Good one, Jessica, thanks. Of course, being Canuk, you know the Canadian doctor testing his patients after covid vaccines for micro blood clots with D-Dimer, Dr Charles Hoffe? I note he is fighting back
B.C. Doctor Charles Hoffe discovered the shots caused micrclots in some of his injured patirnts using the d dimer test already in 2021. Of course, in Canada, a doctor loses his license to practise if they ask questions or treat the covid shot injured. He is a hero and other doctors outside of Canada used the info he discovered to treat their patients.
In the video, Dr Vaughn (?) mentions fibrin several times. There are strong indications that nattokinase helps with fibrinolysis. Nattokinase is a product of fermented soy beans and is available in pure form OTC from Amazon and probably other mail order suppliers. analyzes supplements for quality (like consumer reports). They’ve evaluated nattokinase products. Plus dr. McCullough’s site offers a Spike product with natto and other ingredients.
I clicked on their link for vitamin D. They say, "A total serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 20 ng/mL (equivalent to 50 nmol/L) is considered "sufficient," although there may be additional benefit to being in the 25 to 35 ng/mL range. Don't exceed 39 ng/mL."
Levels below 30 ng/mL are NOT "sufficient," and their recommendation not to exceed 39 ng/mL is blatantly incorrect for most people. Based on that, I would not trust that website.
The narrative on vitamin D is lack of large scale double blind RCTs, but only Big Pharma has the financial capability to conduct such trials, and they have a vested interest not to. If you supplement, take D3 as it's closer to the version used by your body, and be aware that your levels must be sufficient BEFORE infection, as it takes your body a couple weeks to convert to usable form.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and the above is not medical advice. Consult a physician to determine the level of 25-OH(D) you can tolerate.
Imagine if the truth was unleashed on the public in full all at once? They would simply be unable to cope, hence the drip-feed and slow reveal in the mainstream media.
Thank you so much for posting this video. I just sent it to one of the handful of friends whose husband has had the same symptoms since March of this year. He is basically bed ridden. They have performed all sorts of tests on his heart and can't find what is wrong so now he WAITS in line behind all the other people also waiting for an ablation to his heart. That is the current treatment. Treating the racing heart by scarring it. There is a line for the treatment now. Will my friend watch the video? I have no idea. It is 11 minutes and in it there is negative talk about the vaccine. I tried in my note to prep her, but they treat any negative talk like you talking Sh*t about their favorite kid.
3 anticoagulants v scarring your heart. I think it's worth 11 minutes of your time.
"They have performed all sorts of tests on his heart and can't find what is wrong so now he WAITS in line behind all the other people also waiting for an ablation to his heart."
Cardiac radiofrequency ablation is not performed because they "can't find out what is wrong."
RFA is used for only a few, specific cardiac arrhythmias - and only after extensive testing monitoring including cardiac electrophysiology studies.
You seem to be the one unable to accept that others could actually have medical problems, and that nattokinase and whatever other supplements you are so enthused about, are not wonder remedies, for use in any one, for any thing that ails them.
And just "3 anticoagulants?" What could possibly go wrong?
Please, please do not urge your friend to take "anticoagulants" before his surgical procedure.
Maybe this man's problem isn't about you, Raptor, and whether your friend agrees with you.
Problems come somewhat from the strategically released/deployed GOF pathogen exploititavely marketed as Covid19 AND from the poison shots. One bio-weapon following the first bio-weapon.
Now we need to focus on the next attack. Not enough people have woken up.
Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not, from my personal experience. I have never been jabbed for anything as a matter of principle, but in December 2020, I lost consciousness and spent the next two weeks in hospital suffering from all the symptoms of Covid, despite being tested negative by PCR.
Rings so true. My partner and I were instructed to get vaccinated in early 2020 by a cardiologist I was seeing for the first time about my Afib having worsened. He refused to work on my heart if I wasn't vaccinated. Both my partner and I got extremely ill and have been dealing as seniors with long term effects.And I was implanted with a pacemaker.
My question is, why is it so difficult for Drs and such to believe we are capable of creating true immunity through diet choices, use of medicinal mushrooms, supplements and homeopathy? Because pharma doesn't get billions that's why. We the people need to take back our rights to be natural healers and wise woman herbalists.
Connect with like-minded individuals. Attend this event and hear from 19 speakers. You'll leave with knowledge and actionable items.
Focus on America is hosting the event Patriots Unite & Push on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (Project Veritas founder). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers Dr. Peter McCullough, embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suddenly documentary), OB/GYN Dr. James Thorp, LtCol T'-Bone Trombly (cured his own cancer) plus many more. Click links below for more info.
