Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

This is another sad tale to add to the thousands. I feel Pete’s pain as my family basically rejected me as well, given that I and my two children decided to forgo the Covid nonsense. I was hurt yes, but somehow the rejection solidified my decision even stronger and made me love myself more. I’ve never been so proud of myself or my children. You continue to amaze me Jessica with your talents; no one is replaceable; we are all divine and singular! God bless!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica, I have been following your substack for awhile, though I confess I don't always have time to read it. I too am a musician, and I too was (r)ejected.

I worked my bleeding ass off for years to get to the point where I was first call in Cleveland and Pittsburgh for the Broadway show tours as a Woodwind "doubler" pit musician. Those idiots are STILL requiring the shot to play their silly little shows. I was making a good living doing that, and it was all taken away from me. The bloody musicians Union was no help whatsoever either.

So be it. God has other things in store for me. And I'm looking forward to donating my services playing for the vaxxed bus when it comes to Pittsburgh on the 11th this month.

Great article, it truly is mind boggling how people succumbed to the spell. And I wish I knew the words to snap them out of it, because simple truths like "doesn't stop infection or transmission" don't seem to have any effect.

God bless you, Jessica. Stay strong and keep up the fight!

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yes indeed. it's the beginning. not the end.

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good on you, going out to the vaxxed bus!! I have to wait till next May for Polly to make it up to Chicago. the route is very zig zag.

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Thank you for this article. It is nice to have this experience acknowledged.

When I'm not writing my 'fact checks' I'm actually a professional musician/music teacher.

A choir I had accompanied on piano for 30 years replaced me for six months because of the vax mandates. A band doing 70s covers I was playing keyboards in replaced me, and a school I worked at teaching music two days a week replaced me for six months as well with a woman who knew nothing about music teaching, and to add to this, I was basically forced to spend Christmas at home with my housemate instead of with my extended family; I'm unmarried with no kids, but my Godchildrens' family didn't want me and my sister's 'family do' didn't want me unmasked, when all the 'vaxxed' people were not wearing masks.

The thing is, I've only ever worked part time, and these jobs that I lost were worth about seventy five percent of my income. If it wasn't for window cleaning and the grace of God I would have been stuffed.

I have forgiven all of these people; however, I'm still not over it personally, and sometimes I find an unexplained anger, panic and fear rising from deep within.

Faith in Jesus is the one thing that helps: God alone is able to still the storm of fear and panic, anda peace that surpasses understanding comes down upon me.

Regarding the spell that was upon people, even many Christians: the name of Jesus is above all names and is the only answer to these 'spells'. I believe there are indeed powers of darkness working through tyranny and fear to hurt people, but ultimately, Jesus Christ is already victorious over all these powers, by His death on the cross, and He will return, maybe soon, to claim His kingdom.

Here's a good song; I won't say I had anything to do with this:


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People have become strangers. This Covid thing ripped people apart: bands, friends, family. No one can be replaced. We are not Borg status yet.

You go Play with this punk drummer, I thought the whole idea of Rock Punk was to challenge status quo, not oust your long time bro? We have all lost

Some cherished relationships.

Jessica you are multi talented !!!

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James Duff yes it did tear us apart it’s a little better but not by much no we’re not Bots but to them we are .

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They’d like us all to be AI bots

Some of us just ain’t going there. Just watched a short YouTube clip on a Chinese 15 minute city.,

I never never ever want to do that.

Me thinks they see us as cattle

Play things you can just kill burn spin

Mutilate at your cartoon evil pleasure.

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my bff thinks the whole globalist agenda, 15 minute city, travel restrictions is a bunch of made-up paranoid bs. that it could NEVER happen here in the US... bla, bla, bla. she won't actually read anything about it, just wants to shout me down, saying shit like 'the tourism/travel industry will never go along with it'. oh really? like they'll have a choice? air travel isn't already chaotic at best? they're already shutting down smaller airports in France...

