This makes me want to F-ING scream. I really cannot believe that there's a line happening anywhere for these SHIT SHOTS. I'll share this video here - I made it in hopes that a visual presentation of historical perspective (nutrition, thalidomide, DES, Tuskeegee, etc) might help sway people that are considering taking the 8 mouse clot shot. At this point I am keenly aware that most won't bother reading anything...so here's a video. Feel free to share...


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you're not the only one

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They dont know better, and often dont want to know, debate useless sadly.

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Live by the science; die by the science.

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Unfortunately, science got left in the dust long ago.

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That's been one of my most frustrating things - people telling me "I don't want to know". and i mean that literally, I quote verbatim. Grown-ups doing the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears, squinting their eyes shut and yelling LALALALA. When that's the case I am powerless, because if they refuse to look at information, data, evidence..there's nothing I can do.

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the Pfizer doc that Jessica quoted here indeed has a tiny footprint on the mice slides (stating N = 8 mice).

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I know...if it weren't so completely F'd it would be HILARIOUS. I sent those slides with a smattering of choice words to a friend and she immediately asked me where I was getting the 8 mice part....I had to zoom in to that very tiny corner of the very last slide to highlight that very small detail... N = 8. And then Moderna was like, hold my beer. And they did 10 (I think - or 12) mice....this could be an effing SNL skit, back when it was funny of course. I wonder how many mice they'll use for the new covid/flu/monkeypox shit shot combo "trials"? Maybe this time they'll use imaginary mice... N = 8i

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I mean I have heard for weeks about such low numbers from various sources I trust and so here I decided to read in diagonal the slides as Jessica goaded me into it.

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You could read them upside down and they'd still be accurate!

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Now THAT was hilarious!

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You had me at imaginary mice


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No that's not true. Remember when Run DMC put out a cartoon rap video telling black Americans that it's not Tuskegee? That was all the evidence I needed as a black American to take all of my jabs like a good boy. Trust the science, my nigga. Trust the science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB9RSffVys4

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Generations of scientific racism? Nah.

Shitty flash animation with cringe rap song? Yah!!!

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That is fucking wild.

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Frightening. It also shows just how much Big Pharma and Hollywood globalists despise black people. They see them as pets to be trained and animals to be used as lab rats. White people, too, along with every other racial demographic outside of the 'big club'. Here's the white equivalent which you've likely already watched. The following video compilation is pure cringe, so it's understandable if you're physically unable to watch for more than a minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkFyNVtNh8

My white Liberal friends found nothing creepy or unusual about the Vax-Scene. Dude, I just can't anymore. Night of the Living Dead was supposed to be fictional! We are surrounded by these people. It wouldn't so be concerning if they weren't dragging the rest of us towards abject tyranny with them. The New World Order is underway. We haven't even 'scene' wild yet. ;)

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Really good video.

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Sarah, you still need to learn a thing or two about human nature. It appears us substack readers are almost a different kind of being from the rest of the population. Therefore we naturally can't fathom that people do the things we see them doing.

Normal people are perfectly capable of completely forgetting the facts they saw with their own eyes and the logic they heard with their own ears when you explained to them, backed up with whatever mountains of evidence. The majority of people around them telling a different story overrules their own experience. Fact of life. They don't have a self (as in a hard kernel of beliefs you've acquired by reason and facts, that you won't change until superseding evidence to the contrary is shown to you).

Personal story: I have a close relative, I think I'm the _individual_ she trusts most in the world. I compiled for her a list of sources (mostly video) which I thought best explained why not to take the jab, and added a 2-page summary of my own to it. I talked with her about it on occasion. However, I was but an individual, not the herd. A few months later she was about to get vaccinated.

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We are all the same meat. Some of us have been blessed with developed critical thinking skills, but if we were attacked at a vulnerable point, we would have all fallen like the others.

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I think it's more about abuse from parents, teachers, friends, etc. You learn not to completely trust and to be wary. I suppose that can be considered critical thinking, but I see it more like wondering how these people are going to fu(k you over this time.

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Excellent video

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I'm a DES daughter...and more than 60 years later, I still need to worry about my increased risk for cancers.

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Great video. Thank you for making and sharing. I'm screaming with you. Unfortunately, the "true believers" likely won't be swayed. Meanwhile, the rest of us will fill the jobs of those that died or are too injured to care for themselves. It is just insane.

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Great video! I love all the call backs to what they've done to "us" before, leading up to what they're doing now.

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Please do a follow-up on the side effects from the safe & effective with the ludicrous media spin (gardening, climate change, etc). and you gotta do the 8 MICE!

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Thank you...I feel like I'm over here sitting on my hands with my mouth taped shut and my shoelaces tied together...just watching from the sidelines. So I made a video LOL.

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Hope this gets saved on Rumble or other site too. Great video. 10th anniversary few days ago of my brother's death from Cipro so a few tears shed...sister to get Novavax in days. So far she's unvaxxed. I'm delirious...

Thank you very much. Will share.

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I am so tech illiterate LOL...Rumble, of course. I'll put it there now. I've been anticipating that it won't last long on YouTube, although I hardly have a presence there...and was wondering where I should park it. Thank you.

I hope that this video can help honor your brother's memory by bringing some awareness to the dark history of our regulatory agencies...and perhaps even preventing someone else from suffering the loss of a family member.

Maybe your sister will change her mind on the Novavax...Dr. Nass spoke about it on CHD TV recently https://rumble.com/v1j80uh-good-morning-chd-the-new-covid-boosters-what-you-should-know-with-meryl-nas.html

Sending love and solidarity your way <3

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Thanks much! So glad it's on Rumble! Sent Dr. Nass info. No dice. Sigh...

Love and solidarity back your way!!!

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On Children Health Defense Dr Nass has a video, hmm, three weeks old or so, it might change her mind.

