Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

"It is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man's greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes." C G Jung

It's likely there are elements of 'mass formation' within the anti-globalist camp and, as time goes on and a 'movement' comes together, the possibility increases, but there were also many who were independently questioning right from the get go.

I would frame this differently. Try this idea for size ... Every living system is essentially self-maintaining, self-correcting and self-referential - a feedback loop (which is essentially toroidal in form). As holobionts, or ecosystems within ecosystems, we inhabit multiple multidimensional ecosystems, both material and conceptual, at multiple levels of existence. Any established system has a certain force and momentum which is increasingly capable of entraining processes - and hence their material manifestations and temporal interconnectivity (ie. 'events') - to that system once the system becomes established, stable and durable.

The inhabiting of conceptual feedback loops is mostly a given (ie. 'reality' is ultimately an illusion and objectivity fails), but for as long as we remain conscious of the fact that that's what we're doing, we persist in evaluating competing concepts on a more-or-less equal footing and, crucially, we have a means to access information from higher order systems, we remain more capable of critical and 'realistic' assessment which hasn't been 'captured' by any particular 'reality matrix'. At least at that level of reality ...

In other words, the way 'out' is 'in', but as living systems on this planet, we have to inhabit some sort of 'reality matrix'. So best we choose wisely! Personally, I choose Life!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I did wonder about this myself a little while back, especially as so many of "us" admit to the fact that substacks such as yours keep us sane as there is no one left around us that we can discuss the situation with. I eventually decided that as my feeling of "wrongness" was there before I found all the lovely people who felt the same as me, and I am able to question the possibility of being in a Mass Formation myself, then I am probably not yet in one. I am prepared to change my mind.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

That's one of the disturbing thing when you wake up in the midst of collective madness: there is that strange feeling of awkwardness. But it is my belief that this strange feeling comes from the fact you stand within objective reality and they don't. For instance I quite remember when the first real data came describing the lethality of the outbreak ("The Diamond Queen" ship was it?) and me thinking well it doesn't seem to be that bad when all the mainstream media (and most people) were going crazy. It's a staggering situation. But precisely because you are looking at the real data and no one else seems to be!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I question the fear on both sides. The prepping and forecasting of crashes and catastrophes are hard for me to assess. Ten years ago my brother was afraid of my going overseas in case SHTF, and yet I had an amazing year abroad. Am traveling now. As of this moment not seeing food shortages and the like. My vaxxed family and friends are still alive. Is “my side” going bonkers, or are their predictions accurate? Trying to live life as well as I can while I can.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

You've wrapped back around to our first RTE Roundtable where we discussed how science is antiauthoritarian. This is why we need for people to correctly identify the corruption, but not throw science out with the bathwater.

This is the reason I also write about "Reality TV" in some articles, and we are developing a segment called "Glitches in the Matrix" where we will explain likely historical instances of mass perception tricks.

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The antidote boils down to "civil courage".

Speaking up, raising uncomfortable questions, pushing back as our rights are trampled.

Taking off the mask. Smiling to strangers. Engaging in dialogues embracing mutual respect.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

"1) The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can't test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things.

2) The integrating function. This might well be called "the conformity function," because its intention is to make children as alike as possible. People who conform are predictable, and this is of great use to those who wish to harness and manipulate a large labor force." http://wesjones.com/gatto1.htm

People are conditioned, usually by public schooling, to give emotion-based reactions, which exclude critical thinking and analysis. People who have taken up this conditioning are highly susceptible to mass formation whether they are "left" or "right" - look at the comments on popular "left" and "right" websites which have highly emotive presentations, and you can clearly see the reflexive and unthinking nature of the comments. The people making those comments are most likely in a mass formation.

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Well, this is an interesting direction to take the idea. There's a way of thinking about this, that no matter where you may wind up on the psy-op spectrum, our minds have been absorbed by it. We never wanted to be in this situation, learning everything we can about every aspect.

We were drafted by the stark necessity. Well, they've figured out how to harness our energy as well. We've been transformed by resistance, so it's hard to feel like we're really evading the propaganda. In a way, we're more absorbed than those who swallowed it hook line and sinker. We certainly have more reason to focus on these topics.

You may or may not be familiar with the sharp critical controversy which has arisen over this book and theory. If you aren't, you should be.

We were actually given an advance copy by the publisher for review, and had a mixed one to present by the release date. So, we've been sitting with these questions for a couple of months now.

Our recent article sums up our various reactions.


The original review: https://icthruit.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

It would appear unlikely we are NOT in a mass of our own, but isn't it safe to say that the power of any mass is in its ability to isolate and censor conflicting voices? The disinfectant is open, free speech and sunshine...oh yes, and inclusive dialogue that embraces even the worst bozos. We each are called upon to embrace and listen, never shame...or welcome to yet another box!

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The Mass Formation Psychosis is not new as a known phenomenon. Dr. Desmet expanded on the concept in helpful and timely ways, and particularly as it relates to psychology. However, it has manifested itself many times throughout history, including in our own time before Covid, and has been written about extensively. Consider Dutch tulips in the 16th century, or contemporary North Korean society. Although not expressly named as such, Arendt had much to say about this phenomenon. To his credit, Dr. Desmet leaned heavily on her work in his book. While he was not referenced nearly as much, Joost Merloo provides invaluable insights and I also saw his influence throughout Desmet's work.

