May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Pediatricians have been prescribing more and more school aged children new and likely poorly tested psychotropics and God only knows what else. And the parents allow it. Some parents ask for their kids to be medicated in the hopes that grades will go up. How many kids are on these prescription drugs by the time they get to grade 9? This problem has been around for a long time. It has become impossible to ignore. We as a society need to take some of the responsibility for where we are. And the childhood vaccine schedule has a positive correlation with the need to medicate our kids. It is time to stop the madness. We need to stop sacrificing our kids. Kai Matthew's died 2 years ago because of this madness . This is one that I will not forget. This is enough to make a Christian of a non believer because if such evil has revealed itself, then we need God to help us.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

I'm Canadian born, most of my family still lives there and the country is a disgusting dumpster.

The dumpster country turned my In-Laws against my Wife (their daughter) and I, for years. My Father-in-Law got a new turbo cancer after his first two covid shots and died in 10 months, while at the same time calling his unvaxxed daughter and I "murderers" for abstaining from the shot that likely killed him. The in-laws shunned us both for almost 2 years, until his death bed. When we provided them official government data and medical studies to refute their decision to shun us, they didn't even read it. My Mother-in-Law, also with cancer, is on her 6th+ shot now, "for the sake of the other cancer patients, so I don't give them covid", is what she says her Dr.'s still tell her, to this day.

For my dual-citizen Wife to see her dying Father in Canada, she needed to get an MD's written approval to enter the country (from the same idiots that encouraged the shunning). 20 pages of paperwork later, they let her back into her home country. My Father-in-Law died a week later and another 20 pages of paperwork was required to attend the funeral. "Pleeease Justin Trudeau, I know I'm a dirty unvaxxed! May I please attend my Father's funeral!?" The lovely government of Canada made phone calls to my wife to make sure she hadn't left the house without a permission slip from Justin. She had to verbally confirm that she was staying in the basement separated from her grieving family (F*** Canada.)


- My Grandmother died and my Mother couldn't get back into Canada for a funeral.

- My Grandmother-in-Law was forced into reclusion at a retirement home. She made repeat 911 calls out of loneliness and desperation, until she died.

- My Grandfather with dementia was given a booster after multiple instructions from family not to do so. He had a heart attack 2 days later.

I could go on. Pretty much everybody there, including the "conservatives" in my family have no problem with any of it. To Hell with Canada as far as I'm concerned and good luck to the unfortunate few who can see the truth.

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I am so sorry. Your experience was horrendous.

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As a child of the 60's my dad talked about WWII. I often wondered how people would want to wage war on others. The past 3 covid years tells a story of so many who fell victim to their fears and would be willing to commit the worst of atrocities.

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Shocking story

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May 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

It’s because of Justin and his gang of idiots called “progressives” which is just another way to say Bolshevik

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That's an important documentary. Watched it some time ago, or at least a version of it.

Aaron Gunn's film has also been released on Youtube.

Glad you've shared it here Jessica.

"Oh Canada"... 😢

The Fentanyl Crisis:


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Sadly, we are not far behind Canada. I LOVE visiting Canada and I pray things don’t descend so far that it’s not possible to visit any more.

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Jessica. So grateful for your many talents in revealing truth to our world.

Interesting news out of Ottawa Heart Institute.

I have a contact there who says the entire second floor has been converted into a surgical ward for post jab cardiac surgeries. The suit was set up originally for the covid surge they expected which never occurred. It is now being used for stent surgeries which have significantly increased. Surgeons are now actually documenting n PTs charts that it’s a “vax injury” mind blowing! And all we hear is crickets...

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Really? I wish I could say I am surprised. Will pass on...

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

One of my heroes used to be Sgt. Preston of the Mounties and his big husky wonder dog, Yukon King. I hope he was not one of the RCMP who attacked the truckers in Ottawa and I hope he did not get jabbed.

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The same program in all the western type nations.

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The title should have included the US.

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This is like watching a documentary about what Americans started experiencing a decade ago. Oh Canada...

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how terribly sad. meanwhile here in the U.S., every mainstream news broadcast begins with a half dozen crimes of gun violence, stoking cries for banning guns, despite our 2nd Amendment. both Canada and the U.K. prove beyond any doubt that violence does not require firearms and so-called 'gun control' is hardly about the safety of citizens. its about chipping away at our Constitution while doing nothing to address the real issue: DRUGS, both legal and illegal.

mucking about with our minds and bodies cannot ever have the end result of a healthy person, either mentally or physically. the insistence on giving people a 'free pass' on any kind of personal responsibility for their lives and circumstances is turning our society into a rabble. MSM's distractions regarding the 'threat' posed by China and Russia fail utterly to hold leaders to account for the degradation of OUR society, while their societies (regardless of one's opinion of their ideologies) mostly remain intact.

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We watch Canada from Down Under in NZzzz and OZzzz, here poised to go much the same way, the people too coerced and comfortable to actually do anything to save themselves. It is truly the most vexing phenomenon I have ever witnessed. It is the bizarre ascendency of the manipulated invertebrate.

Death by needle. Quite the fashionable thing these days.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Robbie Rose, former contributor of comedy vids on Childrens Health Defense, is well versed as a lawyer on the effects of vaccine caused brain damage and 'treatments' with SSRI drugs (and others) that lead to violence (she also has a vaccine injured child). This could be a major contributor to much of the violence we are seeing (and other causes of brain imbalance - life-style, child abuse, legal and illegal drugs, etc). Robbie found that nearly all (or all) mass school shootings were vaccine/SSRI drug caused, beginning after the rollout of these drugs (1989 Standard Gravure incident in Louisville, KY being a milestone). Gender dysphoria can also be an effect from treated vaccine brain damage. No doubt many other mass shootings and serial violence could be largely due to vaccine injury/drug 'treatments.' There are solutions, but the real causes have to addressed. MIC-pharma is the root of much destruction in the world.

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Uh, oh, Canada....

Parents at school boards and flags https://gettr.com/post/p2hz5h2aef3

Ontario mom asks Catholic school board why fourth graders are playing ‘sexual grooming’ games in class https://gettr.com/post/p2hzmrn70ee

Canadian funeral home expands services to include room rental for assisted suicide https://gettr.com/post/p2i04v2ac50

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If any of this comes as a surprise then you can learn more by watching the national citizens inquiry on rumble.


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This is so sad. But this is where those who act as though they are in control want humanity: dead. People need to say NO. Have so many of these poor people been injected with the bioweapon? Was that the first injury? Was Trudeau's insane lockdowns and treatment of the truckers, loss of income, all of those things part of this epidemic? We see it in the US, too...this is part of the depopulation plan and it is horrific that this is happening to people.

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