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It works because it doesn't preach, it keeps people engaged with incredible facts they won't know. Rather brilliant if I may say so. The key to influencing people is to avoid them mentally switching off, once they do that, you might as well go home.

I'm hugely impressed with the circles illusion frame btw, I haven't seen that one before.

The video deserves to be shared A LOT, it will help put some people on the right road.

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Thank you, Gordon. I was hoping that it might capture the attention of some that simply will not listen to anything sounding remotely "covid conspiracy theory -ish". I tried to use things that are no longer debatable, ie we can all agree that thalidomide, DES, Tuskeegee, etc (a) happened (b) were approved, recommended, and/or funded by our government, and (c) had terrible outcomes. The body image/nutritional stuff is something still relevant in our society today, that arguably effects everyone, so I used that early on in the video to level the playing field, so to speak. My hope was to utilize the montage to unite/include the viewer rather than, as you said, PREACH at them. I've tried the preachy approach and it almost always fails, in my experience.

Anywho....thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it. Please share it far and wide. Maybe it'll help flip the light switch for a few before they take anymore of these shit shots.

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Sarah...when you post on Rumble send me the link in reply. I would rather post using rumble so it doesn't disappear.

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This is so good and I will share it on my Substack. Thanks. Is it ok to use your name for creation credit??

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Thank you 🙏 and yes, I’m just letting my freak flag fly at this point…😂

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Yo, the video is hard hitting, but the music... makes the whole thang waay more jarring.

At any rate, thanks for sharing.

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Well done, Sarah. Thank you.

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Excellent video!

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If you know someone on the fence about getting injected with this COVID nonsense, I would advise them to wait.

I would advise them to NEVER EVER get this SHIT.

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Oh believe me I tried.. I swear it made my 80 yr old parents madder and more determined to get it. This was their 5th shot. That's not counting they got the flu shot 2 wks before.

Believe it or not in my rural area of Tennessee, the pharmacies in these small towns said they're not ordering any covid shots because nobody wants them.

That's the excuse they all told my mom. Maybe they have consciences and know they maim and kill.

My mom had to go to the health department to get Moderna and they only had a few shots. My dad had to drive 35 minutes away and got the Pfizer because nobody around has Moderna.

He has gotten all Moderna for his past 4 shots and now who knows what will happen mixing with Pfizer.

Apparently nobody in my family seems to do research or care if they cause death and horrible side effects.. They totally trust their Drs, CDC, and FDA. FATAL MISTAKE

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I live in TN too. We can get Ivermectin here now as well but some pharmacies are still playing hard ball. Compound pharmacies are not problem. You will pay more but you can also get it made up with zinc in it.

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Unsung heroes those rural pharmacists I'd say if they really are covertly sabotaging shots. Goliath's greatest weapon is the historical trust we have all placed in these agencies and in doctors. I watch the cognitive dissonance in my friend with COPD when he tells me how his healthcare professionals have failed him, and I tell him this is going on everywhere, that Henry Ford has gone from an A rating to a C- rating, that doctors are now just used car salesmen and memorizers of pharma products AT BEST. He experiences their incompetence and commitment to profit, but can't let go of believing in the institution of medicine. It is really difficult and traumatizing to realize how every institution is an inversion of itself, but that's precisely how they keep it going. Hope your parents miss the roulette bullets.

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❤ thank you.. I've prayed nonstop for their safety or some eye-opening miracle but a higher power expects us to first use our brains

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I've tried, also. Just served to cause my brother to pretty much disown me. People do not listen unless they want to. And most don't.

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I am so sorry to hear that.

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My brother just had his 18-month-old twins vaccinated, ignoring my warnings and doing zero research besides watching the nightly news. I am just crushed.

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All we can do at this point is pray for those babies.

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Thank you, prayers are much appreciated.

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They don’t want to hear it. Minds are made up and closed tight.

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I have a good friend who is taking his 5th shot this Saturday. He told me this evening. I cannot say anymore to him. I tried so much as I am sure others have, too with friends and family.

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My mom and dad got this new shot. It's their 5th. They got moderna and on this bi-valent shot they both got Pfizer because nowhere close by had Moderna. When my mom got the 4th shot, her lower back hurt so bad she had to see a Dr. The Dr pretty much blew her off and said she has osteoarthritis because she's old. My son told me yesterday that my mom is forgetting things more and more. Both my parents are 80 but were in great health. They have been traumatized with the fear of catching covid so much that they can't see or acknowledge the dangers of these repeated jabs.. I hope your friend is ok. My family gets very mad at me if I say anything bad about the shots.

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I have a 71 year old client that got her 5th shot last Wednesday. She felt so bad she was out for the rest of the week. She already has some memory lapses that I’ve been noticing and I can’t imagine that the 5th shot is going to help that. She is completely unwilling to discuss anything, so I stopped trying a while ago. She’s lost more friends than I can count to strokes and heart attacks over the past year- it’s quite literally someone every week.🤯

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Thank you for sharing. I don't think there is one person who took the bioweapon shots who are capable on a cognitive level to have a normal conversation about the shot or to entertain the idea that they screwed up. God forbid. It has to be something in those shots that's controlling how they think and react. It's just not possible that they're all like that. It's really a shame. What a serious crime against all of humanity.

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I am absolutely in agreement with your last few paragraphs. It's like an addiction. Also with the new Military vaccines to stop the ' High' from Fentanyl!! That is listen as an article on CHD TV in the last week. Absolutely Possible!

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Thank you. I'm sorry for the fear your parents went through and now that your mom is forgetting things. She's not alone. My friend who is on his 5th is the same way. He forgets what he did 20 minutes ago. What amazes me the most is when he tells me that he can't be around me because I'm not "vaccinated" so why are they taking these shots if they don't think they're "protected"? When I ask him that, he can't really give me a response. My co-workers are the same way. We work from home but they are always logged off like this past Friday because they're all sick. I am really scared for what's going to happen in the coming months because we are approaching winter.

