I watched and broke down. It was my mouring for all that we have lost. Never again will I trust as I had.

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Brings tears to my eyes. I’m still so angry. I’m a nurse practitioner and worked in nursing homes during Covid and it was devastating. Moved to a big university hospital and pressured to take the vaccines and one booster. This is something I will always regret. I’m waiting for the fall to see if they will mandate a booster. If they do I will quit... won’t take anymore. What they did was evil and we must never forget!

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Please…never quit. You are on the right side of history and this will all come out one day. They are the evil. They’d rather you quit and remove the liability from their wrong doing. One day they…will be held to account and hell is waiting for them.

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God willing they will be punished

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Yes, from what I can tell from these few paragraphs, force them to fire you is the way to go.

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So sorry you took the jabs and pray you won’t take more.

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One of the worst decisions I’ve ever made... never again.

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There must be a reckoning. No question about it. Everyone who bent a knee to the political tyrants, the WEF toadies, the corrupt administrative state, the bean counters, the feckless bureaucrats, if all these knee-benders, or at least a majority, had said no! we would not be watching this film.

“And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure or a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of the herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.” -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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“Just doing as we are told.” Chilling.

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Well said John. Listening to the wailing and crying is why men were built for battle. Time to harden our hearts, grab our shields, and protect our civilization. They declared war on us, we should not just be typing...

Hail Victory.

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Castreau should hang for violating the Nuremberg Code.

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Bless you for sharing and never giving up.

I will be sharing off of substack where my many friends and family across the world work in healthcare and where most people that should be reached can be reached.

If healthcare workers en masse do not stand up for change, things cannot get better.

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Jun 21, 2023
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You are right. Those learning and entering the workforce need to know. It will be up to them to decide whether to watch, but hopefully "plants a seed" somewhere to not follow blindly.

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Lee - thank you for posting the video on your stack. I shared with a friend in Canada who is an embalmer who is speaking out.

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Of course. I thought the video was very well done and showed the heart of the manner ... experimental shots were coerced. Bless your friend for speaking out. Brave heart showing how much they care about others even when everything seems stacked against them.

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I talked to a US embalmer today and he said he heard from a doc (in the US) that 80% of the docs now know what the truth is. If they just would band together and be brave and do what is just, the walls will come tumbling down.

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I agree with you completely. Doctors should be having the same conversations we are having and band together. I have read a number of articles saying the mortality has actually gone done when doctors strike. Even if they don't strike, they should be standing up to administration, be completely honest with patients, and not simply follow orders or procedures when everything in their being is telling them something is not right.

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Hard to believe that the lies continue.

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Very touching video. Hopefully, healthcare workers have figured out that if a significant number of them stand together and refuse to go along with medical tyranny, then it will not succeed. Those in control can successfully attack healthcare workers a few at a time. But if they try to fire large numbers of workers, the society will see the tyranny. When those in control initiate another round of medical tyranny, healthcare workers should make an effort to organize and simply say "No." It will inspire others in society (truck drivers, police, . . . ) to do the same.

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For anyone who is the victim of a civil rights injustice through the pandemic, contact Pacific Justice Institute or First Liberty Institute. They are both Christian, pro bono law firms all over the U.S. Firing an employee over their constitutional right to refuse a vaccine is one of the many cases they take. I used PJI to help write my religious exemption and submitted it on their letterhead to let my employer know I was dead serious. It was accepted.

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Jun 21, 2023
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This is so true! At the mid-sized US, privately owned firm where I am still employed, the majority of employees raced to get the jabs, and the boosters. They had their families inoculated.

Then the management indicated (early 2022) mandatory jabs for the few of us that refused the poorly tested, unproven concoctions.

Of over 200 employees including mgmt, 4 of us “anti-vaxers (we were labeled) respectfully & professionally refused and said we would quit rather than take any unscientific, unproven, potentially unsafe jabs during a pandemic.

The mandate talk was dropped.

Since then I cannot count the number of illnesses, serious adverse events, spontaneous miscarriages, recurrent and new aggressive cancers, unexpected deaths...

