They rolled out a “warp speeded” gene therapy using technology that had been studied for several decades but had never really been used successfully for much of anything and had a terrible safety record. And, these “COVID vaccine” trials were unblinded just a few weeks after they began. And, they were forcing everyone, including pregnant/lactating women and children to take them.

What could possibly go wrong?

Looks like you now know what could possibly go wrong. Thanks for sharing these slides. I’m so sorry that so many people were tricked into taking these.

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I am a retired Headteacher and dreadfully concerned wrt the push to vaccinate babies and children. By way of support

Vaccinating Children


Banned from Linkedin because of it

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

I read your column - very well written. None of my grandchildren have been vacccinated - thank god but because of peer pressure and brainwashed teachers we have had to instruct them that if any nurse comes into school and tries to vaccinate you or even talk you into getting a jab you must walk out of school and phone mummy or us and we will pick you up immediately. It make me terribly sad that we live in a world where we have to tell our kids not to trust teachers and doctors or nurses alike but my trust has been completely shattered and like Neil Oliver says trust is like a vase - you can repair a smashed vase so it looks like new but you will never want to fill it with water again - just in case.

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Bill Gates owns LinkedIn...or enough of it that he gets his way no matter what. Sorry you were not warned.

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Bill Gates seems ot be behind every curtain that is pulled back

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Actually, I considered for quite a time --but decided to go ahead anyway.!

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Hugh, the interesting angle here is that Margrethe Vestager, the European Union's antitrust czarina, has had her knickers in quite the wedgie over the excessive powers of US social media companies. It's beginning to appear, from an "exercise" sponsored by the WEF while there was no official word out of China about any Wuhan virus outbreak, to cope with some random epidemic by locking down "misinformation" on social media. In retrospect it appears that the hierarchy of the largest US cloud computing and social media firms, had already learned of the Wuhan disaster unfolding, and planned to align themselves with Drs Birx, Fauci, and the proposed mRNA injections to be developed by Pfizer. The big money in the entire play was that those cloud and social media firms wanted a fait accompli, demonstrating that their immense concentration of power had done a public good, by compelling the entire world to comply with a lockdown and get injected with the spike protein, For my fellow Yanks reading this, a product made largely by the German government and given away free of charge to anyone who asks, is the office software suite called OpenOffiice.org, now distributed as Adobe Open Office. Bonn (later Berlin) found that it cost them more money to rewrite every government form to be printable and completable on MS-Word or MS-Excel, than it did to write their own version of Office, inviting thousands of volunteers around the world to take part in the writing effort. Gates' monopoly eventually had to switch their sales model for MS-Word, renting it instead of selling the complete set, in order to block the US Government from switching to the zero-cost German-made software product. I'm sure other nonsense will be discovered as to how Microsoft provides "security" of some sort, that entices customers to pay for MS-Office instead of use Open Office for free. And none of us customers can actually compare which software is safer, because Microsoft keeps the source code secret. So we can read how Open Office was put together and if we don't like a weakness we can disable it. With MS-Word we spend godawful amounts of money hiring a Microsoft Certified Information Engineer to customize their software to fit unique needs, and even then we must take Microsoft's word for it, that the product is safe and works. (Sorta like the Pfizer product). So the essential argument was that Big Data had trade secrets hidden, which explain how they safely protect the world from cybercrime and disinformation.

So early this month when a Dutch member of the EU Parliament got a frank admission out of a Pfizer executive, deposed under oath, that Pfizer had zero proof that their spike protein injection prevented transmission of COVID but lied and claimed they could prove that, it was quite the bombshell admission. "Quis custodiet custodes?" asked Cicero in court 20-odd centuries ago. "Who watches the watchers?" Brussels policy wonks and jurists were scratching their heads asking the same question of not only Pfizer, but of the US Big Data firms who had begun censoring the entire world's discussion of COVID treatment.

