Man, you are rocking out the interviews lately, Jessica! I look forward to listening to this conversation between two of my favorite researchers and Substackers.

Jessica, I know you’ve been trying to raise awareness about the pandemic treaty, so I wanted to alert you and your readers to my latest post on that topic:

• “What If They Threw a Pandemic and Nobody Came?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and)

I encourage people to share along with the hashtags #StopTheTreaty, #StopTheWHO, and #ExitTheWHO so we have a chance of getting those trending.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This was a great conversation. Great perspectives shared and the division of self aspect was very interesting. ~ Thank you

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Great episode! I have had the same doubts about “the world” waking up for several months now. I suspect a sizable minority of us will march forward, growing a new branch mostly detached from main stream medicine. We will take some of the best and brightest with us. but I suspect we will not bring over a majority anytime soon. But I hope I’m wrong! Thank you for continuing to shout from the rooftops!!

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You're not wrong. Prepare for the worst. Most people have absolutely no idea. They believe anything told to them by governments and corporations.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

"I'm judging your character by my screen". I agree, but there is more to this. We can somehow find each other, whether its typing, video chatting or face to face. We know who is aware / awake nearly instantly. Please don't tell me I am alone in this. This awakening is (to coin a phrase) "weirdly amazing". The war is very much spiritual.

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I recently met a bunch of people face-to-face and there is no comparison with being in 3-space and interacting live and being in front of each other via screen. The reality is not so much 'different', but the 'interaction' certainly is. It's like thinking about making a shake with blueberries, and actually making a shake with blueberries and drinking it: one will nourish you in a way that you need.

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Damn, I love that comparison. Understood. You had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of fascinating and great people who have put their careers on the line to tell the truth. But there is still some sort of "like-minded attraction" - like we know what side of truth we are on with little need to question. The talk of parallel realities and having to jump back and forth is mentally taxing. But it does fit well to our current situation. It's like we are headed to a fork in the road (of reality? dimensionally? I really don't know). Behind that fork is a fence. The fork will eventually diverge in two different directions. Once the roads diverge, we may never see the opposite road again. But back to the fence. You can see both roads from the fence. You can also see one road from the other, through the fence. The fence sitters will not be allowed to be there for very long. They must choose a side. How do we reach them? Can we or do we pull them from the fence? I don't think so. I think it has to be the choice of the fence sitter. Whomever said, "May you live in interesting times", can stop now. :-) We are in for a weird Winter.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Can't wait to hear this. Just got home from depositing some dividend checks from Canadian gold miners. Jessica, I'm sure we would all like to know your favorite Canadian gold and silver stocks.

It's been 1 year now since my cat Cato found me in the park and adopted me. He was 7 months old and 6 pounds then, and now he weighs 16 pounds. What do you feed your cat?

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Lucky us!! <3

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

What a lovely interview, mellow & chilled. A refreshing slant on the utter madness ;-)

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

FYI The double think @ 28 mins in is actually called HyperNormalisation. https://youtu.be/DBRtcjgK3wY?t=206

HyperNormalisation (2016) by Adam Curtis | FULL DOCUMENTARY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thLgkQBFTPw

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Hopefully Dr. Rose understands that she is going up against a bunch of psychopaths. Start to unravel one thread and they might send out their goon squad. It all starts with the banks and Rockefeller funded Flexner Report.

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Standing in front of a psychopath and going up against on in battle is no easy task. Recognition, or rather, categorization involving discerning between the psychopaths and the sociopaths is, in an of itself, no easy task. The sociopaths are not lost, for example, and there are plenty of people who do appear to be lost who are not. At least, not in my eyes. The psychopaths, the true psychopaths, are not something to take lightly. These ones are not quite human to me. They lack the essential quality required of a human being to be empathetic. Most people who are not psychopathic, even the sociopaths among us, have no concept of what psychopathy actually entails. How could we? To try and imagine what it means to lack empathy as an empathetic being would be akin to trying to trying to imagine what infinity means: we cannot do it. At least, I don't think we can. So although I am aware of the clear presence of many psychopaths among us, facing them in a way that might imply defeating them is a very difficult task and one that is surrounded by so many questions. Actually, to be honest, I am not even sure that a psychopath can be defeated, or what that might entail with regard to taking action. Clearly, removing any power they might have is essential to any kind of notion of defeat, but to do this really has nothing to do with them and everything to do with people's perception of them. The thing about 'going up against' anything that does not suit your own 'narrative' is that, you kind of have to. The perils of telling the truth have always existed but what else can one do? By the way, what the hell is with your pseudonym? Herpes on your lip?

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It wasn't my fault. I contracted herpes on my lip from a toilet seat.

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The WHO is at it again!! We need a campaign ASAP! We need 1/3 of senate to sign and send over to WHO that we reject this treaty. So we need to get a petition started so this can be achieved ASAP. Dr Mercola did a piece on it. Please watch and share.


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Jessica, at the eight minute mark you both appear to back away from the idea that the war in Ukraine is somehow connected to the pandemic. Are you not aware of the over two dozen NATO financed and operated bio-warfare labs discovered in Ukraine, or the report on them filed by Russia with the UN? Did you not know that these labs were collecting DNA samples in that part of the world? The Holy Grail of bio-warfare is of course a genetically specific agent that can infect targeted groups, such as Slavs. That's probably not achievable for a variety of reasons, but that won't stop them from trying, because that's the nature of who we're dealing with.

Meanwhile, clear evidence is emerging that Sars2 was engineered in a lab, with the current narrative shifting to it somehow escaped, with the Chinese being conveniently blamed, even though the lab in question was a Fauci operation. Also, note that the worst ex-China outbreak of Sars2 occurred almost simultaneously in Iran, where it took out some of their top people. How did that happen? Unlike Milan, there's not a lot of travel between China and Iran. As a dissident scientist, are you also not aware that other dissident scientists have made a strong case for Sars2 origin in a US military lab?

You probably haven't heard that because the same media outlets that are blocking the investigation of Sars2 are doing exactly the same thing to people investigating the war in Ukraine. In both cases they're promoting a false narrative that is getting people killed. So, why would the media conduct two identical misinformation campaigns if the events aren't connected in some way? They're not doing that anywhere else that I've seen. Just on these two issues.

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