I was so thrilled to discover you were reinstated on Twitter last night, Jessica!!

I just thanked Elon (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1608725713120825344) and followed up with a CTA to #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma:


Thank you, @elonmusk, for restoring the voices of Jessica Rose & other eminently qualified scientists brave enough to present data challenging the narrative.

Time to #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex & #PutPeopleOverPharma:


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Thank you Jessica and thank you Margaret for being our warriors against this global crime against humanity. We will prevail, I'm sure of it, we must prevail!

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Great! But what is Jessica's twitter name? I'd like to find her there 🙂

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Thank you 😀 👍🏻

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So the best batches were kept for the Pfizer employees and the bad batches had their shelf life extended and sent to homes for disabled people and children. As Chris says, this is dark stuff.

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Those employee batches were marked as untested in Chris' presentation.Saline anyone?

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I wondered ..a few of my gyn group home patients I cared for have passed away . That’s so evil , but things are starting to look intentional.

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Did they send different batches to certain areas purposely to increase the cull there?

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I don’t think this is unique to Australia, it’s just that the Australian FOI requests were very specific, almost like someone knew exactly what questions to ask and knew what documents existed 😉

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Spot on Ivo!!

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Chris's presentation, is divided into part one and part two. One is public and he has to be careful what he says and then there's part two which is behind a paywall and he doesn't mince words like manslaughter. I think it was in part two that batches beyond their expiration shelf life, beyond when they were removed from cold storage went to facilities which housed disabled people. They were color coded purple and orange for different age groups. My summary is not complete because I stopped taking notes I was so disturbed. So was Chris.

Brandon, your heart will hurt if you watch these.

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Thanks for letting me know. I really hesitated regarding the damages even though I saw trends but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why people with the same amount of jabs and boosters were not getting same side effects. I can’t believe how sinister this is , my mind doesn’t even go there , till I read and get educated on substack.

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That is dark but what evidence do we have that actually happened?

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You should watch Chris Martensen's presentation - all the docs from the FOI requests are shown there, and you can chase them up yourself if you are so inclined. Sure, we are making a few follow-up assumptions, but the basic documented facts are discoverable for yourself. It is pretty strong evidence, not just speculation.

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Thank you I will watch 👍🏼😉

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We don’t

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Good summary of the most salient points!

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Sweet Jesus. I watched Chris Martensen's 2 presentations today. Thank you Jessica for this supplementary info.

I thought that nothing would shock me at this point - but it just keeps getting worse and worse.

As an Aussie, this all hits particularly hard.

I'm not exactly naive, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Even overbearing government officials. But there is no way to see this as anything other than rank malfeasance by those in high places.

These last couple of years, I have begun to understand why public guillotining was so popular in France during their revolution. I could almost enjoy sitting there with my knitting and watching the heads roll.

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Imagine what the cable companies would pay for exclusive rights to broadcast the beheadings of Bill, Foucho, Klaus, Collins, Birx, Austin, Ardern, Castreau, Morrison, Scholz, Macron, Charles III, Gavin Newsome, and Ursula von Der Lying...

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I think what is happening now and for the last 2 years is exactly what Claus Schwab WEFs have been pushing us towards: "Western Values will be tested to the breaking point."

Given the psyop warping us into relishing the beheadings of those who are most certainly guilty of so much, this is what happens when you gaslight, censor, demean, marginalize, ostracize, bully those who only sought the truth. We are being tested; we are being provoked to see how much we can be beaten before we erupt. They believe they can behave with impunity and they count on us to behave rationally, morally while they don't.

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God damn them! I'm almost afraid to believe what you are saying but......

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Adverse events are not created equal. Those who succumb to the effects within hours or just days of inoculation are perhaps dying of something akin to anaphylaxis. It's just odd that others are suddenly developing fatal blood clots or cardiac arrhythmia / myocarditis as late as 300 to 450 days post-jab.

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The new revelations that IG4 antibodies are being produced with the 3rd (and subsequent) boosters may explain this.

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As Stjanes below says, it could be a threshold that needs to met for most people, so the successive boosters are what's needed to tip larger numbers of people over into severe AE territory?

On the point about those people who have much more immediate reactions, I'd be inclined to think that a good portion of these could be folks who were injected without proper aspiration of the needle?

...meaning those people did not get an injection into the muscle that slowly distributes the product (and later the spike) around various organ systems — in their case they would have had the payload hit the bloodstream instantly, and that could be the issue?

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Yes, that makes a great deal of sense and accords with much of the empirical data.

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I think you may be conflating a different issues.

The needle aspiration might help reduce mRNA distributing outside of muscle tissue and causing the effects related to spike production in other organs/vital systems.

The antibody response I don't think is dependent on where the injection contents go.

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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, German expert in medical microbiology and infectional epidemiology, explains in very simple way how human immune system works and how mRNA vaccines damage our body (in English, 20 min.): https://youtu.be/kA_Q5mOy1QI

After watching this lecture I can understand why clots are formed. And why my cognitive capabilities were affected after the third shot, and why I am short breathed. Trying to look on this from the bright side: I am still alive...

