shows, between the lines, the chinese lab recombination using "on the shelf", mine sourced, bat sars-cov, the removal of its RBD and its replacement with the pangolin (#7 or more likely #8) source sars-cov RBD, chosen for its ace2 binding ability, then the addition of the "western" funded and developed furin cleavage site necessary for pandemic level of human to human transmission.

So not the "same" virus baric etc. published about - most definitely the same technology used.

Undoubtedly the "chinese" military has been creating sars-cov bioweapons for years - adding this and inhibiting that while developing and human testing bioweapon countermeasure vaccines for years (continued to fruition with gamma-P1 effective countermeasure vaccine in brazil). That is what bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure military /industrial/ pharma "complexes" do.

"China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018" https://theethicalskeptic.com/tag/ccp/

Will you get to the real Truth? The well planned "stealth" bioweapon "economic" "unlimited" warfare attack on the "west" Truth. "china" protecting its workforce and military from planned waves of "created" variant attack, now through to omicron. Bioweapon attack designed in light of the foreknowledge of and specifically to "salt the battlefield" to enhance the damage possible from the specific Mrna created "P2" mutation spike, that was known would be the "west's" chosen "vaccine" countermeasure, (failure prone "P2" mutation, trying to hold the "spike" together, releasing toxins "placed" inside the spike upon "P2" failure and with the eventual, inevitable, breakdown of the "vaccine" "spike" )

Unconditional Jessica choose life. Stock up on real 3M N95 (or better) "masks". Salt, baking soda, povidone-iodine solution 10%, xylitol and regular Johnson's baby shampoo and a 8 ounce size NeilMed nasal flush bottle. and pump type oral / nasal spray bottles. 12% xylitol in PLAIN filtered boiled cooled down water, spray in nose and mouth to saturation and need to blow nose. then a few sprays of .5% povidone-iodine solution 10% in "normal" homemade sterile saline or fewer sprays of 1% povidone-iodine solution 10% in "normal" homemade sterile saline. 1% Johnson's regular baby shampoo in normal saline for after potential exposure or early treatment antiviral mouthwash/gargle / nasal flush / eye wash. ~ of NeilMed normal saline 1/4 tsp baking soda and 3/4 tsp sea salt added to a 500 ml bottles worth of filtered, boiled and allowed to cool before adding baking soda and salt For alkalized saline add 1 tsp additional baking soda to normal saline mix (shown effective for early treatment)

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As with so many others, you focus on the China scapegoat. Who funded them? SARS-Cov-2 is a proven pussy cat, with an IFR on the order of influenza. By itself, it would have caused little damage. The real bio-weapon, for which Covid-19 was merely the stimulus, is the mRNA vaccines, and most of the terrorizing and mass formation was carried out by Western globalist agents themselves. The "vaccines" caused the more deadly Delta as predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche, and later (fortunately) Omicron.

The exaggeration of IFR through conflation with CFR, the constant media fear-mongering, the sabotage of early treatment, the corruption of data by conflating "died with" to "died from," the coverup through refusal to autopsy and on and on. This was a program carried out by billionaire western elites and their banal lackeys. China had only a peripheral role as scapegoat.

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I "focus on", try to understand and do understand the scope of evil in our world and the agents and agencies through which evil focuses . With the help, in the beginning, from Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Marik and Dr Kory I understood the Depraved-heart mass murder event, as it unfolded in real time, caused by the denial of and suppression of all real treatment for covid, "long planned", in order to to secure an EUA, emergency use authorization, for mass shootings with Mrna. I found and read the notes from the very first Jan 2022 meeting of the "who" covid treatment guidelines committee where they began the implementation of suppression of Hydroxychloroquine and steroids even though they acknowledge steroids usefulness for later stage covid. I read up on the background of the US niaid " fauci stand-in" gates foundation / big pharma fixer at that meeting.

I watched the news coverage as body after body was removed from the large nursing home just a few miles north from where I live. I followed the ~30% death rate from covid in nursing homes across the "western" world as well as finding reports and papers showing the very few nursing homes i.e. 1 in canada, 1 in france and 2 in spain where a little early treatment stopped most all hospitalization and death from covid. Statements such as "SARS-Cov-2 is a proven pussy cat, with an IFR on the order of influenza. By itself, it would have caused little damage." convey little Truth and fail to acknowledge Reality..

I watch the delta outbreak in unfold in real time, in India, through presentations by a number of doctors and groups of doctors there. They has traced the outbreak to a group of people vaccinated by a chinese experimental covid vaccine.