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Same here with my mom and step dad. I managed to talk them off the ledge after ' 2 shots'! My mom knows as it started on day one! It's still so hard to have a normal conversation with them. Always forgetting and repeating within 5 minutes. Heart sickening in the literal sense too!

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It’s disturbing but we can’t do anything about them. Hoping for the best for your friend. Not everyone has bad effects from the shots. At least damage is not evident.

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Thank you Celayne for your kind words. I am hoping for the best, too.

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"Never say never"; what if Kill Gates asked you that question :P?

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Jessica, what is especially crazy is the minuscule uptake of this bivalent DEATHVAX™ relative to the previous offerings factored with URF means given your above this injection is potentially far more deadly.

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What is insane is that some people actually got 6!!!!! shots.

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i know right...

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Or that this bivalent booster is their FIRST SHOT?!?!?! Huh? What is happening here? Did I misread? Could there actually still be humans in this category? Help me understand?

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I know right?

I also thought one had to be "fully jabbed" in order to even "qualify" for this superdeedooper version of the 💉?

Read that somewhere.

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Right?? I had read the same thing...

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This is the Health BC version of the announcement:


You'll be "INVITED"!

(Not me...)

I'll warn my loved ones (again) but so far? I'm batting whatever the baseball terminology for zero hits after 1,000 turns at bat is.


I'll do my MORAL obligation though, again.

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That is what they were advertising in Chicago. Have to be double vaxxed to get the bivalent crap shot!

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That is correct. You need the primary series first to qualify for the new ones.

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Get the jabs, you bigot!

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I think Jessica means the first shot of the new bivalent shots, not the first shot of any kind.

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And still alive! Amazing!

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Are those the peeps with panda eyes? Bad joke..

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Igor Chudov reported 4.4 million people have gotten the bivalent booster so far. Many of us wonder why. Who are these people? Were they pressured by their employers? Do they work for the federal government? How do we explain this high number?

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They probably all live here in the insane state of WA where people still wear masks OUTSIDE. In one small group of close friends, one is a nurse administering these vaccines, and some of the others gleefully suggested going together to get the boosters.🤦🏻‍♀️ There is nothing I can say to them that would change their minds (I’ve already tried). They think I’M the one who’s being misled. (I lost my teaching job because I wouldn’t get the shots, but even that doesn’t speak loudly enough.) I love them dearly and am so sad that they are so misled.😔

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Yeah I saw a WA friend post his kid masked outside again yesterday on Instagram. Those Washingtonians are a real brainwashed bunch! I mean, not all of them, but I’m from there and I’m shocked at how hard old friends vax and mask (and sacrifice their children!) and swallow every line of propaganda.

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Isn't that the state where Gates family has lived for generations.

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Sounds like my family

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Sorry you lost your job 😡

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Don't feel so bad. It's not your responsibility to convince them. Anyone taking a shot at this point is likely doing it voluntarily. Fight any mandates, say what you need to say to stay truthful in spirit and let the chips fall where they may. That's the best you can do.

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It's time to stop trying to convince. I no longer try. I've managed to convince

my best friend and my family members but that's about it. It's time for them to be responsible for their actions. There is plenty of info about the dangers. At least I know my grandkids are safe and I'll pray for the brainwashed .

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Don't quit trying to convince. The more people that die from this effort, the more "understaffed" humanity will be for the job of preventing extinction.

(removing and sequestering carbon ALREADY spewed)

Billions of people consuming as we have been doing IS a problem.

Billions fighting extinction may barely be a quorum.

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Carbon is not the villain.

CC is another club in their psyops armoury. Like pestilence. And war. A social control that will help them achieve their Agenda.

If you read the fine print, their 'solution' will actually be the doomsday scenario they portray from fossil fuels. Human flourishing will cease, and billions will die.

More inverted BS, in short.

From the same jokers that brought us a PCR test that didn't test for anything. NPIs made up from thin air, disproven a century ago. A vaccine that wasn't actually a vaccine. And treatments that didn't work (but were patented), or killed.

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Sorry, but all I tell them is I'm not a fan of RUSSIAN ROULETTE. That's it nothing more. I know, it sad 😥

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I don’t feel bad as much as I worry that they will be harmed or die.

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As a fellow Washingtonian, I agree with the insanity you've described, especially on the west side of the Cascades. I've had a number of dear friends who have labeled me a 'murderer' for not getting the jab (what a great way to strengthen a relationship! Not.) And they keep lining up for more injections. Family members who no longer speak to me due to 'my choices'. I too am saddened by what is happening to those I care about.

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I am saddened by what happened and is happening to you! Wish you all luck and strenght you need!!!!

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thank you @Mig. I find myself heartened by the Substack readers/authors & the information shared on these posts - I know I'm not alone, but wow, who would have thought I would be subjected to that kind of meanness - I had not known it even existed.

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Me neither. And for so long never noticed it as well...

I am also not alone, like you, but practically I (almost) am, and I am not very sure if I ever dare to do everything wrong again and pay the highest price for that. I absolutely cannot see who is reliable or not. I never have done the job properly, although the damages vary from 'very serious' to 'very seriously and not repairable anymore in this life'.

I am not depressed. This it what it is for years now: somebody said she was living with three dogs and a cat. Well, I am with three dogs and a horse. Can advise this to everyone: damaged or not;-))

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Portland is bad. Southern and eastern except Bend are never Shotters

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Sadly you just described my family. I swear they get mad if I say anything bad about the jabs. Last time I sent my mom info, it made her act like an obsessive junky and she ran out and got her 4th shot immediately and hounded my poor dad to get one too. I just about give up.

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You’re not wrong. My coworker raced out and got that plus the flu shot same day. and yes I’m in WA too.

