This cosmic meeting of two astronomical beings may cause a warp in the time-space continuum 💥🤯

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Well said :)!

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By looking at those stars I learn much that is hidden.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I began reading Whitney’s work 2017-2018 when I was deep down a debunking rabbit hole of the 9/11 “official narrative” some random comment written in a blog led me to her work. I can say that I wasn’t a loyal reader of her work but I did check her latest writings over the years...and then 2020 happened and familiar names were quietly in the press that connected dots back to some of her earlier writings that I had read. I immediately knew we were headed for the worst psyop in our modern history. Now I’m so grateful to watch all the connections of truth tellers in their perspective field of expertise synchronizing their message to reveal the massive level of deception, fraud, and corruption that plaques every inch of our world. We will win but we MUST stop arguing ideologies and see people as people AND ONLY PEOPLE.

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Excellent interview! Many are only just becoming aware of the depth of financial troubles. I have a meme I like that mentions the release on Sept 10, 2001 of the DOD audit showing bazillions of unaccounted for dollars. For some reason, this slipped out of awareness!

Keep learning & keep sharing!

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thank you!

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Sept 10, 2001 press conference by Giliad's own Bird Flu cash cow Sec of Defense Donald Rummyflu Rumsfeld declares missing money in Pentagon the biggest threat to NatSec then boom.. HQ for greatest war machine in human history takes a hit in the audit section of the building because Lockheed isn't paid enough for Washington to have blanket air defense.

Fun deja vu when corp media occasionally told the truth.. Missing Money ~ CBS 2006ish


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Indeed! It is pathetic that such issues get swept under the rug so quickly.

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It was over 2 trillion

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Yes, truly amazing and immediately disappeared from public awareness.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Two brilliant & very brave ladies. Can’t wait to hear!

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

My two heroes... TOGETHER!!!

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose


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Looking forward to this.

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i hate seeing myself do this lol... i hope i am ok... i am watching the turdeau emergencies act wriggle show at the moment

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This should be amazing, two wholly different yet brilliant personalities.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Wow... Just wow

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Been a huge fan of WW for some time now, first heard her on TLAV way back. Buy her book folks.

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Wow! What a stellar combo! Will listen soon.

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there is SO much information that Whitney shares, it's impossible for my little brain the contain all the facts and how she connects the facts to other facts, etc. But what I do get is how totally corrupt-beyond-repair our society and its systems is and has been, that we have to make it our urgent business to stand in our strength and to take charge of our own lives, that we cannot afford to be fearful of 'them' because the fear will do us in and our lives will turn into a hellish drama out of which there is no escape.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Quite honestly the most insightful, profound, and important interview since the start of COVID. Whitney is an amazing interstellar class investigative journalist who connects the dots on the radar screen with facts better than anyone else out there. Wow. The issue is...how can the masses be woken up? This is biblically serious sheize...we are almost out of time.

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Just watched this mind-blowing interview. Question: how can we build "parallel systems" so that we don't have to accept CBDC - especially if one is living on social security and state pension checks? It feels to me like we don't have a lot of time to figure this out!

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use cash. build, and live in, independent, self-sustainable communities.

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Schwab allows for "isolated pockets of self-sustaining community" that opt out of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Land trust model was something we looked into in the mid 90's as a fail safe. School of Living was interesting. Nonprofit sponsored network of intentional communities, coops and campground retreats.. teaching skills, know-how and low tech solutions to enhance the paid economy, deep agrarian conservatism and transition to local and regional self-reliance.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is out of category. Many thanks for giving Whitney the space and time to unpack this mind-blowing information

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Take the time to listen to this and you will understand what is going on around us. I promise!

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