Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica, you are the ultimate Dark Horse and would make an incredible guest on Bret's podcast!

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Author

I know right! lol I have invited myself onto the Darkhorse podcast many times. And Rogan. hahahaha

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Maybe reach out to your pal Pierre Kory(another awesome human being) who knows Bret well. Thanks for all you do!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

ACIP is meeting this week to add the jab to the childhood vax schedule. Deadline for comment is 10/20. It’s time to scream!

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it's time to do more than scream...

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it says that public commenting option is closed...

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Etana Hecht shared this link which says written comments can be submitted with a 10/20 deadline.


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They like it when you scream. That means they won.

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Wasn't the deadline 10/14?

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

It was a masterpiece!

Thank you for everything Jessica.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

We live in scary times! On another note Jessica did you see Alex Berenson’s commentary on the Boston group’s gain of function? Would love to see your rebuttal to that!

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nope. can you post it here?

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Here it is:

In the last 48 hours, people have been screaming about the news that Boston University researchers stuck the Omicron spike into the original Sars-Cov-2 virus -



Just stop.

I read the paper.

It says the Omicron/wild-type Sars-Cov-2 combination the researchers created is more lethal than Omicron.

However, it ALSO says the Omicron/wild type virus is LESS lethal than original wild type. Neither of those findings should be a surprise. Omicron is much less dangerous than the original Sars-Cov-2, so blending the two together produces a virus with intermediate lethality.

What’s with the 80 percent mortality rate then?

It’s in mice, people.

And guess what? The wild-type had a 100 PERCENT mortality rate in mice. Yes, all the mice infected with the original Sars-Cov-2 died.

Which is really bad. If you’re a mouse.

I think we can agree that Sars-Cov-2 does not have a 100 percent mortality rate in humans.

Nor did the researchers provide any evidence that the blended Omicron/wild-type coronavirus is able to defeat antibodies in people who have been infected with and recovered from Omicron. Which is basically all of us. (They did show that both the original Omicron and their variant beats the mRNA vaccines, but that fact is not a surprise either.)

Further, this work was conducted in a Biosafety Level 3 lab, the second-highest level, used for most viruses that aren’t Ebola/Marburg or smallpox. Should the work have been done in a top-level BSL 4 lab, with positive pressure and all the rest? Maybe. But considering we’ve all been exposed to Omicron already, and considering that the infection fatality rate from even the wild-type is more like 0.3 percent - 3 in 1000 - than 30 percent - maybe not.

Would it be a good idea to make this sort of fiddling with Sars-Cov-2 public BEFORE scientists conduct it, so virologists and the rest of us could discuss its risk? Yeah, more disclosure probably makes sense.

But truly, if the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that the biggest risk from Sars-Cov-2 is hysteria, not the virus itself.

Try not to fall into the trap.

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Is that the same "they" who said the vax is safer than the virus? "They" are pretty unreliable.

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Well maybe now indeed the cloth shot is saver than this virus?

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For some people it is. That's the purpose of risk management, to decide which action is better, and to take steps to mitigate risks we can't avoid. Millions have died from the shot, but billions did not. So it's fairly safe for most people, but catastrophic for a few. Like mountain climbing. Or driving a car. Or taking a bath. Our current problem is people who try to force others to take a vax that might cause catastrophic harm, and might not provide any benefit. The risk balance for most people is don't take the vax. The insane demands to accept unnecessary risks are demonically evil. Acceptance of unnecessary risks is suicidally stupid. We have a lot of evil and a lot of stupid these days.

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Those are Alex Berenson’s words!

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I guess Alex B. is right, the real virus is the panic.

And the real problem to the vaxx manufacturers, is that panic and fear are almost completely faded away by total absence of a real existing danger to people's lives, of course resulting in just very few uptakes of the brand new 'vaccinboosters'.

So they decided to do something about that for their own sake again.

They tried to push the 'emergency-use' button, but after they pushed and pushed, and nothing happend, they realised these button was never putted back in place 'off'..., so it was already in its 'on' position, so that wasn't going to make their lies happen... Then they had to use the porno-fear-button again, but...because the fear-porno-button was also still in its 'on'-position, they had to create a new one, of course more fearfull than the last one, otherwise it is not going to work out either.