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What is wrong with our state???😧

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My mind is completely blown on this. I have a client and she is so careful about what she puts in her body...I mean, this chick is CLEAN AF. So naturally I assumed that there was NO WAY she's be getting the 8 mouse shit shot and I made an off hand comment about it. To my surprise she got a little salty with me and informed me that her doctor was recommending it and that she would definitely be getting it. I couldn't believe it! This woman reads every ingredient on her face lotion and won't eat fried food. She let an ear infection go waaaay long because she didn't want to take antibiotics or steroids. She sees a functional med doc AND a naturopath...WTF?!?!? I'm dying to know which one is recommending the 8 mouse shot....

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I know the answer to your question I guess, and you yourself do too, actually. But you don't want to know, because it scares you to death and it hurts like hell. At least to me it does...

The ones recommending the 8 mouse shots are covidiots, only doing what they are doing because 'they care'. They care about their own position, and other people who provide them with wathever they think they need far more badly than an honest soul to look at yourself proudly in mirrors for the rest of their lives. If those recommenders do have a soul, which I highly doubt

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Yes, the judgment and thinking of people is far more complex than we care to admit. I think that Mass Formation topic discussed by Belgian academic Desmet explains the issue to some extent.

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It could be either the functional doc or the nd - Bastyr mandated the shots. I know an east coast nd who told all of their patients to get it - the nd and all of them got it. Don't know about the boosters as my contact with this person ended. Shocking as they went totally against all principles. I know in this case it was all fear based. Very early on there was a lot in the "natural" literature of what to do - herbs, homeopathy, supplements...so abandon everything and go for a big harma product? What does that say on so many levels?

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They drank the fright kook-aid. My chiropractor, who didn’t think flu shots were necessary and at one point was actively involved in getting some kind of natural immunization product in a grandchild so he would be exempted from mandated childhood shots, pivoted to pro-shot when the mRNA jabs came out. He “did his research” and believes “these are pretty safe”. Jabbed, boosted twice, still wearing a mask when I visited earlier this month. He’s had Covid a couple of times, too. I really like this guy and he’s the only chiro I’ve found who doesn’t leave me in pain for days afterward but the Covidianism is spooky.

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I always wonder what research they did.

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MSM, CDC, Fauci I expect

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What about reminding her, as she sounds awake on somethings, that they're telling everyone gmo's and glyphosate are safe too...

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Yea, it is disappointing that people do not understand doctors largely do whatever they are told. Obamacare made this more so. Truth sucks, huh lefties.?

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Good lord, there’s no helping some people. All you can do is sit back and watch the train wreck to come

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Forgot to ask if she's WOKE, because most of them are also blind.

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She is surprisingly not woke!! I wouldn’t have been so surprised if that were the case...

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Wow,that's pretty sad 😥

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I know some, they are not pressured by employers and they are highly educated.

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I think it's a lot like giving blood - it makes people feel virtuous. I've heard a few say they feel "patriotic" for getting them. These people are giddy whenever a new booster is announced because it's another chance for them to prove to themselves and others how selfless they are. I guess they haven't gotten the memo that the shots don't prevent transmission and hence don't really have any societal-wide benefits.

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Fear porn wreaking it’s ha I know? Mass formation psychosis?

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Since I'm now effectively exiled from meaningful communications within my orbit of society and now rigidly perceived as a 'conspiracy theorist' and 'proselytiser' of 'extreme' views, I'm fully adrift. I'm 'out of ammo' - my relentless 'truth bombs' did not explode on impact.

Those people on the other side of this void are tuned to a lower frequency. They cannot receive our signals. We need either a real alien invasion or a complete systemic takedown of Globalist Fake News to wake them up.

Sadly, multitudes will just line up for these new 'bivalent' jabs because they genuinely STILL believe the authorities. They're deaf to us. We're on mute. In exile.

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It shows how effectively they have influenced the populations. The 'othering' has been wildly successful.

I've witnessed verifiable facts bounce off people who hold themselves to be highly intelligent. Heard them rationalise the serious after-effects of the shots, and the fact they were infected soon after their 2nd, 3rd, 4th go. To brush off the huge rise in all-cause mortality. To swallow every lie they have been fed.

It didn't happen overnight. Layers and layers, over decades. Compounding effects. Conditioning minds. Hypnotic phrases. Unquestioned lies that have become truth in the wider communities. Chemical interventions, from mercury to aluminum to fluoride. Plus all the other environmental toxins we are bathed in, literally.

Then the hyper-partisanism that has been rife since 2016. The rise of social media, of course the government that brought us Mockingbird wasn't going to leave their tentacles out of such an influence system - something that can literally reach everyone. Nudge units, initially aimed at the 'enemy' du jour but turned from Assad onto their own people for this latest psyop.

Minds have been under attack 24/7/365. Plus all the external crises that leave us so little time to think.

Then the Wuhan crisis actors did their 'faceplant skits,' and governments amplified the terror. Then they literally killed their own citizens to drive Wave 1 terror, to soften the public into accepting the lockdowns. And the untested jabs.

Rational thinking. Critical thinking. All went out the window.

We have been led along their path.

And the CC mania is just another part of the Agenda, draconian measures that have been enabled by the C19 plandemonium.

We absolutely need to bring it all down.

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Exactly right. Very well said. It only makes sense when perceived as an orchestrated complex globalist plot, decades in the making, towards a One World Government and New World Order, conceived over a hundred years ago. It's a globalist World War 3, an attack on humanity, with agendas for achieving massive depopulation.

A diabolical plan so seemingly unbelievable and preposterous that few would have believed it until the Idiocy of Convid-1984 woke many of us up. The multi-layered deception has been an elaborate web of encroaching societal poisonous attrition and decay.

It all makes terrifying sense when seen as an integrated plan for the self-destruction of humanity. (We had WW1, WW2 and many other wars by evil design). Strip away billions of 'useless eaters' and 'build back better' - meaning install a totalitarian technocracy that controls everyone who's left through digital ID banking. 'You will own nothing and be happy' as the WEF puts it.