No one of them will discuss or see the scientific data today (21JUNE2023), nor will any admit the shots are unsafe and causing serious illness and deaths. This blindness is gut wrenching to watch.

The most important thing I have learned through all of it:

Never hesitate to stand-your-ground and say I WILL NOT COMPLY.

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Thanks for your story. You folks set a great example. The mandates melt in the face of courageous truth.

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And nobody in BC noticed or gave a damn when the premier Horgan got ‘life-saving’ surgery for a minor/moderate condition during the scamdemic - but nobody else could. 🤬

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WOW! What a friggin' piece! So absolutely powerful! I loved what the Filipino guy said: Courage begets courage. SO TRUE. We need to get this and these kinds of videos and articles in front of more Canadians. While I love the freedom afforded by platforms like Rumble and Substack, I feel we've been forcibly hoarded into echo chambers to keep us away from the masses. But, we MUST find a way to get these kinds of messages out to EVERYONE! Thank you for sharing this! And thank you to cssem.org and to FRW Film Productions for this important presentation! Kudos!


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Echo chambers. True. Ivermectine? 9.9 in 10 people have never heard of it. It's like we are living in 2 complete seperate worlds. Crazy. Scary. Frustrating. Annoying.

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Facebook has been doing less and less censoring and so many people still on there that need to see videos like this in order to wake up or at least start to have some suspicious or questioning.

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Sad is people with internet access who are supposed to be reached, already decided what to believe, the propaganda machine decoded that by repeating lies over and over reprogrammed the gullible mind permanently.

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This is heartbreaking for all of us. Bonnie Henry did this to BC and her colleagues did it to the rest. My mother suffered too long and much and just died at 97 in a non-profit Ontario LTC from the cumulative effects of two and a half years of neglect, understaffing, infections and isolation because of jab mandates. I was prohibited from entry and could not provide the daily care that I had been doing for months, after March 2020 until January 2023, because I refused the jabs. Residents retained the right to refuse but staff, visitors and family caregivers like me did not. By the time I fought successfully to regain access her previously robust health had been destroyed by a relentless cascade of preventable wounds, pressure sores, untreated scabies (because ivermectin was made a controlled substance by the Ontario government in case anyone tried to use it to treat Covid), UTIs, drug allergies and side effects, and nutritional deficiencies. Their mandate for civilian family caregivers was illegally enforced without provincial authority. Yes, I understand that she couldn't live forever and had a long full life, at least until March 2020. But I believe she would still be alive had I been allowed to give her love, fresh homemade food, stimulation, physical activity and religious participation as I was doing before lockdown. She should have had the right to die of old age, not stupid government cruelty.

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I’m sorry to read this story. I have a similar story in my family. Beyond cruel. I feel so bad for the elderly who were left alone and many of them confused as to why it was happening.

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I love the fact that people are arising from the ashes of fear and speaking out. Once 75% or more of the population wakes up to the attempted murder of them and their families, there will finally be a chance for justice. Until then, stories accumulate, but no one is hanging or held accountable in the least. Keep praying.

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I too was fired for not taking the jab but these stories from frontline dedicated healthcare workers really got to me. May justice be served to our principled thoughtful neighbors to the north! 🇨🇦💪🏻🇨🇦

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This American’s love for Canada was rekindled from watching that ... CANADA! I have always thought of her as a second home, a safe place. As the realities of dictatorship came to light on both sides of the border, I began to grow cold for it all. I realized I have no true “home” in this world, that there is no safe place.

Covid has been a beautiful moment in the history of my faith, a time of enlightenment and growth and a resolve I have not known until now. I offer up a humble prayer for the future of our countries ... Dear Jesus in heaven, hallow be Thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (...). Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (sigh ...) and lead is not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen!

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Healthcare in BC is in the sh1tter. Still holding unjabbed healthcare workers hostage.

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Not only are we losing good traditional healthcare workers, but the Canadian government is quietly cracking down on natural and alternative healthcare too. The nhppa.org links it to the WHOs “one health” initiative.

Here’s a link to more info: https://www.saveoursupplements.ca.

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