May 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

My wife has mentioned that a lot of her friends seem “different “ since getting Covid shots. I think there is a link between these shots and the increased violence we are seeing in the US and Canada.

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The number of suicides at our state university is frightening. (Students are mandated to be vaxed.) There were 12 just in one month. All males. They don't report the minors so it could be more. Now you don't hear about it except from other students who are frightened about all the suicides.

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If anyone would like to see the individual reports or the batch numbers associated with these neurological symptoms, you can search in the symptoms description field at matchyourbatch.org with the following:

psych, schiz, halluc, delus, visions, voices, suicid, mania, dreams, seiz, conscious, memory, depress

You can easily see which medications are being taken and also medical history in the results table.

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Covid shots are poison.

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This is a very important post, and it fits hand-in-glove with the retinoid toxicity hypothesis that I raised in a talk I gave last year trying to argue for a common link between AEs and known COVID complications (not caused directly by spike protein). Here is a link to my post with a short summary, a link to the talk and a pdf embedded there with longer background and links to many papers: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/vitamin-a-the-skeleton-key-to-unlocking.

Long story short: the jabs can cause the liver to release retinoids into the bloodstream in uncontrolled amounts. This can be acute and also develop into a chronic issue.

There is an extensive literature linking retinoids to mental health problems (including depression, suicidal ideation and schizophrenia). , Here is a good review paper, "The neurotoxic effects of vitamin A and retinoids": https://www.scielo.br/j/aabc/a/t6FL9c3tjtJL74hCrBgkbfL/?lang=en

Two illustrative examples:

1. The phenomenon known as pibloktoq aka 'arctic hysteria,' an abrupt and transient dissociative episode induced by consumption of whale (or polar bear) liver, which is extremely high in retinoids: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4419-5659-0_595

2. Sudden suicides in young people who take the acne drug Roaccutane (or just Accutane). Accutane is a chemically active retinoid metabolite (retinoic acid). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgpYS33kMVc

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A little spoiler alert! Reminds me of the Jane Hawk series written by Dean Koontz about a rogue FBI agent investigating a series of suicides which turn out to be related to the elites injecting the population with a nano poison. First book of the series out in 2017 I believe. Only on book 2 but am hooked. Prophetic...

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I know you know the work of Walter Chesnut here on Substack, but others may not. He has been researching amyloids and demylineation for quite a while. That explains the neurological effects and likely includes hallucinations. According to whistleblowers like Cathy O'Brien, DARPA et al. know how to induce suicide and "mind control" by frequencies. I think of some of the celebrities, and young people, who have 'committed suicide'.

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My sister is sure barking mad and hallucinating now. She called me a white supremisist this week because she knows what I’m doing and reading.

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Will the horrors never cease

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I keep going back to Catherine Austin Fitts quote in Plandemic, "They are working to load an operating system into the human being and do not care how many they kill to get it done."

If this were the case, lots of "abnormal behavior" could reasonably be expected, even with the "trial run" demo. And the product would have to cross the blood brain barrier too....hmm.

Go all the way through the Substacks of ICENI and Prometheus Shrugged. It gets dark down at the bottom of this rabbit hole.

Men with Hubris and without appreciation for the Miracle that is Life can manifest horrors.

I fear we are witnessing the result.

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I'm very interested in learning more about the psyche symptoms. I know someone that is having psychiatric issues, was vaxxed three times but the psyche issues didn't manifest itself right away. What testing can be done to confirm spike protein is potential cause?

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Well a big dose of dopamine following permeabilization of the endothelium in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and hypothalamus can very well explain that.

Then circulating endothelial progenitors could/would repair the leak.

I have heard of a case of someone very empathetic becoming cold with no empathy. Like a vaccine-induced lobotomy (that would happen thru micro-thrombotic-induced necrosis)

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Argh. Thanks very much, though, for the report on your early exploration of the matter.

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Hi Jessica,

As a retired M.D. I would also point out that both visual and auditory hallucinations are common with acute delirium. I remember early on in the vaccine roll-out that a Hollywood "character actor" (an older man) went on social media to say that he'd had an acute delirium for about 3 days after he received the Covid jab. He was hospitalized for a few days and reported being "totally out of it" and hallucinating. Delirium is a transient condition, often related to infection/fever or a disrupted metabolic state (eg. diabetes, drugs, alcohol). It is seen more commonly in the elderly and those who already have mild underlying cognitive/neurological issues. (Eg. early dementia or Parkinsons).

I've certainly noticed an increase in OCD symptoms among my friends, so I do think that there are also more chronic vascular/neurological injuries occurring in many people. Damage to the pre-frontal cortex can definitely cause cognitive and personality changes.

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Could it be related to accidental IV injection? Damage to blood brain barrier? I'm also wondering if it could be an infection, maybe low grade?, delerium? .

Marc Girardot substack, Covid Myth Busters may have a possible explanation of mechanism for 'hallucination' etc type side effects?

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose


There are many more causes for audio or visual hallucinations. Methamphetamines is a great example. Most of my psychiatric patients who become non compliant with their medications will get on Meth. Frequently when they come in or inpatient they will state they are having auditory or visual hallucinations, And patients with paranoia who have not been diagnosed with Schizophrenia can also have AVH. It’s also commonly seen in alcohol withdrawal. And due to the high content of THC in today’s “industrial strength” marijuana, particularly in the cartridges sold in dispensaries, it is being seen in young adults presenting to Emergency Departments. These are just a few other causes.

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