Thank you for that. Ridiculously, I am going to have to scrub the slideshow of any perception of anti vax in order to get the potential victims to be willing to read it. I know people say - "screw them", but life with people you actually care about but they are just stupid about the vax is an actual thing out there. Good people, stupid people. Willfully ignorant. I sent the video to a friend and if she watches it and wants to talk about it (miracle), I am giving her the slides and talking her through it. I want her to give it to her doctor who will also not want to see it. I could scream in anger and frustration.
I know how you feel Raptor. I have said before I feel like I have lost connection with most of the people I know as it seems to me like they are living in some sort of a cult where they believe nothing is happening and everything if fine.
Definitely a real problem as ppl don't realize the new age of vaccines. They've been brainwashed all their lives to vaccinate for measles etc and polio which had been eradicated but use of oral and live vaccine in infants and toddlers contaminated caretakers and thus polio returned. I can't fathom how back thinking this is, while those who question ingredients (monkey puss anyone? Tumors from cancerous animals of many kinds?) are shunned. Friends stop friendships and families can't be together the divide is so fierce. Why? One reason is the ones who question are considered conspiracy theorists and laughed at for stupidity? Didn't it make more sense to test these serums fully? My daughter was made to get vaccine at the hospital where she works while pregnant. Thankfully baby is thriving at almost three. And really we don't know what was actually in each vaccine we could've all been injected with a factor which will explode inside us on the eve of election 2024. Kapoom.
Cyn, You must have been so distraught over your daughter and grandchild. I do think Patricia is right, those not forced into vaccination behave as if they in a cult. especially if they are still going at it with the boosting and masking. The delusion is real! When people were getting waitlisted to get the jab and were climbing over one another to get it I would say "It hasn't been tested, you don't give these things to pregnant and lactating women!" No pleading worked. They got mad, blocked you and laid bare their arm. They'd get Covid and be barely able to drive to get the booster.
The Guy I sent the video to - I'm pretty sure he is going to block me on is phone. He doesn't even get a consult with the ablation doc until Nov. Tie to consider I hope.
I watched a podcast about the polio vax now given in Africa. Grieved me.
Yes Raptor aren't we all growing though? The Earth is grieving and the Moon is too. My daughter's birthday today she's 36. Was not vaccinated until she began job at hospital as an intake person 18 years ago. She beat fed Suze throughout as knowing this fills baby with immunity. Man we're my mom and grandmother pissed when I refused to get my babies stuck! My Dr fortunately agreed that, as we live on vegetarian diet and organic even all those years ago, my son Skye is 40, and he wrote a religious exemption for school. Very small country school. I had to work or would've homeschooled in a hippy way. I'm so freaked out as today, my partner Clyde and I, realized how many of the effects we have long term from that vaccine. His eye has been bleeding inside not enough to put out blood years but so that the orb is purple red with swollen viens. And blurry! So angry and we're very pacifist. But that can change if they begin trying to push the serums.
Thank you Jessica. Maybe this is a video that those affected - but not admitting it - would care to watch. It could be a good start to open their minds to at least look at and try out alternative treatments. Many doctors are really clueless or willfully not relating "mystery" symptoms to the evil shots. They do go out if their way though to come up with the most bizarre names for "new untreatable diseases" it seems. It's an ongoing, very sad, long lasting battle. So thanks again for passing this on!!
Thank you for posting this! The doctor in this video is having good results treating people with problems from COVID and COVID vaccines that are due to microclots -- a wide range of symptoms. I don't know what else he's doing for them, but triple-anticoagulant therapy is mentioned, although without detail on which anticoagulants are being used. Patient descriptions of the results are extremely positive. A direct link to this Attkisson story on YouTube is
When I got covid (or whatever it is)2 years ago I knew that the clotting was an issue. Even before anything came out about nattokinase, aspirin was recommended (at least by the smart folks) as a precautionary measure during infection (in addition to vit D, quercetin, zinc etc..).
Good one, Jessica, thanks. Of course, being Canuk, you know the Canadian doctor testing his patients after covid vaccines for micro blood clots with D-Dimer, Dr Charles Hoffe? I note he is fighting back
Get free, stay safe.
B.C. Doctor Charles Hoffe discovered the shots caused micrclots in some of his injured patirnts using the d dimer test already in 2021. Of course, in Canada, a doctor loses his license to practise if they ask questions or treat the covid shot injured. He is a hero and other doctors outside of Canada used the info he discovered to treat their patients.
