This sounds like a vital exposé—thank you for sharing it, Jessica.

I consider the behavioral psychologists to be perhaps the most responsible for formulating the mechanisms by which the public mind has been terrorized, reshaped, and engineered to accede to totalitarianism and revile those who are trying to awaken them from their menticide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step).

As Joost Meerloo writes in “Rape of the Mind”:

“In the Pavlovian strategy, terrorizing force can finally be replaced by a new organization of the means of communication. Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern of thought in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind. Yet, the polls may only count what people pretend to think and believe, because it is dangerous for them to do otherwise. Such is the Pavlovian device: repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions diminish the opportunity of communicating dissent and opposition. This is the simple formula for political conditioning of the masses.”

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All behaviors originate in the mind. In order to influence-change behavior, one must first influence-change the mind. This is the realm of psychology.

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More wake-up films:

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Well done, Jessica, bringing your readers to what I consider one of the Global Predator’s most insidiously destructive means of control of persons, what I call the “pHARMaceutical-psychiaTRICK Mafia”.

Add these to Gary Null’s work:


Here are actual recordings of a prominent English psychiatrist by the name of Colonel J R Rees addressing the National Council of Mental Hygiene in October 1940 and his colleague G. Brock Chisholm, the co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health setting the agenda for psychiatry's influence and control of every sector of your life. Today it's becoming more a reality with mental illness being diagnosed for all and any of life's inherent difficulties


DR. THOMAS SZASZ EXPOSES PSYCHIATRY LibertyEconomics, Jan 12, 2007. Video 3:51







Watchdog Investigating And Exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violations

https://www.cchr.org/ https://www.cchrint.org/





Medicating Normal Documentary https://medicatingnormal.com/

Free shorter version https://www.bitchute.com/video/IMS0Ei4JrbZw/



Get free, then stay safe.

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Watch Dr. PETER BREGGIN at the 39 min mark. This guy, under attack from Malone and other newcomers, has been a CRUSADER for medical truth since these "influencers" were in diapers. He single handedly stopped L0BOTOMIES in the West, and called attention to the homicidal levels of SSRI/speed being handed out to our "depressed" and ADD/non compliant kids. BREGIN IS A FUCKING HERO!


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Psychiatry is evil.

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Not all psychiatrists, though. See Brain Energy by Dr. Christopher Palmer.

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And people call me too cynical: https://denyscarthusianisnotamused.substack.com/p/building-the-perfect-beast

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Every one of Edwin Black's books are wake-up calls, powerful in-depth exposes. I had the opportunity to meet him 10+ years ago. I think he is brilliant.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

The sex changing industry is driven by Psychiatry. They are “doctors” right? Their motto is “First do no harm” right? Or was that Hippocrates ...

Read Szasz for a bit of perspective. My problem with Matt Walsh is he blames the victims, adults anyway, for the sex change problems they bring on themselves. In reality they get the best psychoanalysis available, group therapy, laws and legal recognition to change their name and sex.

They are victims of the medical and legal system.

We should not be turning young men into Eunuchs. Byzantium society used to be considered barbaric.

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My father had a hip surgery and went to a nursing home for rehab. When he asked for a urinal, the response was "pee in your diaper". He said he would rather die than be there. Next, they put him on Haldol saying he was suicidal. This is our modern healthcare system.

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Suffering on top of suffering. We have to stay out of the hands of the psyches and the medicos.

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Only watched the first 15 minutes, will watch the rest later. Looks to be a very informative video.

What I saw so far has been corroborated many times over the past few decades. Even a few psychiatrists have spoken out against psychiatry's role in creating more and more mental instabilities - psychiatrists like Thomas Szasz, Peter Breggin and Mark McDonald.

Hundreds of other doctors have spoken against the over-prescribing of mind-altering psychotropic drugs, which cause suicidal and homicidal urges in a percentage of people.

Thanks for posting this, people need to be educated about all this.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

When I click the picture I get a page that says "application error"

Bill must want to censor this.

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It took a minute but loaded for me.

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I still can't get it on my iMac.

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I watched in on my I-Phone.

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Why not try magnesium L-threonate, glycine, vitamin d3/k2 before going to SSRI’s? Why are doctors so ignorant of other more options & mechanisms of action?

