The Globe and Mail seems to be directing everyone's outrage towards the high cost, and away from the secrecy surrounding who exactly created this monstrosity. This kind of misdirection is exactly what one would expect from the "News".

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that's the way of the world now...

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Look up realandylee on the bluebird app / she has lots of info on the who and how much

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I suspect the obscene development cost includes R&D for a Digital ID and/or payoffs to well-connected ideologues...

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That's a bargain! In the UK our idiots in charge spent thirty two billion pounds on a Track & Trace system for smart phones - which never worked and is now abandoned. Ah well, time to get those money printing presses fired up again; we've got those millions of new booster jabs to pay for. What inflation?

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yeah but back then that was 43 billion in US dollars. today it's only 35 billion. so you can feel good about that, right?

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32 billion pounds? That is outrageous... All that cash should have been sent to 404 and Nazilensky instead :P!

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2 reasons: Money laundering and public fear. The same guidelines they have followed for centuries. Get the public to panic over nothing and take their money so they can't have the resources needed to be independent.

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This is what the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is all about. Money for nothing. The information economy literally conjures wealth from ideas. All these useless, totalitarian measures are completing the decoupling of customer from consumer. Now we can sell your government masks, apps, tests, "vaccines", all useless junk that no one wants or truly needs.

To achieve this decoupling, individual choice must be factored out of the equation, because you can't expect people to invest in things they don't want. They're no longer interested in courting the general public. They want us bound and gagged.

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Yes! I believe Spartacus was mentioning that very thing - The information economy literally conjures wealth from ideas. Perhaps more specifically, data. All the while causing real tangible requirements of life to cost more and more.

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"Really, this is the crux of the problem with managerialism. It takes real commodities, real property, real resources, and it virtualizes them. There is no concern whatsoever for the fundamental physical reality and utility of goods and services, only raw numbers, spiraling endlessly into fantasy. This attitude towards finance and the economy, that only numbers matter and not the average citizen’s quality of life, is destroying our communities." -Spartacus - https://iceni.substack.com/p/spartacast-05#details

Thats what I remember from his stack, and damn that stuff hit hard that day. Drove me to put in a new raised bed before the cold sets in here haha(the wooden stucture, and things are composting there now, long process to grow food). They won't control the carbon I pull from our mother earth if I can help it!

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That's why Big Tech and Big Pharma are so deeply in lockstep. A lot of people think Big Pharma is in the business of drug production and distribution, but, their core business is patent rights management.

But yeah, not just from data. Ideas. That's where the threat to cognitive liberty lies.

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I think ideas can be considered data too. But I'd argue, Creation cannot be converted to data, not without human suffering(slavery, taxation without rep), or in the future, robot/servitor suffering. I believe "Creation" is what a human can imagine(form ideas, or data) from it's sense of surroundings(physical and social), and create improvements to better themselves, and others closest to them, if there is nothing standing in their way.

That decoupling you speak of, I think is them trying to force this virtualization upon our creation, through the fear and digital/monetary controls, to a degree we haven't had to deal with, brought to us by the advances in biomedical tech. Fiat currency is probably the first virtualization we have suffered under historically.

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How much of that $54 million kicked back to Lieberal Party insiders?

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Absolutely classically liberal. Fleece Canadians while lining the pockets of liberal friends and donors. How much of the money will be laundered and fed back into the liberal lie machine next election?

They’re not just using Ukraine to launder their filthy blood money.

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Forgot to say thanks Jessica, keep up the great work!

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Address registered for that company of 1-5 employees is a cottage ... I’m sure they are not tied to the liberal party ... for sure

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I wonder if they are tied to the three Chinese Communist Party "Police Service Offices" hiding off grid in rhe GTA? The app Parliament Hill bought would not need to be functional, as long as the version shipped to Beijing actually worked...

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Are any of us that have seen through the crap of the last 2.5 yrs surprised at these outrages anymore? I know I’m not. These people are truly broken on a level I cannot even comprehend. Greed, power, entitlement, ego, pride, the list could go on, and until we’re governed by people of: love, empathy, and compassion this merry go round of dysfunction will continue.