In the video, Dr Vaughn (?) mentions fibrin several times. There are strong indications that nattokinase helps with fibrinolysis. Nattokinase is a product of fermented soy beans and is available in pure form OTC from Amazon and probably other mail order suppliers.
I take Natto daily. 😎 analyzes supplements for quality (like consumer reports). They’ve evaluated nattokinase products. Plus dr. McCullough’s site offers a Spike product with natto and other ingredients.
I clicked on their link for vitamin D. They say, "A total serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of at least 20 ng/mL (equivalent to 50 nmol/L) is considered "sufficient," although there may be additional benefit to being in the 25 to 35 ng/mL range. Don't exceed 39 ng/mL."
Levels below 30 ng/mL are NOT "sufficient," and their recommendation not to exceed 39 ng/mL is blatantly incorrect for most people. Based on that, I would not trust that website.
The narrative on vitamin D is lack of large scale double blind RCTs, but only Big Pharma has the financial capability to conduct such trials, and they have a vested interest not to. If you supplement, take D3 as it's closer to the version used by your body, and be aware that your levels must be sufficient BEFORE infection, as it takes your body a couple weeks to convert to usable form.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and the above is not medical advice. Consult a physician to determine the level of 25-OH(D) you can tolerate.
traditional hunter and gather tribes in Africa are about 47 ng/mL...
i can't remember the low and high.... but the high was way over 50ng/mL.
My D level runs around 90-112. My Doc says at least 80 is preferable.
Sounds like a well-informed doc. Keep him/her.
A slow role of the truth from msm.
Imagine if the truth was unleashed on the public in full all at once? They would simply be unable to cope, hence the drip-feed and slow reveal in the mainstream media.
Thank you so much for posting this video. I just sent it to one of the handful of friends whose husband has had the same symptoms since March of this year. He is basically bed ridden. They have performed all sorts of tests on his heart and can't find what is wrong so now he WAITS in line behind all the other people also waiting for an ablation to his heart. That is the current treatment. Treating the racing heart by scarring it. There is a line for the treatment now. Will my friend watch the video? I have no idea. It is 11 minutes and in it there is negative talk about the vaccine. I tried in my note to prep her, but they treat any negative talk like you talking Sh*t about their favorite kid.
3 anticoagulants v scarring your heart. I think it's worth 11 minutes of your time.
Your comment does not make sense.
"They have performed all sorts of tests on his heart and can't find what is wrong so now he WAITS in line behind all the other people also waiting for an ablation to his heart."
Cardiac radiofrequency ablation is not performed because they "can't find out what is wrong."
RFA is used for only a few, specific cardiac arrhythmias - and only after extensive testing monitoring including cardiac electrophysiology studies.
You seem to be the one unable to accept that others could actually have medical problems, and that nattokinase and whatever other supplements you are so enthused about, are not wonder remedies, for use in any one, for any thing that ails them.
And just "3 anticoagulants?" What could possibly go wrong?
Please, please do not urge your friend to take "anticoagulants" before his surgical procedure.
Maybe this man's problem isn't about you, Raptor, and whether your friend agrees with you.
Jessica Rose, please ...
Of course it is definitely COVID-19 that is causing all these problems and certainly not the experimental injections.
Problems come somewhat from the strategically released/deployed GOF pathogen exploititavely marketed as Covid19 AND from the poison shots. One bio-weapon following the first bio-weapon.
Now we need to focus on the next attack. Not enough people have woken up.
Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not, from my personal experience. I have never been jabbed for anything as a matter of principle, but in December 2020, I lost consciousness and spent the next two weeks in hospital suffering from all the symptoms of Covid, despite being tested negative by PCR.
The nose swab PCR gave you the symptoms. You got graphened
Sheryl Atkinson has been in the know from the begining. She's just trying to dance the dance to keep her job. Discusting.
Jessica. Are they going to activate Marburg in injected people in October?
Link doesn’t work 💕
Not for me either.
Works for me.
Niacin is wonderful for most. Standard disclaimer Check with your Big Pharma trained Doctor first.
Rings so true. My partner and I were instructed to get vaccinated in early 2020 by a cardiologist I was seeing for the first time about my Afib having worsened. He refused to work on my heart if I wasn't vaccinated. Both my partner and I got extremely ill and have been dealing as seniors with long term effects.And I was implanted with a pacemaker.
My question is, why is it so difficult for Drs and such to believe we are capable of creating true immunity through diet choices, use of medicinal mushrooms, supplements and homeopathy? Because pharma doesn't get billions that's why. We the people need to take back our rights to be natural healers and wise woman herbalists.