Former CIA economics officer James Rickards is frankly predicting a major collapse in stock prices, and the overpriced shares of Big Data companies are likely to shrink spectacularly in value on any news out of Brussels of ideas for breakups, forced divestiture, or compulsory release of source code, or limits on the right to make safety claims for software whose source no outsider is allowed to read and evaluate. It would not shock me if someone on one or the other side of the Atlantic gets the idea to copy our FDA and the EU's European Medicines Agency procedure used for drug advertising, in which a drug company may advertise that a drug is safe for treating a particular disease, after paying the agencies to test the drug (and risk losing all the money spent if they fail the test). A Big Data company proposing to keep our data safe by using secret means, must actually demonstrate that the secret means of securing the data actually passed some particular set of tests, certified by an outside body. Or the company can reveal their source code and allow everyone to test it themselves to see if it fits their needs.

Right now what we very clearly see, is incontrovertible evidence that Big Data companies assisted Pfizer in circulating disinformation, causing harm. The US is 8 days out from an election that will shift the balance of power in our Congress for the next two years, placing in charge a lot of people who were badly treated by Big Data and keenly aware that these corporations amassed too much power and have too little responsibility to use it for the public good. The last time the US faced something remotely like it, was when Boston financier Jay Gould began building a collection of railway companies with an eye to a freight monopoly, and financed it across the backs of customers of his flagship company Union Pacific, who had no alternative to get their grain crops to market and had to pay whatever he charged. This captive market gave Gould great power to raise money for mergers and acquisitions, but he single-handedly was responsible for a rise of anti-Semitism in parts of the US, mostly where his price gouging was felt the hardest. What ultimately ended the problem was Congressman Sherman's Anti-Trust Act, restricting corporate power to impose predatory pricing on the public.

130 years later, the new threat posed by Big Data is rather more insidious than the one from Jay Gould that led to anti-trust law. Big Data seeks to collectivize the process by which the public are allowed to think for ourselves. We are denied self-ownership, the fundamental principle of liberty. If my mind is the collective property of some entity outside me and that entity dictates what thoughts are permissible and which ones make me deplorable, I have no more true liberty than a citizen of a totalitarian nation.

Jay Gould's monopolistic actions and his abuse of Nebraska grain growers with predatory freight rates, was both an attack on property and on liberty. In rewriting the anti-trust and monopoly laws to address these new public dangers posed by self-appointed corporate censors, we must look beyond the monetary dimension of anti-trust law and see it's libertarian dimension. What Jay Gould did to Nebraska farmers was made illegal, not only because it cost them a lot of money but because it robbed them of their freedom. They started farms to support their own families by investing labor and capital, only to have their work forcibly diverted to fund Gould's merger mania. 40 years ago our Reagan Administration sought to simplify antitrust law by requiring a showing that the public was worse off financially because of a monopolistic action. Many of us are not worse off for having paid a Big Data company money for anything, but we are worse off for having lost civil liberty to these firms.

One of the big advantages of having a planet divided by national boundaries and with multiple sources of legal authority each sovereign on their own territory, is that somebody who first spots a problem of this nature can litigate or legislate about it. Different countries may try different approaches to a problem and everyone watching can compare notes. Harmonization efforts often begin, after there's widespread agreement among jurists that certain laws work well where they are in force.

These issues are now clearly in need of resolution. I look forward to the UK parliament, the EU and it's member nations' efforts, and my own country's Congress to investigate these problems, and to the ideas from citizen activists for reforms. Any litigation for harm done may also reveal useful information in the pretrial discovery process. Big Data will push back hard against regulation, but the fact that their excessive powers were said to be used to stop the flow of dangerous disinformation, but actually worked to circulate dangerous disinformation, should convince most folks that it is timely to fix this problem.

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I hope you are correct about the midterms. The 2020 election was definitely rigged so I am sure 'they' will try it again. I know that there are hundreds of voulnteers out monitoring the drop boxes but they can't easily monitor the computer code. I also hope if the GOP do take the House and maybe the Senate that there will be pushback against big tech misinformation and control but I also fear the WEF has it's tentacles everywhere.