The 'big crash' is coming, one way or another. A controlled demolition of society is happening it seems. They're purposefully crippling and scuppering entire industries, shattering the fabric of society, distressing and depressing the populous, so that they can rebuild with their grandiose Great Reset plans.

We have to ensure that their Great Reset becomes our own Sovereign Renewal of the People for the People, globally. We have to nobble their malevolent reset designs and assert our own organic sovereign constitutional and democratic outcome. A 'Berlin Wall' moment - globally - in which humanity reasserts its organic sovereign empowerment.

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I'm pretty sure we are witnessing an alien invasion. That or the dawn of a new AI.

Either way, both treat us like cattle, and it's time for harvest.

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Yes, it reminds me of so many of the Sci-Fi films I've watched over the years, especially Terminator, Logan's Run, 1984, and Soylent Green. "They" are against us. It's us Organics versus the AI Borg (and their collaborators).

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It caught me by surprise, left me speechless when he repeated the line, "the un-jabbed, (he actually said un-vaccinated) should give up their hospital bed to someone ill. It was about 6-weeks ago. This was from someone who is perceptive on all the other wave-lengths.

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You probably are saving you unjabbed live by giving up

your hospital bed.

But that has not been the intention of the idiot that thinks it is up to him to decide which people are worth saving more than another.

This person actually thinks he's is God himself, I guess. And all people to say this does at least disrespect any human right, are being jabbed themselves? It looks to me like with whitdrawling the injectionneedle also their empathy morality and everything else that makes a human human and lives worthwhile living, must have been removed completely.

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They're playing mind games with us, taunting us.

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You are certainly not "ordinary" nor "quite average."

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IDK, maybe that gigantic asteroid should just hit Earth and put us out of our misery.

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This is a SADS world we’re living in. 😔

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I can’t really “like” this comment.😔

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Me neither

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I know someone who got the bivalent vaccine a couple weeks ago. This was her fifth shot. The first four went fine. The fifth one has landed in her in the hospital with a very serious adverse reaction. It had similarities to Guillain-Barré syndrome, but was ultimately determined to be transverse myelitis. She has had a battery of tests, and is currently unable to walk without assistance, among other things. She is looking at a very long recovery, with no guarantee that it will resolve. I told her she needs to submit a VAERS report. She says she will, but I doubt that she has yet because of all the tests and other things going on.

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Russian roulette. Her odds ran out.

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Meanwhile, the MSM whores, such Chris Hayes, keep churning out the same-old big pharma infomercials disguised as "news" or "commentary".

They're only urging people to kill or maim themselves. No harm in that, right?


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Ugh. People like Hayes are so beyond incredibly wrong on the immunology. Seroprevalence (antibodies in the blood) does not equate to immunity in the mucosa. Not only that but the primary immunological response to a respiratory virus at the mucosal barrier is cellular : NK cell and Tcells learn to recognize early expressed proteins (not the spike but functionally-constrained proteins) which are displayed on HLA receptors of infected cells and these infected cells also signal with interferon. These are then targeted for destruction. There are also circulating non-specific IgA antibodies which can bind to glycosylated viruses. The spike protein is under no mutational constraint compared to other viral proteins making it a poor target for immune memory for either NK cell adaptation, Tcell or Bcell memory.

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He’s the smelliest kind of cow flop. Despise his smarmy attitude.

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Not looking too good eh? I feel you.

Am nearly burned out but paid it forward to "the choir".

Thanks Jessica. You're a trooper. 💖

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I thought that the Bivalent death jab was only supposed to be given to those who had already taken jabs one, two, and maybe three. Or do I have that incorrect?

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These are administration errors and get reported. If you go to VAERS, there are a huge number of them. One person who got the bivalent as first dose had to come back the next day and get the monovalent, but in another report they said the CDC said to come back in two months.

It also happens the other way (another monovalent instead of bivalent): "Monovalent Moderna was administered instead of bivalent Moderna. Wrong bottle of vaccine was pulled from the refrigerator by student intern ."

There also seems to be a big problem with giving a half dose, and people come back the next day because they didn't get enough the first time.

In another case the person came in for both the bivalent and a flu shot, but: "Pharmacist accidentally administered two doses, one in each arm (instead of one covid booster and one flu shot)".

The creepiest one was this:

"I am reporting that vaccine protocols were not met at this pharmacy. The staffer administered the shot from an unlabeled syringe. Once complete, told me I could go home. She did not ask for my vaccination card or suggest that I wait in case of adverse side effects. I asked if she needed my vaccination card to write the information down and she scribbled it from memory. No verification of lot #. This treatment was very different from what I had previously received for my primary series and 2 boosters. I am concerned about the administration of this dose, and the contents of this syringe since, for the first time, i did not have any side effects. I would like confirmation that I did, in fact, receive the appropriate vaccine."

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OMG re "for the first time, i did not have any side effects". This person should be thanking the person who probably shot them up with saline! But, they'll probably go back for more side effects when they can, because apparently side effects are safe and effective. Insane!

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It could have been anything in that syringe.

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Oh, that's interesting and I didn't think of saline. The report said the patient was in her 50's and had multiple sclerosis. Maybe this was an act of conscience by the pharmacist who didn't want to add to her troubles.

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Ya. I agree. I try not to be critical of those who caved. As you know, standing in the breach from the start has been brutal.

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I try not to be critical as well. I absolutely know how difficult it has been standing in the breach - destroyed family and friend relationships, scientist professor spouse retired early because of mandates, witnessing injuries, etc.

In Ohio, there's an initiative to get on the May ballot a state constitutional ammendment, the Medical Right to Refuse. If you're in Ohio please check this out, or if you know any Ohioans who are awake, please let them know. Thanks!


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We are next door in MI on our sailboat until the end of October. Then we will be in a rental in Myrtle Beach for the winter. Yeah it’s been tough. Wife lost her job, which wasn’t that big a deal, but the reason she lost it was a big deal. My mom died helpless and alone in September 2020. My dad was fine until he got jabbed and 6 months later he was dead from an unidentified cancer which spread to his bones. Other than my wife and my youngest son and his wife, the rest of the family are all Covidians. And most of them are ultra left wing Marxists as well. We do our best to just totally ignore them.

