Keep up the good work, and keep up the passion! Such a travesty where the data points, and the big wigs simply refuse to acknowledge it, and use the force of government to silence any questions.

You're doing great work!

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Keep on (Canadian!) trucking. x

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Jessica, this was such a vibrant, interesting and frank discussion.

This chiropractor gets it. You get it. Together, you were able to convey so much simple, understandable, logical data.

Data which COULD be so valuable to the ostrich people in my family.

If they'd only LISTEN to you speak. (I'm sending this link. Of course.)

The good doctor said; he wishes there were more of you out there...

I recall a doctor who recently said something like: if I were to become stranded on a desert island, what drugs would be in my survival kit? Among them, he said, would be Ivermectin.

(It might have been Marik.)

I'm going to go out on a thick and sturdy limb here and say: so, if I were to be limited to having access to only the voices and expertise of 10 "Covid Era" pioneer scientists and doctors in future, who would those 10 be?

Among my top 10 would be Dr. Jessica Rose's clear, succinct, unwavering voice, her inquisitive scientific mind, and her funny bone.

Thanks chickie. ❤ You da bomb.

PS: Canada really needs your physical presence. Please consider coming home.

(There are good surfing spots on Vancouver Island. Just sayin'.)

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Thank you for the honesty of conversation in the podcast. You mentioned that you have been questioning everything. Essential always, more so in these times. Regarding the Western Medical Industrial Complex, what it is and what it is not, I found two books to be quite essential to answer the questions which arose when I started questioning everything a few decades ago.

The first was written in 2013 ~ Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare by Peter Gotzsche. The other is by one of my favorite authors and healers, Stephen Harrod Buhner, entitled Earth Grief: The Journey Into and Through Ecological Loss. Due to our irrational fear of mortality (and thus blind belief in the 'miracle' of modern medicine) we have quite literally killed the biome of the Earth. These things take a while to unfold in full, but it is not something which will happen. Bacterial restructuring is underway and will change everything we be believe we understand about the planet of which we are only a small part.

When most people consider what is destroying the Earth (climate change and extremes, ecosystem and global species collapse) and spiraling us down the road humans are so doggedly determined to continue trampling upon, the pharmaceutical industry is almost never mentioned. Truly, it should be the first on the list of planet harms.

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Dr. Rose - one of the better “where we are at” assessments since start of spring. Thank you for your continual focus on people vs. data, your talents and dedication to helping heal at an individual and societal level alike. You help keep me motivated to hang on to my life rope to stem the free fall until better help arrives.

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Everything was captured by the Anon ymous controllers hundreds if not thousands of years ago.

Language/ words, our own internal dialogues are not our. I listen to mine, pull the words apart, and just listen quietly to the words I say to myself. Slowly, it all goes quiet.....

We all know medicine, media, law, government', etc, etc are captured. But not many know that the corruption is not only down to the every community that has been infiltrated by hydra arms in the form of secretive Masons and their ilk, but your father, brother sister, grandfather or spouse might be one.

The lies go even deeper to the first lie you were told, the first secret you held or propagated.

This one is from 2019 and the reason it is still on you tube is that it was too far fetched to be a threat to the Anon ymous hydra... What do you think?


I think the end game might be a little different now though. I think that the purpose of the grand sun virus experiment was to find the blood of the survivors so that the hydra psychopaths can live forever and reprogram themselves to be happy, feel love and joy. They hate themselves and don't want to pay the ferryman for the heinous acts of their life, so eternal materialism is they key.

Another avenue is that THEY have been using astronomy and astrology to time their foul atrocities.

We are entering the Age of Aquarius which will last for the next few thousand years.

Their are many planetary allignments and conjuctions over the past 20 years that we haven't seen for hundreds and thousands of years .... Just trying to catch you now that your open to other, less academic or linial topics.

Survive! Just survival will be our greatest act of resistance. The Frankenstein's will fail...they always have and they always will because they are missing the mysterious creative marvel of being a whole person.

THEY will fail because of their hubris and their lack of creativity and their lack of heart.

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Yes, keep up the good work.

Imposterazation is unsettling. Why the constant need for imposterazation? I think you are right if everything is awkward, but we are trained to pretend awkward is normal then we don’t question. The whole point is to keep people from thinking for themselves. When the people have to ignore obvious observations to function in polite society, then people drop their defenses and wiliness to stop, avoid, or fight back. Thus, turning people into easily manipulated mobs.

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OT, but I just published a major piece, which does refer to you as one of the dissident researchers to keep an eye on, and there is also one half-schooled footnote on how to calculate the real numbers as suggested by VAERS and URF which mentions you. The piece is “Adjunct Suppressors: The Claremont Institute Editors Have Helped Squelch the Covid-19 Vax-Harm Story,” and is a direct reprimand to my academic-conservative colleagues, and to most conservative politicians, for their helping the MSM suppress reporting on the vax-harms. I will likely be attacked for it, indeed, it could become the final nail in the coffin of my long-ailing academic career, and so I would appreciate any support from Dr. Rose readers, in the comments over at PostModernConservative, and by sharing it as widely as you can. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/adjunct-suppressors

I know some of you may be non- or outright anti- conservatives, but despite the hope that RFK brings, over in conservative precincts we still have a fighting chance of getting the largest bulk of the movement to acknowledge the vax-harms--i.e., in our case, in the present fight it is not merely a matter of one rogue figure standing for the right. I'm doing what I can, but would appreciate any support and publicity anyone reading this can add.

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💜 all you do!!!

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Thanks Jessica. I'm truly Blessed! 2 Brilliant Dr. Rose substacks!

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