I am tired of all the talk, conferences, brand-building...it goes nowhere. I love these people and their efforts, but there is a serious disconnect in here somewhere. How many more deaths, delays, lawsuits, studies, papers, etc. before any change is effected? Meanwhile people grow accustomed to what should be an outrage.

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This is meeting of doctors to discuss treatments for the injured as well. It is vital that people report their injuries because this could make all the difference.

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Yes, I am one of them...blind for 8 wks from shedding. Mine is minor compared to most, but this must be stopped 1st and foremost.

(I worked on a patient who had just had his 2nd moderna. 2hrs later, my eyes were bleeding internally. This was just before shedding, etc. was 1st mentioned)

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That is absolutely horrible.

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It was scary....Worst part is that not a single doctor will have a civilized discussion about it.

Thank you for your concern....

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I can’t imagine how terrible that was for you. You are welcome. The medical ‘profession’ is IMO down the drain, very possibly never to be redeemed.

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It will be curious to see how this all plays out and what emerges. You are quite right... I am a med school dropout...and glad for it now. Traditional Thai Massage was an unexpected but potent alternative. (they only get paid to keep a whole family well) What an ethic! But, in any case, it came to me one day that most plants, depending on how they are used, can be made into medicines...or poisons. I pondered that for awhile. Then it struck me that the same is true for life experiences. Depending on how we work with them, we can make poison or a heck of a lot of medicine. So I'm making medicine of this...;-)) Best to You!

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Thank you. I trust your guidance, not because of your pedigree, but because you speak honestly.

Once again, thank you.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Frustrating. Infuriating. Painstaking - but this is a marathon, not a sprint.

We have to, as REO Speedwagon said - Keep Pushin' On !

.............. and it certainly is tiresome. Hang in there!

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Vax injured or not, we’ve all been through terrible trauma, so it is only natural that we would want swift justice to occur. But in the meantime, that doesn’t mean there isn’t great value in continuing to speak out. I think Mattias Desmet has an important insight in this regard. Remember, we aren’t just speaking out to wake others up, we are speaking out to amplify the counter narrative to a sufficient enough degree that it prevents the mass formation from escalating to the point where the masses are willing to commit atrocities against those not abiding by the dominant narrative. Our efforts aren’t futile, it’s just that they have effects upon the psychology of the society that aren’t immediately apparent.

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Justice is never swift...the way of the world at the moment. But what happened between the swift shutting down of previous vaccinations for injuries and now? I heartily agree with you. None of this is wasted...all necessary. In the sometimes confusing, ever-changing terrain of this debacle, it takes constant rebalancing to know where best to direct our efforts. The recent squabbling among our respected colleagues is not encouraging. May we be very clear-eyed as we continue...

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That's correct there's no traction. And what's that definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So we are by definition insane. By we I mean you folks. I on the other hand decided it might be kind of nice to not be insane so I tried looking into the root cause of all this. It was eye-opening. Then I set about trying help others see too and they always just ignore the whole thing.

But still being somewhat insane myself, I keep trying anyway. The question on the table: Why are they so feverish to get everybody injected for a fake so-called pandemic with no actual science to it? Not that anyone cares or ever will but ... The answer is that elites are good (in their mind) and merely trying to save earth from our sex drives increasing population at 217,000 new consumers per day because the actuary tables say our planet is up against a wall in fresh water, mining and arable farmland to continue expanding to, so the idea was just to reduce baby count. As far as all the deaths and destroyed lives and stuff, ooopsie, our bad. Hey it worked fine in 37 other mammals for 20 years that were also invasive species like you people taking a toll on earth's ecosystems.

(1) Gonacon patent https://patents.google.com/patent/EP2431052B1/ for use in animal immunocastration ... protein ... fusing the amino acid sequence of the gonadotropin-liberating hormone (GnRH-I). Single injection and boosters every six months.