So they invented the 'HARD-porno-fear-button', which Boston University was pleased to provide them by 'the Boston 80 procent deadly virus, created in a lab for schoolkids experiments, a lab that everything go in out as it pleases, so the virus could have been released by now or will be next week.

It is all nonsense but people believe it, or they just to take any unnecessary risks because that would be really stupid..., they just made some new very save and very effective 'vaccins' to protect them!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I listened to this yesterday, EXCELLENT!!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

On the issue of the CDC voting to give Pfizer/Moderna permanent liability immunity from vaccine injury -- will you be participating and commenting? https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/09/21/2020-20705/advisory-committee-on-immunization-practices-acip

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let's see!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I listen to DH regularly. Thank you for sharing this on your SS. Every American should listen to this!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks, Jessica. I'm watching this now and then will watch the new Real Anthony Fauci move that comes out today. And then Cleveland plays the Yankees in their final game. What a day! As an Astros fan I'm not sure if I should root for the Yankees or the former Indians.

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As a native New Yorker, I would root for the Yankees!

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I will too as I was a Yankees fan as a boy until Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra, and Whitey Ford retired. Then I shifted to the Astros.

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That was truly awesome, and the Americans should be proud to have dedicated service people that are ready to stand for freedom. I wasn't sure how many in the military felt this way and was immensely pleased that it's in the thousands. Is Canada in line with these brave men and women in the US? Cause I haven't really felt proud to be a Canadian for a while now...but I would like to have a reason to be.

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The info shared on this podcast is so alarming and the biggest eyeopener yet about the catastrophy of our nations current military status. THank you all for your courage. I wish you all the very best - and I pray for a resolution of the injustices done unto you and the entire mililtary. This is a great country and I hope that we can survive this attempt at it's takeover, swiftly and permanently.

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Much as I respect you, Jessica, asking people to invest two hours of their time to watch yet another video is a bit much unless you're going to give them a better idea of what they might expect to see.

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...it's about the COVID-19 mandates still being imposed on our military service men without providing religious exemptions... it's a very important subject matter and trust me, it's worth the two hours. :) you get to hear it from the mouths of service men and woman...

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Learning is so hard. It's not for everyone. This one only takes a few minutes to start the stream and sit thru the ads and intros, to decide if it's worth watching. Short version is the DoD vax policy is diminishing military readiness to inevitably fight Russia or China or both, and cannot possibly be due to incompetence, only a purposed attack on America.

When China completes their conquest, they'll blame Russia, and most people will accept that. Those who don't won't get fed.

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It's astonishing to me how people who take a stand against the lies and deceit perpetrated by the US govt. and MSM on behalf of Big Pharma's vaccine scam can buy into the lies and deceit they spread about Russia and China. It's the same people for God's sake. Please explain to me on whose territory you expect to be fighting Russia or China? Theirs or yours? If not yours, then what exactly are you defending?

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The fighting will be global. After the nukes are expended, there won't be much fighting except for survival.

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Well I guess you better attack them first then.

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That only works if you have superior force. We dont.

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It's encouraging that a self described radical college professor and lifelong dem is beginning to understand the inevitable results of the destructive philosophies he has participated on indoctrinating us with. He didn't recant, but implied he can't support the current dems. I'm guessing he dislikes Joe but would be all in on Bern, so nothing will change.

The worst aspect of this growing tyranny was Olivia's estimate of 80,000 resisters, but that leaves about 1.4 million who acquiesced and followed the illegal, destructive, suicidal orders to receive the vax. As Brett discussed, that proves that there are no limits to other illegal tyrannies they will accept, support, and enforce. It's very likely we will see armed soldiers patrolling our streets like an occupying invasion force in the very near future.

They'll probably come for substackers first.

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Jessica, Steve was faster :-)...

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The military fights wars funded by bankers. Currently the armed forces are being transformed top down into the cult of wokeism. They are supposed to protect against foreign and domestic. Why have they not launched an attack on the psychopaths in government?

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Who you gonna believe eh?


For you future defenders of America, here's what a wedding party looks like:


And yes, people carry guns in that part of the world. Just like in America, and for the same reasons.

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The whole thing is so corrupt that I doubt any one or a millions of protests will stop it. The goal is depopulation, starting with the children.

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