Sounds like a desperately needed documentary! Thank you for alerting us, Jessica 🍿

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Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for sending this. Like a lot of people that follow you and others “in the fight” and as an engineer who was taught the right way, got to test out hypotheses, forced to prove my case in front of the class, etc. I just want to thank you for all of the energy you put in every day to give us the tools we need to dismantle false arguments and premises. Unlike Hope-ium it’s the fuel I need to operate in the current environment.

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Gary Null, eh? So is this the "Null Hypothesis"?

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hahahaha good one

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Thank you Jessica. Science is indeed for hire. Has been for as long as our millennials have been alive.

“pseudo-science and misinformation rules”, few are willing to call it what it is.

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Dear Jessica, you just explained very very well what is actually science, and in very few words as well, you did very well!!!

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oh thank you :)

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25 minutes in - excellent.

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Excellent; I am a scientist but I've found that 'scientists' have mostly been captured in one way or another...I don't do social media, but those of you who do so, please share with everyone! Thank you Jessica for alerting us to this documentary.

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Great movie! Hope it wins the Oscar for best film of 2022.

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Awesome! Thanks for the link!! Much appreciated.

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Speaking of science, one of the things scientists do is to construct though experiments. So here's one. If someone handed you a potion that was proven to double your lifespan, would you take it, and what are the implications of that choice?

The reason I bring this up is that I've seen any number of theories as to what this medical tyranny is about - everything from population control, social credit systems, to plain old greed and incompetence, but I haven't seen Life Extension mentioned. Seems counterintuitive, given that they’re apparently trying to kill us all, but bear with me here.

Reframe the above thought experiment. You’re a psychopathic multi-billionaire (the two seem to go together) with more money than you can ever possibly spend, and one day your investment advisers alert you to research being done on life extension. Would you be interested in something like that? Fund it maybe? But alas, the time to realization is far too long for you to benefit from it personally, so what do you do? Use your wealth and power to put it on the fast track? Not beyond imagining, right?

We know such an attempt can only succeed at the genetic level, where the aging process occurs. And what do we have now? The world’s largest trial of a gene based therapy which will yield all kinds of useful data in pursuing that goal, the resulting death and misery being just collateral damage, which being a billionaire psychopath you don’t care about anyway.

It’s just a theory of course, and possibly on the fringe of wild speculation, but I don’t have a career at stake, so I can get away with it. I stopped reading science fiction years ago because too much of it was coming true, but I’ll bet someone has written a story based on this exact premise. Seems kind of obvious really.

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Yes, transhumanism is the basis of the Great Reset, which is the basis of the Bioweapons World War (the covid virus and covid poison shots). Transhumanism's ONLY goal is eternal life on earth.

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"And what do we have now? The world’s largest trial of a gene based therapy which will yield all kinds of useful data in pursuing that goal ... "


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This is amazing and ties together the food and drugs that fall under FDA purview & run globally by Rockefeller-Gates cabal chasing more effective mechanisms of death w hubris to believe Mother Nature will do their bidding. Man plans God laughs.

Fun citation to go w Jeffrey Smith's assertion that FDA has NEVER done any human health & safety study for gmo foods. Evil genius atty Michael Taylor revolving door Monsanto - FDA - K St- WH Biotech Czar from Poppy Bush to Obama.. created a "Framework of Deregulation" with Grand Canyon size legal loophole called "substantial equivalent" that says testing for novel foods is unnecessary if the traditional & gmo are pretty close to the same fiber, nutrients & allergens. There is no approval there is a notification that conveys some immunity for liability for harm and FDA signs off on Monsanto believes.

My pinned tweet from 2008 still my most favorite.. Very best foundation story Jeffery Smith 1999 Seeds of Deception.. big time credit to him nailing it out of the gate.. FDA pulled in 2014 under Obama so my tweet revised w Wayback link.. all we get is Monsanto believes... #Trust$cience


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Great film. I am spreading it around, hopefully more than the, uh, fertilizer, being applied by the vested interests.

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Save humanity from the crazed WEF! This fraud would never have flown if Kary Mullis hadn't of died 2019.

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The speech suppression, distortion of science, and willful ignorance we've seen during the Covid 19 era are not new. Gary Null is someone who can speak to that because he's seen it happen to other areas of health and nutrition for multiple decades.

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