Thank you Jessica for educating us! I wish you all the best in the new year!

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This is a great video.

If Dr. Bhakdi is correct, it doesn't matter much if the RNA is degraded but still produces protein fragments--it would still be dangerous. He argues ALL transfections are dangerous since they produce exogenous proteins. Even transfections producing endogenous proteins may still be dangerous for the reasons stated in Jessica's post (RNA degradation), since fragments may be treated as foreign by our killer cells.

I guess the best the transfected can hope for is that their batch was left out in the heat and the RNA was so degraded no translation occured at all, not even fragments. Then they would only have to worry about the toxicity of the LNP.

Sorry for your injury and I hope you make it through this. Can I ask how it's affected your cognition specifically? I do notice some transfected are less empathetic and less able to apply logic, but hard to tell how much is because of the transfections and how much is because of other psychological operations.

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Thank you for asking. I am feeling much better and I have survived, so I am not complaining ;)

How it affected me: 1. I couldn't focus (everything distracted my concentration completely - I used to be able to be concentrated for 8 hours or more before), 2. I couldn't recall some very ordinary words (I could see the object in my mind, but I couldn't remember how we call it), 3. I kept forgetting things (I promissed something, but then almost immediatelly I forgot about it like it didn't exist - even when people reminded me of that, I could only remember very vaguely, they had to tell me exactly what it was), 4. brain fog (I couldn't think straight or at all), 5. making decisions was impossible (I couldn't decide on anything, even the most simple things), 6. I couldn't memorize names (I still have difficulties in memorizing names, very annoying!), 7. I was terribly tired and short breathed. I had those simptoms for several months. The worst period was just after my third jab (boosted on 12th January 2022), February and March were terrible, and I started to getting better somewhere in May. I felt short breath in August (on bike) and still cannot move as fast as I used to. And I have problems with falling asleep (awake all night).

For the context, I need to explain I am 46, and I work a literary translator and editor, meaning when I translate/edit a book, I need to read very closely (focus), and control a very large text in my head (memory). I am multilingual to some extent - I can express myself in Slovene (mother tongue), Czech, Polish, English and I (still) understand several other languages. The most annoying was the inability to recall words (acces the brain storage) when I needed them. My "therapy" was reading books and working on texts slowly from April/May, and it got a little bit better. But I still have difficulties with translating literary texts and chosing priorities.

About empathy, it is difficult to say. I still have the ability to feel compassion for other people, but maybe my closest ones could answer this better. I think that the vaxxed/unvaxxed "war" was definitely a result of the psychological operations. If I knew then what I know now, I definitely wouldn't have thoughts that I had about unvaxxed people being selfish. But on the other hand I noticed the unvaxxed people also carry anger against the vaxxed. It looks like the psy op machinery wants us to think in terms of black and white only. Now I can see psy op polarizing everywhere: pro-Ukraine against pro-Russia, trans people against straight people, relligious against unreligious, etc. So this is definitely a consequence of subliminal suggestions and mind control, in my opinion.

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Sounds like your job gave you good insight into your cognitive problems.

I agree with everything else you write about our divisions leading to less empathy by everyone.

Happy New Year and wishing you good health this year!

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Thank you for expressions of support! Happy and healthy New Year to you and your family too!

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I'm definitely stealing your codon slide. Maybe also the mRNA slide, but I might rename it, "mRNA have a blast at Epcot".

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you are most welcome

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As Chris says the MRna does not code for the wild-type spike protein, it codes for a modified/engineered spike protein which is more robust. Did they also have different versions of the MRna in different batches to code for different versions of the spike proteins? The step change in the fragment size (hump) prior to the main spike suggests that the MRna is breaking down at particular points leading to fragments of consistent length. Would they not be tempted to re-code the MRna to remove this fragile breakdown point?

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I doubt they would bother. It is a pretty intensive process to create the mRNA injectable. It would either have been saline, or a high purity product, depending on whether this was all a deliberate con or just expedient money-raking.

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At the 31 minute mark he shows that there were special untested batches made up for Pfizer Australia employees!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO


"Reserved batches" equals "Saline Solution" is my bet.

All we need is to check if the Pfizer employees who got those batches:

A) Are doing just fine with zero adverse events?

B) Are doing just like everyone else with 7.7% serious adverse event rate?

I'm willing to bet on "A" LOL. The 7.7% SAER comes from the CDC's own recently FOIA'd V-Safe program data.

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I think this was a world wide phenomenon, Pfizer employees worldwide got a special batch.

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And the hits just keep on coming.😐😐😑😑🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Thank you Chris for delving deep, where others feared (some stackers feared the manufacturing data 'twas not sexy enough to tread!). 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

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The speed of the destruction of science...

...utilized to increase the speed of the destruction of Democracy and Individual medical sovereignty

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Just more fire for the inevitable pyre for the undead abomination called vaccination.

