“word salad of pandering and gaslighting”

What a concise encapsulation of the last three years.

“Lapado was not fooled by the unfulfilling salad of words tossed into the air, however. Apparently, he likes steak - and he likes it on da grill with the lines and stuff. Like old school graph paper.”

🤣👏😋 These sentences, on the other hand, constitute a gourmet serving of damn fine hilarity and spot-on-edness.

Lapado’s persistence has earned him a badge of transformation from mainstream straddler to truth-teller:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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"Lapado’s persistence has earned him a badge of transformation from mainstream straddler to truth-teller:" I respectfully disagree. Please see my comment above. If you think about it, he has not taken action on anything "covid". Peace.

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Offered as Walensky's Swan (toss her in the Lake and see if she floats) song.

Steely guitar, but...Look, MAA, no pedals! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdk7k1dfydE

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My favourite sentence as well!

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A follow-up from my previous reply:

US Mortality update.


Now what is "Doctor" LaDapo persistent in? Persistent in letting the current eugenics program continue?

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Steve, I suppose everything is relative. Oregon (with the help of the democratic legislature) will likely be named an eugenics hub, child mutilation go-to state. As an Oregonian, I wish we had LaDapo's efforts.

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Excellent point Michael. I agree; everything is relative. I am fortunate to live in Florida. Peace. :-)

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May 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Excellent letter by Dr Ladapo! (Thank you for being such a fearless warrior too, dear Jessica.)

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Jessica - your fearlessness and truth shines brighter than the brightest star 🌻🤩🌻Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do!

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May 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica, Jesus loves you.

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Awwww. I am glad.

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her MOM, too!

Happy Mother's Day Jessica's Mom.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Thanks Jessica!

Have you read the biased story https://bylinetimes.com/2023/05/12/the-radicalisation-of-andrew-bridgen/

who had referenced some of Florida's covid vax research in his speech to the British Parliament? He was subsequently booted out of the Conservative party. They call his speech misinformation.

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Only a bonafide psychopath, or the demonically possessed, would so willfully ignore the growing mountain of evidence of harm from these jabs and do nothing within their authority to stop it. Governments worldwide are in desperate need of criminal prosecution and exorcism.

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you will succeed. you are succeeding. this is why we are here. keep it up. you are infinitely powerful!

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Ladapo is a perfect example of how one can "persist" without taking concrete action that actually makes change. He can write as many letters as he wants to. The letters he writes are absolutely pointless when you stop and think about it - do you really believe that the recipients are of sound enough mind to actually read and comprehend what he is saying, albeit in a round-about way?

Think about it. What is Ladapo's job? To protect the health of each and every Floridian. To that end, is he somehow unaware of the bonuses paid to Florida hospitals for putting elderly patients on Remdesivir? He's the "Surgeon General", so, of course he knows.

Think about it. Is he unaware of Ed Dowd's recent testimony to the senate that over 600,000 Americans have been murdered by the shot? ( Not the "virus", the SHOT ) Unless he lives under a rock somewhere, he knows this.

Think about it. Is he aware of Dr. Denis Rancourt's work that proves that there was NO pandemic and that over 13 million people globally have been killed by the shots? If he does not know this and I know this - a retired EE living in Florida, we have a big problem.

Is he aware of Kevin McKernan's recent analysis of Moderna and Pfizer gere-therapy shot vials which clearly show seriously contaminated product with things like plasmid DNA?

Think about it. Let's say LaDapo and DeSantis are aware of all the facts that I listed above. Why don't they stop the killings via hospital protocol and via the gene-therapy shots?

Answer: They are both cowards. Until they actually stop the killings, they are both a very real part of the problem. Grow some balls, stop the shots and protocols, and tell the truth.

If they continue to "persist" in the current fashion, they both are "good Germans". Back in nazi Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, hanged by Hitler for plotting to assassinate him, wrote a brilliant essay from prison that perfectly describes both LaDapo and DeSantis:


Think about it. Unless they actually take real, corrective action, everything else they continue to do is stupid; people are dying every day from this abomination.

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As a retired working stiff in Montana I appreciate your arguments and frustration but not the conclusions. I’m grateful for any in positions of authority condemning the evil and enlightening/encouraging folks to resist. Are they cowards? They have both assumed personal risk and made themselves targets by what they are doing. Are they stupid? I don’t think Bonhoeffer would say that. Why didn’t Bonhoeffer take action sooner? Was it cowardice or stupidity? No. Once you have decided to shoulder the responsibility with the accompanying risk - planning, preparation, and timing are everything.


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Thanks for the feedback and the perspective. Peace. :-)

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Pittsburgh, PA VA hospital still requires masks...or veterans are denied entry and medical care.

The insanity continues.

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I have a developmentally disabled 19 yr old and Social Security sent us an appointment for a 'mental evaluation' (to determine that he's still disabled, pffffft). it said we would be required to wear masks and gave 2 options to check off: 1) yes I will wear a mask OR, 2) I will not wear a mask for (fill in) medical reason. I crossed off the word 'medical' and wrote in 'logical'. I wrote in the margin - "you cannot still possibly be requiring this! my son will not be able to interact with the examiner if faces are covered".

2 yrs ago, they tried to do another 'evaluation', with a woman behind a solid plexiglass window (think medical receptionist booth) shouting questions & holding up papers, trying to get my son to respond to questions he could neither hear nor comprehend. she gave up after 5 minutes and we left.

the are complete and useless idiots, clinging to some absurd dogma.