(2) "The purpose of Janus is to sterilize the entire human race." "Janus consists of a protein and an amino-acid. ... when they're brought together ... a genetic trigger that prevents chromosomal division. ... The change is permanent, and hereditary." "Which cells are targeted?" "Those that control fertility, Becky." "What we are doing is -- right." Minute 9: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9YMyn0hmLnah/

Hint: protein <==> amino acid

A picture begins to appear.

(3) PZP vaccine mammal sterilization: 2 injections 3 weeks apart and boosters every 6 months

(4) Jynneos is the monkeypox vaccine.

What I'm saying is: You'll get nowhere until you start to see what's in their heads. To do that, you have to concede their point, resources are not infinite.

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Mr Hawkins...This is the most laudable and well-reasoned post I've seen in a very long time! Outstanding work! This is the material everyone needs to see.

Our haphazard living has come at a cost. No system or 'side' works apart from self-responsibility. Many thanks!! I hope this finds a wide audience!!! Ears to hear folks...

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"BLIND FAINT-HEARTED, DOUBTING WORLD! … Humanity is not yet sufficiently advanced to be willingly led by the discoverer’s keen searching sense. But who knows? Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence–by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, through the heartless strife of commercial existence. So do we get our light. So all that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.“

— Nikola Tesla

“The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As a Means for Furthering Peace." Electrical World and Engineer. January 7, 1905, p. 21-24.

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Here is the rub, the individual consumer is nowhere as damaging as the machinery that gave them power. The individual human needs not much to live. We've been trained into consumption machines. This is not the way it has to be.

It is easier to imagine the end of the world than it is the end of the system.

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"people" is a strong word. There's persons enabling this shit, there's persons doing something about it. What are you doing, other than being tired?

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All I can, actually.... I research, inform, speak out, write, etc. many hours a day...every day. We on the good side of things are all tired but we keep on. and you?

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Same. I'm trying to poll reliable sources for hypotheses regarding the damage done and thus directions that might hint at treatment options.

My current idea is to build parallel to that a cookbook where I gather recipes incorporating natural sources of treatment options into things people (read me and my family) can eat in daily life.

This cookbook would have no intention to represent medical advice, although it would have that backing, it would represent lifestyle suggestions.

I'm open to any suggestions. This problem is real and it affects me and my close people. I want to try to do something about it that involves only white magic (read cooking).

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Start here...magnesiumshoppe.com. The #1 remedy of the old docs...not taught anymore. The 'master mineral' (how they refer to it in Europe and the UK) is needed for nearly all of the 2000 or so chemical processes in the body. If you lack a critical threshold of it, your body is unable to uptake or utilize your food/supplements, etc. The last reliable food source is dark chocolate at this time. Fastest, safest way to improve your levels is transdermally...through the skin. Great project and hope it goes well!

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Thanks for the source. :)

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Every emotion is holy...part of the equipment to get us through this experience. We were given intelligence, as well. Not to be divorced but used well... The most holy emotions are the ones we are afraid of. Why are we afraid to be outraged? If you're not, you've just put the mute button on your experience. That can work to our disadvantage in this struggle.

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Anger can blind one, and rage can make us sin without thinking. It is important to know what our anger can make us do before we let ourselves get too possessed in it.

Although, there are things that should incite anger... That much should be abundantly clear.

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balance, eh... I think we are all adults here on this wonderful substack...all the best

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Yes. Thank you. I struggle with this. That is why I say these things. I'm trying to find positives. There's too much abundance of the other thang.

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so very true... Strength to you! We're all such unique and wonderful voices here...Glad these pages bring us together...

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Not talking about fear...anger. Would you send a daughter into this world having disabled and denigrated her anger? That has happened to many nice people...and it is their undoing. Instinctive fear, like pain, has a message for us. Not wise to think it away or into a corner. Like it or not (I didn't) it is part of the equipping. Wrong use of anything is not helpful. Right use of anything is quite beneficial. As one of the good books says...we are not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Nice linkage...