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Consider all the compromised pilots

That are flying hazards. Talk about potential and actual travel restrictions.

Denial of truth is protecting an ignorant

Unwilling mind to even entertain what’s happening now. Videos show 15 minute cities in China.

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personally, I don't fly (& only travel the 2 hour drive to my family's cabin in SW MI. travel is difficult with a disabled 19 yr old) but willfully ignorant is how I describe many people these days. my bff refuses to think about anything beyond what Scopes & Politifact tell her is 'conspiracy theory'. curiosity stops dead right there. its mind-numbing.

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Can you post the video of the Chinese 15 minute city, please?

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You said the magic word, dang now I cannot recall whose link it was connected to.

Essentially every gate was operated by a facial recognition.

One Chinese man had his social score damaged so he could not take train that took him normally 3 hours, it took him 10 hours. Police wore glasses that could ID

your whole profile by looking at your face, or your license plate.

Link was on bitchute like 2 minutes long.


NGH I sincerely apologize for not finding.

I owe you you said Please.

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GMO you still want link to 15 minute Chinese City found on another substack

I’ll send if you care ?

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I lost a lot of faith in the arts (of which I am a part of) exactly because covid showed that being creative or liberal.or artsy etc..doesn't make you less of a tyrant. Thus, the only relationship of mine that didn't suffer as a result of the covid stiff was the one I have with infinity. It's always there,.. incomprehensible, unfathomable, boundless and ready to swallow me up whenever it so chooses. It's not exactly the companion one would like but it is reliable.

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I do hope you will encounter some art-loving friends (as opposed to artsy sycophants and covid cultists) on your way to infinity... Please don't lose faith/voice!

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I like that. Friends on their way to infinity.

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Good name for a band. Friends for Infinity.

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'artsy sycophants' is a great description. that's bottom line, obey supposed authority. doesn't help that 'doing your own research' is now frowned upon. that right there should be sending up red flags. but sadly it isn't. ugh.

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Hello, Warrior Mom. Apart from the compliment - thank you - your words are a boost for my artisan skills: my (non-native...) English is getting better. For me, a writer, language means what surfing means to Jessica.: a personal joy - which I value all the more because I can't be mired in "daymares" all night, compulsively evoking and auto-repeating the agonies of conflagration... Nothing 'artsy' about that, too much pain and misery... and yet such scenes - real and imagnied - glaringly tell us that the authorities we would once upon a time have trusted (a little), forfeited all good-will; to believe that rhey mean well is really too much of a stretch. Indifference and myopia breed evil; and that isn't even the most sinister explanation. Indeed, a parade of red flags, as you say. So never again will I believe authorities unthinkingly;; but I will try to stick to fact, as does Ed Dowd.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Americana was the first cd i ever owned. I thought the offspring were kings when i was 12. Lost a lot of respect for them now. You’re the man Pete.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Nailed it Jessica!!❤️

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She always does. Even in 2021 articles which exceeded my numeracy & statistical prowess.

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I wasn’t aware of this of Offspring that drummer was kicked out I like their music but I definitely feel for him it didn’t happen to me but it was close as I’m still working in the post office during that time and with this ruckus this chaos this scare of the covid 19 and waiting for a injectable jab that would save everybody was in the air all around you , then the mandates came in 2021 if I didn’t get the injectable jab by January 4 I would have to leave the post office now financially I couldn’t do it I wasn’t ready yet to leave then they push the date up by didn’t push the date up to January 14 subsequently the union got involved on the few times that I praise you for its actions actually pushed back all other government authorities were forced to do it but we are a pseudo Government Agency , you see the taxes do not pay our salary so it was easier not to get a direct order from the president to do so luckily Biden didn’t push any further and the mandates never came but I was frustrated worried that I was gonna lose my job so yeah I know how he feels because I had that same scare but I didn’t lose my job so to that point I don’t know how he feels if you know what I mean my heart goes out to him what the government CDC and FDA health institutions did to us in my mind its criminal!

