Impressive. So well spoken, such a clearly enunciated and inflected delivery.

Another Canadian hero who doesn't wear a cape.

Thanks Wonder Woman. 💖

Paying this guy forward STAT.

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PS: Just did it.

Prefaced by:

"This council address should be transcribed, word for word, printed, and plastered in every town in Canada."

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Unapologetically Me - check this out - gives some more referencing https://gather2030.substack.com/p/speak-truth-to-power

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Gave me chills. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!! 🙌🏻

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Impressive and legit! That goes for the applause as well. Not such a fringe minority after all.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Dear Dr Rose,

I'm so glad you loved the speech. However, I feel I should point out that Bitchute has an incomplete version. Here is the full version with the responses from the councillors after the ovation, which I think are crucially important.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3q83MTuVg (8:02)

IMHO: Taking back power means getting elected to our local councils or convincing our elected councillors to oust the unelected UN NGO stooges who've been planted in councils to implement the UN's agenda of green policies.

I only just learned of this Canadian action so I'm sharing what I found - here is the full speech transcript from the Aurora speaker, on gather2030 substack, with template.

Aurora, Ontario (15 Minute Cities Speech Template)

Message from Joel and Margaret Sussman - 15 Minute Cities


There are more videos and speeches/actions on gather2030's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MaggieHopeBraun/videos

Here is Sandi Adams in the UK, speaking to her council, Glastonbury, about Agenda 21 recently. This went viral!

Glastonbury Town Council meeting on 20 minute Neighbourhoods, Net Zero, CBDCs, & Digital IDs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9Eh4APMLqI (@5:30)

The globalists won't be defeated with rousing speeches or voting in general elections. Our power is local. Every village, town and city, in every country on the planet, has unelected NGOs planted by the UN to steer the UN SDG plan into action: cycle lanes, stack-and-pack apartments, low traffic neighbourhoods, etc. There's a lot of money involved, and a lot of councillors are either co-opted or totally oblivious.

I encourage everyone to go to your own council website wherever you are in the world, and search for this plan, using the UN buzzwords like "sustainability", "resilient", "inclusive", "no one left behind". The plan won't mention Agenda 21; it will be called something cheery like "Horizon 2030" etc. Go to your council meetings and find out what they're doing. Challenge them.

Rosa Koire fought against Agenda 21 for many years. Sadly, she died in May 2021. She wrote a book called "Behind the Green Mask" which can still be found on Amazon, and is a must read to understand Agenda 21/30, and she left an enormous legacy of information and videos.

I don't know how to put a pdf here, so here's a short list of some of Rosa Koire's legacy:

Rosa Koire, Behind The Green Mask, UN Agenda 21 [Before New Hampshire Legislature 2012]:

Part 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX6ZuImBh-M

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6o9PAugJPA&t=0s

Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=350IbVtpzvw&t=0s

Part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX6pEXMidDQ&t=0s

"Behind the Green Mask Agenda 21 Book:


Full Video on Rumble :



Full Video on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gOfJkxK6TaHo/

Other videos:

Rosa Koire: What can we do? : https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/pzyh45847o

Rosa Koire: Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Development :


"Agenda 21- Rosa Koire (en español) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHORLJ1K6SM


19 "NEW NORMAL" : https://www.bitchute.com/video/6pyoSMavRqC2/

Goals of UN Agenda 21 in 5 minutes! With Rosa Koire:


Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire - Behind the Green Mask (Denmark)



ROSA KOIRE - R.I.P. "A Freedom Fighter & Pioneer Forever Remembered"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agRUGxTnH5M (3:28:37)

See also Patrick Wood: https://www.technocracy.news/?s=Agenda+21

RIP Rosa Koire ❤️

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I'm familiar with the work of Rosa Koire (edit - autocorrect changed name in original reply). And I'm thankful she devoted her life to sharing truth.

The councilor's comments are helpful, thanks for sharing that additional support for the video. I've taken issue with it for reasons I raised in another comment. But this context helps me overcome some of my doubts. Thank you.

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Hell yeah 👍✊

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thank you

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While not everything in this speech is accurate, the vast majority is, and the response is heartening. Time to weed out the few minor false assertions later, because the main message(s) are what must be said everywhere the tyrannical hand of gub'mint stretches out to engulf individuals into a technocratic/pathocratic Borg.

CS Lewis said many years ago: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

Not that I'm convinced the pathocrats are truly "sincere", nor "more likely to go to Heaven", but it is certain they have seared their own consciences into thinking they are.

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Curious - what do you believe is not accurate about what he's saying?

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He mentioned "Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)" regarding fires, particularly in Maui. Not only did I engineer for nearly 40 years in the field of defense sensors and lasers and know that the crazy fantasy that the government is starting fires with "space lasers" is beyond the realm of technology, but the beginning of that nutty nonsense was traced to accounts tied to the Chinese Communist Party. Why would any gub'mint, including the US, spend literally tens of billions of $ in futile attempts to start "fires from space" (there are many good reasons the Airborne Laser (ABL) missile defense project was cancelled, mostly due to atmospheric physics limitations) when arsonists with a $1.50 box of matches (arson proven in many of the Canadian fires) do the job so much more effectively? Most everything else he said made sense.

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All Politicians are Parasites

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Denis Rancourt: "The parasites are killing the host". Peace.