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The cruelty is unimaginable. And there is no other word for it than "cruelty."

A veteran who has hearing loss and cannot hear the words behind the Plexiglas and the mask wearing clerk, who in turn may raise his voice a little, is now considered engaging in "disruptive" behavior and it will not be "tolerated."

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oh man, that is so f-ed up. :(

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Yes it is...

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100% Exactly what happens when people live a lie. Peace.

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Here is a bit of additional supporting data for my thesis:


C'mon "Doctor" LaDapo, are you for the eugenics program in progress or not? ( Substitute the GOV, SG or AG of any state for LaDapo - the result is the same. )

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023

"..what she [Walensky] did was wrong?"

Avoiding the issue that this injection program did what it was supposed to do, sterilize and slow-kill, is gaslighting. This wasn't a respiratory virus and it isn't a vaccine; it's a payload delivery system:

"Watch the Water-2, Closing Chapter"


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BONUS - injecting a respiratory virus directly into

the bloodstream evades the immune cells in the

nose, mouth, throat and lungs.

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First, you'd have to provide proof that SARS-C0V-2 actually exists as a respiratory pathogen. This is the problem with epidemiology, virology and so much of medical research and thus:

“Cujusque rei potissima pars principium est. - The principal part of everything is the beginning,” Bouvier’s 8th, p. 2130.

This goes for all of it, not just for this alleged pathogen.

Virology was not established with (laboratory) controls. Without controls, there is no science.

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I agree on 2 1/2 out of 3.

There WAS a virus but it wasn't killing enough

people until they rigged its spike protein.

The shit in the syringes WAS NOT a vaccine.

The motive of defending the PAYLOAD DELIVERY

SYSTEM was or became obvious to those who knew you

cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic against

a fast-mutating virus, then saw the fanatic adherence

to injectables only.

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You are correct. Many countries have had bio weapon research for MANY years.

The number of people with Chronic illnesses, rare illnesses are overwhelming. Since "escape" of HIV/XMRVirus in the 1980s especially. HIV is in the spike and other injections.

People have been used as LAB RATS that has lead up to this Spike special jab.

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Poisoning is a simpler and more elegant explanation for what went on, beginning three-years ago by suspected vector(s) and by way of direct, concentrated injections, thereafter.

The term "payload" bears looking into. Not of some 'spike protein" or airborne specter, but of something naturally toxic. First part is 17-minutes. Second is 49 minutes.



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It is crucial to ones knowledge in this matter to watch:


Dr Bryan Ardis gives papers - Evidence - and information to back up his claims that snake veno m is heavily involved in these jabs.

He elucidates on the animal venoms that science has already used/researched/researching, and one fact is the use in a Blood pressure tablet that is taken daily by patients with BP problems. It contains venom and this has been known about for some years now, by various scientists.

He give the names of two University Pennsylvania scientists who are deeply involved in th discovery since 2009, a KATALIN KARIKO & DREW WISEMAN. patented and making $$ for them known about since 1970.

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Gas lighting is so common now it's scary. Did you watch WCH's big rally in Trafalgar Square in London ... and march yesterday? The police didn't interfere but were there helping them stay in the proper lane, etc. No doubt some were in agreement but dare not show it. The facts don't gas light. Truth is out there. Are humans ever going to develop beyond worshipping money, drugs, humans, and books? I surely hope so. The Creator is Love, I have yet to see that in play in any vaccine worship.

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I cannot find anything in print media about this.

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thought it was Children's Health Defence? or was it a combined effort - which is what is needed.

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Both. But the gathering was in London UK, and they marched to the Parliament buildings.

The WCH supports Children's Health Defence hugely.

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What is WCH?

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World Council for Health - check out there www site. Volunteers started this group - late 2020? since Plandemic as an opposition to The WHO.

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These are arguably your 6 most important words to us, ever.

"Just stand up. And stay up."

For a long time, you and other savior/warriors have done exactly that.

And you've all had just cause to blow a gasket.

- at us, your 'followers'. Your justified frustration is showing.


we, your followers (lovelies) SUCK!

We get your reports. We furrow our brows. We pound our keyboards

bemoaning the situation. condemning the guilty, consoling each other,

telling you what great jobs you're doing.

After all the admiration, praise, encouragement and gratitude,

we might as well be doll or action figure collectors, lining you

all up on a shelf!

We use you as pills or surrogates for the warriors WE SHOULD BE,

as we recoil from the complexity, difficulty, and even danger

involved in actually doing what your discoveries obligate us to do.

The crimes are known.

We are, know or knew the victims.

The perpetrators and accomplices are known.

They endanger, injure, damage and kill people.

So far, they have not been endangered, injured, damaged, killed or even charged!

Institutional Justice - if It still has a pulse - is A.W.O.L.

Until it is staffed, up, and running, we MUST work without it.

I will post again soon with some important aspects, & explanations

regarding this idea.

And sincere gratitude and praise for those who do not fit the aforementioned descriptions.

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Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful moms out there.

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"they have been hidden since time immemorial, as this is part of their "character".

I agree they are now hiding - even more so, BUT, "they" still keep trying as "they" must always WIN, they are still pulling the strings of others. Complete rejection is required, and in this case VERY PUB LIC Prison and Death sentences are needed.

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My Surgeon General must be doing something right. The Palm Beach Post ( democrat propaganda rag) just condemned him in an editorial.

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Protect your children...thank you Jessica.

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Way to go, Ladapo!❣

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