Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks. This verifies what Mike Yeadon said about lack of quality control. Of course quality control doesn't matter if depopulation and maximum profits are the goal and there is no risk of liability.

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Maria rocks!

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Canadian too!

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I listened. Her final comments reinforce those of another scientist who says 'it's like being injected with shrapnel' because of mRNA fragility and not any clarity about anything....but Maria G explains so much more and so clearly! The facts and details coming out are more and more clear, yet the madness has not ended. Just yesterday, I heard about a young woman age 21 in line for a heart transplant and the heart was there, but suddenly, "....boom boom 2 strokes, and all bets off for now." I wanted to say, " it's V- side effect", but didn't. The speaker's conclusion, " we just don't know what can happen!"

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yeah she's great!

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And the reason that real experts like Maria are not employed as quality control in big pharma is because..

I will post the summary slides on my substack and the bitchute link.


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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

OMG. THIS. Thank you for bringing this to my attention...


minute 6 forward....(and minute 37:39) - ABERRANT MISFOLDING PROTEINS?!?

minute 8:22 - because of the excuse of being kinda used for a kinda vaccine FDA and EMA gave up on the requirement of "HARD WORK"

minute 17:44 - made with BAGS OF E COLI?!?!

minute 23:00 - ACTUAL mRNA PICTURES

minute 26:00 - ONPATTRO (wtf) ?!?!

minute 31:16 - steel found in Japanese vials - WHICH HORRIFIED ME AT THE TIME (August 2021) AS AT LEAST 3 MEN DIED

minute 32:40 - ADMINISTRATION ERRORS and LABELING (wtf) ?!?!?

minute 38:33 - (and also in very beginning) - NO SPIKE ACTUALLY TO BE SEEN (or SEQUENCED) !?!?

minute 38:45 - SUMMARY - "A CRAP SHOOT"

(Using bold, not because I didn't know most of this, but because she is so clear and I'm so eternally pissed off.)

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I have a (platonic) man-crush on Jessica, but she is going to have to share my (platonic) attention and praise with Maria Gutschi.

This entire video is incredibly heartening and at the same time, depressing. If Maria found these obvious red flags, which apparently were simply glossed over, in the end, by the EMA, what does that say about our governments and institutions? They seem to have the same risk analysis ability of college frat house working a kegger after a big game. "Hey, Charlie, yeah, let's let that go, it'll probably be all right. Right? Meanwhile Dean Pfizer says we can have as many kegs as we want, and he'll deliver."

No words can define what we are looking other than: a reckless and criminal disregard for human life on a global scale.

Nota bene, that U.N. thing that was supposed to protect the world from, you know, bad shite? Turns out they and Billy G are the motivating agents (Bond villains, actually) in this whole mess.

Add "defund and abolish the U.N." to the To Do list for the Post Democide Era. Some of us will live to see it, many of us won't.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

So PharmD scientists were relegated to Prep Cooks and where I reside volunteers with no medical background were allowed to administer the product. It is kind of amazing inquisitive scientists, clinicians, journalists etc... are bringing the full picture into focus in just 2 yrs despite the obfuscation. It was surprising how much new tech went unquestioned but how the entire system coalesced around shoddy practice will blow my mind forever. This may be why large University hospitals were not involved in vaccine administration for quite a long time. Corrupt actors certainly knew red flags would likely have been raised by trained staff who would have recognized some quality issues.

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This is really fascinating to me. There are so many damming official reports and yet people still believe.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is long and wonderful. She very wisely raises all sorts of "previously settled" questions about how drugs are made, tested and rolled out. Right in her wheelhouse and she is excellent and transparent about the knowns, unknowns, the expecteds and the unexpecteds in the Pfizer mess.

But this is procedural: the genetic therapy (she calls it what it is) should be recalled immediately.

What she doesn't get to (not complaining) is the negative efficacy of the drug (it just doesn't work, at all, in fact all around the world, the more you dose the more sick you get) and the terrible adverse consequences awaiting everyone--at least the exposure to those consequences--across the board. Unsafe at any speed, any dose. It's like thalidomide, but you don't have to be a pregnant mom to be victimized.

Just went through horrendous chemo to try to defeat cancer? Sorry, you needed a great immune system to continue that story, so uncheck that box.

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Wow...amazing interview. It gives a decent understanding of how many corners were cut to produce the mrna products. The fact that they must know how reckless they have been is terrifying.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose


I hope you're successful getting her on the show! Amazing work!

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Video's long and I Gotta run to an appointment, but this may be relevant to the topic.

How a scrappy African startup could forever change the world of vaccines


From the article:

And right off the bat they've run into this snag: The liquid into which they've dissolved the mRNA for the vaccine has these mysterious particles in it.

"They need to be removed," says Padayachee, "or it will clog the column" – a piece of equipment that's supposed to purify the solution".

Who's liquid and why?

Is someone foisting inferior materials off on Africa?

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Almost happy? Almost the new year?

I can't follow all the details, but simply counting the red flags is concerning enough. Nobody talks about any of this. It seems nobody knows much about any of this.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

That picture with Geert is classic.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks again. Excellent share. Bitchute's "A_Walk_To_The_Beach" channel is pretty good too.

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