What a pocket rocket Malcolm is! Fantastic chap. Why can't more Australian politicians be like him. Rennick is another one - and I love Juice Media too!

In the last few years, the more I learn about Australia the more it becomes apparent what an absolute corrupt basket case it has become. The People deserve better! And I hope they retake control of their beautiful country.

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Same here in Canada unfortunately.

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Get rid of Trudeau, Freeland and those similarly infiltrated in Cabinet with WEF ideology; what was the bribe.

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Easier said than done

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No, but that is why I own my guns.

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It's too bad that Australia, NZ, and Canada took away the people's guns and turned the citizens into subjects.

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Canada has not (yet) succeeded in taking away guns. Not for lack of trying though.

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Senator Roberts is one of maybe only half a dozen members in the current Australian Parliament who are actually there to work and serve the constituents. A true Australian patriot! 🇦🇺🌏 https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/interview-with-australian-senator

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Thank you for drawing attention to him Jess, he is a very cool dude🙏🙏

We are in some SAF $#!+ here in Australia. I hope more of the world begins to watch the canary in the coal mine, because yes the world is waking up, even here in Australia, but I'm not sure it's fast enough. The legalese policymaking WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO web is snapping shut faster than we can catchfire the populace.☹🤐🤦‍♀️

#dontmakemehungergame #watchtheNGOs #gooldskool #whiterosesociety

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Glad to see the Senator get some international views. He deserves it. We didn’t all roll over here.

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A Statesman amongst very few.

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Well said!! He’s 💯 correct!! We have to wake people up all over the world!!🙏

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You are right, I just told him.

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Good to see you Dr Rose.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Mr. Roberts has some valid points, but just because we see WEF and wanna-be oligarchs may be involved in exploiting concerns about climate change does not invalidate the science. I invite anyone to look at the broadly recognized and validated science - https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/ is one site that provides a portal to much of the data and scientific conclusions. If you immediately discount this site without seeking to digest the information then you are not thinking scientifically and are incapable of forming an informed opinion. I would imagine Malcom Roberts, being a politician, is strongly influenced by not only concern for farmers (legitimately) but also the hydrocarbon industry. Stealing farm property is indeed a power grab no doubt, and I also recognize many issues with the way industry and vested interests are exploiting the issues, but a rate of burning hydrocarbons by humans which dwarfs the natural (on average) carbon in the atmosphere from any natural process (including volcanoes, etc) at 40-100 times, it is an obvious problem. There is also ocean acidification, ocean water and atmospheric temperature increases (adjusted for latitudes), and glacial melting. Many records are being broken monthly in the U.S., including temperatures, weather events and wildfires. Yes, wind turbines as generally designed are crap and stupid, and the balsa wood required is destroying forests, as well as PVP/solar is very inefficient and destructive (life-cycle of materials) so he does make valid points. I have followed what I find to be the solutions to our many energy problems (and nuclear power is NOT a solution in ANY way). The problem is Mr. Roberts is acutely aware of many of the problems, but he is not aware of the emergent solutions, technologically and scientifically speaking, but we all must become aware. Cold fusion has been demonstrated, and 'zero point' has also been demonstrated. Take a look here, https://ufsolution.wixsite.com/unifiedfieldsolution . This will be a bumpy ride to have these new solutions emerge. Dr. Steven Greer has been trying to help the process by providing a path for it to come out from control and repression. It is a massive chess game and very dangerous, but the sooner enough of us are informed, the sooner the destruction can be averted. Burning hydrocarbons and nuclear power is committing suicide. If climate change doesn't trigger massive kill-offs of life on the planet (already is to some degree) the pollution will do it (field I work in). mRNA shots and pharma 'solutions' are contributing also of course.

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Read Stephanie Seneff's "Toxic Legacy."

Repeat 100 times (if you are old enough) "Better Living Through Chemistry." Or watch "The Graduate."

Note that Australian "Wild Fires" have spread to North America where we previously experienced "Forest Fires" -possibly you recall Smokey the Bear's motto.

It's good to have non-scientists ruling over us- The UN Sec-Gen thinks 100 F in Florida is "boiling" and I would likely agree if I were seeing the bathing suits there. In America water boils at 212 F, and somewhat higher at the seaside.

Global warming progresses, except for the last seven years. Sea surface and land surface temperatures may increase if you put your thermometers in the right parking lots. If our governments were to indulge in honest data (cf the Covid scam or the Iraq WMD) we might be more inclined to accept their advice and opinions.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Conflating medical autocratic power grabs with climate science is not scientifically logical. I don't think we're talking about measuring temperatures in parking lots. Actually the biggest problem with public understanding of scientific issues is over generalizations and conflation. Lack of informed critical thinking is what got us where we are today. I am familiar with Stephanie Seneff. And.... ? Don't recall if she mentioned anything about climate change science, but anytime somebody conflates it with other issues, they just fall off the critical thinking ledge; doesn't matter who they are. While I'm at it, this is also the problem with scientists not being able to put aside their assumptions about virology that they have been programmed with and take in the clear issues that Terrain Theory has exposed, including unearthing the baseless unquestioned assumptions that have a lot to do with enabling all of the fearmongering about non-existent pathogens (or at least certainly never credibly isolated and identified - using Koch's Postulate to demonstrate being infectious / replication competent, etc.). "This" will never be "over" until real scientifically based medical science replaces the commercialized out of control allopathic dominant sickness management systems (now morphing into mass genocidal threats) that are called 'medicine.'

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A politician who speaks truth.... what a novelty. Too bad there aren't more like him.

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Alley. I agree with what he says except the vote part. Vote independant that matches your values closest, if unavailable spoil your ballot with a sketch of a rope. The spoiled ballot is what these vampires fear

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Some time ago, a person who worked at the polling booths in the electorate said that the spoilt ballots were used to increase the numbers for the preferred candidate for that electorate! I have yet to ask the Elecorate office in Qld. if this is so.

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That was amazing!

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Excellent points were made. All over the same liberal wacky ‘so-called green’ energy schemes are destroying our planet and economies.

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Chicken Little was an optimist.

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