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Self government.

Someone posited elsewhere we are not in the 18c anymore. They had little choice but to elect representation. People couldn’t ALL travel to meet, debate, vote.

We have no such restrictions. Technology allows us to connect remotely. We don’t have to assign/sacrifice/abdicate our sovereignty. We vote for ourselves. Write and debate our own legislation. Dismantle most 3-letters because data can be (securely) made publicly available. Coallaters, analysts, sherpas for the presentation and forthright interpretation for the public: the support required to get us the information so we can make informed decisions for ourselves is minimal. Much more but you get the idea.

The price is we have to become educated - with no federal level dept of education.

Some other costs are •structuring society such that time for (virtual) meeting-debate-vote are built into day to day life, within the framework of working hours •the 24/7 security industry along with all associated tech for every terminal = budget item •with respect to education, it starts in grade school, every student participates; we raise adults who have knowledge about expectations re government

I can’t possibly cover all bases. It requires a new way of thinking. Amendment to the Constitution -states, I can’t speak for Canada.


The old system, much as we like to believe there was independence from existing powers, was set up to align with those powers. This is the system we have allowed to perniciously grow into the monster we *must* dismantle and crush. Truly our existence as a species depends on it. Hyperbole? I don’t think so.

Our concurrent task with ridding the earth of the henchmen is to include the old, old families, the engineers and architects of the old system. That darkness, that never visible evil core is our true enemy. Once exterminated, the love, compassion and empathy innate to the God-light of souls blossoms.

The task is MONUMENTAL and won’t be accomplished in an election cycle. Or two or three. We’ll figure it out. But just like we need to design a new banking / exchange system -NOT continue with/perpetuate the one “they” designed- we need numerous new systems. Yes?

My only regret is that, being of the older persuasion, I likely won’t be around for a point of fruition. Oh well. I’ll have to settle for an earlier role in the birthing of a new era. Daunting. Scary as hell. Exciting. I will die on this hill if need be. My immortal soul will exult in the role I played. Heck, maybe I’ll come back so I CAN participate in the ascension of the species!

Cockeyed optimist.

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Work must be done in isolated segments, so the totality isn't more obvious to those doing the work.

SOP for criminals. Those darn pesky rules enlightened officials are handcuffed with require work arounds. A GOoD, strong, knowledgeable people wouldn't tolerate any of this lawlessness for a nano.

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We’ll get there. Uncharted territory/waters. Storm is raging. Wish I were younger and smarter.

Oh! Silly me. We have Jessica Rose!!!! And an army’s more worth. And can start now educating the next generation, as the overturn-extermination of the pestilensia proceeds.

Such incredible good lies ahead. Gotta get through the trauma of this birthing process first. Then the painful process of healing. A generation or two. Latter part of the century will all but glow!! I won’t be around but am determined on the vanguard of ushering in a new era for humanity. My hill.

Stay 💪

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Thank you Jessica.

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How many of the subcontractors are in reality chinese I have to wonder?

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A nightmare experience it is.

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The grift is on. Surprised the "developers" didn't require a TikTok account, but maybe one was created for each phone.

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Canada took a page from the U.S. Empire playbook, specifically the page about money laundering using taxpayer monies to enrich cronies and supporters. Look at the amount of money being firehosed into Ukraine. It's like the rats are trying to hoard as much cheese as they can before the fiat currency, debt-based financial system, built to enrich the Empire, comes crashing down. If they haven't yet had a dose of this MIC-driven theft of wealth, Canadians are now living the oligarchs' dream.

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Have you heard of Project SUNSHINE? All of these attempts to gather data after the start of the Pandemic sounds to me like someone is trying to ascertain whether an experiment had the desired effect or not. And they are doing everything they can to not only get as much data as possible, but of course to at the same time enrich themselves as much as possible. All of course under the guise of National Security, which by now everyone should be aware is only being used to hide illegal/criminal behavior and acts.

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