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Actually, a ketogenic diet repairs the dysfunctional mitochondria in the brain that cause mental illness. Even works for anorexia. It is incredibly revealing as to the intelligence of the average doctor and medical researcher that they are typically blind to the importance of the diet in every chronic disease. Not only blind, but willfully so. “It is difficulty to get a man to understand something when his income depends on his not understanding it”. They have been giving out dietary advice for decades that causes the plethora of chronic illnesses from diabetes to cancer, and try to terrorize patients who dare attempt eating a species appropriate diet that they will have a heart attack or kidney failure.

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A ketogenic/ fasting diet eliminates poor choice food consumption. It stops toxins from going in. But it destroys your body long term. Look up Georgi Dinkov at haidut.me and YT & Ray Peat. Be prepared for cognitive dissonance.

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So if Peat is wrong, & you don’t like his view on sugar, is Peat wrong on everything? What makes his view on sugar wrong? Is there any merit to his views? Could the long term keto/fastest be wrong in part?

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Science proves him wrong.

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Come on you are better than that. Listen to Georgi Dinkov sometime & tell me he is unscientific.

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Don’t presume to know me. How ‘bout you start by reading Palmer’s Brain Energy to gain an understanding of the actual science of how our mitochondria work? Thomas Seyfried is a great resource on how sugar (and other carbohydrates) cause cancer by disrupting mitochondrial function. Dr. Ben Bikman, expert on insulin and metabolism could shed some light as well. But I’m still waiting on the research you can point to demonstrating long term keto destroys the body. Can you even describe by what mechanism? And what is defined as long term?

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I’m not opposed to keto or intermittent fasting or even multi day fasts, I just don’t think that is a good idea daily or long term!

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Is simple sugar the problem or the pathways of bodily function being clogged with PUFA’s & thus sugar becomes a problem as a result? Peat was against complex sugars like high fructose corn syrup and other complex carbs that jack insulin to the moon and keeps it high for a long period of time. He preferred simple sugars that the body could easily process. So you say Peat was wrong, why? Peat was correct about a lot. Mercola just interviewed Georgi Dinkov and found admitted he was likely very wrong about what he put in his book Keto Fuel.

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Ray Peat was wrong about a number of things, claiming sugar isn’t bad for humans being a major one. He certainly didn’t prove there is any harm in long term ketogenic diets. We have over a hundred years of data showing the many benefits.

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Where is your research supporting this claim? The human body runs extremely well on ketones. Biochemistry demonstrates that ketones are a preferred fuel that optimizes mitochondrial biogenesis, thus your claim is absurd. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26661201/ anything that eliminates chronic inflammation and boosts mitochondrial function through both mitophagy and increasing the number of mitochondria is an enormous boon to health and longevity.

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I gave you a place to start above. Look up Georgi Dinkov and Ray Peat on You Tube

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jung,,“Modern Man in Search of a Soul”

Szasz, “The Myth of Psychology”

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

When I was in high school, I went through a time where I would have been diagnosed with clinical depression. I found out later that I was severely sleep deprived and that was causing my symptoms. It didn’t take long after high school for those symptoms to resolve because I got more sleep. I feel so thankful that my parents didn’t bring me to a doctor at that time because I have no doubt that they would have put me on some dangerous medication and I wouldn’t have known better than to take it.

The human body and mind has specific needs. If they aren’t met, it will eventually lead to disease and symptoms. Most people, especially children, are not meeting their bodies basic needs for proper nutrition, sleep, sun, fresh air, movement/exercise, stress management etc. (the CDC admits that less than one in ten people get enough fruits and vegetables each day)

We also have the added stress of electronics and their devastating effects on the brain as well as other toxins in our food/water/air/environment. And then you throw in the psychological operations that the governments have deployed on people and it’s a perfect storm for mental illness.

When I was in my thirties, I was struggling with mystery illnesses (gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, general pain and so on). I tried several times to go to doctors to help me fix it but they just kept ordering more tests, surgeries and they kept trying to put me on random medication. I knew that the problems my body were experiencing were not due to lack of medication so I refused them. It took me about two years to finally conclude that the foods I was eating were literally causing my diseases. So I made hard choices and completely changed my diet. It took a long time and was difficult.

What surprised me most was that my depression and anxiety lifted. I honestly didn’t even know I had anxiety and depression at that time in my life, again, because it felt normal. Turns out that having an unhealthy gut is linked to many “emotional disorders” as well as most other chronic diseases but I didn’t even know that.

