Thank you both for your outstanding contributions to citizen Science and information 🙏

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It has been sad to see so many of my old friends become eager supporters of covidian tyranny. !5 of them have died from cancer or sudden heart attacks . But it has been wonderful learning about real heroes like Pierre Kory, Jessica Rose, Vernon Coleman, Mike Yeadon, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, Roger Hodkinson, Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch, Christiane Northrup, Stephanie Seneff, Peter McCullough, Zeb Zelenko, Robert Malone, Andy Wakefield, Ed Dowd, Del Bigtree, Byram Bridle, Ilana Rachel Daniel, Suzanne Humphries, Dolores Cahill, Clare Craig, Meryl Nass, Charles Hoffe, Novak Djokovic, Bret Weinstein, Judy Mikovits, Sherri Tenpenny, etc. There is still hope.

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Thank you Jessica and Pierre for your consistent courage in being responsible for your freedom.

Watching your video, what Pierre says starting 7:50, showed me again the only silver lining I can locate, shine forth from the dark cloud of the Covid-1984 attempted Totalitarian Takeover:

“How is that possible that we have so quickly and so massively departed from our sacred principles, freedom of thought and expression”. And he continues that he is shocked by these Covid-1984 interventions because they took place in “advanced, supposed, democracies built on these principles…before Covid I thought the institutions of society were guided by certain bedrock principles that we all agreed upon and all thought were ideal. The rapidity with which they disappeared tells me that was not true.”

It seems to me a few more people like you two are being slapped awake from the Nightmare of History--by which I mean, you are seeing the true face of ALL governments which I hope will bring you over to our Voluntaryist position that ALL governments are unnecessary evils and that democracy was a most successful fraud pulled off over the masses who have voted for voluntary enslavement since its clever creation by the Powers That Shouldn’t Be.

It is a serendipitous post of yours here in that our Session 42 “Democracy and the Road to Tyranny” is occurring for North America tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, here


and I invite you both to attend and see why those “sacred principle” were never really abandoned because they did not really exist.

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs, Voluntaryist scholar

Get free, stay safe.

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Jessica, As a scientist, you could perhaps comment on the video of the white light seen above Lahaina, Maui as the fire erupted. Speculation that it was microwaves could account for the fact that the aluminium of cars melted, but trees did not burn. Aluminium melts above 1000 degrees. Trump, Obama, Clintons and the rest bought themselves islands, they will be safe when our cities burn. Perhaps that fire was an experiment.

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