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WOW...just unbelievable

It's like living in the Twilight zone where everyone worships a big needle 💉 they're under a wicked spell of sorts

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Interesting. Well yeah, I guess if one is going to get it you would want to know what you got.

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If I was going to get another shot ever again - which won’t happen - I would make them show me the bottle and let me watch while they fill the syringe

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I thought so too. Medicine and science is dead. Period. It’s the Wild West now folks. What’s next? They are already mutilating our children. Trans counseling my foot. My 16 yo grandkid has already been mutilated with the ok of some demon in a white coat pronouncing “him” perfectly able to handle “being a man”. I’m so angry I couldn’t sh0@t straight if I tried but then there are many criminals out there. I’m bound to hit some.

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Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. We should be doctors for ourselves and scientists to extent of our abilities. That means learning, right on the way. Dr. Malone was right: we trusted them too much and there is nothing left in their soul in order to reflect their social burden. So, there is no agreement anymore. No rules.

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Great comment. For the lucky ones who took the time to engage in even a small amount of critical thought, much of this has been providential. Because it has finally exposed the ugly reality that has been hiding in plain sight for decades. Some of us have known for decades, due to choices made long ago (career as one example) that provided a view through the window that for most was just one way glass.

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Thank you, Moody, I wish you a good luck whenever you are going to be. I'm going to hit the road this year as well. No regrets anymore.

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Oh my, that is awful. And yes you would.

Jessica needs to clear this up. The FDA language and the checklist for eligibility clearly says the bivalent is designed as a booster and NOT as a first jab. So if it is being given to anyone as a first dose, that is not how it is supposed to work. Jessica?

From the MDAnderson website.

“You only need a single booster shot of the bivalent vaccine to be considered fully boosted, but you’re not eligible to get it unless you’ve already been fully vaccinated with either Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s original one-shot regimen, or Pfizer or Moderna’s original two-shot regimen.”

I rest my case.

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Holy hell! So if the universities and businesses are still pushing this in the next year or two they want my older teen to go out and get not just the new shots but the old ones too....... to get a stupid minimum wage job or to pursue higher education!

So in other words, line up to be potentially killed or disabled or they won’t allow you to participate in society, only now it’s not just two shots to play, it’s 4 or 5 or whatever they decide.

It’s being forced to run a gauntlet of multiple shots to work or go to school. 🤮🤬😖

It’s abundantly clear this is a depopulation agenda!

God I just wish my family could hear me. I feel like they are just obliviously walking into the jaws of the beast.

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Well, hopefully by then more sanity will have descended from heaven. A couple random thoughts. Our youngest son barely made it through HS, did not go to college, and struggled to fit in. Instead he started his own lawn care business with our old beat up tractor. He got one client in year one. Now in year 8 he and his wife do lawns and landscaping in the summer, plow snow in the winter, own the cabin they built in the woods free and clear and likely have more money under their mattress than I have in the bank. On the other hand, our oldest son was the perfect straight A kid, was a rock star ski racer, got a full ride scholarship, helped his college team win two national titles, has two degrees and a good job. And is buried under a mountain of debt with a million dollar mortgage on one house and has another house that he can’t sell. The only point to that is, college isn’t necessarily the answer.

And lastly, yeah they are walking into the jaws of the beast. And feeding the beast as well.

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Great comment.. I can guess which son is happier and contented with life. Material things and college educations aren't gonna be the way to go in this uncertain future. It's only gonna get worse 😪

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Thank you for sharing your sons two different paths. The pressure to go to college is just so intense and until recently I thought that was the best path for my kid. If I had my way I would sell everything and live in a skoolie or live in the country totally off grid.

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Me too

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That's what I've read, too. Seems clear, but this is 2022. Anything goes!

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Well geesh, how can you expect that Walgreens clerk to know how many poison shots you've had? S/H/it's not your doctor. You want a shot, you get a shot.

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'It is designed ....as a booster and not as a first jab'

Of course you would are right according to people with a healthy way of thinking.

Bud this covidian language, so the meaning is very different, the opposite is most common, from all other languages. So you always have to translate in covidian covidiots language.


'designed to.....whathever....(fill in what's being said) is

'Put together some lethal chemicals for our immense financial profits, from which we think, of cours without any trials so not grounded nor proven reason, that... (fill in what's being said)

synonime: 'hope'

If you would change the word 'design' in 'only being given' it coincidently means the same in covidian covidiots language as in ours;-))

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And logically it makes no sense to get the 1st and 2nd shots now because the very first covid "variant" is long gone. Supposedly only the omicron variant is here. So what on earth are Drs and people thinking?? Science is dead and gone

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Exactly the same thought. And the current alleged variants are also on their way out, to be replaced by only God knows what. And at this point, I’m not convinced God even knows what evil they are going to spring on us. We can see beyond the hill and we see it coming. We just don’t know what it is. But given that the state of emergency was re-upped through 10 November 2022, it’s a good bet it’s arriving soon. These people play inside of a box and once you see the puppet strings being pulled you cannot ever unsee them. So I’m sure it’s just another conspiracy theory that the SOE was extended through two days past the election…that is scheduled to take place on 08 November.

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That’s the case in Canada-out in BC where I am anyway. ( before you get ‘invited’ to receive your bivalant jab- such a privilege! 🙄🤮)

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I live in BC too. The marketing strategy of " being invited " blows my mind. It sounds like an invitation to a party. Watching BH and Mr D shill for the new bivalent shot is surreal. BH' s description of the immune system and how it works had me rolling in the aisle with laughter. And the suggestion to ask your Doctor about the new shots is beyond belief. Do they mean the doctors who have been muzzled and threatened by the College of Physicians? Those ones. Trust your doctor. I'll pass.