And, there are a lot of food additives that cause changes in the way the brain function, notably msg. There are about 50 label names for msg and sometimes it’s not on the label because it’s just a matter of processing foods in a certain way to separate and concentrate the glutamate. Dr Blaylock taught me a lot about msg.

Anyway, once you cut out nearly all added glutamate from the diet, you can feel the effects when you do eat it. It’s alarming because it’s in so many foods. It first stimulates and then the stimulation leads to a low. It’s a cycle just like other addictive substances.

Another major factor for mental illness is electronic use, especially handheld. A great book about that is, Reset Your Child’s Mind by Dunkley. I have used the information in that book for myself, my children and grandchildren. It’s amazing.

My siblings went down the SSRI root and it has been a nightmare for them. Sadly, they think the medication helps because if they try to go off of it, their symptoms get much, much worse so it’s a positive feedback loop. And they have children on these dangerous drugs as well. It’s awful.

My question is, how many patients are asked for a detailed report on their diet and lifestyle before being handed a prescription for medication? Probably none.

Why would doctors not work with patients to try and help them modify their diet and lifestyle before putting them on dangerous medication? I think it’s because that would not be a profitable model for a medical doctors business. And because it’s not a profitable model, and it would actually reduce the pharmaceutical industrial complex profits as well, doctors will never learn any of these things in their medical training. They only have about 15 minutes with each patient. Just enough time to write a prescription.

Our culturally acceptable diet and lifestyles are a mental health train wreck on a massive scale and so is our medical care system. People have to take control of their own health and that of their children or they will be victims of a horrific system. I feel so bad for all those who get sucked in unsuspecting. It causes so much lasting damage. My sister often comments that her brain just doesn’t work very well but still can’t make the connection that it’s the medication. She was put on the medication while in high school by a family friend who wasn’t even a practicing mental health professional. Just someone who had prescription writing abilities from a different professional line of work (pediatrician, I think?) So sad.

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My mom was killed by all of this psychotic bs in 1980. Drs have tried to prescribe psychiatric medications to me and my kids. Actually, soliciting in the exam, ‘tell me son, do you ever feel sad sometimes?’ to my 13 year old in for a physical.

I’ve found the getting outside helps. Being physically active, getting more vitamin d, more omega 3’s, helping someone, hanging out with pets. Making something, anything. Talking it out, even if it’s just to yourself. Yoga, prayer, community. All help.

And sleep too, sometimes we just need to rest.

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Yes, there are so many things that we can do first to try and help our mental health!

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. That is terrible and so many people have lost loved ones to all the drugs that are pushed on people. They have lost loved ones, or, they see family members struggle for years - both are terrible outcomes.

I'm sure healthy diet and lifestyle habits are not the cure all but they certainly should be the very first thing to look at before sending people off with prescriptions for drugs that can destroy their lives. It's so sad.

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My partners 15 year old son was prescribed Prozac by a random drop in GP, (at a sit and wait clinic with any random GP appointment with any GP) on Gold Coast QLD Aust, by his mothers own description of the child's (her own son's) emotional problems.

My partner (father) sees his son often, but does not see any symptoms or this so called disorder /problem.

This child is still on Prozac after seeing a local psychologist Dr S Fryer, 9 - 10 months later.

It is a money making industry.

This 15 yr old boy had a panic attack of self beating after ceasing his Prozac meds for a very limited time, reported by his mother.

Ringing any bells?

NOTE: The mother of this child has been herself, on Prozac for over two + 5 decades.


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"Chemical imbalance in the brain" sounds very compelling and ever so logical... This film clearly puts that explanation on the chopping block. Many thanks for this look into the dark and diabolical side of treating mental illness!

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POWERFUL film. I had been out of the teaching profession for about 20 years, and when I returned 20 years ago, I was literally left shaking my head...WTF happened to children and young adults?!! I realized after a lot of digging that most of our children and young people are drugged by the medical cartel and have of course been indoctrinated by the 'education' system, preventing anything resembling critical thinking skills. (strongly recommend films by Mikki Willis) As many here and on other like-minded forums have stated, we will lose some who simply cannot open their eyes to the horror being perpetrated against humanity. It is sad, very sad, to lose family, friends, colleagues, people. But if they can't see what is clearly a depopulation, murderous agenda, I think the only thing we can do is hang on tight for ourselves, and pray for them with that G-d-given Love we are able to extend.

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