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Except for Ron Paul and maybe Bobby.

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What a great speech! The best thing was the unexpected applause and standing ovation at the end! Sometimes when you bravely state what you think (and today it IS brave) despite knowing that you're going against the herd, you find out that more people agree with you than you thought. And your example may give them courage to speak their truth as well next time instead of cowering silently. And if ENOUGH of us do that, the dam breaks, and the floodwaters of truth come rushing through!

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For Canada specifically, I think we are way past the point of no return. The days of Canada as a single political unit are OVER. Not sure what happens next but this is one of the more realistic scenarios I've come across. The only question (which is not answered in the video) is which province will move first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6bR4dGm6k

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Thanks Jessica, for the warning of the serious stuff degrading our lives.

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Absolutely Correct. The very same statements equally apply to the so called "various Federal and State/Territory Governments" of The Commonwealth of Australia 1901.

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I'd like it if the video was real. But I do not believe it is. The voice is artificial, computer generated. Listen to it again if you don't believe me, the meter and pronunciation of the words is too precise for natural speech. The clear enunciation and inflected delivery is too perfect. And I noticed a few times it didn't match his mouth and movements, though it was so grainy it was hard to tell. Which made those few times it was clear enough to tell more important to catch.

This grainy video is not an accident. Video recording devices are long past this level of low resolution video, even on phones and government cameras in hearing rooms. I believe it is intentional to make it less obvious the speech didn't match his mouth. And the audience (non)reactions as he was speaking doesn't fit. The faces visible are stoic, not in concert with sentiments that would evoke at least some kind of emotion. I came to this realization on my own, but when I read the comments on Bitchute several others noticed the same thing. Validates my observations.

It's a great speech. But I'm disappointed to realize that it's a PsyOps fake. Many of us want to hear the words spoken and wish it was real, but unfortunately it's not. Even in a venue like a city council meeting with little relative power to resist all that was described, just hearing them spoken to elected officials and then resoundingly cheered by all in attendance would be great. But I advise caution in investing faith in this video as legitimate and sharing with others. Falling for fakes and sharing them doesn't build trust with those you share them with. Easy to fall for when we really want to believe something, understandable. But watch it again with this caution, I believe you'll come to the same conclusion.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Maybe YouTube are interfering with the sound. He speaks loud and clear in this recording:


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The story accompanying the video you provide is additional info that would strengthen its believability. And allow me to entertain the idea that it's real.

But only entertain the idea. It's still a very artificial voice. Yes, it's loud and clear vocals, I never said the vocals were muffled or that there's any interference with the sound. Just the opposite, the vocals are perfect, too perfect. And they don't fully match the video.

It's the video that's grainy, not clear that's the biggest problem. The video is too low-resolution to be accepted without question. Like the grainy security pictures of the person who supposedly left pipe bombs in DC on January 5, 2020 - intentionally blurred, experts describe it as very old technology long out of use, everywhere. And the blurred video that's been used to convict J6 defendants, when much clearer versions were later discovered.

What I'm describing is done, regularly, when those sharing the videos have an agenda. Blurring allows for deception. And I don't accept that this video is what it appears to be for that and the other reasons I gave.

I'd like it to be. The article accompanying it gives more details to allow for it to be true. But unless and until the real video of it is produced that has the real resolution of cameras used in that council room I would never share it without a disclaimer.

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Fair enough - I don't know if it is genuine but I think he is speaking the truth

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Mrs H commented above with more video context including councilors commenting after his remarks. Helpful at dispelling some of my skepticism.

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You are no doubt correct. My first reaction was, everything but the contrails.

It still got me though.

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Guess I was wrong the other way, lol.

Subscribed to the Gather2030 youtube channel.


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If you wish to believe a low-resolution video, technology that hasn't been in use for decades, video that doesn't fully match up with the audio, audio that sounds computer generated then go for it.

I stated my belief and gave reasons why. I invited others to review it themselves, believing that with a more critical eye and ear they would share my belief. I left it open for others to reach their own conclusion. I reject counterarguments that twist and insult my words.

Please, Chaz, share this video wide and far, confidently attesting to its truth without equivocation, staking your reputation as a truthteller on the line, asserting that all truth you share and have ever shared is as credible as this video.

Go ahead, Chaz. Please. I invite you and your confidence in what you see and hear in it to give it the power of your truth.

I won't join you. I wish to preserve the power of my truth.

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I see through charlatans like you. You insult, get called on it. Then claim victimhood and try to slink off in a pretentious snit. I wrote what I wrote that others are free to read and see them stand for what they are without your rendition, your insulting interpretation of my words. I invited others to reach their own conclusions. Unlike you, I don't assert myself as a final arbiter, just as a skeptic. In fact, in reply to another commenter who wasn't rude like you I acknowledged another comment that gave more evidence that I found more convincing and moved more in that direction, but with my reservations.

But as for you, Chaz, the smithereens is your wrecked rectum. And I invite you to further fornicate with and sodomize yourself. As for me, I'm old enough to have fornicated with your momma, enjoying her birth canal before you ever passed through it. You probably said "Hi" to some of my DNA on the way out. Kiddo.

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So glad people are waking up to the agenda of those who want to enslave us. Fight back Canada!

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Wow. Amazing speech - sums up the ignorant agenda perfectly. Peace.

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