I just interviewed the director here: https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/post-woke-63-anecdotals-director#details

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Thank you both for your continuous work to bring the Truth to the people.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is brilliant and moving. Moved to tears, which is extremely rare for me. Those injured and grieving deserve far, far better than they have been given by the medical establishment, as do the humanitarian doctors and scientists working to show the world the truth. A great evil has been perpetrated on the world. God bless those shining light upon it.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Shared to our useless premier and health minster in Queensland, Australia- no doubt to shortly be deleted ☹️

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Fantastic doc. User friendly. Fair minded. Sobering.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Dr. Rose for all that you are doing on a daily basis to make a difference in this mad quaccine world!

I found another very interesting Substack in my email today and people should be made aware of ALL the laws that have been passed since 1969 to work against the American people with respect to their health and welfare. I have been sharing it everywhere as it is of paramount importance for people to understand and to share with their loved ones.

Here is the link to that one by Katherine Watts entitled "Biomedical security state and state-run bioterrorism programs: six American statutory frameworks"


Fantastic and well researched article that awakened me to some disturbing realizations. I would encourage as many people as possible to read this and consider sharing with others.


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Thanks for sharing these important films <3 much love and respect from Canada

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Tear jerker.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Great documentary. I'm a biologist....& in my book enough anecdotes=data.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Anecdotal: from Greek anekdota "things unpublished,"

Tells you nothing of reality. Most of life is effin' anecdotal.

Officials use it as a negative. That's so wrong.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Saw it shared it!

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It's amazing that so many sheeple just went along with this instead of all just saying "NO!" in unison. People are far too easily coerced and brainwashed.

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agree with what you said, but i wish we could stop calling them 'sheeple;' it's nasty. You never know what someone else is going through til you walk in their shoes. were a lot of them ASSHOLES to me for being unvaxxed? You bet! AND i agree with NO AMNESTY for the purveyors of LIES. I don't see the point in further dividing an already divided population when to forgive them and help those who are ready to wake up, seems far more effective.

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I feel for the people featured in this video. They were lied to and left to suffer. This is so unfathomable.

At the same time, it’s a bit frustrating to watch videos like this. I know that the audience that they are targeting when they make these kinds of videos are people who still believe the “vaccines” are safe. But almost every time someone shares their story of being injured by the vaccine, you hear something along these lines. ‘I took the vaccine because I thought it was safe. I wasn’t one of those irrational people or anti-vaxxers. I’m pro-science.”

At what point do people recognize that being an “anti-vaxxer” is the same as being “pro-science”? They act like we are crazy and now that they’ve been injured, the science has changed and they have always followed the science. This is not true.

Dr.Milhotra has been singing this tune as well. And other doctors who took a few years to see what’s actually going on keep saying things like, ‘the data changed’. No, the data did not change. The data they speak of was a press release by the companies that stood to gain billions of dollars from a successful launch of their product.

I really thought at some point people would be humbled and realize that they should have listened to the warning calls from professionals and people who do basic research. Did people really believe that a “vaccine” that used (unsuccessful in the pst) novel technology, was warp speeded, was tested for about 2 months using fraudulent trials, was going to be what they were told it was?Safe and effective? The chances of that happening is so low, it’s hard to calculate. They’ve been working on flu vaccines for decades and those are completely worthlessness and may also increase mortality as well.

What I’m getting at is that if we all don’t recognize what actually transpired, it will happen again. It happened with childhood vaccines, it happened with the gene based covid injections and it will happen in the future with whatever pharmaceutical product they try to force on us during the next “pandemic” if we don’t see the situation for what it is, articulate it and decide how to prevent it moving forward.

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excellent comment!

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Good documentary well made without pushing what you believe in people's face.but you let the people the injured speak for themselves that's classic I love it and I thank you for your courage may God bless you.

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Just finished the movie, worth your time.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Oh yes, "Anecdotals" is also on my list of documentaries people need to see to understand what's going on in this pandemic:


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