Phenomenal rant. This is exactly what politicians SHOULD be doing.

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Wish we had a US politician who would speak out passionately.

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We have Ron Johnson, but he's not loud enough and he's alone. Maybe now that the house has flipped we'll see more speaking out.(too little too late)!😒

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Wrong! Rand Paul sees nothing wrong with the vax, he did not take it because he believes in natural immunity, his wife is vaxxed. I've never heard anything from Cassidy, another feckless Rino asshole.

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The problem is..this is virtually the only one we have...the rest are just brain dead sheep...

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"We the People " (the people on these substacks) have known about the harms of the vax for a good part of two years ! What frustrating is 70% of the world has their heads in the sand and go about their business like nothing happened or they're still believing in the covid propaganda. I guarantee you that half of the politicians know what's going on but are too afraid to speak out. The other half is probably invested in big pharma. What troubles me is how in the world they think they can get away with it! Unfortunately they probably will. FECKLESS ASSHOLES!

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"We are living in the land of the unicorn farmers and the intellectual pygmies."

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I know none of this is funny but that just cracked me up.

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Absurdities are best revealed through pointing out just how absurd they are.

The insistence that the shots have saved any lives at all and have harmed no one is just that absurd.

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I have been meeting absurdity with forceful truth in every conversation I have had regarding this deadly fraud but damn I wish I could talk like that. As Tracy below said phenomenal rant!

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Govern me harder daddy! Why is there no one in the US saying this to congress?

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While not as entertaining as this guy, we do have Rand Paul and Ron Johnson.

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Best line ever!

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Ask Tony Two Masks and Pfizer.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Neolib and Neocon grooming times several decades. We need a wrecking ball.

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Another great rant, but why are these chambers almost empty when these happen? And that evil woman who objected on the grounds of him being "odious and tedious".....

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Speaking truth is odious to those who benefit from lies. Clearly, if the truth comes out, these people are all in deep trouble.

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I totally think the same dg. Where is everyone else?

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He is absolutely our hero..... so as Senator Antic, and Senator Roberts.

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“Mocking the vax injured!” Wow - the Greens and Labor parties got exposed for the Pharma tools they are, as well as the so called health ministry. Didn’t even read the reports. I’m stunned that this expose, along with so many others are not getting the attention they deserve.

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Any employed journalist, giving these exposés the attention they deserve, is in need of a new job tomorrow!

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Those women mocking really need to pray their chicken do not come home to roost. Vile behavior.

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Note all of the empty chairs of elites who don't care.

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There is some rule on how and when senators in Australia can speak out.

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“Govern me harder daddy!”


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Awesome 😎... yeah kick some ass ... not just him but every single one of us! Theme for 2023... kick ass and resist.

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We have a handful of awesome Senators, also Senator Antic - sitting next to him

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I love this man!! We need more passionate and informed people like him. I especially love his last sentence "govern me harder, daddy". I laughed so hard! :)

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A strong and intelligent FU to the Green's.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

He’s definitely kicking ass. It’s easy to forget he was part of the government that passed the laws in the first place and appointed the bureaucrats he’s criticizing. He couldn’t convince his own side of the dangers while in government, good to see him still kicking ass while he’s on the opposition benches, probably freer to say it now. The problem is the main stream narrative has support of both the major parties so it’s probably not going to change any time soon but he and a few others are chipping away at it.

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Gosh that was AMAZING!!!

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Yes he's Great! So is Senetor Malcom Roberts. Christine Anderson and crew in EU too.

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I don't know of Roberts, but I LOVE Christine Anderson!!

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Senetor Malcom Roberts, from down under mate, can still post on fakebook. He's a firecracker too. Like Rennick.

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Have a look at the inquiries Senator Roberts has held. They’re on his fb page. Very informative.

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Loved it. Would love to see such fire and honesty, here in the U.S.!

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