Sucharit Bhakdi, Sherri Tenpenny, and Judy Mikovits warned us about these clots and micro clots 3 years ago, months before the clot shots rolled out.
Connect with like-minded individuals. Attend this event and hear from 19 speakers. You'll leave with knowledge and actionable items.
Focus on America is hosting the event Patriots Unite & Push on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (Project Veritas founder). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers Dr. Peter McCullough, embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suddenly documentary), OB/GYN Dr. James Thorp, LtCol T'-Bone Trombly (cured his own cancer) plus many more. Click links below for more info.
For info about PUP:
PUP promo video:
If anyone wants the slides and some ideas on natural treatments here is the link:
Thank you for that. Ridiculously, I am going to have to scrub the slideshow of any perception of anti vax in order to get the potential victims to be willing to read it. I know people say - "screw them", but life with people you actually care about but they are just stupid about the vax is an actual thing out there. Good people, stupid people. Willfully ignorant. I sent the video to a friend and if she watches it and wants to talk about it (miracle), I am giving her the slides and talking her through it. I want her to give it to her doctor who will also not want to see it. I could scream in anger and frustration.
I know how you feel Raptor. I have said before I feel like I have lost connection with most of the people I know as it seems to me like they are living in some sort of a cult where they believe nothing is happening and everything if fine.
Definitely a real problem as ppl don't realize the new age of vaccines. They've been brainwashed all their lives to vaccinate for measles etc and polio which had been eradicated but use of oral and live vaccine in infants and toddlers contaminated caretakers and thus polio returned. I can't fathom how back thinking this is, while those who question ingredients (monkey puss anyone? Tumors from cancerous animals of many kinds?) are shunned. Friends stop friendships and families can't be together the divide is so fierce. Why? One reason is the ones who question are considered conspiracy theorists and laughed at for stupidity? Didn't it make more sense to test these serums fully? My daughter was made to get vaccine at the hospital where she works while pregnant. Thankfully baby is thriving at almost three. And really we don't know what was actually in each vaccine we could've all been injected with a factor which will explode inside us on the eve of election 2024. Kapoom.
Cyn, You must have been so distraught over your daughter and grandchild. I do think Patricia is right, those not forced into vaccination behave as if they in a cult. especially if they are still going at it with the boosting and masking. The delusion is real! When people were getting waitlisted to get the jab and were climbing over one another to get it I would say "It hasn't been tested, you don't give these things to pregnant and lactating women!" No pleading worked. They got mad, blocked you and laid bare their arm. They'd get Covid and be barely able to drive to get the booster.
The Guy I sent the video to - I'm pretty sure he is going to block me on is phone. He doesn't even get a consult with the ablation doc until Nov. Tie to consider I hope.
I watched a podcast about the polio vax now given in Africa. Grieved me.
Yes Raptor aren't we all growing though? The Earth is grieving and the Moon is too. My daughter's birthday today she's 36. Was not vaccinated until she began job at hospital as an intake person 18 years ago. She beat fed Suze throughout as knowing this fills baby with immunity. Man we're my mom and grandmother pissed when I refused to get my babies stuck! My Dr fortunately agreed that, as we live on vegetarian diet and organic even all those years ago, my son Skye is 40, and he wrote a religious exemption for school. Very small country school. I had to work or would've homeschooled in a hippy way. I'm so freaked out as today, my partner Clyde and I, realized how many of the effects we have long term from that vaccine. His eye has been bleeding inside not enough to put out blood years but so that the orb is purple red with swollen viens. And blurry! So angry and we're very pacifist. But that can change if they begin trying to push the serums.
Thank you Jessica. Maybe this is a video that those affected - but not admitting it - would care to watch. It could be a good start to open their minds to at least look at and try out alternative treatments. Many doctors are really clueless or willfully not relating "mystery" symptoms to the evil shots. They do go out if their way though to come up with the most bizarre names for "new untreatable diseases" it seems. It's an ongoing, very sad, long lasting battle. So thanks again for passing this on!!
Thank you for posting this! The doctor in this video is having good results treating people with problems from COVID and COVID vaccines that are due to microclots -- a wide range of symptoms. I don't know what else he's doing for them, but triple-anticoagulant therapy is mentioned, although without detail on which anticoagulants are being used. Patient descriptions of the results are extremely positive. A direct link to this Attkisson story on YouTube is
When I got covid (or whatever it is)2 years ago I knew that the clotting was an issue. Even before anything came out about nattokinase, aspirin was recommended (at least by the smart folks) as a precautionary measure during infection (in addition to vit D, quercetin, zinc etc..).