From very early on in all this, Dr. Mike Yeadon was the first I saw speaking out earnestly about the prospect of a totalitarian agenda. Like many, I had already recognized that the Covid narratives were bogus, but Yeadon helped make this irrefutable and through a logical process of elimination, helped many of us see that this most outlandish prospect of a totalitarian agenda was the most likely remaining conclusion. While I was not ready to accept it outright, I was in no position to dismiss it, either.

Fifty or sixty books later, spanning all-things-Covid, propaganda, totalitarianism, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the MSM, the Deep State (and especially the CIA), totalitarian China, and Bill Gates, plus everything I could get my hands on concerning these globalist organizations that rule our world, and I am now under no doubt that Mike Yeadon was correct. Furthermore, I agree with your hypothesis: we are living in a manufactured matrix of sorts, that has been built over decades for this purpose. Once you see it, you see it everywhere, and it all makes sense.

There is a book I can recommend with some caveats. It's called 'The Falsification of Science' by John Hamer. In many respects, it is quite a frustrating read because Hamer is a) a full-blown conspiracy theorist, and he's clearly frustrated so b) he takes many shortcuts, often failing to support his arguments, which are clearly not always right, and the book does not have a bibliography. (Can't stand that!) BUT, he's a trained physicist and obviously extremely smart. He has questions and makes many fascinating arguments which are incredibly eye-opening. While I don't agree with him on all that he says, he succeeds in his primary goal, which is to systematically dismantle close to a dozen major scientific beliefs we have all been indoctrinated to accept as unquestionable truths. He shows that many of them are by-in-large doctrines, that powerful people over generations have used to control narratives, to stifle scientific discovery for their own ends, and to effectively create a very clear and easy means for identifying an in group and out group from Power's perspective, which is broadly split between those who 'know' and those who do not. The less you know, the easier it is to control and manipulate you. As I said, there's much I did not like about this book but it succeeds in its mission and is well worth reading.

All my cumulative studies convince me beyond doubt that our demented globalists and their organizations have knowingly induced today's global Mass Formation Psychosis. (Further evidence of this can be seen almost every time Bill Gates opens his mouth. He clearly understands and has studied Nudge Theory and other psyop techniques.) I also know for my own purposes that they have been working on this project for many many decades. For those who are interested specifically in this, I recommend reading Daniel Estulin, Patrick M. Wood, G. Edward Griffin, and Carroll Quigley, among others. Laura Dodsworth definitely spilled many of the beans with her exceptional book, 'A State of Fear' in 2021, but it is just the beginning. Arendt's, 'The Origins of Totalitarianism' provides an important backbone for making sense of much of it. Hope it helps.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Matthias touches on this (you need to read the book!) in that the reaction to the mass formation can become its own mass formation, especially if people go down too many single-focussed conspiracy theory rabbit holes. The antidote (if I recall correctly) was to keep listening to and talking to a broad range of people. (Including people you disagree with; I'm rather bad at that because I hate conflict.)

I also just finished watching 'Nudging, what is it? | Mind Health Connection Room’ from the World Council for Health where the dangers of the freedom side dwelling in too much fear messaging is raised. So that could absolutely get a lot of people moving in a destructive direction.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I am at this point, having heard both Malone and Desmet discuss this on several occasions, beginning to conclude after revisiting what happened that those who say this did not arise spontaneously from the masses are correct in this case. Perhaps mass hypnosis can happen, not arguing that, but in the case of a bio weapon attack, it did not happen that way. Society was at full tilt, people were working, going to the gym going out to eat, we ran out of TP because manufacturing was geared toward that, then suddenly the most massive preplanned globally coordinated propaganda “we’re all in this (terrible thing) together” campaign rolled out across the globe by the perpetrators (not the general populace), stunning and forcing that highly active and robust population into isolation, preventing mass gathering and real communication. This was created by the perpetrators after years of germophobia priming starting with HIV, H1N1, Mers, Sars, West Nile, Ebola, etc. everyone carry hand-sanitizer. This didn’t arrive via the population, this arrived via the “health care” system + government + social media + msm.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Well, if we are truly Spirit, and yet identify as solely human, are we not in a mass delusion at least? I think this is important, is the difference between freedom and slavery, choosing love and choosing control(fear), and one way we can check whether we are free or not is simply to gauge our level of reactivity regarding those with opposing views, and heck, even those running this global kill machine. We can hold boundaries without attributing worthlessness, fundamental wrongness, evil to those who are prosecuting dark systems of control and slavery. Because, as soon as we lose our heart to any systemic response we lose our humanity, which paradoxically, as every 12 stepper knows, can only be retained with true and constant commitment to our deeper spiritual nature and to God, which and who cannot possibly be defined by us.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I accept this argument. And think the cube labelled The Real in your diagram might be where Truth lies. We are possibly all being distracted from finding out what this is. As humans, we get bogged down a lot.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Very good question - are we in our own mass formation? Desmet warns against opposing the safe and effectives with our own mass and given that some of the sovereignty lovers believe viruses don't exist and other differences of opinion that break out in our channels I don't think we are. Yet!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

We could be in a parallel mass formation and fear could be the thing driving it…

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