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yes, I see.... I just don't think I was privy to that part of the conversation. all the best

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if you feel like you would like to discuss this further for any reason, I can give you an email address, but for now, we are guests on this lovely lady's page and we should take this off topic conversation off-line.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Audio is a bit poor on current bit, bear with it, it will improve

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose


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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Looks to be live here - https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you

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OMG! Thank you! Listening now...

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Good to have this widely out there. I saw it on Children's Health Defense.

Learning is key to keeping the mind sane and eager.

I am wondering when CAERS will start showing numbers?

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Thank you for speaking. You and your colleagues are a light that shines bright in this darkness.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Jessica, you were the best what happened at that meeting. I'm very sad to make this conclusion, but for many of participants from CHD this activity becomes a part of social ritual. You were absolutely right, we should be consolidated, but CHD ignores some people whose presence in this field might be more important, than 90% of guys who were making their reports there. I'm frankly disappointed.

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Have you heard Breggin’s criticisms of this by chance?

On the Dr. Jane Ruby show? I’ll get a link. I agreed with Reagan’s dissent and worries but not I wonder if it’s maybe one chess piece too deep into conspiracy

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

Jessica I have a question. Haven't you talked about Acute Flaccid Myolitis (probably spelled wrong)? I just read an article on the Gateway Pundit that said the CDC said the many children are coming down with some type of RV and some of them are having symptoms of AFM. I think this is a condition of the shot because I thought I heard you talk about it. Also, I think that is what it is because the CDC opened their mouths so whatever else they say is causing it I know is a lie. They said the numbers for ERV has went up in 2022 (that is another thing that clued me in). Here is the article https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/go-cdc-issues-health-alert-pediatricians-parents-rare-serious-respiratory-disease-affects-children/

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Looks like the SAVAERS organization needs some technical assistance, which i would love to provide if i wasnt struggling to make a living. Sound was sometimes inaudible, Zoom screensharing was often broken, constant dingdongs from people joining. I stuck it for 30 minutes because i really wanted to catch some of the presentations. Hope it goes better next time; i will wait for edited video segments or transcripts. I am glad that these collaborations exist and people are slowly waking up though!

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RemovedSep 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose
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Toni, Please can you share the link please.

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Frankly, Tony I'm not interested in listening to ideas "viruses do not exist". I was surprised that Jessica was having a talk with her, but I understand that it might be some sort of anthropological curiosity. I personally believe, Sam and her husband are working for an intelligence agency.

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Lol, Drs Sam and Mark are asking legitimate questions regarding the historic claims surrounding virology's methodological standards. Rather than dismiss by logical fallacy, see if you are satisfied with their claimed methodological standards. When it comes to virology, the phrase 'turtles all the way down' comes to mind. I believe viruses/virus-like particles exist, but do they cause illness and disease? Until virology can disprove this using adequate scientific principles, I'll always be sceptical - and so should you.

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I agree, that the truth in the middle - retroviruses are apparently playing an important role in reverse transcription RNA sequences to DNA, and it seems to have a valid evidence of an important biological role.

Meanwhile, the picture of the Science that Sam Bailey tries to represent based on appealing to populistic views is a clear sort of propaganda we having dealt with during this pandemic.

Specifically about virology, I think it is better than her theory of "miasmas", just because it brings more positive results. It's like: The flat model of the Earth is good enough when you are building the house, but it doesn't work, when you are using GPS, or traveling orienting by stars.

I frankly don't understand, why we should downgrade our current state of knowledge instead of upgrading it.

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I'm not sure saying viruses don't exist is 'appealing to populistic views'. It flies against virologic dogma and most people's understanding of viruses. Whatever one's thoughts are about viruses, it's vitally important the scientific method is not circumvented or manipulated to appease a rise in mathematical-experimental modelling phenomena - one which has the ability to drown scientists in massive amounts of meaningless data. This accumulation of data does not constitute 'science', nor does the a postiori (through experience) rational analysis of data.

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