Dear Dr Jessica, it's great you have a new home. Thank you for all your hard work. very best regards, Andrew Marsh in what was the UK

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Thank you for reminding me—the Absolute VAERS counts are awesome! I notice your #s are higher than those at OpenVAERS. Is that because yours are more up-to-date and theirs currently go through 8/19?

I would greatly appreciate if you could add the "through XX/XX/XX" date for reference. Whenever I share screencaps of OpenVAERS data, I indicate the date through in the article so people reading it at a later time know the numbers may be outdated.

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The raw data files from VAERS have higher counts than OpenVaers provided (observed twice now). One hypothesis is possible filtering on a data flag or something by default.

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I loved the article about you and surfing. ❤️longboarding as well.

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Make sure to support the Oregon lawsuit. 150k plus signed so far!!

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Dear Jessica,

I appreciate your wonderful work. Would you be willing to occasionally share your views on what we should do to regain control of the assylum from the lunatics and criminals? For some reason, today's rebels have no balls (to use a perhaps outdated expression). In the 60's, we could have cared less about whether the majority of the country supported us or didn't (they didn't). We focused instead on throwing sand into the gears of their war machine.

At least in the U.S. (I don't know about Canada), we seemingly have approximately 40% of the population firmly on our side, yet they do NOTHING except complain. NOTHING! No demonstrations, no marches, no riots, no fighting in the streets against our enemies, no organized display of arms, no torchlight parades, NOTHING!

The closest thing to effective actions were the truckers' demonstrations both in Canada and U.S. But they were left to hang out to dry. A hundred million people who supposedly supported them stayed home, presumably glued to their cell phones rather than gathering their rifles and marching in support of the truckers. It is unbelievable that oil workers in Alberta and Texas (supposedly bastions of conservatism) couldn't be troubled to shut down oil production in support of the truckers.

In the 60's, a few armed Black Panthers inspired millions to begin acting. Are all 150 million Trump supporters such wusses that they continue to worry about school board elections rather than armed resistance to Big Brother? It's unbelievable!

Fauci, Wallensky, Biden, Trudeau, et al make Josef Mengele look like a boy scout by comparison. But we do nothing! We let Trudeau demolish the heroic Canadian truckers! We let China Joe intimidate the American truckers into not entering Washington!

Sorry, Jessica, for being so long-winded. But I'd appreciate hearing your own views on how to regain control of the assylum!

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Thank you Jessica. It must feel great to be such a positive influence for so many and expose these psychopaths. I've been studying this for a very long time, 20 years. I read philosophy and law and do math - just starting a micro masters in data through MIT. I also wrote a book about why the rulers hate Christians so much. See https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1031535

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I know we know that you are meticulous in your work and relentless. I always read your reports. I know it is the real deal. Thank you

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