I had read of the history of 100% failure in all attempts to develop a vaccine for corona-virus. As well as the failure rate of Mrna product attempts. I had heard the "narrative", repeated over and over, that sars corona virus had a check function that would reduce mutations and that virus evolve toward greater infectivity and toward less virulence.

Then I noticed the pattern - a succession of more virulent variants with the "chinese" there in the area of the outbreak testing their vaccines with a "give a way" "the vaccine is free, you just pay for the shipping price" (1/10 of the US vaccine price offer)

When I looked over the studies for this succession of more virulent variants, that were allowed to be published, the lab manipulation Truth can be seen through reference to and inference of lab manipulation, as it needed to be in order to publish, - needed as published "science" has become propaganda.

Omicron long preceded "the vaccines"

Prior infection and reinfection with injection and injection (with especially high immune system imprinting averse effects in those without prior infection) all combined to do the damage.

"A long-term study of healthcare workers in the United Kingdom has allowed their history of infection and vaccination to be traced precisely. Reynolds et al. found some unexpected immune-damping effects caused by infection with a heterologous variant to the latest wave of infection by the Omicron/Pango lineage B.1.1.529. The authors found that Omicron infection boosted immune responses to all other variants, but responses to Omicron itself were muted. Infection with the Alpha variant provided weaker boosting for Omicron-specific responses. Furthermore, Omicron infection after previous Wuhan Hu-1 infection failed to boost neutralizing antibody and T cell responses against Omicron, revealing a profound imprinting effect and explaining why frequent reinfections occur. —CA

B.1.1.529 (Omicron) and its subvariants pose new challenges for control of the COVID-19 pandemic. ..... countries with high vaccine uptake are experiencing substantial caseloads with breakthrough infection and frequent reinfection.

The Truth is omicron killed and injured many, particularly in the infected/injected "west". The only omicron good? it appears the prion site, in previous variants and still in 1/2 the spike produced following injection, experienced "a deletion". no longer in omicron?

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You noticed early the program, "...'long planned', in order to to secure an EUA" for shots that have killed far more (and younger) people than all other vaccines since VAERS was instituted, yet you found a reason to blame China? Part of your evidence is that the Chinese shots were "1/10 of the US vaccine price offer." But the mRNA shots in the US were free! What can I say? You nailed it!

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A current example of "china plays Go" can be seen in the article on

TrialSite News entitled

"Sao Paulo State Seeking ANVISA Greenlight for CoronaVac (chinese

vaccine, my words) Registration: Buys 46m at $1.95 per Dose". "Last

week, the State of Sao Paulo inked a $90 million contract to receive

46 million doses of the experimental CoronaVac coming to a price of

$1.95 per dose. Note that the price points for bulk purchases in the

United States—far bigger bulk purchases—equals over ten times this

price at $20 per dose".

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My take away; Dr Rose is a brilliant, beautiful human being. Her work is vital to obtaining proof of the extent and deliberate malfeasance of the pharmaceutical companies.

This debacle was all planned on a global scale(WEF et al), but follow the money and we shall uncover the EVIL parties at the core of this pathway we are fighting.

The overall complexity of the weapons being used upon us (global masses) is vast; including the pharmaceutical companies, propaganda, psy ops, the communication industry, the food industry, our infrastructure and energy industries, our fucking government.......

We are at war

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repairable?, NO! - replaceable?, YES! - With the necessary, truly few, tree seeds placed in the up reached hand of the small child for them, with help, to plant - a promise of a home of their own. The truly small amount of help, needed within society, to enable many to participate in building their own homes and to build truly high quality, truly low cost, truly energy efficient homes for others. New Era housing for the construction of New Era Communities unto the Golden Age to come- the #1 solution for Life on planet Earth unto the day when all, who so chose, are able to Ascend and our sun does finally burn out.

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Bill Gates said, "We have to depopulate and we will do it with a Vaccine". At a Summit!

WEF is a Dangerous to mankind. Just check out the Politicans who are the Puppets in this agenda!

In the USA {Obama, Clinton, Biden,} as well as Canada {Justin Trudeau and Ms. Freeland}

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Great interview. Glad to hear Jess hates 5G as much as I do. I wonder if the cullers are injecting our cows pigs, and chickens with mRNA vaccines to give them prion diseases so we will have to stop eating them. Then we will have to eat their bugs and Bill's artificial meat.

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