Assuming any alleged broken mRNA is actually present and gets past any integrity checks, such defects could cause many kinds of bad, including disruptive/damaging effects, like say prions and toxins. I very much doubt that intact and degraded mRNA is the only danger, because other toxic content like the lipids wrappers and adjuvants will also cause damage e.g. any other nano particle content, like metals, rGO and rGOH.

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A cardiologist I know developed extreme general pruritus after the jab(s?). He suffered for many months, sleepless, and nothing he had tried, helped. The condition was so bad he claims to have been close to suicide. Finally, his wife (a nurse) got him to see a homeopath the she had found on the web. The holistic treatment did bring relief, despite his being an allopathic non-believer in alternative medicine.

Out of curiosity, I have checked for studies, and bingo!


NB: In pre-print since Feb., 2020 - WTF?


"Our case report is the first, to our knowledge, to report a patient that developed a chronic spontaneous urticarial rash after the second dose of the vaccine that is not self-limited. CDC has been made aware of this unique long-term reaction."

... first ..... unique ...

Comments: 1098 - yes, another WTF. First in line:

"I have never had hives that I can think of. Since taking Pfizer COVID vaccine, I am suffering from hives randomly appearing all over my body. I tried Zyrtec but hives come back 24 hours later."

PEG, anyone?

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History doesn't repeat but it rhymes - the australian national socialist party - modernized through either intent (worst case) or ignorance (best case)

the same applies to every country - australia has some bright people, right? jikkyleaks people are certainly bright. brighter than, say, eastern europe or lartin/south american countries and the indian sub-continent?


Forced Sterilizations

The "Sterilization Law" explained the importance of weeding out so-called genetic defects from the total German gene pool:

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By now it should be obvious to anyone but the very naïve that the control of information about the Covid crisis over the last three years has been highly contrived. Looking back, it is clear that the media output was designed to generate maximum fear. I now realise that because, for the first few months of 2020, rising fear is the effect that it had on me. I always had a good grasp of the history of the Black Death in the 14th century, and to a lesser extent the Spanish Flu after World War I, so I initially took very seriously the ‘computer predictions’ produced in early 2020 by the so-called ‘experts’ at Imperial College, London – which have now been entirely discredited as incompetent and/or propaganda.

The turning point for me was how, by mid-2020, corporate & social media had begun mocking the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCL) as an antiviral that could suppress the SARs2 virus during the early infection phase. In my country (Australia), this led to the public health bureaucracy suddenly reclassifying HCL as ‘a poison’ and making it illegal for doctors to prescribe for COVID-19. I understand that HCL had been found to be an effective early antiviral treatment during the SARS1 outbreak, 16 years before – and yet in 2020, its use was abruptly prohibited by the Australian health bureaucrats – with no antiviral alternative being offered. This prohibition must have led to many unnecessary deaths amongst the at-risk cohorts.

Forty years ago I lived in a malaria-endemic tropical country for many years and HCL was routinely and safely taken by millions on a daily basis as a prophylactic against malaria. It was very cheap and no prescription was needed. Indeed, it was a standard anti-malarial used by the Australian Army. The sudden withdrawal of this inexpensive drug by the Australian health authorities in 2020 began to ring all the alarm bells for me, and that motivated me to begin ripping away the green curtain that was hiding the sordid reality of how mass psychological control was being enforced about Covid information - using the deceivers of the corporate media and social media platforms.

Yesterday the U.S. ‘National Review’ published a good analysis of the evidence coming out about how Twitter and the other big media players have routinely used their technology to suppress reporting of information and people that contradicted the policies and ideologies that they were pushing. The name of the online article was:

“The Conspiracy Theories Were Real, and Other Revelations”. The article is worth a read in order to understand the depth to which mass deception of the public has been systematically carried out by government authorities with regard to Covid information and the mRNA injectables - using the corporate media and social media platforms as enablers. The link to the article is:


Here is an excerpt:

“… the Big Lie of information neutrality was just that: a lie. Probably for decades now, conservative and heterodox thinkers have been called weird paranoids for doubting “the science ™,” “the experts,” “the trends,” “the (new) dictionary definitions,” “what the search results obviously show,” and so forth. We now know that those lonely cynics were largely correct: the Great Barrington Declaration and the Hunter Biden laptop, among many other things, never “trended” because they were not allowed to. More broadly, almost all of the information we see on a daily basis is greatly shaped by the people who allow access to it. This is not a “conspiracy theory” — it is a fact.”

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Jessica, thank you for this useful review of potentially disrupted/inadequate translation / transcription consequences resulting from product inadequacy / degradation.

One thing that does not appear to be taken into account is the variation in individual translation / transcription response as a result of RNA Epigenetics, something, no one to my knowledge,appears to be discussing?

See: Willbanks, Wood and Cheng (2021) (Genes. RNA Epigenetics: Fine-Tuning Chromatin Plasticity and Transcriptional Regulation, and the Implications in Human Diseases).

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>Ah yes, the speed of science…

Thanks for clearing that up. I am easily confused. My mind says " At the speed of Pseudo Science, or the speed of greed.

I am easily confused, so thanks again for clearing that up :-)

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I like “the speed of greed.” 👍

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