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Wow there was a lot of information there. When my hard drive and battery died, I had a kind friend put new ones in. But I couldn't prove to Microsoft that I had originally paid for Windows Office with the computer, so now I have the dreaded "Activate Windows" permanently etched into my computer screen lower right corner. Yes, I'm older and circling the landing strip, but I sure hate having my nose pressed into it. So, this may help, thank you.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

https://www.office.org/en/faq/ frequently asked questions and LibreOffice

According to their site: LibreOffice is totally free. They say:

"We recommend LibreOffice, because this is the successor to OpenOffice. This software package is constantly updated free of charge. You’ll also get a variety of templates and sample documents for Libre Office that you can use for free. You can also use the German manual for getting started in Libre Office. The software package includes:

Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics editing, etc. – a great alternative to Microsoft Office or Office 365."

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Linux generally comes with Libre, and it could be the way to go for you as long as you can handle a new OS. Linux is not hard, but some human input is usually called for. Info: distrowatch.org

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got it..thanks

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Thank you--though you are in danger of losing me!

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Putting aside the concerns about what this poisonous goo is "supposed to do," here is an interesting interview about the manufacturing process of the goo. I used to work in logistics. Everything this man says is true. Even if the poison goo was the savior of mankind on paper, it is made like shit.


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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

I remember reading a paper from a scientific medical investigation that looked at regular vaccines and it found that none of the individual vials had the same ingredients, even though they were all marked as the same vaccine. They also contained varying amounts of quite a wide variety of toxins/contaminants. It made me realize that no one really knows what they are getting injected with, even if they think they do. This was before mRNA therapies were classified as vaccines so I imagine that they range of variation is even greater now.

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http://howbadismybatch.info/. NONE of ANY of these vials is manufactured the same...following the graphs it sure looks like someone may have been looking for the "LD50"...when 50% of the experiment population dies....

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Welcome back Jess❤ I've missed you.🤪

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Boostering this informative post with a statement and useful links:

Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Many years ago I met a med student whose urology professor had gone through residency at Bellevue in NYC in the 1950s. NYC experienced an AIDS-like syndrome in Haitian men. The syndrome raged for several months. The patients died. Then stopped coming. 30 years later it came back as AIDS. Nobody knows where it hid. Did it hide in a natural carrier somewhere? Was it made in a lab? Might someone have done gain of function work on it? The Soviets, who did some amazing things with weaponized smallpox, accused the US of making the HIV virus. They may have been right. Or guessing wildly. Or covering up their own biowarfare efforts.

Mysteries make my head hurt.

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If you stop looking at AIDS as being the result of a viral infection and instead see it as an adverse reaction to vaccination then you will be “set free.”

They’ve got everyone chasing wild geese and worst of all, they’ve been doing it since the Spanish Flu and possibly even before that!

Chew in this for example; very soon after the commercial release of the Hepatitus B vaccine in 1981, the “AIDS” explanation was the official narrative for what is truly just a very severe adverse reaction to that vaccine. Vaccines have a way if overwhelming the immune system in such a way so as to leave you susceptible to just about any other sickness like the common cold. Worse still if you thought you had AIDS and ran to get yourself some AZT which is easily the world’s most toxic medicine that causes organ failure. Of course the doctors were baffled and didnt blame your worsening state on the drugs, oh no, they just assumed that your “viral” infection has gotten worse because it is such a deadly disease.

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Nice try but if you examine the time line you will discover why I disbelieve you. AIDS fatalities were accumulating long before retroviruses were discovered. AZT was a failed cancer drug. It fit the profile of an anti-retrovirus agent. A cancer lab in Detroit that tested AZT and failed, had a few grams left over from the test that they kept around for instrument calibration (yes, lab instruments wear out and must be calibrated frequently). got a phone call from NIH asking if anybody had the complete recipe for making AZT and were told, "We didn't throw it in the incinerator yet. Want our only jar of it?".

So that's why your theory fails to explain why people actually die of the HIV virus.

