The firehose of information and the firehose of scandals (including the FTX attempt to take over the whole crypto-banking complex to supplant the world banking system; Ukraine War; collapsing currencies; etc.) has made it hard for all of us to get to the point of examining some hypotheses. Attention is an economic resource, and that's part of this generation of warfare we're experiencing.

Thanks for joining us even after a long trip back from Europe! We'll have you back on in a more well-rested state so that you don't have to be a disembodied voice in the background. ;)

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Right. Overwhelmed and confused to the point of apathy and despair is a big part of the attack. We can't fall for that.

Look forward to both the present/future interviews.

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Thank you! Looking forward to more RTE. Jessica Rose, even with a disembodied voice, is the best!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Bolus theory, who would’ve thunk! It seems so obvious. When my son got his vaccines, they jabbed him in the thighs. After one of the series, we ended up in the emergency room. At the time, I had no clue about VAERS so there’s no report by me or his (no longer) pediatrician. At four, he was diagnosed with autism. I guess there’s plenty of vessels to hit in the thigh, too … but we’re really not sure what happened. Just trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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Sorry to hear about your son.

But even for autism there is a solution.

You should check with Dr. Gominak (drgominak.com) for a vitamin protocol.

In three months is your microbiome fixed, and with that your immune system. After those three months your body begins to heal itself, including your brain. It works, even if you are 60 and suffers from ibs, psoriasis, early signs of dementia and aphasia and suffers from the consequences of a stroke.

It's pretty amazing.

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I am in Melbourne and it is late. I had to watch the whole film and as I speak French and have some Spanish language, found it incredible to learn just how many others in the non-English speaking world are seemingly so much more alert in general. I was horrified to see yet again the scenes from Melbourne but many people here have not seen the protests in France, UK, Netherlands .. in fact they seem in general to swallow the government propaganda. We have a very important state election due in two weeks and many people are volunteering time and cash (small amounts) to see if we can remove the shocking state premier. Many do not realise that we are still suffering state mandated 'vaccinations' for health care workers and even supermarket giants insist their staff have to be jabbed. Today one of them has back tracked and hopefully this nightmare will unravel. We have a few brave journalists who have been continually speaking out and a handful of Senators but not enough yet. A totally compliant population and trusting. There is a growing 'freedom' movement at last but rather late. I will send this movie to a few others to pass around. Thank you for alerting us and thank the people who made it. Especially I was glad to see the memorial to Luc Montagnier. I heard him interviewed nearly 2 years ago and saw how he was treated.

I was born just post WW2 into a Britain with bombed buildings and ration cards and unheated homes. Never thought we would all go backwards. Luckily I studied history all my life and especially Communist Russia. I witnessed (TV) what happened in Budapest in 1956 and met Hungarian refugees later in London and heard first hand evidence of life in Hungary after that. Then again 1968 Prague ... we are not supposed to repeat it all. Unfortunately very little history is now taught in our schools .. only about 'sustainability'.

Lastly, lost my sibling at 8 months, stillbirth, Thalidomide (I was 14) then my mother. Never forgotten and perhaps made me a skeptic

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Gosh, Jessica, on your recent substacks and with others you've been focusing on lipid nanopartilcles. What do you think of Dr Ana Mihalcea's numerous posts and interviews with dark field microscope researchers showing assembling and disassembling structures in the jabs? There's been a change from only considering spike proteins to the discovery of metallic and other structures possibly activated by 5G. What do you think!? Here's an Oct 25 substack: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/irrefutable-proof-of-self-assembly?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Isn’t this what ivermectin does?

Boyle found that niacin increased basophil leukocyte count. These white blood cells store histamine and heparin, and protect the body against microorganisms causing disease. We earlier implicated a histamine-glycosaminoglycan histaminase system as well as histamine in lipid absorption and redistribution. Boyle suggested that the improvement caused by niacin is much greater than can be explained by its effect on cholesterol. He thought it might be due to the release of histamine and to the eventual reduction in the intravascular “sludging” of blood cells.”10

10. Boyle, E. “Niacin and the Heart.” Paper delivered at Int. Conf. Alcoholics Anonymous Physicians, New York, 1967 (excerpted in A Second Communication to A.A.’s Physicians, Bedford Hills, NY: 1968).

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I have one app on my smartphone, and am putting no more on the thing until I get enough OFF TIME to learn how to deal with'em. Had to change passwords, and now have not enough time to go through the recover instructions...IOW my email didn't just make past email opaque; it made everything in the future from unacceptablejessica opaque as well. But, when I tried a fresh start going to unacceptablejessica (let's call it UJ) via a Duck Duck search, UJ still recognized me as subscribed via the old emails. Therefore, I can't switch to another box at the UJ site??? I got a new box just to start over, but like I say UJ recognizes in default manner ALWAYS as associated with the old email address. Is it doing it by IPO or by recognizing this machine?

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correction: recognizes me in default manner

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I'm believing you so far re VAERS, but people going against the grain need to be clear.

"Most of my readers have a pretty good sense of my theory by now. But today I will dive deeper to explain how it is that adverse effects are so diverse in severity, in symptoms and in location, and how it is mostly physics - concentration, dose, time, location - that explains it all, not micro-biology, even though of course the mechanism of harm is indeed the immune attack of any cell penetrated by a vaccine particle to bring - or create - a very immunogenic antigen (aka foreign material viewed by the immune system as a threat that needs to be destroyed) inside healthy cells." Marc Giradot

This segment below is written poorly. Sounds like he's just talking about the standard REACTION that happens with mRNA jabs...piece of spike causes cell to make anitgen; but, re 'immune attack of any cell,' does he mean attack on the cell or reaction of the cell?

'...is indeed the immune attack of any cell penetrated by a vaccine particle to bring - or create - a very immunogenic antigen (aka foreign material viewed by the immune system as a threat that needs to be destroyed) inside healthy cells.'

I'm trying to read past it, and get a general idea of what he means. He could have boiled down the basic message prior to the pathways graphic.

When I got my shots (mostly I regret it now) the needle was short and thin, so much so that for a while a while I thought it might have been a fake shot.

I'll do this test to see if <i>italics</i> work here.

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Thank you so much, Jessica, for all the work that you do; I have been following your work for a very long time. Your handle 'unacceptable Jessica' references the Truckers' Protest and although I am American, their bravery emboldened me to speak out and the first thing I did was write a thank you to them and start a substack (expresstrain.substack.com) in order to place it in a public place but I have no idea how to reach the people, mostly unknown, that I am trying to thank. In the course of following the protest, Clyde Do Something became my favorite commentator and I think he might be able to help but I do not (and will not) have a google account and I have none of the social media apps that would give me access to him. Are you able to contact him through one of these and pass along my thank you?

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You are amazing. What you do is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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