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I just always remember that the reason I skipped the jab was for better health, not to be accepted. So for the many people who’ve rejected me, hasta la vista.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Drummers are like athletes. Glad Pete stayed strong and didn’t give in to the a$$hat$.

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drummers and bassists make my knees weak

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right?! but I fell for both a lead singer (in a metal band, my first husband) and then a hot-shot guitar player (dad of my two youngest) with serious mental issues. I've always thought bass players as the most stable. choice of/talent for, the different instruments definitely have different general personalities.

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This whole episode really illuminates how the population was able to fall in line in pre war Germany, ejecting Jewish kids from schools and so forth. Never could quite wrap my mind around it up to this point. The most shocking thing to me about the Covid debacle was the compliance of artists. No questions asked. Wow. What dummies. Also cowardly.

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Yes, truly. Cowards, weakness was in abundance. Kudos to those who held the line and shone with strength. Courage has never felt so coveted to me.

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The doctors and scientists surprised me the most.

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They have been compliant soldiers in our crazy medical system for some time. How you can spend the most money in the world yet rank at the bottom in the industrialized world in measures of health—well, that takes some commitment.

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right?! true believers in the religion of allopathic (supposed) 'medicine'. they have been taught the belief system. they believe that chemical (ala Rockefeller) substances fix illness and natural substances (that don't generate massive wealth & poorer health) are akin to voodoo.

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Pete's better off than Jimmy Buffett, who I LOVE. Jimmy Buffett mandated full vaccination or useless PCR tests at his concerts. Turbo-Cancer-Karma for a very controllable "skin cancer".

Aug2021 - Dead 2 years later while touring. How many fans will now die with him?

"When Jimmy Buffett performs at DTE Energy Music Theatre on Sept. 23, Parrotheads will be required to vaxx up to enjoy "Margaritaville."

Buffett's show at the Clarkston amphitheater, announced Monday by venue officials, will require fans to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test dated within 72 hours of the show for entry.

Buffett is the latest artist to require proof of vaccination or negative COVID tests to attend his concerts. Last week, Maroon 5 and Dead & Company announced their upcoming shows at DTE would require proof of vaccination, and AEG Presents said all shows at its venues, including Royal Oak Music Theatre, would require fans to show proof of vaccination for entry."


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And pay exorbitant prices to go see them too? Ha I don't think so. Who wants to be in those huge crowds anyway? Not me.

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Maybe in this case I'm psychic as I never liked Jimmy Buffet. Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, etc got into their ego modes pushing their fans to get jabbed. No shotty, no seey. Used to admire these dudes, now just include them in the pile of unaware people who are inadvertently helping to maim many of their fellow human beings.

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Did Jimmy Buffet die from a skin or other cancer?

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He had skin cancer in remission, but it was lymphoma that killed him, no doubt caused by the jabs.

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today's paper says it was a rare skin cancer, but yesterday they said lymphoma. Maybe it was Karma that got him as he would not any Parrot Head to attend his concerts without proof of being jabbed.

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I saw he died but didn't know he was a rabid Covidian. I'm glad he's dead now. I will miss who I thought he was prior to The Madness.. if that makes any sense...

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Do you know if Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Ringo, Judy Collins, Willie Nelson, and Cat Stevens were jabbed?

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for sure Nelson. somebody linked his virtue signaling social media post. pretty sure Collins lined up, about the same time that Neil Young made the big 'yank his music (which he no longer even owned!!) from Spotify' splash.

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Let's hope Bob Dylan and Pat Boone had more sense. I suspect Joan Baez and Tony Bennett got jabbed, but don't know for sure.

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Most cool. And an exemplary description of 'that' kind of musical affinity. There's no feeling like it.