Also about 3 years ago I got the Hepatitis B vaccine along with 70 other people at risk. I did not have any symptoms at all. I do not have any symptoms like those suffered by AIDS victims.

So I know for a fact, Citizen, that both elements of your theory are false and I will continue to dispute your false theory because its falsity will mislead people into harming themselves if they believe it.

That's why I chewed it twice and spit it back out.

It's nothing personal. Just please learn how to criticize your own theories. I've had so many failed theories over my years that I never announce most of them any more. I test them against some facts.

That's because I'd rather get the job done right, than win the argument. It's how people succeed in teaming up with other people. If all we care about is feeling like we outsmarted somebody, we stay lonely and misled.

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Your anecdote about the NIH not having access to AZT and asking around for some leftovers as if they were looking for sugar from their neighbors is laughable at best and gave me a great chuckle, thanks.

AZT has a recipe/blueprint like every other drug and can be manufactured when needed/ordered by the NIH or any other agency. If I'm not mistaken, the NIH or similar owns the patent on AZT. Either way, they don't need to call anyone to borrow some. Plus, your story isn't verifiable and no, I'm not going to "trust you bro."

The other fallacy in your reply is concerning your statement about getting the Hep. B shot and alluding to the lack of adverse reactions as proof of my theory being incorrect. You fail however, to realize that the original formula injected into ppl is no longer available since it was discontinued in about 1991. The new formula is not nearly as deadly since we no longer hear of such horror stories from HIV patients suffering miserably today. Interestingly, you can still acquire an AIDS like adverse condition not just from vaccines but from prescription medicine, toxic treatments like chemotherapy , etc. Heck, even recently, there were ppl testing positive for HIV/AIDS after getting their covid vaccines, watch:


Everything about the tone of your argument screams "shill" to me. Tell me, are you currently working in the pharma industry whether directly or indirectly? Do you perhaps work for a social media marketing company and browse "anti-vax" websites or forums to "set the record straight?" Are you financially compensated in any way to spin the public narrative when it comes to pharmaceutical products like vaccines? Curious.

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If you are not familiar with Dr. Duesberg, time to get acquainted. Celia Farber covered the AIDS affair to the point of burn-out, and she writes on Substack, too. A search made easy.

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^chew on this...

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Now they are going to be using this technology in our cattle here in Australia. mRNA jabs for them as well!

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They will kill may of the animals this way. And what survives will be even more toxic to eat than it already is after being injected with so many drugs....

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We won’t be able to eat anything except whatever lab shite they are creating!

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Due to popular demand, mad cow disease making a comeback. Prions will work their magic once again.

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Please tell me this is hyperbole.

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Thank you for continuing so tirelessly, to fight this tiring and ridiculous fight to save humanity from hubris and ego. Those few of us that seem to think they "know" what's "best" for the rest of us. What is "true" and what is "propaganda" or (my personal favorite), whats "safe" and "misinformation".🤣😂🤔😐

Btw, the super speccy, awesome prion, amyloidosis features and function (sarcasm intended)- is the bodies compensatory response, when dealing with more toxicant $#!& than it can handle internally/externally. Much like cancer. The NAT10 reaction.

Don't get hung up/distracted/panicked on the prion/aamyloid reaction like everyone else (Chestnut, Igor, etc).

It's a compensatory, and down stream effect, being supersonic fast tracked, due to environmental and physical combination of systemic malnnutrition and deregulated circadian function and behaviours. Perfect storm. Or even "whats a a well dressed (perfected🤔) virus like SARS CoV2) doing in an environment of highly polluted individuals and environments??? 😐😐🤔🙄😑.

Look at the missing amino acid's from soil, biome and foods (thanks pesticide companies- oh hey Bayer, Sanofi, etc ooops! I meant "Global Agri-pharm"), then look at human relation to shikime pathway, endothelial tight junctions and the chorum sensing, internal/external environmental sensor, called mitochondria (which are symbiotic bacteria, within almost all our cells) which really, really, REALLY, don't freaking like the lipid encapsulated spike proteins!! But, most importantly, they can cope with a lot of toxicity, crap and even screwing with our DNA code, BUT they can't cope with no sun.