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So deceiving.....

I’m a pharmacist. When people ask me , I prefer the KIS method. I say “The authorities want me to tell you everyone should get the jab. We know it doesn’t stop transmission or infection.....

As the last lady with Bell’s Palsy ( yes-from the jab) left the store, she actually thanked me for my second opinion

Imagine 🙄

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Do you offer unsolicited information, to the lemmings whom you inject? Prior to injection?

As in "informed" consent?

Just wondering because you actually stated:

"When people ask me..."

Words are important.

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I’d be busy that year.

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Thought that was the case here but the terminology isn't crystal clear:


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The FDA authorized bivalent formulations of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for use as a single booster dose at least two months after completing primary or booster vaccination.

2nd reply. Language below taken from FDA.gov. Does this not say it is designed as a ‘booster’ and not intended as the first dose? What am I missing.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent is authorized for use as single booster dose in individuals 18 years of age and older.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent is authorized for use as a single booster dose in individuals 12 years of age and older.

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Copy. Thx. First time I’ve been incorrect this year. LOL.

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My same question also re people only eligible if they've had the original shots. What is going on?

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I thought the same thing.

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I just posted the language from the FDA website. That is exactly what it says. Paging further down there is an eligibility checklist. #2 on the list is the date you had your last does.

I’m not a doctor, I’m a lawyer. And the language seems pretty clear to me.

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So those getting it as a first shot once again confirms there is NO informed consent being considered. Zero. .

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Yep. And of course there never was. There are 5 “guiding principles” that govern the approval of treatment via an EUA. The two that are the most important as they relate to the death jabs are first; full informed consent, in writing, in plain English, and listing all potential adverse reactions in raw numbers, in percentages, and including relative and actual risk reduction. The second is no coercion, mandate, demand or incentive can be used.

For those very few of us who had this knowledge prior to January 2020 we knew the entire thing was ‘simply’ enterprise fraud from the start. Sadly, almost nobody would listen. Many more are listening now but it is literally too late for most.

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Murky is a perfect word. I’d add purposefully to that. But it does say it’s a booster and not a standalone.

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Good catch.

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Me three.

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The desperation in my heart is unbearable. I’m a contract therapist in a nursing home, and the facility is obtaining “consents” from patient family members to administer this garbage. During second and third doses of the first injections, they were also injecting for flu or pneumonia simultaneously “because the CDC says it’s safe.”

I am doing what I can to warn my patients, and send information to the ADON about the dangers of this, only to be given the cold shoulder. I’m already shitlisted for being “unvaccinated” in a facility with a 98% compliance rate. The facility now segregates anyone “not up to date” with 4 doses and patients are left to eat alone in their rooms and kept away from socialization activities. All the while, I watch the sudden and sharp declines of the patients, abnormal lab levels which the doctors “can’t explain”, chronic UTIs, new or exacerbated neurological symptoms, skin conditions, behavioral disturbances, and I could go on and on. Dr. Rose and fellow readers, please pray. May we all have the strength to continue to fight for humanity.

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Prayer is nice. Fighting is more effective.

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In my own wisdom, despite the high anxiety I get now and then, I have learned to let the things I donot have any control over go. Self preservation yes, however on a more spiritual level, the paths of others are not my own.

As a Social Worker I get through the day helping where I can, planting seeds for thought, and providing pearls of wisdom. I have learned not to carry the burden of the world, and have faith I am where I am to be.

We are in a warfare on a deeper level not many can comprehend.

Keep compassion and love in the forefront of your existence and take the best of care of yourself on every level. The truth will be known so do everything to keep well.

Different, heart wrenching to be sure..

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Have you seen many diagnosed with sudden hyponatremia or SIADH followed by UTI and multiple infections, weakness and disability? (Does it just get passed over as it can’t be the shot that was 10 months ago?) long term what do they know?

Editing:@Chris it’s the “can’t explain” that was frustrating before the shots and now when it happens to someone you know and all the specialists are saying they do not know but it’s not the shot. This is very concerning and doesn’t leave much faith for certain medical professionals.

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Jessica wrote:

"But, to be clear, this really pisses me off. Most people who are being injected with this new ‘bivalent’ shot are doing so as a follow-up to previous shots!"

Could you clarify what exactly is really pissing you off (besides the entire last 2.5 years!)? Is it that people are taking this as a first dose, or that people are taking as a follow up and getting injured?

I for one am amazed that there are at least 74 people taking this as a first dose at this point in the fiasco. What wingnut has waited all this time, apparently oblivious to all that's been going on, and decides NOW is the time to get Covid "vaccinated"?!?!

These poor saps! Part of me wants to say if you're that clueless, you kind of deserve any adverse events you get. But that would be mean. These are clearly not the sharpest pencils in the drawer.

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the data being so bloody confounded! it's bad enough from a physiological point of view that they are mixing these things up but this is just over the top moronicity

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Good new word: Moronicity.

Can I get permission to borrow? (Will credit you. 💕)

I beat "idiocracy" to death.

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I think some are still being forced or lose their job or can not go to school. Still, its time to say no, but it is hard for some people.

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It must be the social pressure. It’s really bad for teens. I know that if my kid was older she would go out and get it right now to fit in with her friends. In fact she may do just that next year. It’s so sad and infuriating and she thinks I’m nuts. I just hope that either I can get through to her before she turns 18 or something opens her eyes. It would help a lot for my spouse’s eyes to open too.

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How about tell her you'll buy her something she really wants (car, computer?) if she does an A quality essay. The essay would be to write to convince someone NOT to get the vaccine. It would have to hit all important aspects like risk profiles, alternative treatments, adverse events, all cause mortality, fertility, possible long term effects, etc.

A time-tested method to really learn a subject is to have to research and argue the opposite side from what you already believe. If your belief is well founded, it can bolster it. If it isn't, it can make you reassess your opinion.

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I love that idea!

