While listening to you on Matt Ehret it dawned on me that they are giving mRNA shots to cows, pigs, and chickens so they will give enough of us prion diseases that people will be afraid to eat these animals and will have to start eating bugs and Bill's toxic fake meat. Did you see that no healthy person under 50 died from covid in Israel?
Thank you Jessica. Your show with Matt Ehret was great.
Thank you!
While listening to you on Matt Ehret it dawned on me that they are giving mRNA shots to cows, pigs, and chickens so they will give enough of us prion diseases that people will be afraid to eat these animals and will have to start eating bugs and Bill's toxic fake meat. Did you see that no healthy person under 50 died from covid in Israel?
Very well done in such a limited time.
You nailed it. So clear and unequivocal. Thank you Jessica!
I’m so proud of you for being a brilliant spotlight on this topic! You truly are needed at this time!
You're very welcome!