Now look at the development of sunscreen.....way back when....🤔🤔😐😐🤯

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This ain't Rock and Roll, this is Genocide.

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The vaccines were apparently created and rolled out - "at the speed of (JUNK) science" - quite clearly.

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Thanks for sharing this concise, data driven, transparent presentation!

All this data is why in Ohio those of us who are aware and know about the proposed state constitutional ammendment, the medicalright2refuse.com , are networking like crazy to increase awareness and get this on the ballot to protect those who are aware, and those who are still clueless. If you're in Ohio, please check this out. If you have friends in Ohio, please let them know about it. Thanks

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Phenomonal! Bravo! Slides are beautiful. Resources used, exceptional. Well done. Anywhere we can get full access to the whole event? Also, I am so grateful to see the event was held in Fatima, Portugal. I was drawn to this location for the past 4 years for unkown reasons that I've since researched. So glad to see you all went there. It's where the Children "spoke" with the Divine.

Synopsis of "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima ~ The Miracle of the Sun in Fatima" link 3.5 minutes. Can watch different versions of whole film from sublinks. https://youtu.be/L4IbOzuNlmE

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I suspect with the bivalent it is going to be even more under-reported in VAERS because those taking it and giving it at this point have bought the lie; hook, line, and sinker, and will never equate it with the shot.

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Very smart observation. The people taking it or giving it could see a death 5 minutes after and not make the connection. All reasonable people and critical thinkers have been filtered out.

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Anyone know of early reports of bivalents? I've heard rumblings that all is not well but haven't come across any details.

Tested on eight frigging mice! What could possibly go wrong...

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Thank you for sharing this. We appreciate your knowledge.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Thanks for sharing these. Like you I am in the UK and many people in the UK took the Astra Zeneca COVID 19 jab but I rarely see anything about the adverse effects of these versus the mRNA jabs. A number of my friends who took Astra Zeneca for their first course followed by Pfizer boosters who I have now convinced not to have any more boosters have asked me if the Astra Zeneca jab is as as toxic as the mRNA jabs. Can you point me to some information on this as I hate to keep saying I don't know for sure?

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Patricia, I too would like to hear more about the AZ jab. If you remember it was approved and heralded by Boris Johnson PM as a world beater and a national triumph that was going to save the world. Until... The reports started breaking through the censorship about blood clots and myocarditis. European countries started banning It outright.

It has effectively been withdrawn in the UK, quietly to avoid national humiliation and no official announcement has ever been made. Theoretically it is still available for the over 40s but in reality is not available. That should tell people something.

The way these shots have been mixed and matched is insane - and untested in trials. I truly fear for the future...

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I thought AZ was an mRNA jab??

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

no it was a viral vector DNA jab so no lipid nano particles and a good number of other differences. Although the adverse effects often seem similar it is notable that most of the papers I read are about the mRNA . Naomi Wolf said that it was the lipid nanoparticles that really keep her awake at night as they go literally everywhere. I have been asked a few times by friends if I know if the AZ is less toxic than the mRNA jabs and I have to keep saying no so I would love to find out - if anyone knows.

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Just an anecdote: A doctor friend of mine took the AZ cocktail, first round in January, 2021. A fortnight ago, when we spoke on the phone he mentioned he had made an appointment with a homeopath; it made me wonder why, but I did not quiz him. Now he also talks about "covid-like disease" (well, you can hardly catch a glimpse of a coronavirus midsummer, so it must be a -like), and knows about the correct treatment with Budesonide and/or Fluticasone. When I asked him how he had found out about Budesonide, he replied: "From you?" So it probably is not exactly wisdom disseminated by NHS.

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I did find an article a few days ago by Sharyl Attkisson which included a section on each vaccine - here is the link:


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‘By the way, travel and fly now while the planes are still in the air…” You make smile Jessica with this one. This gallows like-humor veiled in general information speaks volumes about where you think we are headed.

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