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This article has 2 pictures near the bottom of an older lady's arms. She got a mrna jab in each arm and it caused huge cancers to grow out of the injection sites. She died so quickly. I hope your daughter listens to you. A neighbor of mine's daughter got the vaccines in early 2021 because she works in healthcare. My neighbor begged his daughter not to get them--she wouldn't listen. She got pregnant at the end of 2021 and was 8 months pregnant when they had her baby shower last month. Her baby boy died a week after the shower in her womb. My neighbor is devastated..he keeps saying:"I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen." These bioweapons are sterilizing this generation and if they manage to get pregnant, the baby could be genetically affected or sterile. So disturbing..



This video is an interview with a obgyn from Australia that treats high risk pregnancy. Half his patients miscarried in their 1st trimester




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Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your neighbors daughters son. So sad, so tragic and completely avoidable if people could just say no to these shots. Thank you for the links!

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😂😂😂 wingnut 😂😂😂

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What I find very surprising is that there are people, who up until now have held out on getting these "vaccines" but now decide to take this one???? 🤔 What is their thought process that led them to believe this shot was safe??

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I picture the type of person who somehow catches wind of this and says, "There's a vaccine for Covid?"

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People who say "I would never take the covid shot, but I always get my flu shots - so Walgreens here I come!" There is no thought process, just rote habit.

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I was a hard no from day one on the C19 jab, of course. I always have gotten flu shots and I have to admit I got one last year, more out of habit than anything. Never had any problems from them, but with all I've learned in the last year I think I'll pass now.

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This is so frustrating for me, for so many. I cringe all the time as the murderes continue to prey on thier victims.

What is even more frustrating is that I am not able to share this with family members who are now on their 3rd shot.

They just shut me down and I risk additional alienation. I have lost 3 long time friends by trying to wake them up, and life is now a lonely experience.

It is so disturbing how so many can go about their day thinking life is on the right track as the so called pandemic is now over.

Intellectually I understand the term cognitive dissonance, yet in my heart I cant fathom as to why people are not able face the evil apon us. If they did, collectively we would be so very strong, as the power of the Human Spirit is the grandest of all.

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I have found some like-minded friends “off-line” but it isn’t easy. I think most of us can relate to your situation. For now the substack heroes like Jessica are the meeting place for knowledge, encouragement, and venting when it isn’t easily obtained offline.

Keep strong and remember that you are not the crazy one.

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Amen. And sorry about your losses, Annie.

The feeling of isolation is real. Something important to remember is we are never as few as they portray. It is in their interests to minimise the 'opposition', but we know they have sometimes lied hugely about % of citizens jabbed. They are trying to make us cave. Have told us as much, in that many words.

Regarding your last sentence. As we have seen on occasion, in Canada and Colombo, it does not take a literal army to make a difference. Or a single bullet.

A bunch of truckers got Trudope to reveal his true face. And his evil deputy's. To show their cards.

And a mass of ordinary citizens forced the Sri Lankan leader to flee.

If more medical professionals had put down the syringe and said 'NO', then this genocide would have been stopped in its tracks. Those that continued poisoning trusting patients, while knowing that they were doing so, they failed on every level as a human. For a mortgage? For private school for their child? For a BMW?

How utterly crass.

So now the remnant will have to pick up the pieces.

There will be enough of us for that.


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Yes, we will pick up the pieces, and in our grief and loss we will move humanity along in strength and conviction.

May the force be with you, with us all..

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“They” won’t be happy until everyone is maimed or dead

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"I just want to take a moment express how disgusted and appalled I am..."

Aw, don't take it so hard! Along with jazz singer Mose Allison,

"Well if this life is drivin' you to drink,

You sittin' 'round not knowin' what to think,

Well I got some consolation,

I'll give it to you if I might:

I don't worry 'bout a thing,

'Cause I know nothin's goin' to be alright."

And furthermore, as I say here:


"As for BigPharma and the COVID/VAXSCAM abomination, I really can't figure how someone who has read Kennedy's book can still be shocked and appalled by BigPharma's deeds (including those of the “Healthcare” system, CDC, FDA, WHO, and associated henchmen : nonstop lies, cheating, stealing, corrupting and killing in pursuit of BigBucks is demonstrated to be the the norm.

I'd be shocked if BigWhatever actually followed a path that could be seen as "doing the right thing".

Can you imagine Pfizer adhering to the Eightfold Path of Buddhism????

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They, and/or the AI or whatever technology they are arraying against us, do not understand spirituality as they are so sure they are gods. They employ fundamentalism aligned with any belief system, but they really can't grasp the other. It is the soft spot on Smaug's underbelly. During the seige of Aleppo, there was a guy who stayed in order to keep feeding the stray cats he always fed, and there were snipers on the hills, bored, betting on each day who could hit what organ that day so doctors treated the same injury each day. That is the distance between members of our species. It is just that the Aleppo sniper types are mutiplying exponentially, but that happened in China and Russia and Germany too. See Ionesco's Rhinoceros or watch Wild Palms with some of the same themes, including rhinoceri. Their 8 Fold Path is 8 Mice.

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You hit the jackpot on Buddhist mice!

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I don't know how the rest of you feel, I don't know what to say to friends or family when I find out in conversation they have gotten "the product"? I have a friend who was vented for 6 weeks. He proceeded to tell me that since his release from the hospital he and his family have gotten two Pfizer shots with two follow up booster shots. He now has a red rash and nobody knows why? I don't know who needs their head banged against a wall. This friend? Or myself. At this point I honestly don't know what to say? I feel like a bad friend if I don't say anything. Minimally an accessory to whomever he convinces to get the product or do I tell him when, at this point the damage is done? He is a person whom oddly enough I wouldn't have chosen as a friend because of his happiness through ignorance approach to life and yet I still have a long distance friendship with.

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You could "pretend" like you just found some info about the shots that he might be interested in reading and leave the rest up to him..

Here is some info I have



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