I do remember Pete going through that unwanted divorce, and others too. When the herd turned on icons Eric Clapton and Van Morrison as well, the depravity of the entire construct was truly driven home.

I think you were miffed at my rash comment regarding Neil Young at the time, but I stand by it, and as it happened when he and David Crosby and Joni Mitchell all were railing against and actually critically diminished Spotify in their ignorance was when they reduced themselves to being fear and anger driven in a most critical time when actual thinking people were taking the stand that needed taking. We all paid a price of extreme emotion in that mask moment, myself in a tiny fishing village having shout outs with former friends on street corners. It was being alone, truly alone, made manifest. Lots of scarring. But thank you for acknowledging Pete and his truly tragic disconnect from whence his creative wellspring was found in that 'zone' only musicians know when we're in that groove, when the spontaneous eye contact while playing well makes us smile with joy.

Best wishes to all, we've been through (are going to keep going through) some further jagged experiences. "But I won't back down...."

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Tom Petty’s song could almost be an anthem for all of us who stood our ground and said fuck no. God I miss him and wonder if he would have joined in with us if he hadn’t been a Pharma casualty himself exactly 6 years ago. Here’s an incredible video of that song with 90 thousand people commemorating his loss days after he past in his hometown of Gainesville FL - https://youtu.be/VmT8_X_IclM?si=gclZkqa4nffCzvkz

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Tears and goose bumps, brother.

Six years, six long, goddamned years of previously unimaginable destruction of Western civilization's underpinnings. And these amoral termites keep chig, chig, chiggering away at our values like the amoral termites they are. Ticks gotta keep ticking.

Willie Nelson's iconic song has been turned on its head because "It AIN'T funny, how time slips away."

But. But. But.

We were made for these times, otherwise we would not have been born into them.

Courage friends. Courage and unswerving righteous indignation as expressed by our host on this platform.

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We were wondering about how Tom would have handled it yesterday at a fair where someone was playing a cover. In a way it's better he died before The Madness so we'll never know. His music was such an important part of my life it would have been terrible to see him as a Covidian.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Spot on Jessica. Bands I used to bop to, musicians I used to support prior to 2020 lost my love and admiration when they turned a blind eye to the tyranny or became conveniently idiotic about it. Prior to 2020 Neil Young sang " stand up for what you believe" with the band "Promise of the Real". Then came Covid. So did they believe all the propaganda or did they turn a blind eye? Only they know. But for my part nah, can't listen to them any longer. My heart went out of it. I will support the courageous hearts now.

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Promise of the Real is led by Lukas Nelson, Willie’s son. Lukas was a recent graduate of WEF Young Global(ist) Leaders. Their influence runs far and wide. I’m sure someone there was behind Neil Young’s mad ravings about Spotify host Joe Rogan talking to vaxx sceptic doctors.

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My god! is the statement about Lukas verified Jeff? if so things are worse than I imagined. I loved POTR and was excited when they appeared in London before the pandemonium hit. The Nelsons always seemed to represent basic human decency. Willie once said there were only three rules for the kids growing up: first, don't be an asshole, second don't be an asshole, third, don't be an asshole. I wonder if what happened in Maui has opened their eyes. I seem to remember they have a home there or at least somewhere in Hawaii.

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I saw Lukas on the WEF-YGL list as a recent graduate.

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That is probably the most shocking indication I have come across of the depth and reach of the problem. I though YGL was for politicians only who are anyway mostly assholes. But this! SHOCKING!!

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

I remember seeing an extensive list of YGLs which if I recall correctly broken out by position including the arts. There is that clip of Klaus Schwab giving a speech and in the audience front row, Bill Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio, and from appearances totally enthralled. Just found this: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/exposed-full-list-of-klaus-schwabs-next-generation-of-wef-young-global-leaders/ which does include Luke Nelson.

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Yes there are artists and media and lots more than political people related to WEF.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

He marches to the beat of his own drum. Good for him.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Well done Jessica

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